5 research outputs found

    Efeito da escovação simulada sobre cimentos de ionômero de vidro indicados para tratamento restaurador atraumático

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar a perda de massa e as alterações de rugosidade média superficial (Ra) de diferentes cimentos de ionômero de vidro indicados para tratamento restaurador atraumático tendo uma resina composta como material controle, após teste de escovação simulada. As características de superfície antes e após abrasão foram avaliadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). Os materiais testados foram: Vitro Fil LC ,Fuji IX , Vitro Molar , Maxxion R, e a resina composta microhíbrida Filtek Z100. Dez amostras (6mm de diâmetro e 5mm de espessura) de cada material foram confeccionados de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. O teste foi conduzido em uma máquina de escovação simulada, em todas as amostras de todos os materiais, totalizando 20000 ciclos. Antes e após o teste, a massa, rugosidade e analise qualitativa em MEV, de cada material foram aferidas em um balança analítica Shimadzu de 0,0001g de precisão, pelo equipamento Mitutoyo modelo surftest-301 e pelo microscópio Shimadzu SSX-550 Superscan., respectivamente. Os resultados das variáveis perda de massa e rugosidade foram analisados pelo teste ANOVA de um critério e então o pós-teste para comparações múltiplas de Tukey, com o objetivo de identificar entre quais grupos situavam as diferenças. Para analisar a relação entre perda de massa e rugosidade média foi utilizada a análise de regressão linear. O nível de significância empregado foi de &#945;=5% (p<0,05), utilizado para todas as análises. Todos os materiais apresentaram diferenças estatísticas de perda de massa entre valores iniciais e finais. A perda de massa em ordem decrescente foi Vitro Fil LC>Maxxion R> Vitro Molar>Filtek Z100>Fuji IX. Os materiais se tornaram mais rugosos exceto o Vitro Molar que apresentou menor rugosidade após teste. Não houve correlação entre perda de massa e rugosidade superficial. Observações ao MEV estavam de acordo com as medidas de rugosidade. Concluindo, os achados deste estudo mostraram que os cimentos de alta viscosidade apresentaram desgaste e rugosidade semelhantes ao material controle e ainda possuem a propriedade de liberar flúor, sendo adequado para tratamento restaurador atraumático. Entretanto, avaliações clínicas são necessárias para melhor indicar esta categoria de material.The purpose of this study was to measure mass loss and surface roughness (Ra) changes of differents glass ionomer cement indicated to atraumatic restorative treatment, with a resin composite used as control material, after a simulated toothbrushing test. The surface characteristics before and after abrasion were evaluated on scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The tested materials were: Vitro Fil LC ,Fuji IX , Vitro Molar , Maxxion R, and the resin composite Filtek Z100. Ten samples (6mm in diameter and 5mm thick) on all samples from each were prepared according to manufacturers instructions. Toothbrushing abrasion was performed on all specimens from each of the materials using a simulator. The mass loss, surface roughness and qualitative analyse were assessed before and after 20000 brushstrokes, using Shimadzu analytical balance of 0,0001g accuracy, a Mitutoyo surftest-301 and Shimadzu SSX-550 Superscan respectively. The measurements of both properties were statiscally compared by Anova one-way and then paired t-test and Tukeys test. Correlation between mass loss and surface roughness was calculated. The level significance was &#945;=5% (p<0,05). All materials presented a statistically significant mass loss comparing initial and final values. The loss mass in order decreasing was Vitro Fil LC>Maxxion R> Vitro Molar>Filtek Z100>Fuji IX. All materials became rougher with the exception of Vitro Molar that presented low roughness after toothbrushing test. There was no correlation between wear and surface roughness and SEM observations were in accordance to those roughness measured. In conclusion, the findings of this study showed that, the high viscosity glass cement ionomer presented wear and roughness seems to control material and the fluoride release propertie, this may be adequate for atraumatic restorative treatment. However, long-term clinical evaluation are necessary to better indicate this category of material


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    La terap&eacute;utica traumatol&oacute;gica es una de las partes de la odontolog&iacute;a que est&aacute; en continua revisi&oacute;n yactualizaci&oacute;n, pues los traumatismos alveolo-dentales en la dentici&oacute;n primaria son muy comunes en lacl&iacute;nica odontol&oacute;gica, lo que los transforma en un problema de dif&iacute;cil prevenci&oacute;n debido a la etiolog&iacute;a y edad en que ocurren los accidentes. En la luxaci&oacute;n extrusiva, el diente es dislocado parcial y axialmentehacia fuera del alveolo, presentando movilidad y sangrado del surco gingival. El tratamiento en dientesprimarios va a depender del grado de severidad de la luxaci&oacute;n extrusiva, del desarrollo radicular del diente y del tiempo transcurrido entre el traumatismo y la atenci&oacute;n odontol&oacute;gica. En el caso deextrusiones leves a moderadas, la mayor&iacute;a de los autores se&ntilde;alan que el tratamiento consiste en lareposici&oacute;n del diente afectado seguido de ferulizaci&oacute;n. Basados en la literatura, el objetivo de este trabajoes reportar el caso cl&iacute;nico de una luxaci&oacute;n extrusiva en un diente primario, as&iacute; como el manejo yseguimiento cl&iacute;nico - radiogr&aacute;fico durante tres a&ntilde;os.SUMMARY Trauma therapy is a part of dentistry that is continuously reviewed and updated. As the alveolus-dental trauma in primary teeth are very common in the dental clinic, which turns into a difficult preventionproblem due to the etiology and age in which accidents happen. In extrusive luxation, the tooth ispartially dislocated axially outward from the socket, with mobility and bleeding of the gingival sulcus.Treatment in primary teeth will depend on the degree of severity of extruded luxation, on the tooth rootdevelopment and on the time elapsed between trauma and dental care. In cases of mild to moderate extrusions, most authors suggest that treatment is the replacement of the affected tooth, followed bysplinting. Based on the literature, the objective of this work is to report a clinical case of extrusiveluxation in a primary tooth, describing the clinical management and radiographic follow-up of three years

    Cytotoxicity of polybia paulista wasp crude venom on the tumor cell lines HeLa, HRT-18, jurkat, and K562

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    The social wasp Polybia paulista is an animal that produces venom for defense, which has been the subject of numerous studies in recent decades. Despite the great scientific interest, its pharmacological and biotechnological potential is still unknown. In this study, the antitumor capacity of the crude venom of P. paulista was investigated through cytotoxicity assays on the cell lines HeLa, HRT-18, Jurkat, and K562. Based on the cytotoxicity assays performed after 24 hours of treatment, the results showed that the crude venom was able to significantly reduce cell proliferation and induce cell death in the K562, HRT-18, and Jurkat cell lines. Morphological and cell cycle analyses in the Jurkat cell line revealed evidence of chromatin fragmentation and the presence of early and late apoptotic cells. It can be concluded that the crude venom of the social wasp P. paulista is cytotoxic to the tumor cell lines K562 (chronic myeloid leukemia), Jurkat (acute lymphocytic leukemia), and HRT-18 (intestinal carcinoma). The obtained results report the cytotoxic effects of the venom of the wasp P. paulista and demonstrate the importance of prospecting this venom, which is still poorly investigated