12 research outputs found

    Report of the JRC’s Descriptor 2 workshop in support to the review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU concerning MSFD criteria for assessing Good Environmental Status for NIS

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    The MSFD workshop on non-indigenous species (NIS, MSFD D2), held in Ispra JRC (10th-11th of September 2015) aimed to provide clear proposals and conclusions on some of the outstanding issues identified in the D2 review manual (May 2015 consultation version: D2 review manual: https://circabc.europa.eu/sd/a/cd4bbd6a-454a-40db-b805-52fb195d4e56/COMDEC_Review_D2_V6.pdf) in the broader context of support to the review of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. This report is complementing the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU review manual (JRC96884) and presents the result of the scientific and technical review concluding phase 1 of the review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU in relation to Descriptor 2. The review has been carried out by the EC JRC together with experts nominated by EU Member States, and has considered contributions from the GES Working Group in accordance with the roadmap set out in the MSFD implementation strategy (agreed on at the 11th CIS MSCG meeting). The main issues addressed and tackled in this workshop’s report are: - Proposed changes in D2 assessment criteria; - Indicators and methodological standards; - GES threshold values and reference points; - Way forwar

    Marine invasive alien species in Europe: 9 years after the IAS Regulation

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    Biological invasions, resulting from human activities, exert substantial impacts on ecosystems worldwide. This review focuses on marine invasive alien species (IAS) in Europe, examining the current state, proposing strategies to address the problem, and offering recommendations for enhanced management. Effective management of biological invasions relies on accessible, accurate data to inform decision-making. Information systems such as the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN), Aquatic Non-Indigenous and Cryptogenic Species (AquaNIS), and World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WriMS) provide comprehensive databases on IAS, but their sustainability requires long-term maintenance, continuous updates, and support. Most countries lack specific monitoring programs for marine IAS, and standardization and improvement of monitoring methods are needed. Port monitoring plays a vital role in the early detection of new arrivals, and recent advancements in molecular techniques show promise for effective IAS monitoring. Risk screening tools are commonly employed to rank taxa based on their invasiveness potential in European regions, but variations in protocols can yield inconsistent results. European impact assessments highlight resource competition, novel habitat creation, and predation as primary mechanisms for negative impacts on biodiversity, while the creation of novel habitats represents a key mechanism for positive impacts. Preventing IAS introductions is critical, and measures such as ballast water treatment systems are implemented to reduce the likelihood of marine introductions. However, understanding introduction pathways remains uncertain for many IAS. Eradication and control efforts for marine IAS have limited success, emphasizing the need for enhanced biosecurity measures. Climate change, especially ocean warming, can intensify IAS impacts on native species and ecosystems. In climate change hotspots, some tropical aliens may, however, compensate for the loss of thermally sensitive natives with similar traits. Therefore, it is imperative to consider the interactions between climate change and IAS in developing effective management and conservation strategies. Enhancing IAS management in Europe entails i) securing adequate funding, ii) expanding the list of IAS of Union Concern to adequately cover marine invasions, iii) learning from countries with successful biosecurity practices, iv) sustaining information systems, v) improving monitoring and early warning systems with innovative technologies, vi) enhancing prediction models, vii) conducting integrated impact assessments and mapping cumulative IAS impacts, and vii) considering the potential benefits of IAS in ecosystem functioning and services

    ï»żThreats to UK freshwaters under climate change: Commonly traded aquatic ornamental species and their potential pathogens and parasites

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    The aquatic ornamental industry, whilst providing socio-economic benefits, is a known introduction pathway for non-native species, which if invasive, can cause direct impacts to native species and ecosystems and also drive disease emergence by extending the geographic range of associated parasites and pathogens and by facilitating host-switching, spillover and spill-back. Although current UK temperatures are typically below those necessary for the survival and establishment of commonly-traded tropical, and some sub-tropical, non-native ornamental species, the higher water temperatures predicted under climate-change scenarios are likely to increase the probability of survival and establishment. Our study aimed primarily to identify which of the commonly-traded non-native ornamental aquatic species (fish and invertebrates), and their pathogens and parasites, are likely to benefit in terms of survival and establishment in UK waters under predicted future climate conditions. Out of 233 ornamental species identified as traded in the UK, 24 were screened, via literature search, for potential parasites and pathogens (PPPs) due to their increased risk of survival and establishment under climate change. We found a total of 155 PPPs, the majority of which were platyhelminths, viruses and bacteria. While many of the identified PPPs were already known to occur in UK waters, PPPs currently absent from UK waters and with zoonotic potential were also identified. Results are discussed in the context of understanding potential impact, in addition to provision of evidence to inform risk assessment and mitigation approaches

    Development of a generic decision-support tool for identifying potentially invasive aquatic taxa: AS-ISK

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    Electronic decision-support tools are now an essential component of government strate gies to battle non-native species, with taxon-specific, paper-based risk analysis schemes often being replaced by taxon-generic tools. This study reports on the development of a decision-support tool for aquatic species, the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK), which replaces five taxon-specific toolkits for amphibians, freshwater and marine fish and invertebrates (FISK, MFISK, FI-ISK, MI-ISK, Amph-ISK). Adapted from Pheloung et al.’s. Weed Risk Assessment (WRA), the “-ISK” toolkits were also “self-automated workbooks” in Excel¼ VisualBasic¼ architecture of the ’WRA. In creating AS-ISK, we incorporated the conceptual approach (questions and guidance) of the generic risk screening module of the European Non-native Species in Aquaculture Risk Analysis Scheme (ENSARS) into a single “turnkey application” that was based on the Excel¼ VisualBasic¼ architecture used by the WRA and its “-ISK” derivatives. Applicable to virtually all climatic zones and all aquatic plants and animals regardless of ecosystem (marine, fresh, brackish water), AS-ISK comprises 49 basic questions on the taxon’s biogeographical and historical traits and its biological and ecological interactions. In compliance with the “minimum requirements” for use with the new EU Regulation on invasive alien species of EU concern, AS-ISK in cludes a preamble of background information on the species as well as questions on its potential socio-economic impacts and those on ecosystem services, and an additional section (six questions) for the assessor to predict how forecasted changes in climate are likely to influence the risks of introduction, establishment, dispersal and impact of a species. Following a concise but detailed description of AS-ISK, an example assessment of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is provided, with the French northern coastline as the risk assessment area, to demonstrate use of this decision-support tool. AS-ISK is available for free download at: http://www.cefas.co.uk/nns/tools/

    Social network analysis as a tool for marine spatial planning: Impacts of decommissioning on connectivity in the North Sea

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    1. Connectivity of marine populations and ecosystems is crucial to maintaining and enhancing their structure, distribution, persistence, resilience and productivity. Artificial hard substrate, such as that associated with oil and gas platforms, provides settlement opportunities for species adapted to hard substrates in areas of soft sediment. The contribution of artificial hard substrate and the consequences of its removal (e.g. through decommissioning) to marine connectivity is not clear, yet such information is vital to inform marine spatial planning and future policy decisions on the use and protection of marine resources. 2. This study demonstrates the application of a social network analysis approach to quantify and describe the ecological connectivity, informed by particle tracking model outputs, of hard substrate marine communities in the North Sea. Through comparison of networks with and without artificial hard substrate, and based on hypothetical decommissioning scenarios, this study provides insight into the contribution of artificial hard substrate, and the consequence of decommissioning, to the structure and function of marine community connectivity. 3. This study highlights that artificial hard substrate, despite providing only a small proportion of the total area of hard substrate, increases the geographic extent and connectivity of the hard substrate network, bridging gaps, thereby providing ‘stepping stones’ between otherwise disconnected areas of natural hard substrate. Compared to the baseline scenario, a decommissioning scenario with full removal of oil and gas platforms results in a nearly 60% reduction in connectivity. Such reduction in connectivity may have negative implications for species’ distribution, gene flow and resilience following disturbance or exploitation of marine hard substrate communities. 4. Synthesis and applications. Social network analysis can provide valuable insight into connectivity between marine communities and enable the evaluation of impacts associated with changes to the marine environment. Providing standardized, transparent and robust outputs, such a tool is useful to facilitate understanding across different disciplines, including marine science, marine spatial planning and marine policy. Social network analysis therefore has great potential to address current knowledge gaps with respect to marine connectivity and crucially facilitate assessment of the impacts of changes in offshore substrate as part of the marine spatial planning process, thereby informing policy and marine management decisions

    Invasiveness risks of naked goby, Gobiosoma bosc, to North Sea transitional waters

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    In recent decades, gobies have dispersed or introduced from the Ponto-Caspian region of eastern Europe in a westerly direction to North American and western European waters. By contrast, the naked goby, Gobiosoma bosc, is the only known gobiid species to have been introduced in an easterly direction from North American to western Europe. The potential invasiveness of G. bosc was assessed using the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK) for rivers and transitional waters for the western and eastern sides of the North Sea. Using globally-derived thresholds, G. bosc was assessed as low-medium invasiveness risk for both sides of the North Sea under current climate conditions. Under future climate conditions, potential invasiveness will increase for both risk assessment areas. Environmental suitability assessment indicated an increase in environmental suitability for G. bosc on the eastern coastline of the North Sea under climate change scenarios and suitability remained unchanged on the western coastline, reflecting the authors' expectations of invasiveness risk