3,009 research outputs found

    Interessebegrebet i ROSEundersøgelsen

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    Formület med artiklen er at analysere og diskutere interessebegrebet som det prÌsenteresi ROSE-undersøgelsen. Der argumenteres for at selv om interessebegrebet synes at vÌre helt centralt i ROSE, sü gives der i undersøgelsen ingen entydig definition af begrebet, og de forskellige forskere derdeltager i projektet, bygger heller ikke pü en fÌlles interesseteori selv om südanne teorier findes. Artiklens püstand er at konsekvensen af ikke at definere interessebegrebet tydeligt og den mangelfulde inddragelse af anden aktuel interesseforskning gør det tvivlsomt hvorvidt man kan bruge undersøgelsensresultater som grundlag for at gøre naturfags- og teknologiundervisningen mere interessant for eleverne. The purpose of the article is to analyze and discuss the concept of interest as it is presented in the ROSE study. It is argued that even if the concept of interest seems to be central in the ROSE study, it is not defined clearly and the different researchers participating in the project are not building on a shared theory of interest, though such theories exist. It is a claim in the article that the consequence of not defining the concept properly and the missing inclusion of other current research in interest makes it doubtful in what kind of way the results of the study can be used as a basis for making science and technology education more interesting for the students

    Sparring og professionel lĂŚring

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    Interessebegrebet i ROSEundersøgelsen

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    Formület med artiklen er at analysere og diskutere interessebegrebet som det prÌsenteresi ROSE-undersøgelsen. Der argumenteres for at selv om interessebegrebet synes at vÌre helt centralt i ROSE, sü gives der i undersøgelsen ingen entydig definition af begrebet, og de forskellige forskere derdeltager i projektet, bygger heller ikke pü en fÌlles interesseteori selv om südanne teorier findes. Artiklens püstand er at konsekvensen af ikke at definere interessebegrebet tydeligt og den mangelfulde inddragelse af anden aktuel interesseforskning gør det tvivlsomt hvorvidt man kan bruge undersøgelsensresultater som grundlag for at gøre naturfags- og teknologiundervisningen mere interessant for eleverne. The purpose of the article is to analyze and discuss the concept of interest as it is presented in the ROSE study. It is argued that even if the concept of interest seems to be central in the ROSE study, it is not defined clearly and the different researchers participating in the project are not building on a shared theory of interest, though such theories exist. It is a claim in the article that the consequence of not defining the concept properly and the missing inclusion of other current research in interest makes it doubtful in what kind of way the results of the study can be used as a basis for making science and technology education more interesting for the students

    Genome-wide and Mendelian randomisation studies of liver MRI yield insights into the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis

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    Background A non-invasive method to grade the severity of steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based corrected T1 (cT1). We aimed to identify genetic variants influencing liver cT1 and use genetics to understand mechanisms underlying liver fibroinflammatory disease and its link with other metabolic traits and diseases. Methods First, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 14,440 Europeans in UK Biobank with liver cT1 measures. Second, we explored the effects of the cT1 variants on liver blood tests, and a range of metabolic traits and diseases. Third, we used Mendelian randomisation to test the causal effects of 24 predominantly metabolic traits on liver cT1 measures. Results We identified six independent genetic variants associated with liver cT1 that reached GWAS significance threshold (p<5x10-8). Four of the variants (rs75935921 in SLC30A10, rs13107325 in SLC39A8, rs58542926 in TM6SF2, rs738409 in PNPLA3) were also associated with elevated transaminases and had variable effects on liver fat and other metabolic traits. Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver and BMI were causally associated with elevated cT1 whilst favourable adiposity (instrumented by variants associated with higher adiposity but lower risk of cardiometabolic disease and lower liver fat) was found to be protective. Conclusion The association between two metal ion transporters and cT1 indicates an important new mechanism in steatohepatitis. Future studies are needed to determine whether interventions targeting the identified transporters might prevent liver disease in at risk individuals

    Mooses, Topology and Higgs

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    New theories of electroweak symmetry breaking have recently been constructed that stabilize the weak scale and do not rely upon supersymmetry. In these theories the Higgs boson is a weakly coupled pseudo-Goldstone boson. In this note we study the class of theories that can be described by theory spaces and show that the fundamental group of theory space describes all the relevant classical physics in the low energy theory. The relationship between the low energy physics and the topological properties of theory space allow a systematic method for constructing theory spaces that give any desired low energy particle content and potential. This provides us with tools for analyzing and constructing new theories of electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Dietary inclusion of ensiled avocado oil cake affects growth, nutrient digestion, and carcass characteristics of pigs

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    In this experiment, the effects were evaluated of various dietary inclusion levels of avocado oil cake (AOC) silage on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and carcass characteristics in pigs. A mixture of 70% AOC, 25% wheat bran, and 5% sugarcane molasses was ensiled in 200 L drums for 90 days. It was then incorporated at 0%, 3% and 5% in the experimental diets. Twenty-seven Large White cross Landrace (LW x LR) weaner pigs, with an average live weight of 22 kg, were stratified by weight and randomly allocated to the three experimental diets (9 pigs/diet). Pigs were weighed individually each week throughout the trial. Daily feed intake, average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion rates (FCRs) were recorded. A nutrient digestibility study was carried out on completion of the growth trial. At the end of the experiment, pigs were fasted for twelve hours and weighed to determine the final weight. The pigs were then slaughtered, and carcass samples were collected and analysed. The growth performance of pigs was not affected by diet, irrespective of fibre levels in the AOC silage. However, the addition of 3% AOC silage improved the digestibility of fibre fractions. The weights of the cold carcass, chops, and backfat thickness were reduced with AOC silage addition

    IJED support for eating disorders research in the time of COVID‐19

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    This editorial reports on an anonymous survey question posed to eating disorders researchers about changes the International Journal of Eating Disorders (IJED) should implement to support the eating disorders research community affected by COVID‐19. The editorial accompanies an IJED article that details responses to the larger survey focusing more broadly on COVID‐19‐related research disruptions. Survey invitations were sent to editorial board members of eating disorders journals, members of eating disorder scientific organizations (e.g., Eating Disorders Research Society), and individuals who provided at least three IJED reviews in the prior 12 months. We reviewed the responses of 187 participants and identified three categories of changes that: (a) had already been implemented by the journal, (b) cannot be implemented because they fall outside the scope of IJED, or (c) will be implemented in coming weeks or months. The latter category includes publishing topical COVID‐19 papers, making some COVID‐19‐related content available open access, revising statistical guidelines, and issuing author guidance on reporting protocol changes caused by COVID‐19‐related disruptions. IJED recognizes the disruptive impacts that COVID‐19 has on all activities in our field, including clinical work, teaching, and advocacy, and is committed to supporting authors during this difficult time while striving to publish high‐quality research

    SandfĂŚrdig, retfĂŚrdig, omsorgsfuld : Databrug og professionsetos i lĂŚsevejledningen

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    Denne artikel undersøger professionsetos i læsevejledningen i folkeskolen med særlig fokus på databrug. Vi argumenterer for, at databrug ikke blot er en ”teknisk” bedrift, men også indebærer udøvelsen af professionsetos. På baggrund af resultater fra et etnografisk studie i læsevejlederes arbejde i folkeskolen, zoomer artiklen ind på en case, hvor en læsevejleder, under coronapandemien i 2020 på et online-møde, informerer nogle forældre om, at testdata viser, at deres barn er ordblind. Vi analyserer, hvordan læsevejlederen udøver et professionelt ansvar i denne situation med udgangspunkt i en skelnen mellem sandfærdighed, retfærdighed og omsorg som tre centrale professions-etiske orienteringspunkter. Vi diskuterer, hvilke konsekvenser denne opmærksomhed kan have for faglig vejledning specifikt og for databrug i folkeskolen generelt.    This article investigates opportunities and challenges of evaluation routines in the Danish Folkeskolen involving data use in literacy coaching. We argue, that data use not only is a "technical" achievement of the teacher but also calls for a professional ethos. Based on results from an ethnographic study of literacy coaches’ work, the article will zoom in on a case where a literacy coach during the corona pandemic in 2020 at an online meeting informs parents that their child has been tested dyslexic. The case shows how there is a need for both technical knowledge and professional ethos in the school's evaluation routines with the use of data. We analyze how the literacy coach enacts professional responsibility in this situation considering ethical issues of truthfulness, justice and caring. We discuss possible consequences this may have for instructional coaching specifically and evaluation routines with the use of data in schools more generally

    Calcium signaling in a low calcium environment: how the intracellular malaria parasite solves the problem

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    Malaria parasites, Plasmodia, spend most of their asexual life cycle within red blood cells, where they proliferate and mature. The erythrocyte cytoplasm has very low [Ca2+] (<100 nM), which is very different from the extracellular environment encountered by most eukaryotic cells. The absence of extracellular Ca2+ is usually incompatible with normal cell functions and survival. In the present work, we have tested the possibility that Plasmodia overcome the limitation posed by the erythrocyte intracellular environment through the maintenance of a high [Ca2+] within the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), the compartment formed during invasion and within which the parasites grow and divide. Thus, Plasmodia were allowed to invade erythrocytes in the presence of Ca2+ indicator dyes. This allowed selective loading of the Ca2+ probes within the PV. The [Ca2+] within this compartment was found to be ∟40 ΟM, i.e., high enough to be compatible with a normal loading of the Plasmodia intracellular Ca2+ stores, a prerequisite for the use of a Ca2+-based signaling mechanism. We also show that reduction of extracellular [Ca2+] results in a slow depletion of the [Ca2+] within the PV. A transient drop of [Ca2+] in the PV for a period as short as 2 h affects the maturation process of the parasites within the erythrocytes, with a major reduction 48 h later in the percentage of schizonts, the form that re-invades the red blood cells

    The Minimal Moose for a Little Higgs

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    Recently a new class of theories of electroweak symmetry breaking have been constructed. These models, based on deconstruction and the physics of theory space, provide the first alternative to weak-scale supersymmetry with naturally light Higgs fields and perturbative new physics at the TeV scale. The Higgs is light because it is a pseudo-Goldstone boson, and the quadratically divergent contributions to the Higgs mass are cancelled by new TeV scale ``partners'' of the {\em same} statistics. In this paper we present the minimal theory space model of electroweak symmetry breaking, with two sites and four link fields, and the minimal set of fermions. There are very few parameters and degrees of freedom beyond the Standard Model. Below a TeV, we have the Standard Model with two light Higgs doublets, and an additional complex scalar weak triplet and singlet. At the TeV scale, the new particles that cancel the 1-loop quadratic divergences in the Higgs mass are revealed. The entire Higgs potential needed for electroweak symmetry breaking--the quartic couplings as well as the familiar negative mass squared--can be generated by the top Yukawa coupling, providing a novel link between the physics of flavor and electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 15 pages. References added. Included clarifying comments on the origin of quartic couplings, and on power-counting. More elegant model for generating Higgs potential from top Yukawa coupling presente
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