Correlation of Surface and Subsurface Geological Data Approach to Determine Depositional Facies of Bekasap Formation in Sungai Kuning, Rokan Hulu Riau - Indonesia


Abstract. Reservoir rocks are exposed in Eastern part of the study area which one ofmajor reservoir of oil and gas field founded in Sungai Kuning, Rokan Hulu, Riau.Surface and subsurface lithological data should be correlated to identify theconnectivity because it has an impact and affects the productivity of hydrocarbons. Thisstudy focuses on the understanding of depositional facies by correlating surface andsubsurface data in Central Sumatra Basin. The methods used was by obtaining surfacegeological data, micropaleontology and petrography laboratory analysis, characterizedepositional facies and geological structure analysis. The subsurface geological dataacquired from core and wireline log data of MDL-31Well X Field, such as analysis oflithofacies, electrofacies and depositional facies. So, by the conclusion, there are fourfacies associations which are Distributary Mouth Bars, Tidal Channel, Upper (fluvial)- Middle Estuarine, and Lower (tidal) Estuarine Channel. From integrated analysis,reservoir lithology on surface and subsurface having similar lithological characteristicsand interpreted to be deposited in same depositional environment

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