51 research outputs found

    A non-invasive online photoionization spectrometer for FLASH2

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    The stochastic nature of the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process of free-electron lasers (FELs) effects pulse-to-pulse fluctuations of the radiation properties, such as the photon energy, which are determinative for processes of photon-matter interactions. Hence, SASE FEL sources pose a great challenge for scientific investigations, since experimenters need to obtain precise real-time feedback of these properties for each individual photon bunch for interpretation of the experimental data. Furthermore, any device developed to deliver the according information should not significantly interfere with or degrade the FEL beam. Regarding the spectral properties, a device for online monitoring of FEL wavelengths has been developed for FLASH2, which is based on photoionization of gaseous targets and the measurements of the corresponding electron and ion time-of-flight spectra. This paper presents experimental studies and cross-calibration measurements demonstrating the viability of this online photoionization spectrometer

    Non-invasive online wavelength measurements at FLASH2 and present benchmark

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    At FLASH2, the free-electron laser radiation wavelength is routinely measured by an online spectrometer based on photoionization of gas targets. Photoelectrons are detected with time-of-flight spectrometers and the wavelength is determined by means of well known binding energies of the target species. The wavelength measurement is non-invasive and transparent with respect to running user experiments due to the low gas pressure applied. Sophisticated controls for setting the OPIS operation parameters have been created and integrated into the distributed object-oriented control system at FLASH2. Raw and processed data can be stored on request in the FLASH data acquisition system for later correlation with data from user experiments or re-analysis. In this paper, the commissioning of the instrument at FLASH2 and the challenges of space charge effects on wavelength determination are reported. Furthermore, strategies for fast data reduction and online data processing are presented

    Unsupervised real-world knowledge extraction via disentangled variational autoencoders for photon diagnostics

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    We present real-world data processing on measured electron time-of-flight data via neural networks. Specifically, the use of disentangled variational autoencoders on data from a diagnostic instrument for online wavelength monitoring at the free electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Without a-priori knowledge the network is able to find representations of single-shot FEL spectra, which have a low signal-to-noise ratio. This reveals, in a directly human-interpretable way, crucial information about the photon properties. The central photon energy and the intensity as well as very detector-specific features are identified. The network is also capable of data cleaning, i.e. denoising, as well as the removal of artefacts. In the reconstruction, this allows for identification of signatures with very low intensity which are hardly recognisable in the raw data. In this particular case, the network enhances the quality of the diagnostic analysis at FLASH. However, this unsupervised method also has the potential to improve the analysis of other similar types of spectroscopy data

    Pulse energy measurement at the SXR instrument

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    A gas monitor detector was implemented and characterized at the Soft X-rayResearch (SXR) instrument to measure the average, absolute and pulse-resolved photon flux of the LCLS beam in the energy range between 280 and2000 eV. The detector is placed after the monochromator and addresses theneed to provide reliable absolute pulse energy as well as pulse-resolvedmeasurements for the various experiments at this instrument. This detectorprovides a reliable non-invasive measurement for determining flux levels on thesamples in the downstream experimental chamber and for optimizing signallevels of secondary detectors and for the essential need of data normalization.The design, integration into the instrument and operation are described, andexamples of its performance are given

    Role of heat accumulation in the multi-shot damage of silicon irradiated with femtosecond XUV pulses at a 1 MHz repetition rate

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    The role played by heat accumulation in multi-shot damage of silicon was studied. Bulk silicon samples were exposed to intense XUV monochromatic radiation of a 13.5 nm wavelength in a series of 400 femtosecond pulses, repeated with a 1 MHz rate (pulse trains) at the FLASH facility in Hamburg. The observed surface morphological and structural modifications are formed as a result of sample surface melting. Modifications are threshold dependent on the mean fluence of the incident pulse train, with all threshold values in the range of approximately 36-40 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>. Experimental data is supported by a theoretical model described by the heat diffusion equation. The threshold for reaching the melting temperature (45 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>) and liquid state (54 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>), estimated from this model, is in accordance with experimental values within measurement error. The model indicates a significant role of heat accumulation in surface modification processes
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