488 research outputs found

    The Development of Legal Databases in Refugee Work

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    Today's information technology can be used to improve the legal protection of refugees, by providing information relevant to the asylum procedure, and laying the foundation for progressive development at the international level. The positive potential of legal databases is only now beginning to be realised, thanks to pioneering efforts within human rights and related documentation centre networks. UNHCR is helping to set up a case law database, in co-operation with non-governmental organizations. A database on national legislation is also planned, as is a full text database of international legal instruments database. Legal literature continues to be covered by the database REFLIT (REFugee LITerature) of UNHCR'S Centre for Documentation on Refugees (CDR/UNHCR). This article examines two basic kinds of information-retrieval systems, ‘free text', and ‘indexed', and considers their different structures, uses and search procedures, with reference to work on a forthcoming refugee thesaurus. The author calls attention to the need for standard formats, such as those of HURIDOCS, and to problems of scope and coverage. He suggests that information and documentation are areas in which practical co-operation between the UN, governments and non-governmental organizations could be implemented to advantag

    Unique Experiences:Designing Warm Technology to Support Personal Dynamics in Dementia

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    Unique Experiences:Designing Warm Technology to Support Personal Dynamics in Dementia

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    Two-year carcinogenicity study of acrylamide in Wistar Han rats with in utero exposure

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    AbstractAcrylamide is an important chemical with widespread industrial and other uses in addition to generalized population exposure from certain cooked foods. Previous rat studies to assess the carcinogenic potential of acrylamide have been carried out exclusively in the Fischer 344 rat with identification of a number of tumors amongst which mesotheliomas of the tunica vaginalis is an important tumor endpoint in the classification of acrylamide as a ‘probably human carcinogen. In a rat carcinogenicity study to determine the human relevance of mesotheliomas Wistar Han rats were exposed to 0, 0.5, 1.5, or 3.0mg acrylamide/kg body weight/day in drinking water starting at gestation day 6. At the end of two years, mammary gland fibroadenomas in females and thyroid follicular cell tumors in both sexes were the only tumors increased in acrylamide treated rats. These tumor endpoints have rat-specific modes of action suggesting less likelihood of human cancer risk than previously estimated. This study demonstrates that tunica vaginalis mesotheliomas are strain specific and not likely of genotoxic origin

    Customers' perspectives on the impact of the Pathways to Work Condition Management Programme on their health, wellbeing and vocational activity

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    Aims: Pathways to Work is a UK initiative aimed at supporting customers on incapacity benefits to return to work. This qualitative study complements previous evaluations of Pathways to Work by exploring customers’ perceptions of the impact of the Condition Management Programme (CMP) offered to claimants with long-term health conditions. Methods: 39 customers took part in focus groups held at the seven sites where Pathways was originally piloted. The main focus of the discussions was on perceptions of the ways in which participation had impacted on health, well-being and return to work. The discussions were audio-recorded and fully transcribed for analysis using a text analysis framework to enable the development and refinement of categories and overarching patterns in the data. Results: Perceived impacts on health and wellbeing included a more positive outlook, social contact, changed perceptions of conditions and improvements in health. Some customers also reported an increase in their vocational activity and others felt ready to embark on new activities. Factors associated with positive outcomes included the extent and quality of contact with CMP staff and practical advice about condition management. Factors impeding positive employment outcomes related mainly to obstacles to returning to work. Conclusions: The results indicated that CMP can assist customers to learn about and manage their health conditions and increase their vocational activity, and that CMP therefore provides a promising means of enabling people with long-term health conditions to regain a fulfilling, productive life

    ErzĂ€hl mir deine Geschichte : Arten von Storytelling, die in der Ergotherapie Menschen mit psychischen Störungen in der Rehabilitations- oder Integrationsphase unterstĂŒtzen

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    Thema: Psychische Störungen sind weltweit verbreitet, fĂŒhren zu hohen Gesundheitskosten und schrĂ€nken Betroffene in ihrem Alltag ein. Storytelling-Interventionen können die LebensqualitĂ€t von Betroffenen verbessern. In dieser Arbeit wird die mögliche Anwendung von Storytelling in der Ergotherapie erforscht. Ziel: Zur Anwendung von Storytelling in der Ergotherapie gibt es noch nicht ausreichend Forschung. Deswegen wird in dieser Arbeit auf folgende Frage eingegangen: Welche Arten von Storytelling, die evidenzbasiert bei Menschen mit psychischen Störungen in der Rehabilitations- oder Integrationsphase angewendet werden, eignen sich fĂŒr ergotherapeutische Interventionen? Methode: In Datenbanken wurden fĂŒnf Studien zu verschiedenen Arten von Storytelling gefunden. Diese wurden zusammengefasst, kritisch gewĂŒrdigt und die Ergebnisse der Studien dem Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) gegenĂŒbergestellt. Relevante Ergebnisse: Bei Menschen mit Demenz kann durch TimeSlips und RealitĂ€tsorientierung unter anderem die Interaktion verbessert werden. Menschen mit anderen psychischen Störungen können sich durch die Tree Theme MethodÂź und die Foto-Intervention beispielsweise neue Strategien aneignen. Die Transmediale-Intervention wĂŒrde sich fĂŒr den Einsatz in der PrĂ€vention eignen und ist daher in der Ergotherapie schwieriger anwendbar. Schlussfolgerung: Anhand der Zuteilung der Ergebnisse zum CMOP-E und der GĂŒte der Studien werden Tree Theme MethodÂź, RealitĂ€tsorientierte- und Foto-Intervention fĂŒr die Ergotherapie mit Menschen mit psychischen Störungen empfohlen

    Aldosterone-producing adrenocortical carcinoma with myxoid differentiation in a cat

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    A 10‐year‐old male neutered Persian cat was presented with an abdominal mass and history of weakness. Blood smear examination found marked elliptocytosis, and serum biochemical analysis revealed hypokalemia, hypochloremia, increased creatine kinase activity, and a high aldosterone concentration. Cytologic examination of the mass revealed neoplastic endocrine cells with moderate criteria of malignancy, favoring adrenocortical neoplasia. The adrenal mass was surgically excised and histologically characterized by lobules of mildly pleomorphic, polygonal neoplastic cells with moderate to abundant, occasionally granular, eosinophilic cytoplasm. Lobules were separated by fine fibrovascular trabeculae, and numerous cystic cavities containing amorphous eosinophilic material that stained positive with Alcian blue and periodic acid‐Schiff were seen. Neoplastic cells were multifocally positive for cytochrome P450 aldosterone synthase. Based on clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical findings the present case was diagnosed as an aldosterone‐producing adrenocortical carcinoma with myxoid differentiation. While this entity has not been reported in cats, myxoid differentiation of adrenocortical carcinomas has been found in other species and can pose a major diagnostic challenge on microscopic examination

    Performance and Loss Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Machine Based Flywheel Energy Storage System

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    Flywheel energy storage systems (FESS) are one of the earliest forms of energy storage technologies with several benefits of long service time, high power density, low maintenance, and insensitivity to environmental conditions being important areas of research in recent years. This paper focusses on the electrical machine and power electronics, an important part of a flywheel system, the electrical machine rotating with the flywheel inertia in order to perform charge-discharge cycles. The type of machine used in the electrical drive plays an important role in the characteristics governing electrical losses as well as standby losses. Permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) and induction machines (IM) are the two most common types of electric machines used in FESS applications where the latter has negligible standby losses due to its lower rotor magnetic field until energised by the stator. This paper describes research in which the operational and standby losses of a squirrel-cage induction machine-based flywheel storage system (SCIM-FESS) are modelled as a system developed in MATLAB/Simulink environment inclusive of the control system for the power electronics converters. Using the proposed control algorithm and in-depth analysis of the system losses, a detailed assessment of the dynamic performance of the SCIM-FESS is performed for different states of charging, discharging, and standby modes. The results of the analysis show that, in presence of system losses including aerodynamic and bearing friction losses, the SCIM-FESS has satisfactory characteristics in energy regulation and dynamic response during load torque variations. The compliance of FESS and its conversion between the generating and motoring mode within milliseconds show the responsiveness of the proposed control system
