108 research outputs found

    Sponsorin brÀndi-imagon rakentaminen yksilöurheilun sponsoroinnin avulla

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀ kandidaatintutkielma kÀsittelee sponsorin brÀndi-imagon rakentamista yksilöurheilun sponsoroinnin avulla. Tutkimus keskittyy kuvailemaan sitÀ, miten brÀndi-imagon kehittÀminen nÀyttÀytyy mediassa. Sponsorointi on aiheena ajankohtainen. Se kasvattaa vuosittain suosiotaan eksponentiaalisesti, ja siitÀ on tullut merkittÀvÀ osa yritysten markkinointiviestintÀÀ. Sponsoroinnin suosioon nÀhden aihetta on tutkittu huomattavan vÀhÀn. Yksilöurheilun sponsoroinnin tutkimus on jÀtetty lÀhes tÀysin huomiotta, sillÀ suurin osa tutkimuksesta on keskittynyt urheilutapahtumien sponsorointiin. Tutkimuksella pyritÀÀn tÀydentÀmÀÀn ja tarkentamaan sponsoroinnin kÀsitettÀ siten, ettÀ tapahtumasponsoroinnin teoriat soveltuvat myös yksilöurheilun sponsorointiin. Tutkimusstrategiana kÀytetÀÀn tapaustutkimusta. Tapaustutkimuksen avulla voidaan lisÀtÀ ymmÀrrystÀ tyypillisen monikansallisen yrityksen harjoittamasta yksilöurheilun sponsoroinnista. Tapausta analysoidaan tapahtumasponsoroinnin teorioista johdetun viitekehyksen avulla, joka noudattaa sponsoroinnin johtamisen prosessia. Kehys kokoaa tÀrkeimmÀt brÀndi-imagon rakentumiseen sekÀ sen siirtymiseen vaikuttavat tekijÀt. Tapauksen aineisto kerÀttiin internethauilla. Aineisto koostuu julkisesti tapausyrityksestÀ saatavilla olevasta materiaalista, kuten lehtiartikkeleista, sosiaalisen median sisÀllöistÀ, yrityksen vuosikertomuksista ja yrityksen julkaisemista lehdistötiedotteista. Suoralla havainnoinnilla tutkittiin reaaliajassa sosiaalisessa mediassa tapahtuvaa viestintÀÀ sponsorointisuhteesta. Tutkimuksen avulla pystyttiin lisÀÀmÀÀn teoreettista ymmÀrrystÀ brÀndi-imagon rakentamisesta yksilöurheilun sponsoroinnin avulla. Tutkimusten tulosten perusteella havaittiin, ettÀ brÀndi-imagon rakennuskeinoja yksilöurheilun sponsoroinnissa ovat yritysstrategian ja sponsorointistrategian integroiminen, yhteensopivien ja laadukkaiden sponsorointikohteiden valinta, pitkÀkestoiseen sponsorointisuhteeseen pyrkiminen, sponsorointiviestinnÀn monipuolinen hyödyntÀminen, sponsorointisuhteen mahdollisten imagohaittojen kontrollointi, brÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukevat yhteistyötavat sekÀ kiinnostavan sisÀllön luominen sponsoroitavaa urheilijaa hyödyntÀen

    The temperature-dependent magnetization profile across an epitaxial bilayer of ferromagnetic La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 and superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d

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    Epitaxial bilayers of ferromagnetic La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) and superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO) have been grown on single-crystalline SrTiO3 (STO) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The Manganese magnetization profile across the FM layer has been determined with high spatial resolution at low temperatures by X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity (XRMR). It is found that not only the adjacent superconductor but also the substrate underneath influences the magnetization of the LCMO film at the interfaces at low temperatures. Both effects can be investigated individually by XRMR

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Loneliness and Social Isolation: A Multi-Country Study

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    Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. The COVID-19 global pandemic and subsequent public health social measures have challenged our social and economic life, with increasing concerns around potentially rising levels of social isolation and loneliness. This paper is based on cross-sectional online survey data (available in 10 languages, from 2 June to 16 November 2020) with 20,398 respondents from 101 different countries. It aims to help increase our understanding of the global risk factors that are associated with social isolation and loneliness, irrespective of culture or country, to support evidence-based policy, services and public health interventions. We found the prevalence of severe loneliness was 21% during COVID-19 with 6% retrospectively reporting severe loneliness prior to the pandemic. A fifth were defined as isolated based on their usual connections, with 13% reporting a substantial increase in isolation during COVID-19. Personal finances and mental health were overarching and consistently cross-cutting predictors of loneliness and social isolation, both before and during the pandemic. With the likelihood of future waves of COVID-19 and related restrictions, it must be a public health priority to address the root causes of loneliness and social isolation and, in particular, address the needs of specific groups such as carers or those living alone

    A Genome-Wide Association Study of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Identifies New Disease Loci

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    A genome-wide association study was performed to identify genetic factors involved in susceptibility to psoriasis (PS) and psoriatic arthritis (PSA), inflammatory diseases of the skin and joints in humans. 223 PS cases (including 91 with PSA) were genotyped with 311,398 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and results were compared with those from 519 Northern European controls. Replications were performed with an independent cohort of 577 PS cases and 737 controls from the U.S., and 576 PSA patients and 480 controls from the U.K.. Strongest associations were with the class I region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The most highly associated SNP was rs10484554, which lies 34.7 kb upstream from HLA-C (P = 7.8×10−11, GWA scan; P = 1.8×10−30, replication; P = 1.8×10−39, combined; U.K. PSA: P = 6.9×10−11). However, rs2395029 encoding the G2V polymorphism within the class I gene HCP5 (combined P = 2.13×10−26 in U.S. cases) yielded the highest ORs with both PS and PSA (4.1 and 3.2 respectively). This variant is associated with low viral set point following HIV infection and its effect is independent of rs10484554. We replicated the previously reported association with interleukin 23 receptor and interleukin 12B (IL12B) polymorphisms in PS and PSA cohorts (IL23R: rs11209026, U.S. PS, P = 1.4×10−4; U.K. PSA: P = 8.0×10−4; IL12B:rs6887695, U.S. PS, P = 5×10−5 and U.K. PSA, P = 1.3×10−3) and detected an independent association in the IL23R region with a SNP 4 kb upstream from IL12RB2 (P = 0.001). Novel associations replicated in the U.S. PS cohort included the region harboring lipoma HMGIC fusion partner (LHFP) and conserved oligomeric golgi complex component 6 (COG6) genes on chromosome 13q13 (combined P = 2×10−6 for rs7993214; OR = 0.71), the late cornified envelope gene cluster (LCE) from the Epidermal Differentiation Complex (PSORS4) (combined P = 6.2×10−5 for rs6701216; OR 1.45) and a region of LD at 15q21 (combined P = 2.9×10−5 for rs3803369; OR = 1.43). This region is of interest because it harbors ubiquitin-specific protease-8 whose processed pseudogene lies upstream from HLA-C. This region of 15q21 also harbors the gene for SPPL2A (signal peptide peptidase like 2a) which activates tumor necrosis factor alpha by cleavage, triggering the expression of IL12 in human dendritic cells. We also identified a novel PSA (and potentially PS) locus on chromosome 4q27. This region harbors the interleukin 2 (IL2) and interleukin 21 (IL21) genes and was recently shown to be associated with four autoimmune diseases (Celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes, Grave's disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis)

    BrÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukeva sponsorointikohteen valintaprosessi:tapaus Oulun Energia Oy

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    Sponsorointi on nopeimmin kasvava markkinointivÀline ja keskimÀÀrin noin 19 prosenttia yritysten markkinointibudjeteista kÀytetÀÀn sponsorointiin. Sponsorointi on erinomainen tapa rakentaa ja kehittÀÀ yrityksen brÀndi-imagoa, mutta se onnistuu vain huolellisella sponsorointikohteiden valinnalla. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittÀÀ brÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukeva sponsorointikohteen valintaprosessi, joka toimii yrityksille sponsorointikohteiden valintaa tukevana työkaluna. Koska yritykset sponsoroivat yhÀ enemmÀn, tarkoittaa se myös sitÀ, ettÀ yhÀ useammalla yrityksellÀ on tarve sponsorointia helpottaville työkaluille. BrÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukeva sponsorointikohteen valintaprosessi muodostetaan selvittÀmÀllÀ, mitkÀ tekijÀt vaikuttavat sponsorointikohteiden valintaan sponsoroinnin ja brÀndi-imagon nÀkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteen ja tutkimuskysymysten perusteella tutkimus toteutetaan toimintatutkimuksena tutkien tapausyritys Oulun Energia Oy:n toimintaa sponsorointikohteiden valinnassa. Empiirinen aineisto kerÀtÀÀn teemahaastatteluilla, joiden tarkoitus on selvittÀÀ tapausyrityksen lÀhtökohdat sponsorointikohteiden valinnalle, toiminnallisella workshopilla, jossa tarkoituksena on testata brÀndi- ja sponsorointiteorian pohjalta muodostettua brÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukevaa sponsorointikohteen valintaprosessia, sekÀ sÀhköpostikyselyillÀ, joiden kautta on tarkoitus arvioida testatun valintaprosessin toimivuutta. Tutkimustulosten perusteella brÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukeva sponsorointikohteen valintaprosessi lÀhtee liikkeelle sponsorin brÀndi-identiteetin mÀÀrittelystÀ, etenee sponsorointitavoitteiden ja -kÀytÀnteiden asettamiseen, seulontakriteerien valintaan ja arviointiin. SeulontakriteereistÀ tÀrkein on yhteensopivuuden varmistaminen, jota jokaisen yrityksen tulisi kÀyttÀÀ kriteerinÀÀn, kun valitaan merkittÀviÀ ja suuria sponsorointikohteita. Seulontakriteerien jÀlkeen ehdokkaita tulisi verrata yrityksen sponsorointiportfolioon, jonka jÀlkeen valitaan sponsorointikohde tai -kohteet. Valinnan jÀlkeen aloitetaan yhteistyö kohteiden kanssa ja lopuksi sponsorointikumppanuutta tulisi arvioida. BrÀndi-imagon rakentamista tukeva sponsorointikohteiden valintaprosessia voi hyödyntÀÀ sponsorointikohteiden valinnassa ja se auttaa yrityksiÀ tekemÀÀn nopeampia ja perustellumpia pÀÀtöksiÀ, koska niillÀ on ennalta mÀÀritellyt perusteet kohteiden valinnalle. Tutkimustulokset ovat yleistettÀvissÀ erityisesti paikallisiin ja alueellisiin sponsoreihin, koska muodostettua valintaprosessia on testattu vain alueellisen ja paikallisen sponsoroinnin toimikentÀllÀ. Muodostettu valintaprosessi toimii parhaiten sellaisenaan suurten ja merkittÀvien sponsorointikohteiden valinnassa, koska tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ettÀ pienempien ja merkityksettömÀmpien kohteiden valintaan prosessi on liian laaja ja työlÀs

    Teacher candidate learning of action-oriented knowledge from triggering incidents in teaching practice

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    © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This study investigated student teachers’ (N = 82) learning of action-oriented knowledge (AOK), triggering incidents in teaching practice, and the relationships between these two. Student teacher’s action-oriented knowledge is understood as core capability for the practice of teaching, and learning of action-oriented knowledge needs to be facilitated during teacher education. Action-oriented knowledge integrates theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, and it needs to be investigated in the context of teaching practice in teacher education. The results showed that student teachers identified critical incidents related to didactical relation (57%), pedagogical relation (39%) and content relation (4%) meaningful for their learning. Within the relations, student teachers showed descriptive (43%), inferential (24%) and justified (33%) AOK in their reflections. The incidents related to pedagogical and didactical relation especially triggered descriptive and justified AOK. The results showed that teacher candidates AOK reflection started with evaluative descriptions of their teaching, and moved on to practical justifications. The study confirms that teacher candidates’ videos can extend their focus of teaching and afford more attention to student learning

    Teacher candidate learning of action-oriented knowledge from triggering incidents in teaching practice

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    © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This study investigated student teachers’ (N = 82) learning of action-oriented knowledge (AOK), triggering incidents in teaching practice, and the relationships between these two. Student teacher’s action-oriented knowledge is understood as core capability for the practice of teaching, and learning of action-oriented knowledge needs to be facilitated during teacher education. Action-oriented knowledge integrates theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, and it needs to be investigated in the context of teaching practice in teacher education. The results showed that student teachers identified critical incidents related to didactical relation (57%), pedagogical relation (39%) and content relation (4%) meaningful for their learning. Within the relations, student teachers showed descriptive (43%), inferential (24%) and justified (33%) AOK in their reflections. The incidents related to pedagogical and didactical relation especially triggered descriptive and justified AOK. The results showed that teacher candidates AOK reflection started with evaluative descriptions of their teaching, and moved on to practical justifications. The study confirms that teacher candidates’ videos can extend their focus of teaching and afford more attention to student learning
