3,724 research outputs found

    Money in a New-Keynesian model estimated with German data

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    In this paper we estimate a simple New-Keynesian DSGE model with German data for the sample period 1970:q1 to 1998:q4. Contrary to a number of recent similar papers estimated with US and euro-area data, we find that real money balances contribute significantly to the determination of inflation and of the dynamics of output. We estimate our model using a maximum likelihood technique under a full set of structural shocks. We do not rule out indeterminate solutions a priori. Under multiple stable paths we close the model using the minimum-state-variable solution. -- In diesem Diskussionspapier schätzen wir ein einfaches Neukeynesianisches dynamisches Gleichgewichtsmodel für deutsche Daten und den Zeitraum zwischen dem ersten Quartal 1970 und dem letzten Quartal 1998. Im Unterschied zu einer Reihe von anderen Arbeiten für die Vereinigten Staten von Amerika und dem Euroraum deuten unsere Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die reale Geldmenge einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Erklärung der Inflation und der Dynamik des Bruttoinlandsprodukts leistet. Das Model wird mit Hilfe eines Maximum-Likelihood-Verfahrens geschätzt und erlaubt die Identifikation von strukturellen Schocks. Parameterkonstellationen, die zu multiplen Gleichgewichten führen, werden nicht a-priori ausgeschlossen, sondern mit Hilfe des Minimum-State-Variable-Ansatzes behandelt.Maximum-Likelihood,DSGE,MSV solution,New-Keynesian model,Germany

    Twonniers: Interaction-induced effects on Bose-Hubbard parameters

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    We study the effects of the repulsive on-site interactions on the broadening of the localized Wannier functions used for calculating the parameters to describe ultracold atoms in optical lattices. For this, we replace the common single-particle Wannier functions, which do not contain any information about the interactions, by two-particle Wannier functions ("Twonniers") obtained from an exact solution which takes the interactions into account. We then use these interaction-dependent basis functions to calculate the Bose--Hubbard model parameters, showing that they are substantially different both at low and high lattice depths, from the ones calculated using single-particle Wannier functions. Our results suggest that density effects are not negligible for many parameter ranges and need to be taken into account in metrology experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of dietary glycolytic inhibitors on pork quality

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    Four studies were performed to determine the effectiveness of short term feeding of several dietary glycolytic inhibitors on the quality of pork. In the first experiment the oxalate was provided to 110 kg pigs in the form of sodium oxalate at levels of 0, 7.0, and 9.7 g/pig. The ingestion of sodium oxalate decreased the rate of muscle pH decline and lowered the pork water loss (WL). In an additional experiment with sodium oxalate, 30 kg pigs were used as a model for market pigs. The sodium oxalate (0 and 2.6 g/pig) again decreased the rate of muscle pH decline postmortem and lowered pork WL;In a second experiment the effect of dietary quercetin, an inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase, on pork quality was determined in 110 kg pigs. Quercetin was provided at 0, 1.07, and 4.68 mg/pig. The ingestion of quercetin decreased the rate of muscle pH decline and improved the subsequent pork WL. The redness of the pork was lower with ingestion of dietary quercetin;The last two experiments both involved using the 30 kg pig as a model for the market pig. In the third experiment high doses of vitamin C, a metabolic precursor of oxalate, was fed at 0, 290, and 704 mg/pig. The ingestion of vitamin C decreased the rate of postmortem muscle pH decline and lowered subsequent pork WL. The ingestion of vitamin C also improved the red color score of pork products and reduced the paleness of the pork products;In the forth experiment, high levels of dietary Zn were provided shortly prior to slaughter. Dietary Zn was fed at 0, 4.9, 7.8, and 11.8 g/pig. The ingestion of Zn did not alter the rate of postmortem muscle pH decline and did not improve pork WL. The ingestion of dietary Zn did tend to improve the redness color score of pork

    MOA: Massive Online Analysis, a framework for stream classification and clustering.

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    Massive Online Analysis (MOA) is a software environment for implementing algorithms and running experiments for online learning from evolving data streams. MOA is designed to deal with the challenging problem of scaling up the implementation of state of the art algorithms to real world dataset sizes. It contains collection of offline and online for both classification and clustering as well as tools for evaluation. In particular, for classification it implements boosting, bagging, and Hoeffding Trees, all with and without Naive Bayes classifiers at the leaves. For clustering, it implements StreamKM++, CluStream, ClusTree, Den-Stream, D-Stream and CobWeb. Researchers benefit from MOA by getting insights into workings and problems of different approaches, practitioners can easily apply and compare several algorithms to real world data set and settings. MOA supports bi-directional interaction with WEKA, the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis, and is released under the GNU GPL license

    Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration

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    Temeljna svrha i cilj ovoga rada bilo je ispitati koliko su potrošači skloni dijeljenju svojih turističkih iskustva s drugima te putem kojih medija. Osim navedenog, drugi cilj provedenog istraživanja bilo je utvrditi koliko su potrošačima važna iskustva i komentari drugih posjetitelja u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ispitivanja, a kao instrument korišten je anketni upitnik sastavljen od 22 pitanja. Utvrđivanjem problema istraživanja, postavljene su tri hipoteze. Od tri hipoteze, u potpunosti je dokazana samo prva koja pretpostavlja da su potrošačima tuđa iskustva i komentari od velike važnosti kod planiranja i odabira putovanja. Druga hipoteza je djelomično potvrđena, tj. potvrđeno je da su potrošači skloni dijeliti svoja iskustva s drugima u situaciji kada su jako zadovoljni dok s druge strane nije potvrđeno kako su potrošači skloni dijeliti svoja iskustva u situaciji kada su nezadovoljni uslugom ili proizvodom. Na kraju, potvrđena je i treća hipoteza koja pretpostavlja kako su potrošači skloni dijeljenju vlastitog turističkog iskustva putem više društvenih medija, iako je utvrđeno kako najveći broj ispitanika ne dijeli svoja turistička iskustva. Istraživano je i mišljenje ispitanika o turističkoj destinaciji iz snova, a iznenađujuće, najveći broj ispitanika je navelo hrvatske destinacije kao svoje destinacije iz snova kao i one koje su im dosada pružile najnezaboravnije turističko iskustvo. Potrebno je provesti detaljnija istraživanja kako bi se detaljnije istražilo novije društvene medije koji su dostupni potrošačima za dijeljenje svog iskustva

    Quelques emprunts romans dans les parlers allemands du Vorarlberg et du Tyrol

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    Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration

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    A multi-central loop configuration has been studied through forward and inverse modelling of synthetics and real data. This set-up takes advantage of the multichannel features of the NMR device and consists of using several (2 to 3) additional receiver loops displayed concentrically with the main transmitter/receiver loop, which all record the NMR signal simultaneously within a single acquisition. If the loop diameters are chosen appropriately, the kernel sensitivity distributions for each receiver loop can show complementary features. Inverting simultaneously the data sets obtained through each different receiver loop can then enhance the accuracy of the final model. To do so, a 1D QT inversion scheme in the frequency domain dedicated to the inversion of multiple data sets is being used. One challenging feature is to adapt the regularization of the inverse process so as to handle correctly the noise originating from different data sets. The efficiency of this multi-central loop acquisition set-up and procedure is being assessed through the forward and inverse modelling of several scenarios implying varying aquifer characteristics. Finally a field case is being presented that was conducted on a low noise level site located in Germany, where conditions were favourable to the implementation and testing of circular multi-central loop configurations.We also introduce a new method for determining NMR parameters, named the prediction-focused-approach (PFA), that is based on statistical analysis of a large number of simple models. We observe, using synthetic examples, that the effciency of the method benefits from the use of the multi-central-loop configurations

    Концепция разработки программного обеспечения для повышения эффективности ведения финансового учета на предприятии

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    Considered commonly used software for conducting financial activities in the enterprise. Analyzed the main disadvantages of the product. The concept of software development, enhancing the efficiency of financial accounting in the company on the platform "1C: Enterprise"