47 research outputs found

    Valorizzazione dei sistemi carsici della fascia pedemontana meridionale del massiccio di Asiago – Esplorazione, ricerca scientifica e riqualificazione ambientale

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    L’esigenza sempre più contingente di una più rigorosa tutela ambientale e quindi di un approccio sostenibile verso il territorio della fascia pedemontana meridionale del massiccio di Asiago (VI), ha portato il Gruppo Speleologico Geo CAI Bassano ad una rivisitazione dei sistemi carsici presenti in quest’area attraverso l’elaborazione di un progetto di studio e riqualificazione ambientale. La zona presa in considerazione è costituita da un sistema idrogeologico che comprende grotte dello sviluppo variabile da qualche metro a qualche centinaio di metri, formatesi entro terreni sedimentari e vulcanici cretacico-miocenici. In molti casi, le cavità attualmente note formano un continuum idrologico con un’idrografia superficiale ben sviluppata, facendo sì che la dinamica fluviale giochi un ruolo di prim’ordine nello sviluppo del carsismo e nella definizione della vulnerabilità degli acquiferi. Esplorazione speleologica, ricerca scientifica e didattica costituiscono gli strumenti scelti per una valorizzazione del sistema che, oltre ad interventi strutturali deve prevedere e partire soprattutto da un’evoluzione della percezione dell’ambiente carsico.The necessity for a stricter environmental protection and then for a sustainable approach to the southern foothills territory of the Asiago karst massif (Vicenza Province, Italy) has led the Geo CAI Bassano Speleological Group to review the karst systems of this area through the elaboration of a study and environmental restoration project. This area consists of a hydrological system including caves (ranging from a few meters to a few hundred meters in legth), developed within Cretaceous-Miocenic volcanic-sedimentary rocks. In many cases caves are in direct contact with well-developed surface hydrography; thus the river dynamics play an important role in the development of karst and in the definition of aquifer vulnerability. Speleological exploration, scientific research and education activities are the chosen tools for the restoration of the area. In particular it is evident that a change in perception of karst is more important than remediation

    Speleologia in cavità artificiali dall’area napoletana alle colline astigiane: report dell’attività svolta nel 2010 dal Gruppo Speleologico Geo CAI Bassano

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    Viene qui descritta l’attività di esplorazione e ricerca svolta nel 2010 dal Gruppo Speleologico Geo CAI Bassano del Grappa (VI) nell’area napoletana ed astigiana al fine di definire un fenomeno curioso nel primo caso e l’origine di sinkholes in area urbana nel secondo. L’intenso flusso d’aria in uscita da uno dei pozzi della Comunità Missionaria di Villaregia di Nola (NA), utilizzato in periodo estivo anche per la climatizzazione di interni, costituiva ciò che sembrava l’ultimo mistero del sistema sotterraneo artificiale della struttura. L’esplorazione speleologica del pozzo, risolvendo solo in parte il mistero, ha aperto nuovi ed affascinanti scenari sotterranei da vedere ed immaginare. Ben diverso il lavoro svolto ad Agliano Terme (AT), dove per la prima volta il problema dell’apertura di voragini nel centro storico è stato affrontato adottando un approccio di tipo speleologico integrato. Quello dei sinkholes è un fenomeno che interessa la zona almeno da qualche decennio e potrebbe essere legato alla presenza di cavità artificiali particolarmente diffuse nel sottosuolo.This paper describe the explorations, carried out in 2010 by the Geo CAI Speleological Group of Bassano in the Naples and Asti area, to define a curious phenomenon in the first case and the origin of sinkholes in a urban area in the second. The intense flow of air out of one of the wells of the Missionary Community of Villaregia di Nola (Naple Province, Italy) used in summer for air conditioning, was what seemed the last mystery of the underground system of the Comunity building. The speleological exploration of the well, only partially solved the mystery, opening new and fascinating underground scenarios Quite different work was done in Agliano Terme (Asti Province, Italy) where, for the first time, the question of sinkhole’s opening in the historic center has been approached. Sinkholes’ opening is a phenomenon that affects the area since several decades and it may be linked to the presenc

    Technologies and strategies to design sustainable tourist accommodations in areas of high environmental value not connected to the electricity grid

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    As envisaged in the Agenda for a sustainable and competitive European tourism, the adoption of an holistic and integrated approach and the use of the best available knowledge and technologies are key aspects to ensure a sustainable tourism. In particular, policies and actions should be planned considering the latest and best available knowledge, analyzing at the same time all the related impacts on the area of intervention. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to describe an approach for designing sustainable tourist accommodations that allow the fruition of areas characterized by high environmental values minimizing the related impacts on the surrounding environment and sensitizing users towards preservation and conservation of natural resources. In the proposed approach three aspects of tourist accommodation have been considered: the system component, the building envelope and the integration between them. As a result, the architectural structures designed, including their materials, shape, energy efficiency, modularity and removability, are in line with the standards of bio-architecture. The materials used, complying with the technical requirements and the technological needs of the tourist accommodations, are mostly recycled or reusable, coming from the surrounding area or of easy integration in the landscape. The components , that constitute the accommodations, are easy to assemble and disassemble for reuse them in another area, without changing the environmental conditions in the site. Some elements are precast and completed on site with local materials, moreover the modularity allows a high adaptability to different environmental and morphological conditions. To apply these architectural structures even in places without services and distribution networks of energy and water, special attention has been given to innovative and sustainable energy solutions: Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has been used as the only energy vector, combined with a cogeneration plant to provide heat and electric energy as well as with particular building envelopes that allow the transfer of LPG into the walls for provide energy to innovative gas appliances. Lastly, in order to assess the environmental impact of the proposed approach, it has been analyzed the environmental insertion of these structures for tourist accommodation in the Circeo National Park, in Italy

    sustainable requalification in restricted area the case study of flaminio stadium in rome

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    Abstract The requalification of neglected areas in urban contexts are considered as one of the main challenges to get the targets of environmental sustainability, energy efficiency and life quality currently required for smart cities. The management of deteriorated urban green areas increases human well-being and biodiversity conservation, facilitating the individuation of natural and anthropic risks as well as territorial vulnerabilities. In this context, the paper focused on the Flaminio Stadium in Rome that despite its central position in the city, is located inside a neglected area that could potentially be requalified offering services and facilities to citizens and tourists. This demonstration starts from a status quo study of chosen building and its surroundings in terms of energy analysis. This latter is, then, implemented by a techno-economic study to support its improvement in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. The economic cost analysis evidences the difficulties to support a requalification cost of global district for the Municipality of Rome

    Development and validation of serum bilirubin nomogram to predict the absence of risk for severe hyperbilirubinaemia before discharge: a prospective, multicenter study

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    Early discharge of healthy late preterm and full term newborn infants has become common practice because of the current social and economic necessities. Severe jaundice, and even kernicterus, has developed in some term infants discharged early. This study was designed to elaborate a percentile-based hour specific total serum bilirubin (TSB) nomogram and to assess its ability to predict the absence of risk for subsequent non physiologic severe hyperbilirubinaemia before discharge

    The Silent Epidemic of Diabetic Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents in Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

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    To compare the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with the frequency of DKA during 2017-2019

    Screening for Tuberculosis in Migrants: A Survey by the Global Tuberculosis Network

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    Tuberculosis (TB) does not respect borders, and migration confounds global TB control and elimination. Systematic screening of immigrants from TB high burden settings and-to a lesser degree TB infection (TBI)-is recommended in most countries with a low incidence of TB. The aim of the study was to evaluate the views of a diverse group of international health professionals on TB management among migrants. Participants expressed their level of agreement using a six-point Likert scale with different statements in an online survey available in English, French, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. The survey consisted of eight sections, covering TB and TBI screening and treatment in migrants. A total of 1055 respondents from 80 countries and territories participated between November 2019 and April 2020. The largest professional groups were pulmonologists (16.8%), other clinicians (30.4%), and nurses (11.8%). Participants generally supported infection control and TB surveillance established practices (administrative interventions, personal protection, etc.), while they disagreed on how to diagnose and manage both TB and TBI, particularly on which TBI regimens to use and when patients should be hospitalised. The results of this first knowledge, attitude and practice study on TB screening and treatment in migrants will inform public health policy and educational resources

    Cost-Benefit Analysis for Energy Management in Public Buildings: Four Italian Case Studies

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    Improving energy efficiency in public buildings is one of the main challenges for a sustainable requalification of energy issues and a consequent reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper aims to provide preliminary information about economic costs and energy consumption reductions (benefits) of some considered interventions in existing public buildings. Methods include an analysis of some feasible interventions in four selected public buildings. Energy efficiency improvements have been assessed for each feasible intervention. The difference of the building global energy performance index (EPgl) has been assessed before and after each intervention. Economic costs of each intervention have been estimated by averaging the amount demanded by different companies for the same intervention. Results obtained show economic costs and the EPgl percentage improvement for each intervention, highlighting and allowing for the comparison of energy consumption reduction and relative economic costs. The research results come from data gathered from four public buildings, and as such they could not be used to generically identify cost-beneficial energy efficiency interventions for every context or building type. However, the data reveals useful cost based considerations for selecting energy efficiency interventions in other public buildings