182 research outputs found

    Application de l'immunolocalisation à la recherche de la cellule souche endothéliale cornéenne humaine

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    Le contrĂŽle de la transparence de la cornĂ©e dĂ©pend de l'intĂ©gritĂ© de l'endothĂ©lium cornĂ©en mono-stratifiĂ© qui est classiquement considĂ©rĂ© dĂšs la naissance, dĂ©pourvu de capacitĂ© de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration chez l homme. Dans des conditions pathologiques conduisant Ă  la cĂ©citĂ© par ƓdĂšme cornĂ©en, les pertes significatives en cellules endothĂ©liales (CE) ne sont pas remplacĂ©e efficacement, ce qui signifie que ni de nouvelles CE provenant de cellules souches (CS), ni la division des cellules voisines des lĂ©sions ne peuvent contribuer Ă  la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration endothĂ©liale. Toutefois, plusieurs travaux ont prouvĂ© depuis 25 ans que les CE possĂ©daient une capacitĂ© prolifĂ©rative rĂ©siduelle ex vivo et deux Ă©quipes ont suggĂ©rĂ© l existence de CS ou de progĂ©niteurs Ă  la pĂ©riphĂ©rie de l endothĂ©lium cornĂ©en. Dans notre travail de thĂšse, nous avons tout d'abord optimisĂ©, en la systĂ©matisant, une technique d immunomarquage spĂ©cialement adaptĂ©e Ă  l'endothĂ©lium cornĂ©en intact de cornĂ©es montĂ©es Ă  plat. A l issue de ces dĂ©veloppements, nous disposons de protocoles simples de fixation Ă  tempĂ©rature optimale et de dĂ©masquages antigĂ©niques susceptibles de permettre la rĂ©vĂ©lation de nombreuses protĂ©ines. A partir d une importante sĂ©rie de cornĂ©es humaines non conservĂ©es et d autres conservĂ©es en organoculture, et grĂące Ă  cet outil dĂ©sormais efficace, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© le cycle cellulaire des CE et la localisation de potentielles CS sur l endothĂ©lium cornĂ©en humaine. Nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que dans ces conditions, les CE expriment de façon homogĂšne des rĂ©gulateurs positifs (PCNA, MCM2, cycline D1, cycline E et cycline A) et des rĂ©gulateurs nĂ©gatifs du cycle cellulaire (P16, P27); certaines particularitĂ©s ont par ailleurs pu ĂȘtre dĂ©crites de façon innovante, comme la localisation cytoplasmique diffuse de MCM2, paranuclĂ©aire de la cycline D1, l absence de P21. L ensemble des marquages pourrait suggĂ©rer que les CE sont arrĂȘtĂ©es en fin de G1, aprĂšs le point de restriction et que de nombreux mĂ©canismes de rĂ©paration de l ADN sont mis en jeux dans les CE exposĂ©es Ă  un stress oxydant important tout au long de l existence. Nous avons identifiĂ© une nouvelle organisation de la micro-anatomie de la pĂ©riphĂ©rie et de l'extrĂȘme pĂ©riphĂ©rie de l endothĂ©lium oĂč des cellules regroupĂ©es en multiples clusters pluristratifiĂ©s semblent alimenter des colonnes de CE radiaires longues d'un millimĂštre. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments, associĂ©s Ă  l observation d'une moindre diffĂ©renciation et d une compĂ©tence prolifĂ©rative plus Ă©levĂ©s en pĂ©riphĂ©rie suggĂšrent un nouveau modĂšle d homĂ©ostasie endothĂ©liale humaine in vivo: toute la vie, des CS pĂ©riphĂ©riques alimentent de façon trĂšs lente la pĂ©riphĂ©rie cornĂ©enne en CE qui migrent de façon centripĂšte pour assurer la stabilitĂ© du centre cornĂ©en dont les propriĂ©tĂ©s optiques primordiales sont sous-tendues par un endothĂ©lium qui ne perd que 0,6% de CE par an. A la diffĂ©rence de l Ă©pithĂ©lium cornĂ©en, ce systĂšme ne peut ĂȘtre accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© lors de circonstances pathologiques. Les perspectives de nos travaux sont dĂ©sormais d essayer d isoler de l extrĂȘme pĂ©riphĂ©rie les CS endothĂ©liales ou les progĂ©niteurs et de les cultiver en recrĂ©ant un microenvironnement favorable. La possibilitĂ© de produire un grand nombre de CE in vitre non pas Ă  partir de CE sĂ©nescentes prĂ©levĂ©es sur la totalitĂ© de l endothĂ©lium comme cela a Ă©tĂ© tentĂ© par la passĂ©, mais cette fois Ă  partir de CS ou des progĂ©niteurs ouvriraient la voie d'une vĂ©ritable thĂ©rapie cellulaire endothĂ©liale. L'enrichissement des greffons pendant la durĂ©e de leur conservation Ă  la banque de cornĂ©e pourrait constituer une premiĂšre Ă©tape majeure avant d envisager crĂ©er de novo un endothĂ©lium sur un support greffable pour une greffe endothĂ©liale du 3e type qui deviendrait ainsi enfin indĂ©pendante des alĂ©as de la dĂ©coupe du greffon. Enfin, l ĂŻdentification de la CS endothĂ©liale et de son microenvironnement permettra aussi d'envisager une thĂ©rapie cellulaire in vivo pour traiter les stades prĂ©coces des pathologies endothĂ©liales cornĂ©ennesThe control of corneal transparency depends on the integrity of the mono-stratified corneal endothelium, which is considered devoid of regenerative capacity after birth in humans. In pathological conditions leading to blindness by irreversible corneal edema, the significant losses of endothelial cells (ECs) are not replaced efficiently, indicating that neither new ECs derived from stem cells (SC) nor the division of ECs neighboring the lesions can contribute to a form of regeneration. However, several works of the last 25 years demonstrated that ECs possess residual capacity of proliferation ex vivo, and more recently, two teams suggested the existence of SC or endothelial progenitors located in the corneal periphery. In this thesis work, we have firstly optimized an immunostaining technique specially adapted to intact endothelium of flat mounted whole corneas. Consequently, we now have simple protocols of fixation at the right temperature, and of antigen retrieval that allow detecting multiple proteins with a clear subcellular localization. Using important series of non-stored and of organ cultured corneas, and thanks to this technique, we investigated the cell cycle status of ECs and the location of potential SC in human corneal endothelium. Our results indicate that ECs homogeneously express positive regulators (PCNA, MCM2, cyclin D1, cyclin E and cyclin A) as well as negative regulators of the cell cycle (P16, P27); several original descriptions have been made: diffuse cytoplasmic location of MCM2, paranuclear location of cyclin D1, absence of P21. The expression patterns suggest that ECS could be arrested after the restriction point of the G1 phase and that numerous mechanism of DNA repair are stimulated in ECs exposed to an important oxidative stress throughout live. We identified a novel organization of the micro-anatomy of the endothelial periphery and extreme-periphery, where cells accumulate in multiple small multilayered clusters connected radial centripetal cell rows of nearly 1 mm of length. Associated with the observation of a lesser differentiation and an increased proliferation capacity in this area, these elements suggest a novel model of endothelial homeostasis in humans: during life, SC continuously and extremely slowly sustain the endothelial periphery with new ECs that migrate toward centre forming cells rows. These cells ensure the stability of the center, which optical fundamental properties require a perfect stability, as indicated by an annual cell loss of only 0.6%. Contrary to the corneal epithelium, this system is incapable of accelerations in case of important cell loss. Further studies are necessary to understand this limitation. Our works offer several perspectives: the next step is to isolate the SC or the progenitors from the extreme periphery and to cultivate them in an adapted microenvironment. The possibility to cultivate endothelial cells directly from SC or progenitors and not, as previously tried in the past, from senescent EC from the whole endothelium open the way of a true endothelial cell therapy. The increase of endothelial cell density during corneal storage by eye banks could be a first step before developing bioengineered endothelium on a specific carrier that could be implanted in the recipient eye. Finally, the identification of SC and of its microenvironment would allow developing the basis of an in vivo cell therapy able to treat early stages of endothelial dysfunctionsST ETIENNE-Bib. Ă©lectronique (422189901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evaluation of time profile reconstruction from complex two-color microarray designs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As an alternative to the frequently used "reference design" for two-channel microarrays, other designs have been proposed. These designs have been shown to be more profitable from a theoretical point of view (more replicates of the conditions of interest for the same number of arrays). However, the interpretation of the measurements is less straightforward and a reconstruction method is needed to convert the observed ratios into the genuine profile of interest (e.g. a time profile). The potential advantages of using these alternative designs thus largely depend on the success of the profile reconstruction. Therefore, we compared to what extent different linear models agree with each other in reconstructing expression ratios and corresponding time profiles from a complex design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>On average the correlation between the estimated ratios was high, and all methods agreed with each other in predicting the same profile, especially for genes of which the expression profile showed a large variance across the different time points. Assessing the similarity in profile shape, it appears that, the more similar the underlying principles of the methods (model and input data), the more similar their results. Methods with a dye effect seemed more robust against array failure. The influence of a different normalization was not drastic and independent of the method used.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Including a dye effect such as in the methods lmbr_dye, anovaFix and anovaMix compensates for residual dye related inconsistencies in the data and renders the results more robust against array failure. Including random effects requires more parameters to be estimated and is only advised when a design is used with a sufficient number of replicates. Because of this, we believe lmbr_dye, anovaFix and anovaMix are most appropriate for practical use.</p

    Comparison of corneal endothelial mosaic according to the age: the corimmo 3D project

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    International audienceAim: The human corneal endothelium is a monolayer of flat hexagonal cells. It is a nearly regular hexagonal tessellation during the first years of life, but with age, becomes less regular in shape and size. The aim is to evaluate geometrically the age of an endothelial mosaic.Material and methods: Segmented endothelial mosaics of healthy subjects of different age groups are compared by morphological criteria. The mosaics are studied according to their age group (decades), their age and their location (center or mid-periphery of the cornea). The measures used are: the cell density, the Ripley's L function and the cell area and perimeter density.Results: These measures point out the endothelial cell density decrease, the cell area, perimeter and diameter increase, the cell heterogeneity increase, and the differences between central and mid-peripheral cells increases with age.Conclusion: These measures are able to characterize healthy mosaics

    Innovative, non-contact wide field imaging of corneal endothelium

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    International audienceIn this paper, we investigated the possibility of getting wide-field images of corneal endothelium for patients. An optical set-up coupled to a numerical reconstruction based on Structured Illumination Mircoscopy (SIM) has been developped in order to isolate the tiny volume wich contains the endothelial mono-layer found at the inner surface of the cornea. At this moment, this imaging system seems compromised for patients and futhur refinement are investigated for stored humans corneas banks

    3D Map of the Human Corneal Endothelial Cell

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    Corneal endothelial cells (CECs) are terminally differentiated cells, specialized in regulating corneal hydration and transparency. They are highly polarized flat cells that separate the cornea from the aqueous humor. Their apical surface, in contact with aqueous humor is hexagonal, whereas their basal surface is irregular. We characterized the structure of human CECs in 3D using confocal microscopy of immunostained whole corneas in which cells and their interrelationships remain intact. Hexagonality of the apical surface was maintained by the interaction between tight junctions and a submembraneous network of actomyosin, braced like a drum. Lateral membranes, which support enzymatic pumps, presented complex expansions resembling interdigitated foot processes at the basal surface. Using computer-aided design and drafting software, we obtained a first simplified 3D model of CECs. By comparing their expression with those in epithelial, stromal and trabecular corneal cells, we selected 9 structural or functional proteins for which 3D patterns were specific to CECs. This first 3D map aids our understanding of the morphologic and functional specificity of CECs and could be used as a reference for characterizing future cell therapy products destined to treat endothelial dysfunctions

    Delta-like 4 inhibits choroidal neovascularization despite opposing effects on vascular endothelium and macrophages.: DLL4's opposing effects in choroidal neovascularization

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    International audienceInflammatory neovascularization, such as choroidal neovascularization (CNV), occur in the presence of Notch expressing macrophages. DLL4s anti-angiogenic effect on endothelial cells (EC) has been widely recognized, but its influence on Notch signaling on macrophages and its overall effect in inflammatory neovascularization is not well understood. We identified macrophages and ECs as the main Notch 1 and Notch 4 expressing cells in CNV. A soluble fraction spanning Ser28-Pro525 of the murine extracellular DLL4 domain (sDLL4/28-525) activated the Notch pathway, as it induces Notch target genes in macrophages and ECs and inhibited EC proliferation and vascular sprouting in aortic rings. In contrast, sDLL4/28-525 increased pro-angiogenic VEGF, and IL-1ÎČ expression in macrophages responsible for increased vascular sprouting observed in aortic rings incubated in conditioned media from sDLL4/28-525 stimulated macrophages. In vivo, Dll4(+/-) mice developed significantly more CNV and sDLL4/28-525 injections inhibited CNV in Dll4(+/-) CD1 mice. Similarly, sDLL4/28-525 inhibited CNV in C57Bl6 and its effect was reversed by a Îł-secretase inhibitor that blocks Notch signaling. The inhibition occurred despite increased VEGF, IL-1ÎČ expression in infiltrating inflammatory macrophages in sDLL4/28-525 treated mice and might be due to direct inhibition of EC proliferation in laser-induced CNV as demonstrated by EdU labelling in vivo. In conclusion, Notch activation on macrophages and ECs leads to opposing effects in inflammatory neovascularization in situations such as CNV

    A new HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method to characterize and quantify phosphatidyl-choline with VLC-PUFA: Application to human retina

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    Purpose: Mutations in the ELOVL4 gene have been found in Stargardt-like macular dystrophy or STD3. Previous studies have shown that ELOVL4 is involved in the biosynthesis of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFA). The aim of this work was to develop a HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method of characterization and quantification of dipolyunsaturated phosphatidyl-choline (PC) molecular species containing VLC-PUFA and to apply it on retinas from human donors. Methods: Eyeballs were collected from calf as well as from nine human donors (body donation to Science). The neural retina was dissected from the RPE/choroid. Following lipid extraction, phosphorus content of total phospholipids was determined.Using a triple quadrupole MS instrument, PC molecular species were structurally characterized by collision-induced dissociation in the negative mode with a method based on normal-HPLC-ESIMS/MS. PC molecular species were then quantified using precursor ion scanning of m/z 184amu in the positive mode. Results: The characterization of PC species was done on bovine retinas. Among them, 28 were dipolyunsaturated PC species containing one VLC-PUFA (C24 to C36) with three to six double bonds. VLC-PUFA were always in the sn-1 position whilst PUFA at the sn-2 position was exclusively docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6.n-3). Most of these VLC-PUFA-containing dipolyunsaturated PC were detected and quantified in human retinas. The main represented compounds were those having VLC-PUFA of 32 carbon atoms (C32:3, C32:4, C32:5 and C32:6) and 34 carbon atoms (C34:3, C34:4, C34:5 and C34:6). Dipolyunsaturated PC with 36:5 and 36:6 were detected in lower quantities. Conclusions: This new HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method is sensitive and specific enough to structurally characterize and quantify all molecular species of PC, including those esterified with VLC-PUFA. This technique is valuable for a precise characterization of PC containingVLC-PUFA in retina and may be useful for better understanding their implication in the pathogenesis of STD3

    Handheld In Vivo Reflectance Confocal Microscopy for the Diagnosis of Eyelid Margin and Conjunctival Tumors

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the diagnostic accuracy of handheld in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (IVCM) for the diagnosis of eyelid margin and conjunctival tumors. DESIGN A prospective observational study was conducted at University Hospital of Saint-Etienne from January 2, 2011, to December 31, 2016 (inclusion of patients until December 31, 2015, and follow-up until December 31, 2016). A total of 278 consecutive patients with eyelid margin or conjunctival lesions were included. Conjunctival lesions were diagnosed with a conventional clinical examination using a slitlamp and by handheld IVCM. Final diagnoses were established by histopathologic examination for 155 neoformations suspicious for being malignant through clinical and/or IVCM examination that were excised and on follow-up of 12 months or longer for the remaining 140 lesions. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for malignant tumors of the conjunctiva and eyelid margin were calculated using clinical examination with slitlamp and handheld IVCM. RESULTS In the 278 patients (136 [48.9%] females; mean [SD] age, 59 [21] years), a total of 166 eyelid margin and 129 conjunctival lesions were included in the analysis. Of the 155 excised neoformations with a histopathologic diagnosis, IVCM showed higher sensitivity compared with clinical examination conducted with the slitlamp for malignant tumors of the eyelid margin (98%vs 92%) and conjunctiva (100% vs 88%). The specificity for malignant eyelid margin tumors was higher for IVCMthan for slitlamp examination (74%vs 46%), but slightly less for malignant conjunctival tumors (78%vs 88%). Analysis of all neoformations (155 excised and 140 in follow-up) confirmed these differences in the diagnostic accuracy of the clinical examination and IVCM. The presence of hyperreflective Langerhans cells mimicking malignant melanocytes was the main cause for misdiagnosis of malignant conjunctival tumors with IVCM. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Handheld IVCM could be a useful tool for the identification of malignant conjunctival tumors. Further studies are required to confirm the usefulness of this device and identify possible features that can differentiate Langerhans cells from malignant melanocytes to prevent the misdiagnosis of melanoma using IVCM
