5 research outputs found

    Inovasi produk "Smart Panel" sebagai kaedah penyelesaian masalah pembentangan hasil kerja pelajar (Smart Panel innovation as a problem solving method for student work's presentation) / Thuraiya Mohd … [et al.]

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    Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran melibatkan beberapa aktiviti dan kaedah yang dilaksanakan secara berterusan ke arah menyediakan pendidikan komprehensif dan efektif. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PnP) ini perlu didokong dengan kemudahan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP yang efektif. Kekurangan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP mempengaruhi kualiti penyampaian dan juga proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kekurangan fasiliti dan peralatan PnP ini turut menjejaskan rekabentuk kurikulum dan seterusnya memberikan kesan keatas pembentukan modal insan berkualiti yang mempunyai daya kreativiti dan cara pemikiran kritis. Justeru kajian ini, memfokus kepada masalah ketidakkeberkesanan proses PnP disebabkan kekurangan peralatan PnP iaitu panel pameran. Kajian ini mencadangkan inovasi kreatif serta inventif iaitu "smart panel" bagi menyelesaikan masalah yang wujud. Penemuan daripada kajian empirikal ini telah mendedahkan beberapa kelemahan dalam proses PnP yang menggunakan panel pameran sediada. Kelemahan yang signifikan adalah tempoh pembentangan yang lama dan seterusnya menghilangkan konsentrasi pelajar dan pensyarah. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan masalah sampingan seperti terpaksa menyediakan slot pembentangan di waktu malam dan mewujudkan suasana yang tidak kondusif dalam studio. Oleh itu, inovasi "smart panel" telah dihasilkan bersesuaian dengan meja dan ruang studio sediada untuk menambah baik peralatan sediada dengan mengambilkira faktor masa, kos dan ruang semasa. "Smart Panel' ini adalah lebih efisien dan mudah untuk dikendalikan. Ujilari terhadap sistem ini menunjukkan masa pembentangan pelaj ar dapat disingkatkan daripada satu (1) j am (menggunakan panel biasa) kepada setengah (1/2) jam (menggunakan "smart panel"). Selain itu, ia dapat menjimatkan kos PnP. Justeru, diharap inovasi ini dapat diaplikasikan pada seluruh UiTM, malah organisasi lai

    The Impact of Gated and Guarded Development Concept from the Social Aspect: Non Resident Perspective

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    AbstractGated and Guarded Development Concept (GACOS) offers competent security and maintenance besides ensuring an exclusive and private lifestyle. Despite the rise in the number of GACOS developments, they are mired in various issues and controversies specifically negative social connotations. These developments are perceived to denote ‘social apartheid’ within a residential neighbourhood. Hence, an empirical study has been conducted to investigate the social effects arising from GACOS development with the Ipoh Conurbation area as the case study. Findings from this empirical study indicated that there exists a social gap between residents within a GACOS development and those within the surrounding areas

    Spatial distribution of mosquito vector in dengue outbreak areas in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, the control of dengue is mainly through the identification and reduction of mosquito vector breeding sites. In this study, a larval survey was conducted from June 2017 until December 2018 to determine the spatial distribution of dengue vectors in the 132 dengue hotspots outbreak areas in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Molecular methods were performed in order to detect the presence of transovarial dengue virus in larvae collected, while the density of the breeding habitat and Aedes larval population were determine using spatial analysis. Map of Dengue virus (DENV) distribution were generated to illustrate the trend of dengue outbreak. This study showed that larval survey was an effective method to detect the presence of dengue virus transmission in immature Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. This study also demonstrated that plastic container was the highest source of breeding habitat for Aedes mosquito, whereas blocked drain and tyre were the most favourable breeding habitats for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, respectively. Pearson’s correlation coefficient shows that mosquito density was not correlated with the DENV infection. In conclusion, current study shows that dengue transmission risk in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor remain high despite the outbreak response conducted by the health authority due to high density of Aedes population and the presence of DENV infection within the larvae population in the area. Therefore, new outbreak response methods such as public mandatory involvement in community-based control program to ensure success in management of resource reduction are necessary to ensure that the risk of dengue infection can be eliminated

    Islamic Law and Islamic Legal Professionals in Southeast Asia

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