22 research outputs found

    Sedimen Deposit of Floodplain Formation Resulting From Lateral Accretion Surfaces on Tropical Area: Study Case at a Kampar River, Indonesia

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    Kampar rivers has a length of 413 km with average depth of 7.7 m and width of 143 m. Sixty percent of this rivers are meandering fluvial system which transport and deposit a mixture of suspended and bed-load (mixed load) along low energy. River channel that moving sideways by erosion is undergoing lateral migration and the top of the point bar becomes the edge of the floodplain and the fining-upward succession of the point bar will be capped by overbank deposits of Kampar River. Along the Kampar Rivers, there are more than 60% of floodplain sediments and almost all of the floodplain formed by bend migration on the suspended-load channels of Kampar watershed. This formation consist of succession of fine to medium sand and silt/mud, with root traces, that form as drapes on the prograding bank. These beds dip mostly channel wards and quickly wedge out as they grade up and onto the floodplain. The depositional model is presented showing how lateral accretion can make a significant contribution to the preservation of fine-grained within channel deposits in contemporary floodplains. The examples presented here demonstrate that analogues to ancient point-bar deposits containing alternating sandstone and shale sequences are common in the low-energy fluvial environments of Riau rivers especially Kampar rivers

    Infiltration Rate of Quarternary Sediment at Rumbio Jaya, Kampar, Riau

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    he study of infiltration rate was conducted at Rumbio Jaya, Kampar, Riau which closed with meandering river of Kampar. Infiltration rate data collected by using double ring infiltrometer with 30 cm and 60 cm diameter of cylinder. To support the data of infiltration test at quarternary sediment, subsurface soil profiling data were taken with hand auger drilling. The result of infiltration rate analysis shown the highest value is located at ST 2 and ST 3 (southwest part of study area) with value 248 mm/hr and 159 mm/hr. infiltration rate gradually decreasing toward northeast of study area with lowest value 2.6 mm/hr at ST 6 which caused location very closed to Kampar River. Core data from hand auger drilling support result of infiltration rate with gravelly sand layer (high porosity and permeability) are dominated at study area and some low infiltration rate location consists of thick layer of silt

    Indikasi Struktur Patahan Berdasarkan Data Citra Satelit dan Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Sungai Siak, Tualang dan Sekitarnya Sebagai Pertimbangan Pengembangan Pembangunan Wilayah: Indications Fault Structure Based on Satellite Imagery Data and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) River Siak, Tualang Area As Development considerations Regional development

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    [ID] Struktur patahan dapat ditunjukkan dengan adanya indikasi yang berupa  pola kelurusan sungai, adanya offset litologi, dan lainnya. Berdasarkan data citra satelit dan digital elevation model terdapat kemunculan indikasi adanya struktur patahan pada daerah tualang dan sekitarnya. Hal ini terlihat dari kelurusan Sungai Siak. Anomali ini sangat terlihat jelas pada pola aliran sungai yang menujukkan perubahan signifikan pada daerah hulu yang berbentuk meander / berkelok kemudian berubah seketika menjadi bentuk straight/ lurus. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya indikasi struktur patahan. Berdasarkan  kenampakan citra satelit terlihat adanya offset perbukitan yang bergeser dengan pergerakan patahan. Hal ini juga didukung dengan data pendukung kerangka tektonik cekungan sumatera tengah yang menandakan adanya fase kompresi selama Oligosen Tengah sampai Miosen Tengah dengan arah tegasan Utara – Selatan dan mengalami reaktivasi pada pliosen – pleistosen. Hal ini diharapkan menjadi perhatian bagi daerah – daerah yang akan dilalui patahan tersebut berkaitan dengan pengembangan pembangunan, karena setiap pergerakan lempeng terjadi bisa mereaktifasi patahan tersebut dan mempengaruhi daerah – daerah disekitarnya. [EN] The fault structure can be shown by several indication such as pattern of alignment of the river, the offset lithology, and others. Based on data from satellite imagery and digital elevation models there are emergence of indications of faults structure in the Tualang Area and its surroundings, It is seen from the lineament of the Siak river, these anomalies are very clearly shown in the flow pattern of the river that showed significant changes in upstream areas which start from meanders type of channel and then changed instantly into straight shape as an indication of fault structure. Based on feature on satellite image, there are shifting hills by fault movement. This is also supported by a tectonic framework of  Central Sumatran Basin, which indicates the compression phase during Middle Oligocene to Middle Miocene with trend towards North - South direction and reactivated in the Pliocene - Pleistocene. It has to be considered for the regional development in the area which will be affected by the fault structure, because every movement of the plates can reactivate the fault and affects the surrounding areas. &nbsp

    Preliminary Analysis of Slope Stability in Kuok and Surrounding Areas

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    The level of slope influenced by the condition of the rocks beneath the surface. On high level of slopes, amount of surface runoff and water transport energy is also enlarged. This caused by greater gravity, in line with the surface tilt from the horizontal plane. In other words, topsoil eroded more and more. When the slope becomes twice as steep, then the amount of erosion per unit area be 2.0 - 2.5 times more. Kuok and surrounding area is the road access between the West Sumatra and Riau which plays an important role economies of both provinces. The purpose of this study is to map the locations that have fairly steep slopes and potential mode of landslides. Based on SRTM data obtained,  the roads in Kuok area has a minimum elevation of + 33 m and a maximum  + 217.329 m. Rugged road conditions with slope ranging from 24.08 ° to 44.68 ° causing this area having frequent landslides. The result of slope stability analysis in a slope near the Water Power Plant Koto Panjang, indicated that mode of active failure is toppling failure or rock fall and the potential zone of failure is in the center part of the slope

    Karstifikasi dan Pola Struktur Kuarter Berdasarkan Pemetaan Lapangan dan Citra SRTM Pada Formasi Wapulaka, Pasar Wajo, Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara.

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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/66Karstification process occurs as a result of dissolution on limestone lithology formed in typical morphology of caves, rounded or elongated pits and conical hills. This also related with structural pattern that also intesively occurs at western part of Buton Island. Research area located at lattitude 5027’0” S – 5032’0’’ S and longitude 122049’30” E - 122052’30” E. Purpose of this research was to identified karst landscape and karstificatiom process on Wapulaka Formation and recognize the structural pattern on this formation. By using field observation and SRTM data interpretation we considered that karst formations formed on Wapulaka Formation was Quarter limestone which diagenesis process of dissolution forming karst landform also related with uplifted event at pliocene – pleistocene.  This formed related with complex interaction between the geology, climate, hydrology and biological factors that created various landscape morphology such as caves, underground river, stalagtite, stalagmite and others cave ornament

    Review : Bathymetry Mapping Using Underwater Acoustic Technology

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    The bathymetry mapping using underwater acoustic technology very important in Indonesia waters. Bathymetry is the result of measuring the height of the seabed so that the bathymetric map provides information about the seabed, where this information can provide benefits to several fields related to the seabed. In bathymetry mapping uses underwater acoustic technology where among them is using Single beam echosounder and MBES (Multibeam Echosounder System), and multibeam echosounder (MBES) is acoustic equipment that is intensively used frequently in basic waters mapping. The advantage of using underwater acoustic technology is the acquisition and processing of data in real time, high accuracy and precision (correction of the bathymetry data was carried out with reference to the 2008 International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), and cannot be a threat or damage to objects. Retrieval of bathymetry data must use parallel patterns, namely: patterns with perpendicular sounding directions and tend to be parallel to longitudinal lines or in accordance with parallel sounding patterns

    Clustering Slope Stability from Using Drone, DEM Lineament Extraction And Rock Mass Rating In Pangkalan Koto Baru, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Clustering slope stability in the Pangkalan Koto Baru, West Sumatra has become one of priority in disaster management. The method used for this study are using the combination of structural lineament analysis, scanline with window sampling and Rock mass rating (RMR) calculations. The analysis results of the fourteen observed slope sites showed significant outcome, which seen in the structural lineament show dominant trend from northwest-southeast, which also correlate from the measurement of discontinuity by using scanline with window sampling. From RMR calculation, value showed range between 17 - 42 which belonged to class V (Very Poor Rock) - class III (Medium Rock ). Integration data of structural lineament, scanline method and RMR analysis suggested that 1 slope included in the very poor rock category, 12 slopes are poor rock category, and 1 slope in the medium rock category. So, it can be ascertained that most of the slopes will potentially be prone to landslides. Keywords: Slope Stability, RMR, Structural Lineament, Pangkalan Koto Baru, West Sumatra

    Regression Model in Transitional Geological Environment For Calculation Farming and Production of Oil Palm Dominant Factor in Indragiri Hilir Riau Province

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    Palm oil commodity is plantation sub-sector commodity which can increase the income of farmers and communities, providers of raw material processing industries that create added value. Cultivated by smallholders self consists of land area, peatlands tidal, coastal peatlands and coastal lands. Differences typology of this land will contribute to the different productions. Generally, this study aimed to analyze the factors of production and farming oil palm, according to the typology of land Specifically aimed to analyze the production and cultivation of oil palm as well as the dominant factor affecting the production Kalapa smallholders' according to the typology of the land and to formulate policy implications of oil palm development patterns of the people in Indragiri Hilir in Riau province. To answer this research analyzed with descriptive statistics and build a multiple regression model with dummy variables Ordinary Least Square method (OLS). Memperlihatan research results that palm oil production and farming on land typology highest compared with tidal peat, peat coast, and coastal lands. Oil palm farming income on a non-pattern land typology best compared with other lands (peat tides, coastal peatlands, and coastal land). The dominant factor affecting the production of palm oil in Indragiri Hilir is the amount of fertilizer, labor, plant age, herbicides, and soil typology dummy land. Policy Implications development of oil palm plantation in Indragiri Hilir in order to increase production, productivity and farm income oil palm can be through the construction of roads production, provision of means of production and palm oil processing industry to shorten the distance and shorten the time of transport that TBS of oil palm plantations to the factory. Furthermore, the use of fertilizers, labor and land typology is very responsive to TBS production. Therefore, in the farming of oil palm cultivation should follow the recommended technical

    Correlation of Surface and Subsurface Geological Data Approach to Determine Depositional Facies of Bekasap Formation in Sungai Kuning, Rokan Hulu Riau - Indonesia

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    Abstract. Reservoir rocks are exposed in Eastern part of the study area which one ofmajor reservoir of oil and gas field founded in Sungai Kuning, Rokan Hulu, Riau.Surface and subsurface lithological data should be correlated to identify theconnectivity because it has an impact and affects the productivity of hydrocarbons. Thisstudy focuses on the understanding of depositional facies by correlating surface andsubsurface data in Central Sumatra Basin. The methods used was by obtaining surfacegeological data, micropaleontology and petrography laboratory analysis, characterizedepositional facies and geological structure analysis. The subsurface geological dataacquired from core and wireline log data of MDL-31Well X Field, such as analysis oflithofacies, electrofacies and depositional facies. So, by the conclusion, there are fourfacies associations which are Distributary Mouth Bars, Tidal Channel, Upper (fluvial)- Middle Estuarine, and Lower (tidal) Estuarine Channel. From integrated analysis,reservoir lithology on surface and subsurface having similar lithological characteristicsand interpreted to be deposited in same depositional environment

    Sea Surface Temperature and Wind Velocity in Batam Waters Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)

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    This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. The data used in this study were the SST datasets and the wind speed of 2016 in the waters of Batam. The method used in this research were the visual analysis using the data ocean view (ODV) to observe at the spatial and temporal distribution of the SST and the wind speed in Batam waters at different seasons. The next method is a fast Fourier transform (FFT). The earlier monsoon season that occurred in April has the highest wind speed with the value of 3.9 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of -3.6 MS ** - 1. The SST Batam observed high in April occurred on 19-04-2016 with a value of 304.2 ° K (31.05 ° C). West monsoon winds that occurred in January has the highest wind speed with a value of 4.5 MS ** - 1 for components U. As for the V, the component has the highest value of 5.2 MS ** - 1 in the waters of Batam. The highest SST in Batam was  occurred in January on 19-01-2016 with a value of 302.8 ° K (29.65 ° C). Based on the results of the FFT, wind speed and SST in the waters of the Island has a dominant 6-month period (semiannual)