267 research outputs found

    Effects of X-ray irradiation on human spermatogenesis

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    Direct cell kill and inhibition of mitosis have been suggested as mechanisms to explain the occurrence of absolute sterility following the irradiation of the testes. In order to obtain information on the existence and dose dependency of the mechanisms for man, a controlled study was initiated. Sixty-four men received a single midorgan dose to both of their testes ranging from 7.5 to 400r (f = .95). It was deduced from resulting pre-sterile period and sterile period data that both cell kill and mitosis halting mechanisms were operating. The maximum observed sterile period was 501 days with eventual recovery observed in each individual where the follow-up was complete. Thus man appears to be highly radiosensitive in regard to temporary sterility but quite radioresistant in regard to permanent sterility

    Effect of the BRCA2 CTRD domain on RAD51 filaments analyzed by an ensemble of single molecule techniques

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    Homologous recombination is essential for the preservation of genome stability, thereby preventing cancer. The recombination protein RAD51 drives DNA strand exchange, which requires the assembly, rearrangement and disassembly of a RAD51 filament on DNA, coupled to ATP binding and hydrolysis. This process is facilitated and controlled by recombination mediators and accessory factors. Here, we have employed a range of single molecule techniques to determine the influence of the C-terminal RAD51 interaction domain (CTRD) of the breast cancer tumor suppressor BRCA2 on intrinsic aspects of RAD51-DNA interactions. We show that at high concentration the CTRD entangles RAD51 filaments and reduces RAD51 filament formation in a concentration dependent manner. It does not affect the rate of filament disassembly measured as the loss of fluorescent signal due to intrinsic RAD51 protein dissociation from double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). We conclude that, outside the context of the full-length protein, the CTRD does not reduce RAD51 dissociation kinetics, but instead hinders filament formation on dsDNA. The CTRDs mode of action is most likely sequestration of multiple RAD51 molecules thereby rendering them inactive for filament formation on dsDNA

    A protective role for BRCA2 at stalled replication forks

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    The hereditary breast and ovarian cancer predisposition genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for the lion's share of heritable breast cancer risk in the human population. Loss of function of either gene results in defective homologous recombination (HR) and triggers genomic instability, accelerating breast tumorigenesis. A long-standing hypothesis proposes that BRCA1 and BRCA2 mediate HR following attempted replication across damaged DNA, ensuring error-free processing of the stalled replication fork. A recent paper describes a new replication fork protective function of BRCA2, which appears to collaborate with its HR function to suppress genomic instability

    Trends in absolute socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in Sweden and New Zealand. A 20-year gender perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Both trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality, and cross-country comparisons, may give more information about the causes of health inequalities. We analysed trends in socioeconomic differentials by mortality from early 1980s to late 1990s, comparing Sweden with New Zealand. METHODS: The New Zealand Census Mortality Study (NZCMS) consisting of over 2 million individuals and the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions (ULF) comprising over 100, 000 individuals were used for analyses. Education and household income were used as measures of socioeconomic position (SEP). The slope index of inequality (SII) was calculated to estimate absolute inequalities in mortality. Analyses were based on 3–5 year follow-up and limited to individuals aged 25–77 years. Age standardised mortality rates were calculated using the European population standard. RESULTS: Absolute inequalities in mortality on average over the 1980s and 1990s for both men and women by education were similar in Sweden and New Zealand, but by income were greater in Sweden. Comparing trends in absolute inequalities over the 1980s and 1990s, men's absolute inequalities by education decreased by 66% in Sweden and by 17% in New Zealand (p for trend <0.01 in both countries). Women's absolute inequalities by education decreased by 19% in Sweden (p = 0.03) and by 8% in New Zealand (p = 0.53). Men's absolute inequalities by income decreased by 51% in Sweden (p for trend = 0.06), but increased by 16% in New Zealand (p = 0.13). Women's absolute inequalities by income increased in both countries: 12% in Sweden (p = 0.03) and 21% in New Zealand (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality were clearly most favourable for men in Sweden. Trends also seemed to be more favourable for men than women in New Zealand. Assuming the trends in male inequalities in Sweden were not a statistical chance finding, it is not clear what the substantive reason(s) was for the pronounced decrease. Further gender comparisons are required

    A rationally designed peptide enhances homologous recombination in vitro and resistance to DNA damaging agents in vivo

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    The RecA family of proteins is essential in homologous recombination, a critical step in DNA repair. Here, we report that a rationally-designed small peptide based on the crystal structure of Escherichia coli RecA–DNA complex can promote homologous recombination through the enhancement of both RecA-mediated strand assimilation and three-strand exchange activity. Among 17 peptides tested, peptide #3 with the amino acid sequence of IRFLTARRR has the most potent activity in promoting the RecA-mediated D-loop formation by ∼7.2-fold at 37°C. Other peptides such as IRFLTAKKK and IRLLTARRR also have similar, albeit lower, activities. Therefore, hydrophobicity and poly-positive charges, and the space between them in those small peptides are crucial features for such activities. The enhancement of recombination by these peptides appears to be a general phenomenon as similar results were seen by using different plasmids. Remarkably, peptide #3 alone without RecA can also promote the D-loop formation at elevated temperature. Cell viability assays showed that the peptide elevates mammalian cell resistance to two cytotoxic DNA drugs, cisplatin and doxorubicin. The rescue of viability may result from increased DNA repair efficiency. Such peptides may find future biological applications

    The Epistatic Relationship between BRCA2 and the Other RAD51 Mediators in Homologous Recombination

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    RAD51 recombinase polymerizes at the site of double-strand breaks (DSBs) where it performs DSB repair. The loss of RAD51 causes extensive chromosomal breaks, leading to apoptosis. The polymerization of RAD51 is regulated by a number of RAD51 mediators, such as BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD52, SFR1, SWS1, and the five RAD51 paralogs, including XRCC3. We here show that brca2-null mutant cells were able to proliferate, indicating that RAD51 can perform DSB repair in the absence of BRCA2. We disrupted the BRCA1, RAD52, SFR1, SWS1, and XRCC3 genes in the brca2-null cells. All the resulting double-mutant cells displayed a phenotype that was very similar to that of the brca2-null cells. We suggest that BRCA2 might thus serve as a platform to recruit various RAD51 mediators at the appropriate position at the DNA–damage site

    Integrated acoustic immunoaffinity-capture (IAI) platform for detection of PSA from whole blood samples.

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    On-chip detection of low abundant protein biomarkers is of interest to enable point-of-care diagnostics. Using a simple form of integration, we have realized an integrated microfluidic platform for the detection of prostate specific antigen (PSA), directly in anti-coagulated whole blood. We combine acoustophoresis-based separation of plasma from undiluted whole blood with a miniaturized immunoassay system in a polymer manifold, demonstrating improved assay speed on our Integrated Acoustic Immunoaffinity-capture (IAI) platform. The IAI platform separates plasma from undiluted whole blood by means of acoustophoresis and provides cell free plasma of clinical quality at a rate of 10 uL/min for an online immunoaffinity-capture of PSA on a porous silicon antibody microarray. The whole blood input (hematocrit 38-40%) rate was 50 μl min(-1) giving a plasma volume fraction yield of ≈33%. PSA was immunoaffinity-captured directly from spiked female whole blood samples at clinically significant levels of 1.7-100 ng ml(-1) within 15 min and was subsequently detected via fluorescence readout, showing a linear response over the entire range with a coefficient of variation of 13%

    Structural and Functional Analyses of Five Conserved Positively Charged Residues in the L1 and N-Terminal DNA Binding Motifs of Archaeal RadA Protein

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    RecA family proteins engage in an ATP-dependent DNA strand exchange reaction that includes a ssDNA nucleoprotein helical filament and a homologous dsDNA sequence. In spite of more than 20 years of efforts, the molecular mechanism of homology pairing and strand exchange is still not fully understood. Here we report a crystal structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus RadA overwound right-handed filament with three monomers per helical pitch. This structure reveals conformational details of the first ssDNA binding disordered loop (denoted L1 motif) and the dsDNA binding N-terminal domain (NTD). L1 and NTD together form an outwardly open palm structure on the outer surface of the helical filament. Inside this palm structure, five conserved basic amino acid residues (K27, K60, R117, R223 and R229) surround a 25 Å pocket that is wide enough to accommodate anionic ssDNA, dsDNA or both. Biochemical analyses demonstrate that these five positively charged residues are essential for DNA binding and for RadA-catalyzed D-loop formation. We suggest that the overwound right-handed RadA filament represents a functional conformation in the homology search and pairing reaction. A new structural model is proposed for the homologous interactions between a RadA-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament and its dsDNA target