5,358 research outputs found

    Impact of high-frequency nonlinear internal waves on plankton dynamics in Massachusetts Bay

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    Author Posting. © Sears Foundation for Marine Research, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of Sears Foundation for Marine Research for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Marine Research 68 (2010): 259-281, doi:10.1357/002224010793721415.A simple Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton (NPZ) model was coupled with the non-hydrostatic Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM-NH) to study the impact of high-frequency nonlinear internal waves on plankton dynamics in Massachusetts Bay (MB) during the stratified summer season. The temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton concentration follows the vertical isopycnal displacement to the lowest order as the waves are generated by the semidiurnal tidal flow over Stellwagen Bank (SB) and propagate westward across MB. The tidally-averaged distribution of phytoplankton is characterized by three distinct zones of low subsurface concentration: (I) the western flank of Stellwagen Bank; (II) the center of Stellwagen Basin; and (III) the upper western flank of Stellwagen Basin. The result of a model dye experiment suggests that these zones are created by the following physical processes which are dominant in each zone: (I) hydraulic jump; (II) strong internal wave-tidal current nonlinear interaction; and (III) energetic internal wave dissipation and subsequent mixing processes. The nonlinear interaction of the internal waves and offshore tidal currents significantly enhances the vertical velocity, and increases wave dissipation, thus causing an onshore transport of phytoplankton in zone II. Although the phytoplankton patchy structure can be produced using the hydrostatic FVCOM, the resulting phytoplankton concentration is overestimated due to the unrealistic intensification of vertical velocity and thus vertical nutrient flux from the deep water. It suggests that non-hydrostatic dynamics should be considered for certain small-scale biological processes that are driven primarily by the physics.This project is supported by NOAA grants DOC/NOAA/NA04NMF4720332 and DOC/NOAA/NA05NMF4721131, US GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic/Georges Bank Program NSF grants (OCE-0234545; OCE-0227679; OCE-0606928; OCE-0712903; OCE-0732084; OCE- 0726851), and MIT Sea Grant funds (2006-RC-103, 2010-R/RC-116) and NOAA NERACOOS grant NA100558 for the UMassD team, and a NOAA grant (NA-17RJ1223) for R. C. Beardsley. C. Chen’s contribution is also supported by Shanghai Ocean University International Cooperation Program (No. A-2302–10-0003), the Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 09320503700), the Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (Project number: J50702), and Zhi jiang Scholar and 111 project funds of the State Key Laboratory for Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University (ECNU)

    Integrated Multilevel Intrusion Detection and Report System

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    In this paper we demonstrate a new impression of intrusion detection system. We use multilevel structure of intrusion detection systems to protect our network. Most of traditional report systems are complicated and hard to manage. In our system, our interface of report system is easy to read and manage. The most important is we use open source software to integrate our system. This can make the cost of intrusion detection system down and make our system flexible. It is convenient to user and network manager. In our system, we can integrate different intrusion detection system and report system into one system. It will become a trend nowadays

    Establishment of a doxycycline-regulated cell line with inducible, doubly-stable expression of the wild-type p53 gene from p53-deleted hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    p53 is important in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in therapeutic approaches, but the mechanism whereby it inhibits HCC growth is still unclear. The aim of the present study was to establish a HCC cell system in which p53 levels can be regulated. Full-length wild-type p53 cDNA obtained by PCR was cloned into a retroviral response vector controlled by the tetracycline responsive element (RevTRE-p53). The regulatory vectors RevTet-Off and RevTRE-p53 were transfected into a packaging cell line, PT67. Hep3B cells in which the p53 gene was deleted were infected with RevTet-Off viral particles from the PT67. Three G418-resistant cell clones with high luciferase expression and low background were infected with RevTRE-p53. By screening dozens of RevTRE-p53-infected clones with hygromycin we identified the one with the highest expression of p53 and the lowest background after doxycycline treatment. The results showed that p53 expression in this cell clone could be simply turned on or off by removing or adding doxycycline. Furthermore, it was found that the level of p53 protein was negatively and sensitively related to the doxycycline concentration. In conclusion, we have established a HCC cell line in which p53 expression can be switched on or off and regulated in a dose- and time-dependent manner

    InterFormer: Interactive Local and Global Features Fusion for Automatic Speech Recognition

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    The local and global features are both essential for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Many recent methods have verified that simply combining local and global features can further promote ASR performance. However, these methods pay less attention to the interaction of local and global features, and their series architectures are rigid to reflect local and global relationships. To address these issues, this paper proposes InterFormer for interactive local and global features fusion to learn a better representation for ASR. Specifically, we combine the convolution block with the transformer block in a parallel design. Besides, we propose a bidirectional feature interaction module (BFIM) and a selective fusion module (SFM) to implement the interaction and fusion of local and global features, respectively. Extensive experiments on public ASR datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed InterFormer and its superior performance over the other Transformer and Conformer models.Comment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    Top-down effect of arthropod predator chinese mitten crab on freshwater nutrient cycling

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    Aquatic litter decomposition is highly dependent on contributions and interactions at different trophic levels. The invasion of alien aquatic organisms like the channeled apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) might lead to changes in the decomposition process through new species interactions in the invaded wetland. However, it is not clear how aquatic macroinvertebrate predators like the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) will affect the nutrient cycle in freshwater ecosystems in the face of new benthic invasion. We used the litter bag method to explore the top-down effect of crabs on the freshwater nutrient cycle with the help of soil zymography (a technology previously used in terrestrial ecosystems). The results showed significant feeding effects of crabs and snails on lotus leaf litter and cotton strips. Crabs significantly inhibited the intake of lotus litter and cotton strips and the ability to transform the environment of snails by predation. Crabs promoted the decomposition of various litter substrates by affecting the microbial community structure in the sediment. These results suggest that arthropod predators increase the complexity of detrital food webs through direct and indirect interactions, and consequently have an important impact on the material cycle and stability of freshwater ecosystems. This top-down effect makes macrobenthos play a key role in the biological control and engineering construction of freshwater ecosystems.Sincere thanks to the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture (JBGS [2021]126), Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology (BE2019393), Jiangsu Forestry Science and Technology Innovation and Promotion project (LYKJ [2021]16), and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through SFRH/BD/119957/2016 scholarship for supporting this study financially. Thanks also to the Jiangsu Provincial Platform for Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural Germplasm for supporting this study

    Smithian platform-bearing gondolellid conodonts from Yiwagou Section, northwestern China and implications for their geographic distribution in the Early Triassic

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    Abundant platform-bearing gondolellid conodonts, including Scythogondolella mosheri (Kozur and Mostler), Sc. phryna Orchard and Zonneveld, and Sc. cf. milleri (Müller), have been discovered from the Yiwagou Section of Tewo, together with Novispathodus waageni waageni (Sweet) and Nv. w. eowaageni Zhao and Orchard. This is the first report of Smithian platform-bearing gondolellids from the Paleo-Tethys region. In addition, Eurygnathodus costatus Staesche, E. hamadai(Koike), Parafurnishius xuanhanensis Yang et al., and the genera Pachycladina Staesche, Parachirognathus Clark, and Hadrodontina Staesche have also been recovered from Dienerian to Smithian strata at Yiwagou Section. Three conodont zones are established, in ascending order: Eurygnathodus costatus-E. hamadai Assemblage Zone, Novispathodus waageni-Scythogondolella mosheri Assemblage Zone, and the Pachycladina-Parachirognathus Assemblage Zone. The platform-bearing gondolellids were globally distributed just after the end-Permian mass extinction, but the formerly abundant Clarkina Kozur disappeared in the late Griesbachian. Platform-bearing gondolellids dramatically decreased to a minimum of diversity and extent in the Dienerian before recovering in the Smithian. Scythogondolella Kozur, probably a thermophilic and eurythermic genus, lived in all latitudes at this time whereas other genera did not cope with Smithian high temperatures and so became restricted to the high-latitude regions. However, the maximum temperature in the late Smithian likely caused the extinction of almost all platform-bearing gondolellids. Finally, the group returned to equatorial regions and achieved global distribution again in the cooler conditions of the late Spathian. We conclude that temperature (and to a lesser extent oxygen levels) exerted a strong control on the geographical distribution and evolution of platform-bearing gondolellids in the Early Triassic
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