151 research outputs found

    Impacts of Payment for Forest Ecosystem Services on Local livelihoods in A Luoi District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Viet Nam

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    This paper analyses the impacts of the national Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) policy in A Luoi district, Thua Thien Hue province, Viet Nam. There are mixed impacts of PFES in A Luoi district. While some surveyed households have experienced increases in income since PFES, for many other incomes have fallen. Our findings show PFES impacts on local communities and individuals are limited because most forest areas are managed by state agencies, leaving only 17.9% of PFES payments being channeled to these groups, while the rest goes to state government agencies and commune people’s committees. This disparity in PFES payments has further widened the income gap between state agencies and local households.  PFES payments currently contribute little to household incomes, averaging only 2.64% of total earnings. PFES has little impact and additionality in advancing land tenure security and reducing natural forest product exploitation for generating income as impacts are similar to those found in non-PFES villages. PFES poverty reduction impacts vary from village to village, but in general, percentages of poor households receiving PFES payments range from 1% to 59%


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    Lai Chau province has many potentialities in agricultural development such as climate, soil, diverse topography, support policies of the Government, locality, long tradition of farming...Period 2016 - 2020, the growth rate of the agricultural sector will maintain from 5-6%, the food production is increased, Some dominant crops of the province are being invested for development: tea, medicinal plants, specialty rice...However, the level of deep processing for agricultural products is still low, so the value of goods is not high, the products are mainly consumed in the domestic market, the penetration into supermarkets or export is still limited...Therefore, building a suitable agricultural development orientation will help farmers, businesses, and the Lai Chau province government to have specific solutions in the future to bring high-tech agriculture becomes a key economic direction of the province

    Factors Affecting Firms’ Performance: The Case of Vietnam construction firms

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    In the context of Vietnam's international economic integration, improving the performance of enterprises is increasingly important because it not only affects businesses but also affects the development prospects of the economy. The purpose of the paper is to consider the impact of factors on the performance of listed construction companies in the period of 2012-2018. By means of an empirical analysis, this study uses Eviews econometric software and table data techniques. This study found the factors that positively impact on performance are asset structure, capital structure and firm size that negatively impact the performance of Vietnam listed construction firms. These findings support business administrators in selecting appropriate business and production plans to increase the operating performance of businesses in the construction industry. Keywords: Profitability, construction firms DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-2-15 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Effect of Polypyrrole on the Electrical, Dielectric and Mechanical Properties of Waterborne Epoxy Coatings

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    In this context, conducting composite based on waterborne epoxy system and polypyrrole (PPy) was investigated. The polypyrrole was synthesized by chemical oxidation polymerization. Its morphology and chemical structure were confirmed by using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Then, PPy was well-dispersed in the epoxy coating and had a good compatibility with the matrix. The effects of PPy on dielectric, electrical and mechanical properties of epoxy/PPy composites was examined. The dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of the coatings increased with addition of PPy fillers. Over to 15 wt. % of PPy loading, the volume resistivity of samples slightly decreased from 6.7 × 1010 to 1.5 × 1010 Ω cm. In contrast, the presence of PPy diminished both impact and abrasion resistance of the epoxy/PPy composites, down to 160 kg cm and 10.2 L/mil, respectively, but they stayed acceptable for the coatings. The results reveal that the epoxy containing polypyrrole is suitable for various electrical and dielectric applications

    Isolation and characterization of a c-repeat binding factor gene from Tevang-1 maize cultivar

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    C-repeat binding factor (CBF) proteins are transcription factors involved in plant response to abiotic stresses, especially low-temperature condition. In this research, a CBF3-coding gene was isolated from a cold-acclimation maize variety, Zea mays var. Tevang-1 and denoted as ZmCBF3tv. The isolated gene shared 96.49% homology with the B73-reference gene and had no intron in the coding sequence. By using bioinformatic tools, a number of variations in the nucleotide and amino acid sequences were identified. An alignment between ZmCBF3tv and other CBF/DREB1 proteins from various species revealed functional regions and typical features, such as nuclear localization signal (NLS), the AP2 DNA-binding domain, and acidic-amino-acid-rich segments. Additionally, a phylogenetic analysis based on the AP2 domain showed that the maize CBF3 transcription factor had the highest similarity with that from rice and closely related to other DREB1/CBF protein of monocots. The function of the ZmCBF3tv product is suggested to be a CBF/DREB1 transcription factor.    

    Factors Affecting Cooperation in the International Supply Chain of Seafood Enterprises: the Case of Vietnamese

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate factors affecting cooperation in the international supply chain of Vietnamese seafood enterprises.   Theoretical framework: Operations in international business context are associated with high risks, so cooperation in supply chain helps to improve management flexibility. On the other hand, acccording to the theory of resource dependency, resource sharing and information sharing strategies can affect the quality and the level of cooperation among supply chain partners.   Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the aim of this study, a literature survey related to supply chain and supply chain cooperation is carried out, and empirical analysis is conducted among 327 partners in seafood industry with the results analyzed using Cronbach’s Alpha analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and linear regression analysis (RA).   Findings: Research results have confirmed that there are six main factors directly affecting the international supply chain cooperation of Vietnamese seafood enterprises including: (1) Trust; (2) Power; (3) Distance; (4) Government policy; (5) Cooperation strategies and (6) Information sharing.   Research/Practical & Social implication: The encouraging policies and simplified export regulations are to be implemented by the government, VASEP and enterprises so the knowledge about international supply chain cooperation will be promoted with the help of comprehensive future research directions.   Originality/value: This is literally one of the first research works in Vietnam to incorporate the information sharing component into the model of affecting factors for international supply chain cooperation. Regardless of business uncertainties, the study shed new light on supply chain cooperation and promote firms to gain an edge in the global marketplace

    Costing analysis of national HIV treatment and care program in Vietnam

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    The study found that HIV treatment and care costs in Vietnam are economical, yet there is potential to further promote efficiency through strengthening competitive procurement, integrating HIV services, and promoting earlier antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Non-antiretroviral (ARV) costs in adults at stand-alone facilities were 44% (first year ART) and 24% (later year ART) higher than those at integrated facilities. As well, early treatment before patients’ progress to advanced immunodeficiency will prevent an increase in new HIV infections, while decreasing need for ART in the future. This study provides a first-ever evidence base for nationwide HIV treatment and care costs in Vietnam

    Nanoparticles as a control for cyanobacterial bloom

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    This study aims to investigate the toxicity of copper material synthesized by chemical reduction method and effects of environmental variables on growth of phytoplankton community (dominated by Microcystis genus) in the Tien eutrophic lake, Hanoi, Vietnam. The variables analyzed include: physical (pH and Turbidity), chemical (content of NH4+, PO43- and copper metal), biological (content of Chlorophyll-a, cell density). The characteristic of nanomaterial was confirmed by using UVvisible spectrophotometer, XRD, SEM and TEM methods. The CuNPs showed they spherical form and uniform size about 20-40 nm. The experimental results showed that the treated with CuNPs inhibition on growth against phytoplankton after 8 days. The cell density of phytoplankton community and Microcystis genus in samples exposure with CuNPs declined after 8 days from 647.037 and 467.037 down to 381.111 and 202.592, respectively.Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là khảo sát độc tính của vật liệu nano đồng được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp khử hóa học và ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố môi trường đến sinh trưởng và phát triển của quần xã thực vật nổi (chủ yếu là chi Microcystis) trong nước hồ Tiền phú dưỡng, tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Các thông số phân tích bao gồm: thủy lý (pH và độ đục), hóa học (hàm lượng amoni, photphat và hàm lượng đồng kim loại), sinh học (hàm lượng chất diệp lục, mật độ tế bào). Đặc trưng của vật liệu được xác định bằng các phương pháp quang phổ UV-VIS, XRD, SEM và TEM. Vật liệu nano đồng có dạng hình cầu, kích thước đồng nhất từ 20 đến 40 nm. Kết quả thử nghiệm sau 8 ngày cho thấy các mẫu có bổ sung vật liệu nano đồng ức chế sinh trưởng quần xã thực vật nổi ở nồng độ 1mg/l. Mật độ quần xã thực vật nổi và chi Microcystis trong mẫu xử lý với CuNPs đã giảm tương ứng sau 8 ngày từ 647.037 và 467.037 xuống còn 381.111 và 202.592

    Effects of oil and grape seed tannin extract on intakes, digestibility, milk yield and composition of Saanen goats

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    An experiment was conducted as a 4×4 Latin square design using 4 lactating Saanen goats, 19 months old and 47.9±1.04 kg of body weight, to evaluate the effect of oil and grape seed tannin extract (GSTE) supplementation on feed intake, digestibility, milk yield and milk composition. Each experimental period lasted for 21 days including 16 days for adjustment and 5 days for sampling. Goats were fed a control diet (Ctrl) consisting of 60% concentrate and 40% fresh Para grass (dry matter, DM, basis) while other 3 treatments were supplementation of 2.5% soybean oil (SO); 2.5% soybean oil + tuna fish oil at 3:2 w:w (SFO); 2.5% soybean oil + tuna fish oil at 3:2 w:w + 0.8% GSTE (OCT). The results showed that oil and GSTE did not affect feed intake, digestibility, milk yield and composition of goats (P > 0.05). However, digestibility of EE was higher (P < 0.05) in SFO and OCT diets (85.4% and 84.7%, respectively) compared with Ctrl (76.2%). Combined data suggested that feeding 2.5% oil blend with or without 0.8% GSTE increased EE digestibility in goats without affecting intake, animal performance and milk composition

    Phytoplankton community structure and water quality of Red River, Vietnam

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    This study aimed to describe the distribution and relative abundance of the phytoplankton obtained during the two seasons (rainy and dry seasons) from the Red river system. The water and phytoplankton samples were monthly collected during the year 2012 at four sampling stations along the Red River (Yen Bai, Vu Quang Hoa Binh,and Ha Noi) . Environmental variables (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended solids, conductivity, TDS, NO3­-N, NH4­-N, PO4-P, Total Phosphorus; and DOC) and phytoplankton (e.g. cell density and relative abundant species) were analyzed. Six phytoplankton classes were identified with the Bacillariophyceae dominating in the phytoplankton community. A distinct seasonal variation in phytoplankton structure was observed with high cells density in dry season and low values in rainy season. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) showed that suspended solid factor that governed the temporal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton structure in the Red River system.Nghiên cứu này trình bày sự phân bố và độ phong phú tương đối của quần xã thực vật nổi vào mùa mưa và mùa khô trong hệ thống sông Hồng. Các mẫu nước và thực vật nổi được thu hàng tháng trong năm 2012 tại 4 điểm trên sông Hồng (Yên Bái, Vụ Quang, Hòa Bình và Hà Nội). Các thông số môi trường (nhiệt độ, lượng oxy hòa tan, pH, chất rắn lơ lửng, độ dẫn, TDS, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, T-P và DOC) và thực vật phù du (mật độ tế bào,độ phong phú tương đối ) đã được phân tích. Sáu lớph tảo được được xác định với tảo silíc chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã thực vật phù du. Sinh khối thực vật đạt giá trị cao vào mùa khô trong khi thấp vào mùa mưa. Phân tích hợp phần chính cho thấy yếu tố chất rắn lơ lửng đóng vai trò quan trọng việc xác định biến động thời gian và không gian cấu trúc quần xã thực vật nổi trong hệ thống sông Hồng