18 research outputs found

    Using stable isotopes to quantify restoration progress in a restoring northern New England salt marsh

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    How have the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in flora tissue and soil samples changed in Sherman Marsh, Wiscasset, Maine over the past nine years? What do potential differences in ratios from 2007 and 2016 suggest about the community composition and connectivity of the food web in the restoring marsh

    Neural noise distorts perceived motion: the special case of the freezing illusion and the Pavard and Berthoz effect

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    When a slowly moving pattern is presented on a monitor which itself is moved, the pattern appears to freeze on the screen (Mesland and Wertheim in Vis Res 36(20):3325–3328, 1996) even if we move our head with the monitor, as with a head mounted display (Pavard and Berthoz in Perception 6:529–540, 1977). We present a simple model of these phenomena, which states that the perceived relative velocity between two stimuli (the pattern and the moving monitor) is proportional to the difference between the perceived velocities of these stimuli in space, minus a noise factor. The latter reflects the intrinsic noise in the neural signals that encode retinal image velocities. With noise levels derived from the literature the model fits empirical data well and also predicts strong distortions of visually perceived motion during vestibular stimulation, thus explaining both illusions as resulting from the same mechanism

    2D plain strain, pure shear deformation experiments in ice – Preparation of strain gauges teaching material for undergraduate students

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    In this report I explore the viability of using an ice thin section with carbon dioxide inclusions as a material for students to practice the Fry- and Rf/Ί strain analysis methods. The use of this material allows the students to follow the deformation process from the initial to the final stages in incremental steps, something which more conventionally used materials, such as conglomerates and ooids will not allow. The analysis presented in this report was done by producing and deforming an ice thin section in a laboratory environment, which allowed for in situ observation of all intermediate stages of deformation. The deformation process was recorded using a fabric analyzer. A total of 16 microphotographs were analyzed using the EllipseFit freeware software, by tracing all bubble inclusions present in the images, excluding obvious outliers. The analysis show that the final and all intermediary incremental strain of an ice thin section sample can be calculated and tracked using the Fry- and Rf/Ί strain analysis methods. I supplemented this report with practical examples of student exercises, one which teaches manual application of the methods and one which teaches the software-based application of the methods

    The Good- & Socially Sustainable Street, from a Human Perspective : Focusing on the Relationship between Physical Environments and Social Life, with Hornsgatan in Stockholm as a Case Study

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    With over 300 years serving as a traffic route it is no wonder that Hornsgatan has the role of a major ‘artery’ in today’s Stockholm. This thesis will analyze and investigate how the street environment on Hornsgatan is affecting the people spending time on the street, and how a better street life and street quality can be brought out when it comes to enhance the social aspects for the street and its people. Through methods such as observations of the street and interviews with business owners, the case study of Hornsgatan have been based upon some theories by famous theorists when it comes to improving streets (and urban life) in cities, e.g.; Appleyard (1981), Jacobs (1993) and Gehl (2010). The results from the case study and the interviews show that Hornsgatan have both factors of what a ‘good’ and socially sustainable street should have; mix-use, the presence of people and social activities, active ground floors and different traffic modes, and factors that contribute to a less attractive street life; the heavy traffic, lack of places to sit, lack of greenery and lack of social activities for/between people. To reply the question if Hornsgatan is a ‘good’ and socially sustainable street or not, the answer is both yes and no. As Appleyard (1981) states, “[
] there is no single perfect street [
]” (Appleyard 1981, p. 245). Instead each street and its situation are unique. However, with guidelines and aspects for how a street can be improved, at least some help can be brought out for its improvements.Urban Form and Social Behaviour Research Projec

    Amount of coarse woody debris in SöderÄsen National Park, Sweden

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    There is a lack of knowledge about the development of the dead wood in former production beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests that have been protected. The present study has been carried out in SöderĂ„sen National Park to compare the distribution of dead wood in relatively unaffected beech forests that have been protected for a long time (A-value cores) and older, previously managed beech forest that has only been protected for 20-30 years (B-value cores). The basic hypothesis was that the amount of dead wood is larger in A-value compared with areas that have been previously managed (B-value cores and other old growth beech forest). In April 2021, the amount of dead wood in 50 sample plots was inventoried, from which 25 plots are randomly distributed within areas of the respective value class. The inventory of dead wood followed the field instruction of the Swedish National Forest Inventory. All deadwood was recorded that was ≄ 10 cm in diameter and judged to have grown within a circular sample plot of 10-meter radius (314 m2). The following variables for each separate piece of dead wood were collected: status (standing dead tree, tall stump, laying tree/stem), tree species, height/length, diameter, and degree of decomposition. The results for all 50 sample plots (value classes A and B) show an average volume for standing dead wood of 10.9 m3/ha and for downed dead wood of 9.6 m3/ha, which gives a total volume of 20.5 m3/ha on average. Sample plots in value class A contained lying dead wood of 11.2 m3/ha and standing dead wood of 3.6 m3/ha, and thus 14.8 m3/ha in total. The average volumes for value class B were 15.6 m3/ha for standing dead wood and 10.6 m3/ha for lying dead wood, a total of 26.1 m3/ha. The differences were not statistically significant due to large variation between the sample plots and the hypothesis of the study could not be confirmed. Regarding the number of elements of dead wood, A plots had a higher mean number of logs per hectare (51.0) compared to B plots (34.4), while B plots had a higher number of high stumps (B plots 19.1 and A plots 8.9), and number of standing dead trees (B plots 19.1, A plots 6.4). However, none of these differences were statistically significant. The downed dead wood was more decomposed than the standing wood. The results indicate that the conservation core areas in SöderĂ„sen National Park contain approx. 20 m3/ha of dead wood, which corresponds to the average amount in key habitats in Swedish deciduous forests. This is roughly twice as much as in Swedish forests on average, but several times lower than the volume in old natural beech forests. The value cores in SöderĂ„sen National Park are thus still far from a natural state. With the available data, it is not possible to determine whether the amount of dead wood differs between different value classes. In hindsight, both the number and the size of the sample areas were probably too small to give a reliable estimate of the dead wood. This inventory should be supplemented with more sample areas as soon as possible and a re-inventory on a larger scale should be carried out after 10 years, in order to be able to follow the development of the amount and quality of the dead wood in SöderĂ„sen National Park

    The Good- & Socially Sustainable Street, from a Human Perspective : Focusing on the Relationship between Physical Environments and Social Life, with Hornsgatan in Stockholm as a Case Study

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    With over 300 years serving as a traffic route it is no wonder that Hornsgatan has the role of a major ‘artery’ in today’s Stockholm. This thesis will analyze and investigate how the street environment on Hornsgatan is affecting the people spending time on the street, and how a better street life and street quality can be brought out when it comes to enhance the social aspects for the street and its people. Through methods such as observations of the street and interviews with business owners, the case study of Hornsgatan have been based upon some theories by famous theorists when it comes to improving streets (and urban life) in cities, e.g.; Appleyard (1981), Jacobs (1993) and Gehl (2010). The results from the case study and the interviews show that Hornsgatan have both factors of what a ‘good’ and socially sustainable street should have; mix-use, the presence of people and social activities, active ground floors and different traffic modes, and factors that contribute to a less attractive street life; the heavy traffic, lack of places to sit, lack of greenery and lack of social activities for/between people. To reply the question if Hornsgatan is a ‘good’ and socially sustainable street or not, the answer is both yes and no. As Appleyard (1981) states, “[
] there is no single perfect street [
]” (Appleyard 1981, p. 245). Instead each street and its situation are unique. However, with guidelines and aspects for how a street can be improved, at least some help can be brought out for its improvements.Urban Form and Social Behaviour Research Projec

    LÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter inom religionsÀmnet

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    Syftet med vÄrt arbete har varit att undersöka och belysa hur man som lÀrare ska bemöta och stötta elever med lÀs-och skrivsvÄrigheter i Àmnet religion samt redogöra för arbetsmetoder som förenar lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter och religionskunskap utifrÄn ett sociokulturellt och reformpedagogiskt perspektiv. Vi har inspirerats av den kvalitativa intervjumetoden dÀr reflektion och samtal fÄr en djupare roll Àn den kvantiativa metoden. VÄra intervjupersoner bestod av fem stycken verksamma lÀrare i mellanstadiet som undervisar i de samhÀllsvetenskapliga Àmnena. Respondenterna arbetar pÄ skolor i Malmö, Lund och i Staffanstorp. Resultatet visade att samtliga lÀrare anvÀnder sig av olika arbetssÀtt och metoder för att stötta elever med lÀs-och skrivsvÄrigheter i religionsundervisningen. Det var vanligt förekommande att lÀrarna fick stöttning och hjÀlp i undervisningen av specialpedagog. I vÄr slutsats kom vi fram till att texter och Àmnesspecifika begrepp i religionskunskap ofta var svÄra för elever med lÀs-och skrivsvÄrigheter att tillÀgna sig. ReligionsÀmnet kan vara kÀnsligt och svÄrt att undervisa om, dÄ elever med olika kulturella bakgrunder möts i klassrummet och det kan uppstÄ problematiska situationer. Elever med lÀs-och skrivsvÄrigheter Àr i behov av lÀrare med bred kunskap om didaktiska metoder för att kunna stötta barnen i sitt lÀrande

    Significant others experiences in caring for a family member at home at the end of life : A literature review

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    Bakgrund NÀrstÄende till anhöriga som vÄrdas vid livets slutskede har önskemÄl att vÄrden kan ges i hemmet. Detta kan vÀcka kÀnslor och leda till förÀndring i den nÀrstÄendes livssituation. De nÀrstÄende blir ofta en vÄrdare. Det Àr vikigt att sjuksköterskan uppmÀrksammar nÀrstÄendes situation, för att kunna ge stöd sÄ att nÀrstÄende inte hamnar i ett lÄngvarigt sorgeförlopp. Syfte Syftet Àr att beskriva nÀrstÄendes erfarenheter vid vÄrd av anhöriga i hemmet vid livets slutskede. Metod Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Resultatet baserades pÄ sexton artiklar frÄn Ätta lÀnder. Kvalitativa, kvantitativa och blandmetod studier ingÄr. Resultat Litteraturöversiktens resulterade i fem kategorier; OmvÄrdnad i hemmiljö, NÀrstÄendeskÀnslor, NÀrstÄendes sorgbearbetning, Samverkan och kommunikation med hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden samt stöd till nÀrstÄende frÄn hÀlso- och sjukvÄrd. Resultat visar att vÄrd av anhöriga i livets slutskede i hemmet var utmanande bÄde psykiskt, innefattande ilska och lÄngvarigt sorgeförlopp, och fysiskt i form av trötthet. NÀrstÄende beskrev ocksÄ positiva erfarenheter som att kunna vara nÀra och ge god vÄrd utan att inte behöva Äka till sjukhuset. Slutsats Bra kommunikation mellan alla aktörer, tydlig information, personalens empati, engagemang och stöd var viktigt för nÀrstÄende. Sjuksköterskans nÀrvaro och stöd bidrog till att nÀrstÄende fick stöd vid vÄrdandet.Background Significant others who care for family members at the end of life want to care for the sickat home. This can arouse emotions and lead to changes in life situation. Significant others often become carers. It is important that the nurse pays attention to the situation of significant others in order to be able to provide support to them so that they do not end up in a long-term grief process. Aim The purpose is to describe the significant others experiences in caring for relatives at home in the end of life care. Method The study was conducted as a literature review. The result were based on sixteen articles from eight countries. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed studies were included. Results The literature review resulted in five categories; Nursing in the home environment, significant others emotions, significant others grief process, collaboration- communication and support to the significant others from health care. Results show that caring for relatives at the end of life at home was challenging mentally; anger and long-term grief and physically in the form of fatigue. Significant others also described positive experiences of being close and being able to provide good care without having to go to the hospital. Conclusions Good communication among all parties, clear information, staff empathy, commitment and support were important for significant others. The nurse's presence and support contributed to the relatives receiving support in the care

    Vad innebÀr HBT-kunskap för sjuksköterskor?

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    Enligt tidigare forskning upplever homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner (HBT) att de blir diskriminerade och osynliggjorda i vĂ„rden till skillnad frĂ„n heterosexuell befolkning. HBT-personer undviker delvis att uppsöka vĂ„rden, samt att vara öppna med sin sexuella lĂ€ggning av rĂ€dsla för negativt bemötande vilket fĂ„r konsekvenser för deras hĂ€lsa. DĂ€rför efterfrĂ„gas mer HBT-kunskap i vĂ„rden av dessa patienter. HBT-patienter efterfrĂ„gar en öppenhet för att kunna tala om livet i alla dess aspekter i vĂ„rden. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor innefattar i HBT-kunskap och hur det pĂ„verkar vĂ„rden, bemötande för denna patientgrupp i praktiken. Studien genomfördes som en empirisk kvalitativ intervjustudie. Intervjuer gjordes med Ă„tta legitimerade sjuksköterskor som har erfarenhet av HBT-patienter och/eller har genomgĂ„tt kurs i HBT-kunskap. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalytisk ansats. Analysen resulterade i ett tema – förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt, tvĂ„ huvudkategorier – vĂ„rd pĂ„ lika villkor, kompetens och fyra underkategorier – att förhĂ„lla sig öppen, medvetenhet om heteronormativitet, att kĂ€nna till HBT-personers hĂ€lsa/levnadsvillkor, att ha utbildning/erfarenhet om sexuell mĂ„ngfald. Av studiens resultat framgĂ„r att viljan att ta till sig och behovet av HBT-kunskap Ă€r stort hos sjuksköterskor. Men det finns ocksĂ„ en brist i hur vĂ„rden uppfyller de ramlagar som finns, som sĂ€ger att vĂ„rd skall ges pĂ„ lika villkor till hela befolkningen.According to previous studies, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (LGBT) feel discriminated and made invisible in the healthcare sector apart from the heterosexual population. They partly avoid seeking healthcare and being open with their sexuality for fear of negative reception, which has consequences for their health. Therefore more LGBT-knowledge is demanded in healthcare by this patients. LGBT-patients is asking for an openness from healthcare personnel so they can be able to talk about life in every aspect. The aim of the study is to examine what LGBT-knowledge means for nurse practitioners, how it affects healthcare for this group of patients. The study was carried out as an empirical interview study. Interviews were done with eight registered nurse practitioners who have experience of LGBT-patients or/and had taken a course in LGBT-knowledge. The analysis has an approach to qualitative content analysis. The analysis resulted in a theme – attitudes with two main categories – healthcare on equal conditions and competence – and four secondary categories – to be open minded, to be conscious of heteronormativity, to be aware of LGBT-persons health and living conditions and to have knowledge about sexual multitude. The result shows that there is a strong will to learn and a need for LGBT-knowledge among nurse practitioners. But there is also a lack of willingness to accept the general rules to provide equal healthcare to the entire population

    Significant others experiences in caring for a family member at home at the end of life : A literature review

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    Bakgrund NÀrstÄende till anhöriga som vÄrdas vid livets slutskede har önskemÄl att vÄrden kan ges i hemmet. Detta kan vÀcka kÀnslor och leda till förÀndring i den nÀrstÄendes livssituation. De nÀrstÄende blir ofta en vÄrdare. Det Àr vikigt att sjuksköterskan uppmÀrksammar nÀrstÄendes situation, för att kunna ge stöd sÄ att nÀrstÄende inte hamnar i ett lÄngvarigt sorgeförlopp. Syfte Syftet Àr att beskriva nÀrstÄendes erfarenheter vid vÄrd av anhöriga i hemmet vid livets slutskede. Metod Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Resultatet baserades pÄ sexton artiklar frÄn Ätta lÀnder. Kvalitativa, kvantitativa och blandmetod studier ingÄr. Resultat Litteraturöversiktens resulterade i fem kategorier; OmvÄrdnad i hemmiljö, NÀrstÄendeskÀnslor, NÀrstÄendes sorgbearbetning, Samverkan och kommunikation med hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden samt stöd till nÀrstÄende frÄn hÀlso- och sjukvÄrd. Resultat visar att vÄrd av anhöriga i livets slutskede i hemmet var utmanande bÄde psykiskt, innefattande ilska och lÄngvarigt sorgeförlopp, och fysiskt i form av trötthet. NÀrstÄende beskrev ocksÄ positiva erfarenheter som att kunna vara nÀra och ge god vÄrd utan att inte behöva Äka till sjukhuset. Slutsats Bra kommunikation mellan alla aktörer, tydlig information, personalens empati, engagemang och stöd var viktigt för nÀrstÄende. Sjuksköterskans nÀrvaro och stöd bidrog till att nÀrstÄende fick stöd vid vÄrdandet.Background Significant others who care for family members at the end of life want to care for the sickat home. This can arouse emotions and lead to changes in life situation. Significant others often become carers. It is important that the nurse pays attention to the situation of significant others in order to be able to provide support to them so that they do not end up in a long-term grief process. Aim The purpose is to describe the significant others experiences in caring for relatives at home in the end of life care. Method The study was conducted as a literature review. The result were based on sixteen articles from eight countries. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed studies were included. Results The literature review resulted in five categories; Nursing in the home environment, significant others emotions, significant others grief process, collaboration- communication and support to the significant others from health care. Results show that caring for relatives at the end of life at home was challenging mentally; anger and long-term grief and physically in the form of fatigue. Significant others also described positive experiences of being close and being able to provide good care without having to go to the hospital. Conclusions Good communication among all parties, clear information, staff empathy, commitment and support were important for significant others. The nurse's presence and support contributed to the relatives receiving support in the care