224 research outputs found

    Integral representations of some functionals of fractional Brownian motion

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    We prove change of variables formulas [It\^o formulas] for functions of both arithmetic and geometric averages of geometric fractional Brownian motion. They are valid for all convex functions, not only for smooth ones. These change of variables formulas provide us integral representations of functions of average in the sense of generalized Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral

    Cybersecurity in Skills Development and Leadership

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    Information and Communications Technology (ICT) enables organisations absorb state-ofthe- art knowledge from external sources, and develop skills that promote productivity, competitiveness and organizational learning. This study, completed as part of project ECHO efforts, aims to understand how cybersecurity is seen by PhD students specializing in it. The participants (n = 25) were asked to discuss what is cybersecurity, its elements, and users. The Typeform survey tool was used to collect, store, and analyse this data. The results indicate that successful cybersecurity provides multi-level protection of organisational infrastructures, personal and organisational data, and financial interests of organisations. Failure to protect these may result in negative reputation, financial, ethical, and operational impacts. Human users may be the weakest link in the system, which should be seriously taken into account when deploying cybersecurity measures and administrative user privileges. Users need to be educated in cybersecurity and be aware of threats and new developments and attacker tactics, in particular in the case of social engineering attacks. Basic technical knowledge and capabilities to detect and appropriately report attacks are needed for all levels of ICT users

    ELSI: The Finnish pension microsimulation model

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    This report is an overview of the structure and functionalities of the pension microsimulation model ELSI. Developed and maintained by the Finnish Centre for Pensions, ELSI is used to simulate the life courses of individuals in order to forecast the long-term development of Finnish earnings-related pensions and national and guarantee pensions

    Piloting the ECHO e-Skills and Training Toolkit

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    Besides many benefits, ICT technologies are faced with cyber threats. Organ-izations of today, therefore, face many challenges that require technical, sit-uation awareness, and problem-solving related e-skills from a wide level of organizational actors. Business survival depends on how well an organization can implement new IT and take advantage of the opportunities offered by this new IT. Cybersecurity is a pressing issue in modern society. It affects busi-nesses, personal lives, and critical infrastructures. There is a growing need for proficiently cyber-trained personnel to protect society and its organizations and systems. The ECHO E-skills and Training Toolkit was piloted with a team of higher education business ICT teachers. First, the team supervisors chose and valued the most relevant Technical, Situation awareness, and Problem-solving re-lated e-skills. These choices were then given to the pilot test group to discuss and adjust. This pilot study shows that the ECHO E-skills and Training Toolkit can be used to benefit any organization that wishes to assess the e-skills of its personnel and training gaps

    CISE as a Tool for Sharing Sensitive Cyber Information in Maritime Domain

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    The ECHO project aims at organizing and coordinating an approach to strengthen proactive cyber security in the European Union through effective and efficient multi-sector collaboration. One important tool for this aim is the ECHO Early Warning System (E-EWS). The development of the E-EWS will be rooted in a comprehensive review of information sharing and trust models from within the cyber domain, as well as models from other domains. In 2009, the Commission adopted a Communication Towards the integration of maritime surveillance in the EU: “A common information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain (CISE),” setting out guiding principles towards its establishment. The aim of the COM(2010)584 final was to generate a situational awareness of activities at sea and impact overall maritime safety and security. As a outcome of COM(2010)584 final, the EUCISE2020 project has developed a test-bed for maritime information sharing. This case study analyses information sharing models in the maritime domain, the EUCISE2020 test bed and the CISE itself as an alternative for cyber information sharing system. The maritime sector represents a suitable research case because it is already digitized in many aspects
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