121 research outputs found

    Performance management systems Amorim Florestal case study

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    A Amorim Florestal cumpre um papel instrumental bem definido dentro do objeto corporativo do grupo Corticeira Amorim. Ambiciona colocar-se no mercado com vista à remuneração do capital investido de forma sustentável, com ambição e espírito vencedor. O sistema de gestão de desempenho dentro de uma organização poderá transparecer uma perspetiva integrada do funcionamento organizacional e demonstrar a forma como a organização se vai moldando ao longo do seu percurso. O grupo Amorim e a Amorim Florestal em particular, são caracterizados por possuir um posicionamento reflexivo demarcado. Assim, pretende-se com esta TFM observar e descrever o sistema de gestão de desempenho usado pela Amorim Florestal, analisando a forma como as várias partes deste sistema se relacionam entre si. Pela realização de entrevistas estruturadas com base no estudo de Ferreira e Otley, foi possível a caracterização deste sistema por vários elementos do corpo organizacional, evidenciando, não só as principais vantagens e desvantagens, como também possíveis personificações e a sensibilidade dos entrevistados a cada um dos seus elementos.Amorim Florestal performs a well-defined instrumental role inside the Corticeira Amorim corporate object. Ambitiously, it aims to place itself targeting the reward of the invested capital in a sustainable way. Inside an organization, the performance management system may transpire a composed perspective of the organizational gear and set forth the method the organization fashions itself along his course. Amorim’s group and specially Amorim Florestal are featured by owning a demarcated reflexive positioning. Therefore, this FMT aims to behold and describe the ruling performance management system, analyzing the way how the various parts of this system connect and relate with each other. The achievement of these structured interviews based on the Ferreira and Otley review, allowed the characterization of this system by several members of the organizational corps, showing, not only the main advantages and disadvantages, but also possible personifications and the aesthesis of the interviewed to either its elements

    Impacto da política monetária do Banco Central Europeu na rendibilidade dos bancos Portugueses

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    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da política monetária do BCE na rendibilidade dos bancos portugueses. O período de estudo está compreendido entre os anos de 2009 e 2017, incluindo, desta forma, a crise das dívidas soberanas e épocas em que o BCE utilizou tanto políticas monetárias convencionais como políticas não convencionais. Foram tratados dados dos 5 maiores bancos portugueses e feita a análise dos seus rácios de rendibilidade (ROE e ROA). A análise da evolução destes rácios no período referido foi feita tendo em conta a política monetária do BCE mas também fatores como a envolvente externa (PIB português e Obrigações do Tesouro Portuguesas) e especificidades dos próprios bancos. Concluiu-se que tanto a política monetária convencional como a política monetária não convencional afetam negativamente a rendibilidade dos bancos. Para além disto, também ficou claro que a envolvente externa e os fatores específicos dos bancos têm influência sobre a performance dos mesmos.This dissertation aims to analyze the impact of the ECB's monetary policy on the profitability of Portuguese banks. The analysis concerns the period between 2009 and 2017. This period includes the sovereign debt crisis, but also years where the ECB applied standard and non-standard measures. The profitability ratios (ROA and ROE) were calculated with data from the five major Portuguese banks. During the above-mentioned time period, the ratios were analyzed alongside with ECB's monetary policy and taking into consideration macroeconomic/external factors (Portuguese GDP and Treasury Bonds rates) and bank-specific/internal factors. It is concluded that both standard and non-standard measures have a negative impact on banks' profitability. In addition, the external and internal factors have also impacted their performance. Keywords: Europea

    Choice and control in a museal environment: a study with science teachers

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    This study aims to understand teachers’ strategies of planning students’ visits to science museums and how they intend to relate this visit to formal science teaching. The study was conducted with 21 teachers of Science, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, randomly identified among visitors to a science museum, who were accompanying their students. Interviews and written records of teachers about teachers strategies were analyzed using the textual discursive analysis revealed five levels of control (or choice) adopted by teachers for planning and tracking of students' visits to the museum. The results showed that most teachers surveyed use control elements, requesting notes for reports to be retrieved in school. The evaluation mechanisms planned by teachers after the visit showed an intention for preserving and contextualization of the museum experience in other contexts, like in school

    Mixed-Thickness Tunnel Access (MiTT) through a linear vertical mucosal incision for a minimally invasive approach for root coverage procedures in anterior and posterior sites: technical description and case series with 1-year follow-up

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    Purpose: The goal of this article was to introduce a new root coverage (RC) technique, the mixed-thickness tunnel access (MiTT) technique, which approaches a full-split design and intends to augment soft tissues coronal to the gingival margin. It was shown step-by-step, and the results were presented in a case series. Methods: Healthy individuals (non-diabetics) and non-smokers with gingival recession (GR) type 1 or 2 (RT1 or RT2) were included. After evaluation, prophylaxis was performed 14 days before the surgical procedure. During the surgical appointment, one or two vertical incision(s) on the mucosa (around 1–2 mm apical to the MGJ), lateral to the papilla base, was/were performed after anesthesia. Initially, there was a partial incision to detach the mucosa of the muscles (split design). It was permitted (but not mandatory) to perform intrasulcular incisions. Through the vertical incision, internally, subperiosteal access from the MGJ toward the gingival margin (coronally) was performed to create a full-thickness tunnel. Then, communication from the vertical incision with the gingival sulcus and the papilla base occurred, keeping the papilla tip intact. A connective tissue graft was harvested and inserted through the linear incision or intrasulcularly. There were interrupted sutures. An adjunctive material may be applied (e.g., Endogain). The root coverage was measured using a periodontal probe and considered fully covered when the gingival margin was 1 mm coronal to the cementum–enamel junction (CEJ). Results: Nine healthy individuals (seven females and two males) aged 19 and 43 were enrolled. They were treated following the MiTT steps. Four cases had a single GR; two patients had two teeth involved; and three others had three or four GR. There were seven cases of RT1 and two RT2. All RT1 cases achieved 100% RC, while the mean RC obtained for RT2 was around 80%. Conclusion: The MiTT technique can be considered a more straightforward approach for minimally invasive surgical techniques, which is a feasible option to treat RC with a high success rate, predictability, and esthetic preservation. Therefore, there is a technical sensitivity to performing the full-split design procedure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Small molecule fisetin modulates alpha-Synuclein aggregation

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    Funding Information: iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007344), which is co-funded by Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e Tecnologia (FCT)/Minist?rio da Ci?ncia e do Ensino Superior, through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is acknowledged. Authors would like to acknowledge FCT for financial support of RR (SFRH/BD/116597/2016). JP, RR, GG, and CNS acknowledges funding via BacHBerry (Project No. FP7-613793; www.bachberry.eu). RM is funded by FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus Contract CEEC/04567/CBIOS/2020. TFO was supported by the DFG Center for Nanoscale Microscopy and Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CNMPB) and is currently supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany?s Excellence Strategy?EXC 2067/1-390729940. It is also acknowledged the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union?s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 804229. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Phenolic compounds are thought to be important to prevent neurodegenerative diseases (ND). Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder known for its typical motor features, the deposition of α-synuclein (αsyn)-positive inclusions in the brain, and for concomitant cellular pathologies that include oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Neuroprotective activity of fisetin, a dietary flavonoid, was evaluated against main hallmarks of PD in relevant cellular models. At physiologically relevant concentrations, fisetin protected SH-SY5Y cells against oxidative stress overtaken by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP) and against methyl-4-phenylpyridinuim (MPP+)-induced toxicity in dopaminergic neurons, the differentiated Lund human Mesencephalic (LUHMES) cells. In this cellular model, fisetin promotes the increase of the levels of dopamine transporter. Remarkably, fisetin reduced the percentage of cells containing αsyn inclusions as well as their size and subcellular localization in a yeast model of αsyn aggregation. Overall, our data show that fisetin exerts modulatory activities toward common cellular pathologies present in PD; remarkably, it modulates αsyn aggregation, supporting the idea that diets rich in this compound may prove beneficial.publishersversionpublishe


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    This study aimed to identify risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in drivers of public mass transportation in the municipality of Salvador (Bahia) and knowledge of these as a form of prevention. Descriptive study. Convenience sample. Descriptive analysis. 100 drivers full time employees, predominantly median age of 38 years, color / black ethnicity, average schooling, family income between 1-3 minimum wages, with 4-6 dependent on residence, alcohol consumption were approached 65.0% , sedentary 73.0% overweight and 52.0% reported stress in the workplace in 63.0%. Most respondents have knowledge regarding the risk for development of CHD factors, but still retains habits that discourages prevention. The nurse, student health, should ensure that bus drivers and other workers exposed to occupational risks and risk for CAD, a better quality of life factors.Estudo descritivo que objetivou identificar fatores de risco para a doença arterial coronariana (DAC) em motoristas de transporte coletivo público e, o conhecimento desses como forma de prevenção, no município de Salvador - BA. Amostra por conveniência com análise descritiva. Foram entrevistados 100 motoristas em atividade laboral, idade mediana de 38 anos, cor/etnia negra, média escolaridade, renda familiar entre 1 a 3 salários mínimos, com 4 a 6 dependentes na residência. Dentre os participantes, 73,0% sedentários, 52,0% com sobrepeso, 65,0% consumiam álcool e 63,0% com relato de estresse no ambiente de trabalho. A maioria dos entrevistados tinham conhecimento quanto aos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da DAC, porém mantinham hábitos desfavoráveis à prevenção. O enfermeiro educador em saúde, deve garantir orientações preventivas visando uma melhor qualidade de vida dos motoristas de ônibus expostos aos riscos ocupacionais e a fatores de risco para a DAC

    Descumprimento de normas sanitárias na oferta de produtos de origem animal em e-commerce e os riscos para a saúde pública

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    Introduction: The marketing of products of animal origin (POAO) in marketplace without prior inspection surveillance exposes consumers to products that may present problems of authenticity, inadequate labeling, fraud or non-conformities of hygienic-sanitary or  technological order disrespecting consumer rights, in addition to the possibility of causing harm to public health. Objective: To identify and trace the profile of the products offered via e-commerce and verify compliance with the standards of food health regulation and consumer protection and defense in Brazil. Method: POAO sales ads were tracked, enumerated and tabulated qualitatively in the categories: product type; official stamp of the Sanitary Inspection and origin - regional division of the country. Then, the tabulated data were analyzed and submitted to descriptive statistics and chi-square test (χ2). Results: A total of 498 POAO were offered, of which there was a predominance of those who did not have the official stamp of surveillance and sanitary inspection. The meat products represented most of the products sold, while in the origin category, the Southeast region presented the highest frequency of ads. Conclusions: The results obtained demonstrated the non-compliance with the health legislation. Several categories of POAOs were identified and were deliberately offered in breach of hygienic and sanitary legislation for the production and marketing of food products.Introdução: A comercialização de produtos de origem animal (POA) em marketplace sem a prévia  inspeção e fiscalização expõe os consumidores a produtos que podem apresentar problemas de autenticidade, rotulagens inadequadas, fraudes ou não conformidades de ordem higiênicosanitária ou tecnológica, desrespeitando os direitos do consumidor, além da possibilidade de causar danos à saúde pública. Objetivo: Identificar e traçar o perfil dos produtos ofertados via e-commerce e verificar o cumprimento às normas de regulação sanitária de alimentos e de proteção e defesa do consumidor no Brasil. Método: Anúncios de venda de POA foram rastreados, enumerados e tabulados de forma qualitativa nas categorias: tipo de produto; carimbo oficial da Inspeção Sanitária e origem – divisão regional do país. Em seguida, os dados tabulados foram analisados e submetidos à estatística descritiva e teste de qui-quadrado (χ2). Resultados: Foram identificados 498 POA sendo ofertados, e houve a predominância daqueles que não apresentavam o carimbo oficial de inspeção e fiscalização sanitária. Os produtos cárneos representaram a maioria dos produtos comercializados e, na categoria origem, a região Sudeste apresentou a maior frequência de anúncios. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram o descumprimento à legislação sanitária. Conclusões: Foram identificadas diversas categorias de POA sendo ofertados de forma deliberada em descumprimento à legislação higiênico-sanitária para a produção e comercialização de produtos alimentícios

    Infiltração de leucócitos e imunorreatividade antimieloperoxidase em granulócitos da mucosa e submucosa do intestino grosso de equinos submetidos à sobrecarga dietética com amido

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a infiltração de leucócitos e a imunorreatividade antimieloperoxidase em granulócitos da mucosa e submucosa do intestino grosso de equinos submetidos à sobrecarga dietética com amido. Oito equinos adultos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três tratamentos: Tratamento I (Controle) (n = 2), equinos eutanasiados sem sobrecarga com amido; Tratamento II (n = 3) e III (n = 3), equinos submetidos à sobrecarga com amido, com infusão gástrica de 17,6 g de amido/kg de peso vivo e eutanasiados após 24 e 36 horas, respectivamente. Observou-se apenas afluxo de neutrófilos (leucocitoestase) nos vasos sanguíneos da mucosa e submucosa intestinal. Eosinófilos foram as células predominantes na mucosa e submucosa em todos os equinos, independente da sobrecarga dietética, com grau de infiltração de leve a moderada. Infiltração por linfócitos também foi observado em todos os equinos, porém com menor intensidade quando comparado aos eosinófilos. Congestão, edema e dilatação de vasos linfáticos foram as principais alterações circulatórias observadas, com maior intensidade na submucosa. Maior imunorreatividade para anticorpos antimieloperoxidase foi observado na mucosa e submucosa dos equinos 36 horas após a sobrecarga. Equinos submetidos à sobrecarga dietética com amido apresentam resposta inflamatória intestinal com predominância de eosinófilos, leucocitoestase e alterações circulatórias variando de discreta a moderada.This study was carried out to evaluate leukocyte infiltration and anti-myeloperoxidase immunoreactivity in granulocytes of the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine of horses submitted to dietetic starch overload. Eight adult horses were allocated randomly in three treatments: Treatment I (Control) (n = 2), animals euthanized without starch overload; and Treatments II (n = 3) and III (n = 3), animals undergoing starch overload, with gastric infusion of 17.6 g starch per kg of body weight, euthanized after 24 and 36 hours, respectively. Only afflux of neutrophils in the intestinal mucosa and submucosa blood vessels (leukocyte stasis) was observed. Eosinophils were the predominant cells in the mucosa and submucosa in all horses, independent of dietetic overload, with infiltration grade from mild to moderate. Lymphocyte infiltration was also observed in all horses, but with lower intensity when compared to eosinophils. Congestion, edema and dilatation of lymphatic vessels were the main circulatory alterations observed, with more intensity in the submucosa. Higher immunoreactivity to the anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies was observed in the mucosa and submucosa of horses 36 hours after overload. Horses submitted to dietetic starch overload showed intestinal inflammatory response with prevalence of eosinophils, leukocyte stasis and circulatory alterations, varying from discreet to moderate