34 research outputs found

    Pre-pregnancy overweight or obesity and gestational diabetes as predictors of body composition in offspring twenty years later : evidence from two birth cohort studies

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    Background. Global prevalence of overweight/obesity and gestational diabetes (GDM) is increasing. In pregnant women both conditions affect offspring's later health. Overweight/obesity is a risk factor of GDM; to what extent maternal overweight/obesity explains long-term effects of GDM in offspring is unknown. Objective. To evaluate effects of maternal pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity (BMI ⩾25 kg/m2) and GDM, occurring together or separately, on body composition among adult offspring. Methods. Participants include 891 individuals aged 24.1 years (s.d. 1.4) from two longitudinal cohort studies (ESTER and AYLS). Adult offspring of normoglycemic mothers with overweight/obesity (ONOO, n=153), offspring of mothers with GDM (OGDM; n=191) and controls (n=547) underwent anthropometric measurements and bioimpedance analysis. GDM was diagnosed by oral glucose tolerance test. Data were analyzed by linear regression models adjusted for confounders. Results. Compared with controls, ONOO-participants showed higher BMI [men 1.64 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval 0.57, 2.72); women 1.41 kg/m2 (0.20, 2.63)] and fat percentage [men 2.70% (0.99, 4.41); women 2.98% (0.87, 5.09)] with larger waist circumferences [men 3.34 cm (0.68, 5.99); women 3.09 cm (0.35, 5.83)]. Likewise, OGDM-participants showed higher fat percentage [men 1.97% (0.32, 3.61); women 2.32% (0.24, 4.41)]. BMI was non-significantly different between OGDM-participants and controls [men 0.88kg/m2 (-0.17, 1.92); women 0.82 kg/m2 (-0.39, 2.04)]. Also waist circumferences were larger [men 2.63 cm (-0.01, 5.28); women 3.39 cm (0.60, 6.18)], this difference was statistically significant in OGDM-women only. Differences in body composition measures were stronger among offspring of women with both GDM and overweight/obesity. For instance, fat mass was higher among OGDM-participants of overweight mothers [men 4.24 kg (1.36, 7.11) vs controls; women 5.22 kg (1.33, 9.11)] than OGDM participants of normal weight mothers [men 1.50 kg (-2.11, 5.11) higher vs controls; women 1.57 kg (-3.27, 6.42)]. Conclusions. Maternal pre-pregnancy overweight and GDM are associated with unhealthy body size and composition in offspring over 20 years later. Effects of maternal pre-pregnancy overweight appear more pronounced

    Postexercise Heart Rate Recovery in Adults Born Preterm

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    Objective To evaluate postexercise heart rate recovery (HRR) in adults born preterm. Study design We studied the association between preterm birth and postexercise HRR in 545 adults (267 women) at 23.3 years of age (range 19.9-26.3 years). One hundred three participants were born early preterm ( Results Mean peak HR was 159.5 bpm in the early preterm (P = .16 with controls), 157.8 bpm in the late preterm (P = .56), and 157.0 bpm in the control group. Mean HRR 30 seconds after exercise was 3.2 bpm (95% CI 1.1-5.2) lower in the early preterm group and 2.1 bpm (0.3-3.8) lower in the late preterm group than the full term controls. Mean 60s HRR was 2.5 (-0.1 to 5.1) lower in the early preterm group and 2.8 bpm (0.6-4.9) lower in the late preterm group. Mean maximum slope after exercise was 0.10 beats/s (0.02-0.17) lower in the early preterm group and 0.06 beats/s (0.00-0.12) lower in the late preterm group. Conclusions Our results suggest reduced HRR after exercise in adults born preterm, including those born late preterm. This suggests altered reactivation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which may contribute to cardiovascular risk among adults born preterm.Peer reviewe

    Lung function in adults born preterm

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    Very preterm birth, before the gestational age (GA) of 32 weeks, increases the risk of obstructed airflow in adulthood. We examined whether all preterm births (GA<37 weeks) are associated with poorer adult lung function and whether any associations are explained by maternal, early life/neonatal, or current life factors. Participants of the ESTER Preterm Birth Study, born between 1985 and 1989 (during the pre-surfactant era), at the age of 23 years participated in a clinical study in which they performed spirometry and provided detailed medical history. Of the participants, 139 were born early preterm (GA<34 weeks), 239 late preterm (GA: 34-<37 weeks), and 341 full-term (GA≥37 weeks). Preterm birth was associated with poorer lung function. Mean differences between individuals born early preterm versus full-term were -0.23 standard deviation (SD) (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.40, -0.05)) for forced vital capacity z-score (zFVC), -0.44 SD (95% CI -0.64, -0.25) for forced expiratory volume z-score (zFEV1), and -0.29 SD (95% CI -0.47, -0.10) for zFEV1/FVC. For late preterm, mean differences with full-term controls were -0.02 SD (95% CI -0.17, 0.13), -0.12 SD (95% CI -0.29, 0.04) and -0.13 SD (95% CI -0.29, 0.02) for zFVC, zFEV1, and zFEV1/FVC, respectively. Examination of finer GA subgroups suggested an inverse non-linear association between lung function and GA, with the greatest impact on zFEV1 for those born extremely preterm. The subgroup means were GA<28 weeks: -0.98 SD; 28-<32 weeks: -0.29 SD; 32-<34 weeks: -0.44 SD; 34-<36 weeks: -0.10 SD; 36-<37weeks: -0.11 SD; term-born controls (≥37weeks): 0.02 SD. Corresponding means for zFEV1/FVC were -1.79, -0.44, -0.47, -0.48, -0.29, and -0.02. Adjustment for maternal pregnancy conditions and socioeconomic and lifestyle factors had no major impact on the relationship. Preterm birth is associated with airflow limitation in adult life. The association appears to be attributable predominantly to those born most immature, with only a modest decrease among those born preterm at later gestational ages.</p

    The challenge of preparing teams for the European robotics league: Emergency

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    © 2017, Society for Imaging Science and Technology. ERL Emergency is an outdoor multi-domain robotic competition inspired by the 2011 Fukushima accident. The ERL Emergency Challenge requires teams of land, underwater and flying robots to work together to survey the scene, collect environmental data, and identify critical hazards. To prepare teams for this multidisciplinary task a series of summer schools and workshops have been arranged. In this paper the challenges and hands-on results of bringing students and researchers collaborating successfully in unknown environments and in new research areas are explained. As a case study results from the euRathlon/SHERPA workshop 2015 in Oulu are given

    The reference site collaborative network of the european innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing

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    Seventy four Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) have been recognised by the European Commission in 2016 for their commitment to excellence in investing and scaling up innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. The Reference Site Collaborative Network (RSCN) brings together the EIP on AHA Reference Sites awarded by the European Commission, and Candidate Reference Sites into a single forum. The overarching goals are to promote cooperation, share and transfer good practice and solutions in the development and scaling up of health and care strategies, policies and service delivery models, while at the same time supporting the action groups in their work. The RSCN aspires to be recognized by the EU Commission as the principal forum and authority representing all EIP on AHA Reference Sites. The RSCN will contribute to achieve the goals of the EIP on AHA by improving health and care outcomes for citizens across Europe, and the development of sustainable economic growth and the creation of jobs

    Preterm birth and parental and pregnancy related factors in association with physical activity and fitness in adolescence and young adulthood

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    Abstract A low level of physical activity and poor physical fitness are important risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases and all-cause mortality. Much of the risk of these diseases originates in fetal life. The associations of early-life determinants with physical activity and fitness later in life are as yet not well studied. The aim of this work was to investigate early-life factors as predictors of physical activity and fitness in adolescence and young adulthood. We assessed a wide range of parental and pregnancy-related factors in 16-year-old adolescent participants of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (n=7,344), and focused on the long-term consequences of preterm birth in the 23-year-old adult participants of the ESTER study (n=1,161). Prenatal and parental predictors of low physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescence included high gestational age-related birth weight as well as parental overweight or obesity. Also, both short and long gestational lengths were associated with lower physical activity, and maternal gestational diabetes mellitus and smoking during pregnancy were associated with lower cardiorespiratory fitness. Young adults born before 34 weeks of gestation reported substantially less leisure-time physical activity than those born at term, although this was not detected by accelerometer measurement. Those born preterm had lower muscular fitness, as individuals born before 37 weeks were able to perform fewer modified push-ups, and those born before 34 weeks had lower handgrip strength, but no difference was observed in cardiorespiratory fitness. Based on questionnaire data, young adults born before 34 weeks perceived themselves to be less fit than their term-born peers. Most individuals exposed to preterm birth or maternal gestational disorders are relatively healthy when reaching adulthood. However, their lower levels of physical activity and physical fitness compared with their peers born at term may contribute to a higher risk of chronic non-communicable diseases in later life. Finding physical activities that are suitable for each individual is essential to promote well-being and health and diminish the increased disease risk later in life.Tiivistelmä Vähäinen fyysinen aktiivisuus ja heikko fyysinen kunto ovat merkittäviä kroonisten sairauksien ja ennenaikaisen kuoleman riskitekijöitä. Jo sikiökautisten tekijöiden tiedetään vaikuttavan syntyvän lapsen kroonisten sairauksien riskiin myöhemmin elämässä, mutta elämän varhaisvaiheen tekijöiden yhteyttä myöhempään fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja kuntoon on tutkittu verrattain vähän. Väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää elämän varhaisvaiheen tekijöiden yhteyttä fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja kuntoon nuoruusiässä ja nuorena aikuisena. Tarkastelimme useiden vanhempiin ja raskausaikaan liittyvien tekijöiden vaikutuksia Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1986 16-vuotistutkimuksessa (n=7344) ja keskityimme ennenaikaisen syntymän pitkäaikaisvaikutuksiin ESTER-tutkimuksen 23-vuotiaiden nuorten aikuisten aineistossa (n=1161). Tutkimustulostemme mukaan raskauden kestoon suhteutettu suuri syntymäpaino sekä vanhempien ylipaino tai lihavuus ennustivat vähäisempää liikunta-aktiivisuutta ja heikompaa kestävyyskuntoa nuoruusiässä. Sekä keskimääräistä lyhyempi että pidempi raskaudenkesto olivat yhteydessä vähäisempään liikunta-aktiivisuuteen ja äidin raskausdiabetes ja tupakointi raskauden aikana puolestaan heikompaan kestävyyskuntoon. Alle 34-viikkoisena syntyneet raportoivat liikkuvansa nuorena aikuisena vapaa-aikanaan huomattavasti vähemmän kuin täysiaikaisena syntyneet, vaikka eroa ei kiihtyvyysantureilla mitattuna fyysisessä aktiivisuudessa havaittukaan. Verrattuna täysiaikaisena syntyneisiin, ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä aikuisilla oli heikompi lihaskunto etunojapunnerrustestillä mitattuna ja hyvin ennenaikaisesti syntyneillä käden puristusvoima oli heikompi. Kestävyyskunnossa ei havaittu eroja. Hyvin ennenaikaisesti syntyneet myös arvioivat fyysisen kuntonsa huonommaksi kuin täysiaikaisena syntyneet ikätoverinsa. Vaikka valtaosa ennenaikaisena syntyneistä ja äidin raskaudenaikaisille sairauksille altistuneista on aikuisena varsin terveitä, liikunnan vähäisyys ja heikko fyysinen kunto voivat lisätä kroonisten sairauksien riskiä myöhemmin elämässä. Siksi tähän ryhmään kuuluvia tulisi erityisesti auttaa löytämään itselleen sopivia liikuntamuotoja hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämiseksi ja siten myöhempien sairauksien ennaltaehkäisemiseksi

    Impact of IEEE 802.15.4 communication settings on performance in asynchronous two way UWB ranging

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    Abstract The ultra wideband (UWB) radio signals are known for their good time resolution enabling implementation of accurate localization and tracking. The recent appearance of commercial UWB transceivers in masses on the market has boosted the interest towards this technology and facilitated its use not just for research, but also for business. In this paper we focus on the problem of UWB-based wireless indoor localization of machines and humans by means of IEEE 802.15.4-2015 high rate pulse repetition UWB technology and specifically the accuracy of such localization. Namely, we report the results of an extensive experimental study revealing the effect of various communication settings on the accuracy of indoor localization for the proposed earlier asymmetric localization protocol. The conducted experiments lasted over 200 hours almost nonstop and involved transmission of more than 30 million ranging packets. In the experiments we have tested over 200 different modes and explored the effect of seven different parameters on the UWB ranging performance. The presented results reveal that the communication settings need to be accounted for when determining the time of flight using UWB. Also we show that the accuracy of ranging is strongly affected by the used channel, data rate and pulse repetition frequency. Finally, we note that the increase of the UWB transceiver’s temperature due to self-heating has a strong effect on the results of the localization

    Long-term motor outcomes of very preterm and/or very low birth weight individuals without cerebral palsy:a review of the current evidence

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    Abstract We reviewed literature on long-term motor outcomes of individuals aged five years or older born very preterm (VP: ≤32 weeks of gestation) or with very low birth weight (VLBW: ≤1500g), without cerebral palsy (CP). PubMed produced 2827 articles, whereof 38 were eligible. Assessed by standardised and norm-based motor tests, the Movement Assessment Battery for Children being the most widely used, VP/VLBW individuals showed poorer motor skills compared with term-born controls with differences of approximately 1 SD in magnitude. Some studies assessed subdomains and differences were present in fine motor/manual dexterity, ball skills and gross motor/balance. Prevalence of motor problems varied largely from 8–37% in studies with cut-off at the 5th percentile or −1.5 SD to 12–71% in studies with cut-off at the 15th percentile or −1 SD. This review shows that the degree of motor impairments continues to be substantial among VP/VLBW individuals who do not develop CP

    Food and nutrient intakes in young adults born preterm

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    Background Adults born preterm have higher levels of cardiometabolic risk factors than their term-born peers. Studies have suggested that at least those born smallest eat less healthily. We examined the association between early (<34 weeks) and late (34 to 36 weeks) preterm birth and diet and food preferences in adult age. Methods Participants of two cohort studies located in Finland completed a validated food frequency questionnaire(FFQ) at age 24y to assess their usual diet and the adherence to healthy eating guidelines by using a recommended diet index(RDI).182 were born early preterm, 352 late preterm and 631 were term born controls. Results Young women born early preterm scored 0.77 points (95% CI 0.03, 1.51) lower in RDI when adjusted for sex, age, parental education and early life confounders, indicating a lower quality of diet. There were no differences between young women born late preterm and controls or among men. When food groups were assessed separately, men born early preterm had lower consumption of fruits and berries than controls. Conclusions Young women born early preterm have poorer adherence to healthy eating guidelines than their peers born at term. Differences in diet may contribute to increased cardiometabolic risk among adults born early preterm