450 research outputs found

    Perspectives on international actors’ involvement in Yemen’s transitional period 2011-2014

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    Historie mastergradsoppgaveHIS350MAHF-LÆHRMAHF-HI

    Investigating the northern Palmyrene hinterland - a GIS-analysis

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    A study that analyse the distribution of sites, as well as the water system of the northern Palmyrene hinterland.Historie mastergradsoppgaveMAHF-HISHIS35

    Households on the rebound

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    Relationships Among Preschool Attendance, Type, and Quality and Early Mathematical Literacy

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    As students enter kindergarten, some students are more academically prepared than others. This study looked at the relationships among preschool attendance, preschool type (i.e., public, private, Head Start, and home-based technology providers) and preschool quality and early mathematical literacy skills for diverse students. The study sought to answer three research questions: What is the relationship between preschool attendance and early mathematical literacy? What is the relationship between preschool type and early mathematical literacy? What is the relationship between preschool quality and early mathematical literacy? Within each research question, there was also an investigation to see if there were differing effects for diverse student demographics. Data was obtained from the USBE in relation to preschool enrollment records and kindergarten entry scores on the state mandated Kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (KEEP) assessment for all kindergarten students enrolled in the 2017-18 school year. The researcher conducted a 2x2 Factor ANOVA, independent group means t-tests, and multiple regression analysis to determine relationships among preschool attendance, type, and quality and early mathematical literacy. In general, the independent variables of attending preschool and the quality of the preschool did not seem to have the positive influence expected on early mathematical literacy as a whole, but when looking more specifically at the demographic covariates, there were some positive influences. Students who participated in online preschool programming on average experienced the highest early mathematical literacy scores. Overall, the results suggested that students from diverse backgrounds experience improved early mathematical literacy when they attended preschool. Therefore, with the limited funding available for preschool, policymakers should consider which students might most benefit from preschool experience and target limited resources to such populations


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    Kabupaten Majalengka merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sedang mengalamai pembangunan. Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Majalengka tahun 2011 menyebutkanbahwa, akan dibangun Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) dan Kertajati Aerocity, yang dibangun di Kabupaten Majalengka bagian Utara, yaitu lebih tepatnya di Kecamatan Kertajati yang dibanguan di 5 desa yaitu, Desa Kertajati, Kertasari, Bantarjati, Sukakerta, dan Sukamulya. Adanya pembangunan dua mega proyek tersebut menyebabkan permintaan lahan untuk kegiatan non pertanian menjadi meningkat. Selain Kecamatan Kertajati yang mengalami pembangunan, dua kecamatan lainnya yang menjadi wilayah pendukung adanya bandara mengalami perubahan dan permintaan lahan non pertanian yang meningkat yaitu, Kecamatan Jatitujuh dan Kecamatan Ligung. Sehubungan dengan fenomena ini memberikan dampak perkembangan harga lahan dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Rumusan penelitian ini adalah: 1) bagaimanakah rencana pola tata ruang di Kawasan Bandara? 2) Bagaimanakah pola perkembangan harga lahan di Kawasan Bandara? 3) Faktor dominan apakah yang mempengaruhi perkembangan harga lahan di Kawasan Bandara?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode desktiptif. Jumlah sampel manusia sebanyak 100 kepala keluarga dengan sampel wilayahnya tiga kecamatan yaitu, Kertajati, Jatitujuh, dan Ligung. Teknik pengolahan datanya adalah, analisis desktiptif, presentase (%), dan regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan RTRW Kabupaten Majalengka, lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk kedua mega proyek tersebut seluas 5.000 Ha, untuk bandara seluas 1.800 Ha dan untuk aerocity seluas 3.200 Ha. Peruntukan wilayah untuk pembangunan tersebut adalah, kawasan bandara dan aerocity yaitu di Kecamatan Kaertajati, untuk kawasn perumahan dan jasa yaitu di Kecamatan Jatitujuh, dan untuk kawasan industri yaitu di Kecamatan Ligung. Wilayah yang mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan adalah Kecamatan Jatitujuh dengan pola perkembangannya mengikuti kebijakan pemerintah yaitu, peruntukan wilayah, jarak, aksesibilitas, dan penggunaan lahan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan harga lahan adalah, jarak, lokasi, matapencaharian, kepadatan penduduk, penggunaan lahan, aksesibilitas, dan kebijakan pemrintah, dengan jumlah pengaruhnya adalah sebanyak 52,9%. Sedangkan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi perkembangan harga lahan di Kawasan Bandara adalah kebijakan pemerintah yang bernilai 0,439 nilai tingkatannya ketika variabel lain konstan. ---------- Majalengka Regency is one of regencies in West Java province that are experiencing development. According to the Spatial Plan (RTRW) Majalengka district in 2011 that will be constructed International Airport West Java (BIJB) and Kertajati Aerocity, which was built in Majalengka northern part, which is in District Kertajati built in five villages, namely, Village Kertajati, Kertasari , Bantarjati, Sukakerta, and Sukamulya. The construction of two mega projects led to demand for land for non-agricultural activities be increased. In addition to experiencing the District Kertajati development, two other districts, an area supporting the airports are changing and demand for non-agricultural land increased, namely, District and Sub-district Jatitujuh Ligung. In connection with this phenomenon impact on the price development of land with the factors that influence it. The purpose of this study are: 1) how the spatial patterns in the plan service area? 2) How does the pattern of land price developments in the area of service? 3) The dominant factors that influence the development of the price of land in the airport area ?. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Number of human samples as many as 100 families to sample the region three districts namely, Kertajati, Jatitujuh, and Ligung. Data processing techniques are, descriptive analysis, the percentage (%), and multiple linear regression. Based Spatial Majalengka district, land needed for the mega project of 5,000 hectares, covering an area of 1,800 hectares for the airport and for Aerocity an area of 3,200 Ha. The development designation for the region is, the area of the airport and Aerocity which is in District Kaertajati, housing and services for the region which is in District Jatitujuh, and to the industrial area which is in District Ligung. Areas experiencing significant development is the District Jatitujuh development, 56 times more than the previous price, the pattern of development following the government policy, namely, the designation of the area, distance, accessibility, and use of land. Factors affecting the development of the price of land is, distance, location, livelihoods, population density, land use, accessibility, and government policies, the number of its influence is as much as 52.9%. While the factors that most influence the development of the price of land in the airport area is government policy that is worth 0.439 level value when the other variables constant

    Powerhouse Kjørbo. Evaluation of construction process and early use phase

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    The financial system is a complex part of every country which governs its entire economic operations. It is comprised of many different units which are often intertwined. Financial institutions are a part of the financial system. They are companies that offer different financial services to their users. They purchase financial claims from deficient spending units and sell them with different characteristics to surplus spending units. Some of them include: commercial banks, mutual funds, private pension funds, life insurance companies, money market funds, governmentsponsored enterprises, government pension funds, finance companies, casualty insurance companies, savings institutions and credit unions. After the Croatian independence there has been a rapid development of the financial market and financial institutions. However, the economic crisis which happened in 2007 affected Croatia as well, and we have experienced a massive fall in liquidity and decline of the capital market. Today we have many different financial institutions in Croatia, however, there are still many areas which need improvements. The Croatian banking system is still dominant compared to the private sector, and in the future we need to improve the efficiency of the capital market, cooperation on the global and national level, remove restrictions and further adapt to EU standards. Croatian financial institutions are regulated by the Croatian National Bank, the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (HANFA) and the Ministry of Finance

    The role of households in the smart grid:A comparative study

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    Orchestrating households as collectives of participation in the distributed energy transition: new empirical and conceptual insights

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    Building on recent dialogue between sustainability transition theories and Science and Technology Studies (STS), this article conceptually and empirically studies and analyses the orchestration of households as collectives of participation in the process of distributed energy transition. Synthesising across past studies, we explore three types of what we call ‘collectives of orchestration’, relatively durable collectives that work to orchestrate participation at a distance in space and time. These are: a) collectives of policy production and regulation, b) collectives of research, development and innovation, and c) collectives of technology design. We explore how these collectives enroll households, and the ways in which they mediate participation through different strategies and techniques, producing conditions for various modes of participation. We proceed to discuss the co-production of participation in and by households, including ways in which households can re-configure issues around which research and demonstration projects are set up. Through this exercise, we identify four distinct processes through which orchestration is enacted: 1) the production of visions, expectations and imaginations, 2) network construction and re-configuration, 3) scripting and 4) domestication
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