2,249 research outputs found

    Defining the Pen Islands Caribou Herd of southern Hudson Bay

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    In this paper, we describe the Pen Islands Herd of caribou, the largest aggregation of caribou in Ontario (it also occupies a portion of northeastern Manitoba). Photographic counts showed the herd had a minimum population of 2300 in 1979, 4660 in 1986, 7424 in 1987 and 10 798 in 1994. Throughout the 1980s, the Pen Islands caribou exhibited population behaviour similar to migratory barren-ground caribou herds, although morphology suggests they are woodland caribou or possibly a mixture of subspecies. The herd had well-defined traditional tundra calving grounds, formed nursery groups and large mobile post-calving aggregations, and migrated over 400 km between tundra summer habitats and boreal forest winter habitats. Its migration took it into three Canadian jurisdictions (Ontario, Manitoba, Northwest Territories) and it was important to residents of both Manitoba and Ontario. It is clear that the herd should be managed as a migratory herd and the critical importance of both the coastal and variable large winter ranges should be noted in ensuring the herd's habitat needs are secure

    Final Report of the Commission on Presidential Disability and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment

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    This Report examines the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to identify potential difficulties in presidential succession and makes recommendations

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of the following books: Pamphlets for the People: A Review Essay on the Publications of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission; Arthur Spear, 1879-1959 by Arthur Spear, Jr.; Army Engineers in New England: The Military and Civil Works of the Corps of Engineers in New England, 1775-1975 by Aubrey Parkma

    Training Models in Professional Psychology Education (A Literature Review)

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    Intense debate on training models used in professional psychology education, including discussion on the specific training models most appropriate for educating future psychologists is far from finished. The authors reviewed articles discussing training models including results of empirical studies in professional psychology programs, which were published in several psychology journals databases (1949 to 2014). The authors have identified (a) the scientist-practitioner; (b) the practitioner model and its derivatives; (c) the clinical-scientist; and (d) the competency-based models. This article also outlines the historical development of each model and a consideration of the main principles espoused by each training model. It seems that discussion on the concept of training models and empirical studies on how these models are used in professional psychology programs outside the context of Western countries, is rare. Thus, this review could serve as a theoretical foundation for the implementation of a study aimed at filling the gap in the discussion of professional psychology program curricula, including the training models used, especially in other contexts than the Western

    Safety and effectiveness of acetadote for acetaminophen toxicity.

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    BACKGROUND: Acetaminophen (APAP) toxicity is commonly encountered in the Emergency Department. Until 2004, treatment consisted of either oral N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or filtered oral NAC administered intravenously (i.v.). Intravenous acetylcysteine (Acetadote) is a new Food and Drug Administration-approved i.v. formulation of acetylcysteine manufactured by Cumberland Pharmaceuticals in Nashville, Tennessee. Little post-marketing data exists on the effectiveness and safety of i.v. acetylcysteine. OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the clinical presentations and outcomes of patients treated with i.v. acetylcysteine for APAP toxicity. METHODS: We performed a retrospective chart review of patients treated with i.v. acetylcysteine for APAP ingestion. The primary outcome measures were: adverse reactions to and effectiveness of i.v. acetylcysteine, as defined by elevation of transaminases, liver failure, renal failure, death, and hospital length of stay (LOS). Data collected included: comorbidities, allergies, intentionality, timing and dosing of i.v. acetylcysteine, hospital LOS, transaminases \u3e 1000 IU/L, development of liver failure requiring transplant, development of renal failure requiring hemodialysis, death, and anaphylactoid reactions. RESULTS: Sixty-four patients met our study criteria. Overall, 16 (25%) patients developed transaminases \u3e 1000 IU/L, 4 (6%) of them died and 2 (3%) received liver transplants. Of the 15 patients (23%) treated within 8 h, none died or developed liver or renal failure, and only 1 developed transient transaminase elevation \u3e 1000 IU/L. In the patients treated outside of 8 h, the median LOS was 3 days, whereas the group treated within 8 h had a median LOS of only 1 day. Six (9%) patients developed anaphylactoid reactions, 2 of whom received the i.v. acetylcysteine bolus over 15 min. Five of these patients were treated pharmacologically and completed treatment, and one had treatment discontinued for undocumented reasons. CONCLUSION: Intravenous acetylcysteine seemed to be a safe and effective formulation of N-acetylcysteine

    Causes and Consequences of Broad-Scale Changes in the Distribution of Migratory Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) of Southern Hudson Bay

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    Understanding the factors driving changes in species distributions is fundamental to conservation, but for wide-ranging species this is often complicated by the need for broad-scale observations across space and time. In the last three decades, the location of summer concentrations of migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in southern Hudson Bay (SHB), Canada, has shifted south and east as much as 500 km. We used long-term data (1987 – 2011) to test two hypotheses that could explain the distribution shift: forage depletion and anthropogenic disturbance. Over time and space, we compared the body size of live-captured adult female caribou, dietary quality from fecal nitrogen in July, the location of VHF- and GPS-collared female caribou in July, distribution of all-terrain vehicle (ATV) tracks and caribou tracks in August, and the proximity of collared caribou to sections of the coast with higher ATV activity in spring and summer. The forage depletion hypothesis was supported by greater body size and dietary quality in caribou of the eastern portion of SHB than in western SHB animals in 2009 – 11. The anthropogenic disturbance hypothesis was supported by the negative correlation of the distributions of ATV tracks and caribou tracks on the coast in 2010 and the fact that caribou avoided areas with ATV activity by 10 – 14 km. In 1987, collared caribou were observed largely along the coast in western SHB in mid-July, while in 2009 – 11, they were inland in western SHB and along the coast in eastern SHB. While these locations demonstrate a substantial change in summer distri­bution over three decades, we were unable to differentiate between forage depletion and anthropogenic disturbance as a single causal factor of the distribution shift.La compréhension des facteurs qui influencent les changements caractérisant les distributions des espèces est fondamentale aux efforts de conservation, mais pour les espèces dont l’aire de distribution est étendue, ce principe est souvent compliqué par la nécessité de faire des observations à grande échelle, dans le temps et dans l’espace. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, l’emplacement des concentrations estivales du caribou migrateur (Rangifer tarandus) dans le sud de la baie d’Hudson (SBH), au Canada, s’est déplacé vers le sud et vers l’est dans une mesure de 500 km. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur des données de longue haleine (1987–2011) pour mettre à l’épreuve deux hypothèses susceptibles d’expliquer ce changement en matière de distribution, soit l’appauvrissement du fourrage et la perturbation anthropique. Au fil du temps et de l’espace, nous avons comparé la taille du corps des caribous femelles adultes capturées vivantes, la qualité de leur alimentation à partir de l’azote fécal en juillet, l’emplacement des femelles portant un collier de type VHF ou GPS en juillet, la répartition des traces de véhicules tout terrain (VTT) et des pistes de caribou en août de même que la proximité des caribous portant un collier aux tronçons de la côte où la présence de VTT est plus grande au printemps et à l’été. L’hypothèse de l’appauvrissement du fourrage a été étayée par la plus grande taille du corps et la qualité de l’alimentation du caribou de la zone est du SBH comparativement à celles du caribou de l’ouest du SBH entre 2009 et 2011. Pour sa part, l’hypothèse perturbation anthropique a été appuyée par la corrélation négative caractérisant la répartition des pistes de VTT et des traces de caribou sur la côte en 2010 et par le fait que les caribous sont restés à l’écart des zones fréquentées par les VTT dans une mesure de 10 à 14 km. En 1987, des caribous portant un collier ont été observés en grand nombre le long de la côte ouest du SBH à la mi-juillet, tandis que de 2009 à 2011, ils ont été repérés à l’intérieur des terres dans l’ouest du SBH et le long de la côte est du SBH. Bien que ces emplacements indiquent un important changement en matière de distribution estivale au cours de trois décennies, nous n’avons pas été en mesure de faire une distinction entre l’appauvrissement du fourrage et la perturbation anthropique en tant que facteur causal unique du changement de distribution

    High-resolution Near-Infrared Images and Models of the Circumstellar Disk in HH 30

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-object Spectrometer (NICMOS) observations of the reflection nebulosity associated with the T Tauri star HH 30. The images show the scattered light pattern characteristic of a highly inclined, optically thick disk with a prominent dustlane whose width decreases with increasing wavelength. The reflected nebulosity exhibits a lateral asymmetry in the upper lobe on the opposite side to that reported in previously published Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) images. The radiation transfer model which most closely reproduces the data has a flared accretion disk with dust grains larger than standard interstellar medium grains by a factor of approximately 2.1. A single hotspot on the stellar surface provides the necessary asymmetry to fit the images and is consistent with previous modeling of the light curve and images. Photometric analysis results in an estimated extinction of Av>~80; however, since the photometry measures only scattered light rather than direct stellar flux, this a lower limit. The radiative transfer models require an extinction of Av = 7,900.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap.

    Enhancing Emotional Safety in a Graduate School Setting

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    In the United States, racial disparities in education can be seen in rates of graduation from high school through doctoral programs, with People of Color reporting rates that are significantly lower than their White peers. Academic success has been significantly predicted in prior research by the support of teaching staff. Our Safety in the Classroom (SITC) program was developed to close the support gap for several different, often-marginalized groups within graduate school classes at a university in southern California. Students within racial, religious, and sexual orientation groups reported stronger perceptions of prejudice when compared to their peers. The SITC program provided all students an additional tool for resolving questions and concerns about any aspect of a particular course, including behaviors or statements of the instructor, and resulted in greater effect sizes on enhanced feelings of safety in the classroom for students of color. These results were achieved without undermining the students’ belief in their own ability to negotiate over or confront problems in the classroom. Expanded use and evaluation of the SITC program could contribute to the growing literature on academic success and achievement among underrepresented groups, providing one possible tool for helping to close the support gap
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