1,062,273 research outputs found


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    Actually, Glimepiride (GLI) and Timolol (TIM) are analysed by several analytical techniques such as HPLC, Uv Vis and electrochemical methods, but in this study these compounds were determined by use Britton-Robinson (B-R) buffer pH3 in mobile phases as a new work. B-R pH3 : Acetonitrile : Water : Methanol (10 : 30 : 10 : 50 % v/v/v/v) and B-R pH3 : Acetonitrile : Methanol (30 : 15 : 55 % v/v/v), were used as mobile phases for chromatographic studies of GLI and TIM respectively. 1´10-3 mol L-1 of GLI and TIM were prepared  by dissolving the suitable weight of analyte in methanol and distilled water respectively, in 50 ml volumetric flask. GLI and TIM were HPLC separated from interferences and analytical determined using C-18 (5µm) with UV detector at 254 nm and 1.00 mL min-1 flow rate by 10 µL injection volume. The calibration curves for GLI and TIM  were studied over the range 1×10-4 to 1×10-3 mol L-1 (correlation coefficient = 0.994, n=6) for GLI and (correlation coefficient = 0.996, n=6) for TIM. The HPLC reproducibility and stability were evaluated for 5×10-4 mol L-1 of GLI and TIM , yielded good results for ten HPLC measurements with relative standard deviations RSD% were 0.43 and 1.1%, and good stability observed. The developed HPLC was applied to determine of GLI and TIM in pharmaceutical formulations with mean recoveries 103% ±0.71 and 99% ±1.0, respectively.  

    Lead-tellurium oxysalts from Otto Mountain near Baker, California: V. Timroseite, Pb_2Cu_5^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(OH)_2, and paratimroseite, Pb_2Cu_4^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(H_2O)_2, two new tellurates with Te-Cu polyhedral sheets

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    Timroseite, Pb_2Cu_5^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(OH)_2, and paratimroseite, Pb_2Cu_4^(2+)(Te^(6+)O_6)_2(H_2O)_2, are two new tellurates from Otto Mountain near Baker, California. Timroseite is named in honor of Timothy (Tim) P. Rose and paratimroseite is named for its relationship to timroseite. Both new minerals occur on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins. Timroseite is directly associated with acanthite, cerussite, bromine-rich chlorargyrite, chrysocolla, gold, housleyite, iodargyrite, khinite-4O, markcooperite, ottoite, paratimroseite, thorneite, vauquelinite, and wulfenite. Paratimroseite is directly associated with calcite, cerussite, housleyite, khinite-4O, markcooperite, and timroseite. Timroseite is orthorhombic, space group P2_1nm, a = 5.2000(2), b = 9.6225(4), c = 11.5340(5) Å, V = 577.13(4) Å^3, and Z = 2. Paratimroseite is orthorhombic, space group P2_12_12_1, a = 5.1943(4), b = 9.6198(10), c = 11.6746(11) Å, V = 583.35(9) Å^3, and Z = 2. Timroseite commonly occurs as olive to lime green, irregular, rounded masses and rarely in crystals as dark olive green, equant rhombs, and diamond-shaped plates in subparallel sheaf-like aggregates. It has a very pale yellowish green streak, dull to adamantine luster, a hardness of about 2 1/2 (Mohs), brittle tenacity, irregular fracture, no cleavage, and a calculated density of 6.981 g/cm^3. Paratimroseite occurs as vibrant "neon" green blades typically intergrown in irregular clusters and as lime green botryoids. It has a very pale green streak, dull to adamantine luster, a hardness of about 3 (Mohs), brittle tenacity, irregular fracture, good {001} cleavage, and a calculated density of 6.556 g/cm^3. Timroseite is biaxial (+) with a large 2V, indices of refraction > 2, orientation X = b, Y = a, Z = c and pleochroism: X = greenish yellow, Y = yellowish green, Z = dark green (Z > Y > X). Paratimroseite is biaxial (–) with a large 2V, indices of refraction > 2, orientation X = c, Y = b, Z = a and pleochroism: X = light green, Y = green, Z = green (Y = Z >> X). Electron microprobe analysis of timroseite provided PbO 35.85, CuO 29.57, TeO_3 27.75, Cl 0.04, H_2O 1.38 (structure), O≡Cl –0.01, total 94.58 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 14) is Pb_(2.07) Cu^(2+)_(4.80)Te^(6+)_(2.04)O_(12)(OH)_(1.98)Cl_(0.02). Electron microprobe analysis of paratimroseite provided PbO 36.11, CuO 26.27, TeO_3 29.80, Cl 0.04, H_2O 3.01 (structure), O≡Cl –0.01, total 95.22 wt%; the empirical formula (based on O+Cl = 14) is Pb_(1.94)Cu^(2+)_(3.96)Te^(6+)_(2.03)O_(12)(H_2O)_(1.99)Cl_(0.01). The strongest powder X-ray diffraction lines for timroseite are [d_(obs) in Å (hkl) I]: 3.693 (022) 43, 3.578 (112) 44, 3.008 (023) 84, 2.950 (113) 88, 2.732 (130) 100, 1.785 (multiple) 33, 1.475 (332) 36; and for paratimroseite 4.771 (101) 76, 4.463 (021) 32, 3.544 (120) 44, 3.029 (023,122) 100, 2.973 (113) 48, 2.665 (131) 41, 2.469 (114) 40, 2.246 (221) 34. The crystal structures of timroseite (R_1 = 0.029) and paratimroseite (R_1 = 0.039) are very closely related. The structures are based upon edge- and corner-sharing sheets of Te and Cu polyhedra parallel to (001) and the sheets in both structures are identical in topology and virtually identical in geometry. In timroseite, the sheets are joined to one another along c by sharing the apical O atoms of Cu octahedra, as well as by sharing edges and corners with an additional CuO_5 square pyramid located between the sheets. The sheets in paratimroseite are joined only via Pb-O and H bonds


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    ABSTRAKKeigiatan peinangguilangan beincana yang dilakuikan oleih MDMC Suilaweisi Teinggara meiruipakan reispon banjir bandang yang teirjadi di Kabuipatein Konawei Uitara builan Juini 2019. Banjir bandang yang teirjadi akibat cuirah huijan yang tinggi seihingga meiluiapnya air dari Suingai Lalindui, Suingai Lasolo, dan Suingai Landawei meingakibatkan banjir di eimpat Kabuipatein di Suilaweisi Teinggara yaitui Konawei Uitara, Konawei, Konawei Seilatan, dan Kolaka Timuir. Dampak banjir bandang itui yaitui keiruisakan banguinan, ruimah, masjid dan infrastruiktuir jalan, jeimbatan puituis, ratuisan lahan heiktar peirtanian/ peirkeibuinan/ tambak teireindam dan gagal panein. Tuilisan ini beirtuijuian uintuik meindeiskripsikan peinangguilangan beincana banjir yang teilah dilakuikan oleih Muihammadiyah Disasteir Manageimeint Ceinteir (MDCM) Suilaweisi Teinggara pada builan Juini 2019. Ada beibeirapa tahapan yang teilah dilakuikan yaitui; a. Asseismeint deingan meingirimkan tim dari Leimbaga Peinangguilangan Beincana Pimpinan Puisat Muihammdiyah uintuik meinuinjaui beincana; b. Peingorganisasian deingan meimeintuik tim reilawan dan meimbuika pos koordinasi (Poskor) yang beirada di Uiniveirsitas Muihammadiyah Keindari lantai V dan meimbeintuik Pos layanan (Posyan) di Deisa Tangguiluiri Keicamatan Aseira, Kabuipatein Konawei Uitara; c. Reilawan meimbeintuik tim SAR meimbantui meimbeirsihkan fasilitas uimuim seperti balai desa, sekolah, dan tempat ibadah; Tim Keiseihatan membuka pelayanan kesehatan dengan penerima manfaat 259 pasien laki-laki dan 108 pasien perempuan;Tim Logistik membagikan bantuan paket sembako kepada 749 orang; tim psikososial melakukan kegiatan olahraga senam pagi di posko pengungsian dilanjutkan makan bersama, selanjutnya juga memberikan edukasi pada anak-anak; mengadakan lomba menggambar. Kata kunci: peiran reilawan; banjir bandang; MDMC                                                         ABSTRACTDisasteir manageimeint activitieis carrieid ouit by MDMC Souitheiast Suilaweisi arei a reisponsei to flash floods that occuirreid in North Konawei Reigeincy in Juinei 2019. Flash floods that occuirreid duiei to high rainfall reisuilting in oveirflowing wateir from thei Lalindui Riveir, Lasolo Riveir, and Landawei Riveir reisuilteid in flooding in fouir districts in Souitheiast Suilaweisi nameily North Konawei, Konawei, Souith Konawei, and Eiast Kolaka. Thei impact of thei flash floods was damagei to buiildings, houiseis, mosquieis and road infrastruictuirei, brokein bridgeis, huindreids of heictareis of agricuiltuiral land / plantations / ponds weirei suibmeirgeid and crop failuirei. This papeir aims to deiscribei thei flood disasteir manageimeint that has beiein carrieid ouit by Muihammadiyah Disasteir Manageimeint Ceinteir (MDCM) Souitheiast Suilaweisi in Juinei 2019. Theirei arei seiveiral stageis that havei beiein carrieid ouit, nameily; a. Asseissmeint by seinding a teiam from thei Muihammdiyah Ceintral Leiadeirship Disasteir Manageimeint Instituitei to visit thei disasteir; b. Organizing by forming a voluinteieir teiam and opeining a coordination post (Poskor) locateid at thei Uiniveirsity of Muihammadiyah Keindari on thei fifth floor and forming a seirvicei post (Posyan) in Tangguiluiri Villagei, Aseira District, North Konawei Reigeincy; c. Volunteers formed a SAR team to help clean public facilities such as village halls, schools, and places of worship; the Health Team opened health services with the beneficiaries of 259 male patients and 108 female patients; the Logistics Team distributed basic food packages to 749 people; the psychosocial team conducted morning gymnastics sports activities at the evacuation post followed by eating together, then also provided education to children; held a drawing competition. Keywords: voluinteieir rolei; flash flood; MDM

    Sektion 46 Entscheidungshilfen im Pflanzenschutz / Prognose / Monitoring II

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    46-1 - Entwicklung eines Prognose- und Entscheidungshilfesystems zur Bekämpfung des Gelbrostes (Puccinia striiformis) und Schwarzrostes (Puccinia graminis) in Winterweizen – Epidemiologische GrundlagenNicole Sommerfeldt, Bettina Klocke, Anne-Kristin Schmitt, Benno Kleinhenz, Paolo Racca, Juliane Schmitt 46-2 - Analyse der witterungsabhängigen Epidemie- und Schadensdynamik von Septoria tritici und Effekte der schwellenorientierten Bekämpfung nach dem IPS-Modell Weizen (1995 – 2017)Tim Birr, Holger Klink, Joseph-Alexander Verreet 46-3 - Entwicklung maschineller Lernverfahren zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Vorhersage ertragsrelevanter Befallsereignisse am Beispiel von Blumeria graminis (Echter Mehltau) und Puccinia recondita (Braunrost) im WeizenWolfgang B. Hamer, Tim Birr, Holger Klink, Rainer Duttmann, Joseph-Alexander Verreet 46-4 - SIMSTEM – ein Entscheidungshilfesystem für die Bekämpfung von Stemphylium vesicarium an SpargelPaolo Racca, Alexandra Wichura, Henrik Bohlen-Janßen, Bernhard Hau 46-5 - Entwicklung einer computergestützten Methode zur automatischen Quantifizierung von Pilzsporen am Beispiel eines entomopathogenen PilzesLinda C. Muskat, Yannic Kerkhoff, Tim Nattkemper, Anant V. Patel 46-6 - Ansätze zur agrarmeteorologischen Optimierung des PflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzesFalk Böttcher 46-7 - Die Datenbank PS Info (www.pflanzenschutz-information.de) als Werkzeug für eine schnelle und anwenderorientierte Information zu Zulassungs- und Produktinformationen von PflanzenschutzmittelnNorbert Laun, Isabelle Lampe, Frank Korting, Jochen Kreiselmaier46-1 - Development of a forecast and decision support system to control stripe rust and stem rust in winter wheat – epidemiological basicsNicole Sommerfeldt, Bettina Klocke, Anne-Kristin Schmitt, Benno Kleinhenz, Paolo Racca, Juliane Schmitt 46-2 - Analysis of the weather-dependent epidemic and damage dynamics of Septoria tritici and effects of threshold-based treatments according to the IPM wheat model (1997 – 2017)Tim Birr, Holger Klink, Joseph-Alexander Verreet 46-3 - Development of machine learning methods for spatial and temporal prediction of yieldrelevant infestation events using Blumeria graminis (powdery mildew) and Puccinia recondita (brown rust) in wheat as examplesWolfgang B. Hamer, Tim Birr, Holger Klink, Rainer Duttmann, Joseph-Alexander Verreet 46-4 - SIMSTEM – a decision support system für the control of Stemphylium vesicarium on asparagusPaolo Racca, Alexandra Wichura, Henrik Bohlen-Janßen, Bernhard Hau 46-5 - Development of a computer-assisted method for the quantification of discharged conidia of an entomopathogenic fungus with potential for biological psyllid pest controlLinda C. Muskat, Yannic Kerkhoff, Tim Nattkemper, Anant V. Patel 46-6 - Approaches to agrometeorological optimization of pesticide useFalk Böttcher 46-7 - Database PS Info as tool for fast and easy access to information on pesticide registration and characteristicsNorbert Laun, Isabelle Lampe, Frank Korting, Jochen Kreiselmaie


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    C. F. van der MerweMagnesium 1993 Ed. by SW. Golf, D. Dralle and J. Vecchiet. Pp. 432. Illustrated. £46,00/US85,00. London: John Libbey & Company Limited. 1993. ISBN 0-86196-360-1.Thorny J. L. de RavelMaternal-Fetal Toxicology. A Clinician's Guide 2nd edition. Ed. by Gideon Koren. Pp. 824. 175,00. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. 1994. ISBN 0-8247-8841-9.B. V. MendelowGeneral and Oncologic Haematology for Nursing and the Paramedical Professions By Peter Jacobs and Lucille Wood. Pp. x + 483. Illustrated. Cape Town: University of Cape Town. 1995. ISBN 0-7992-1618-6.Tim DunneMedical Statistics on Personal Computers* 2nd Edition. By R. A. Brown and J. Swanson Beck. Pp. ix + 138. Illustrated. £13,00. London: BMJ. 1994. ISBN 0-7279-0771-9. Don WilsonManual of Clinfual Psychophannacorogy 2nd edition. By Alan F. Schatzberg and Jonathan O. Cole. Pp. xv + 347. R175,00. Washington: American Psychiatric Press Inc. 1991. ISBN 0-88048-318-0.George DallPhysical Signs in Orthopaedics* By Henry John Walsh and Leslie Klenerman. Pp. vii + 90.Illustrated. London: BMJ. ·1994. ISBN 0-7279-0845-6.

    Adaptive Ripple Reduced Control of SRM Drives

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    Nowadays s witched reluctance m o to r (SRM) drives h ave been w idel y used i n t h e fi el d of c ont rol l e d el ect ri c m o t o r dri v es. The paper proposes a m odel reference adapt i v e cont rol m e t hod for SR M dri v es. The m a i n goal of t he d r iv e co n t ro l is t o i m prove dy n am i cal perform ance by com pensat i ng for t h e m o t o r non lin earities. Th e ripple free operation can b e rea lize only with a n current w avef orm dependi ng on t h e angl e, s peed a nd t o rque. The proposed r i ppl e reduced m et hod c hanges onl y t h e t u rn-on and t h e t u rn-off angl e i n f unct i on of t he s peed a nd cur rent r eference. O ne of t he a dvant ages o f usi ng t h e ri ppl e reduced m et hod t h at i t do es not n eed t he r eal- tim e calcu latio n o r m easu r in g th e m o to r to rq u e . So it can b e im pl em ent e d on a cheap m i c rocont rol l e r. T he t est of t hi s cont rol m e t hod was perf orm e d i n a n experi m e nt al d ri ve s y s t e m . A S R M o f 6/ 8 pol e and 4 kW r at ed pow er w as u sed. Si m u l a t i on and experi m e nt al resul t s are present ed

    Influence Maximization: Near-Optimal Time Complexity Meets Practical Efficiency

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    Given a social network G and a constant k, the influence maximization problem asks for k nodes in G that (directly and indirectly) influence the largest number of nodes under a pre-defined diffusion model. This problem finds important applications in viral marketing, and has been extensively studied in the literature. Existing algorithms for influence maximization, however, either trade approximation guarantees for practical efficiency, or vice versa. In particular, among the algorithms that achieve constant factor approximations under the prominent independent cascade (IC) model or linear threshold (LT) model, none can handle a million-node graph without incurring prohibitive overheads. This paper presents TIM, an algorithm that aims to bridge the theory and practice in influence maximization. On the theory side, we show that TIM runs in O((k+\ell) (n+m) \log n / \epsilon^2) expected time and returns a (1-1/e-\epsilon)-approximate solution with at least 1 - n^{-\ell} probability. The time complexity of TIM is near-optimal under the IC model, as it is only a \log n factor larger than the \Omega(m + n) lower-bound established in previous work (for fixed k, \ell, and \epsilon). Moreover, TIM supports the triggering model, which is a general diffusion model that includes both IC and LT as special cases. On the practice side, TIM incorporates novel heuristics that significantly improve its empirical efficiency without compromising its asymptotic performance. We experimentally evaluate TIM with the largest datasets ever tested in the literature, and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions (with approximation guarantees) by up to four orders of magnitude in terms of running time. In particular, when k = 50, \epsilon = 0.2, and \ell = 1, TIM requires less than one hour on a commodity machine to process a network with 41.6 million nodes and 1.4 billion edges.Comment: Revised Sections 1, 2.3, and 5 to remove incorrect claims about reference [3]. Updated experiments accordingly. A shorter version of the paper will appear in SIGMOD 201

    One-step Estimation of Networked Population Size: Respondent-Driven Capture-Recapture with Anonymity

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    Population size estimates for hidden and hard-to-reach populations are particularly important when members are known to suffer from disproportion health issues or to pose health risks to the larger ambient population in which they are embedded. Efforts to derive size estimates are often frustrated by a range of factors that preclude conventional survey strategies, including social stigma associated with group membership or members' involvement in illegal activities. This paper extends prior research on the problem of network population size estimation, building on established survey/sampling methodologies commonly used with hard-to-reach groups. Three novel one-step, network-based population size estimators are presented, to be used in the context of uniform random sampling, respondent-driven sampling, and when networks exhibit significant clustering effects. Provably sufficient conditions for the consistency of these estimators (in large configuration networks) are given. Simulation experiments across a wide range of synthetic network topologies validate the performance of the estimators, which are seen to perform well on a real-world location-based social networking data set with significant clustering. Finally, the proposed schemes are extended to allow them to be used in settings where participant anonymity is required. Systematic experiments show favorable tradeoffs between anonymity guarantees and estimator performance. Taken together, we demonstrate that reasonable population estimates can be derived from anonymous respondent driven samples of 250-750 individuals, within ambient populations of 5,000-40,000. The method thus represents a novel and cost-effective means for health planners and those agencies concerned with health and disease surveillance to estimate the size of hidden populations. Limitations and future work are discussed in the concluding section

    Dr TIM: Ray-tracer TIM, with additional specialist scientific capabilities

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    We describe several extensions to TIM, a raytracing program for ray-optics research. These include relativistic raytracing; simulation of the external appearance of Eaton lenses, Luneburg lenses and generalized focusing gradient-index (GGRIN) lenses, which are types of perfect imaging devices; raytracing through interfaces between spaces with different optical metrics; and refraction with generalised confocal lenslet arrays, which are particularly versatile METATOYs.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure
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