11,036 research outputs found

    Efficient photon number detection with silicon avalanche photodiodes

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    We demonstrate an efficient photon number detector for visible wavelengths using a silicon avalanche photodiode. Under subnanosecond gating, the device is able to resolve up to four photons in an incident optical pulse. The detection efficiency at 600 nm is measured to be 73.8%, corresponding to an avalanche probability of 91.1% of the absorbed photons, with a dark count probability below 1.1x10^{-6} per gate. With this performance and operation close to room temperature, fast-gated silicon avalanche photodiodes are ideal for optical quantum information processing that requires single-shot photon number detection

    Probing higher order correlations of the photon field with photon number resolving avalanche photodiodes

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    We demonstrate the use of two high speed avalanche photodiodes in exploring higher order photon correlations. By employing the photon number resolving capability of the photodiodes the response to higher order photon coincidences can be measured. As an example we show experimentally the sensitivity to higher order correlations for three types of photon sources with distinct photon statistics. This higher order correlation technique could be used as a low cost and compact tool for quantifying the degree of correlation of photon sources employed in quantum information science

    Author Correction: Fermiology and electron dynamics of trilayer nickelate La4Ni3O10.

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    The original version of this Article contained errors in Fig. 2, Fig. 3a-c and Supplementary Fig. 2. In Fig. 2g and Supplementary Fig. 2, the band structure plot calculated from density function theory (DFT) had a missing band of mainly z2 character that starts at about - 0.25 eV at the Y point and disperses downwards towards the Γ point. This band was inadvertently neglected when transferring the lines from the original band plot to the enhanced version for publication. Also in Fig. 2g, the points labelled M and Y were not exactly at (1/2 1/2 0) and (0 1/2 0), but rather (0.52 0.48 0) and (0 0.48 0) due to a bug in XCrysDen for low-symmetry structures that the authors failed to identify before publication. Thus, the bands presented were slightly off the true M-Y direction and additional splitting incorrectly appeared (in particular for the highly dispersive bands of x2-y2 character). The correct versions of Fig. 2g (cited as Fig. 1) and Supplementary Fig. 2 (cited as Fig. 2) are:which replaces the previous incorrect version, cited here as Fig. 3 and Fig. 4:Neither of these errors in Fig. 2g or Supplementary Fig. 2 affects either the discussion or any of the interpretations of the ARPES data provided in the paper. The authors discussed the multilayer band splitting along the Γ-M direction (δ band and α band as assigned in the paper), and ARPES did not see any split band. The authors did not discuss the further splitting that arises due to back folding along the M-Y direction.In Fig. 3a-c, the errors in the M and Y points in Fig. 2g cause subtle changes to the DFT dispersions. The correct version of Fig. 3a-c is cited here as Fig 5:which replaces the previous incorrect version (Fig. 6):However, the influence on the effective mass results of Fig. 3d is negligible.These errors have now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. The authors acknowledge James Rondinelli and Danilo Puggioni from Northwestern University for calling our attention to these issues

    What makes for prize-winning television?

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    We investigate the determinants of success in four international television awards festivals between 1994 and 2012. We find that countries with larger markets and greater expenditure on public broadcasting tend to win more awards, but that the degree of concentration in the market for television and rates of penetration of pay-per-view television are unrelated to success. These findings are consistent with general industrial organisation literature on quality and market size, and with media policy literature on public service broadcasting acting as a force for quality. However, we also find that ‘home countries’ enjoy a strong advantage in these festivals, which is not consistent with festival success acting as a pure proxy for television quality

    Games on graphs with a public signal monitoring

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    We study pure Nash equilibria in games on graphs with an imperfect monitoring based on a public signal. In such games, deviations and players responsible for those deviations can be hard to detect and track. We propose a generic epistemic game abstraction, which conveniently allows to represent the knowledge of the players about these deviations, and give a characterization of Nash equilibria in terms of winning strategies in the abstraction. We then use the abstraction to develop algorithms for some payoff functions.Comment: 28 page

    Lack of cortisol response in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) undergoing a diagnostic interview

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    Background: According to DSM-IV, the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) requires the experience of a traumatic event during which the person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. In order to diagnose PTSD, clinicians must interview the person in depth about his/her previous experiences and determine whether the individual has been traumatized by a specific event or events. However, asking questions about traumatic experiences can be stressful for the traumatized individual and it has been cautioned that subsequent "re-traumatization" could occur. This study investigated the cortisol response in traumatized refugees with PTSD during a detailed and standardized interview about their personal war and torture experiences. Methods: Participants were male refugees with severe PTSD who solicited an expert opinion in the Psychological Research Clinic for Refugees of the University of Konstanz. 17 patients were administered the Vivo Checklist of War, Detention, and Torture Events, a standardized interview about traumatic experiences, and 16 subjects were interviewed about absorption behavior. Self-reported measures of affect and arousal, as well as saliva cortisol were collected at four points. Before and after the experimental intervention, subjects performed a Delayed Matching-to-Sample (DMS) task for distraction. They also rated the severity of selected PTSD symptoms, as well as the level of intrusiveness of traumatic memories at that time. Results: Cortisol excretion diminished in the course of the interview and showed the same pattern for both groups. No specific response was detectable after the supposed stressor. Correspondingly, ratings of subjective well-being, memories of the most traumatic event(s) and PTSD symptoms did not show any significant difference between groups. Those in the presumed stress condition did not perform worse than persons in the control condition after the stressor. However, both groups performed poorly in the DMS task, which is consistent with memory and concentration problems demonstrated in patients with PTSD. Conclusion: A comprehensive diagnostic interview including questions about traumatic events does not trigger an HPA-axis based alarm response or changes in psychological measures, even for persons with severe PTSD, such as survivors of torture. Thus, addressing traumatic experiences within a safe and empathic environment appears to impose no unacceptable additional load to the patient

    A cost-effectiveness analysis of a hydration response technology dressing in the treatment of venous leg ulcers in the UK

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    Introduction: Venous leg ulceration causes significant pain and suffering for patients, additionally it places considerable financial and service burden on the National Health Service (NHS). A large proportion of venous leg ulceration do not heal within the standard time frames of 16 – 24 weeks, resulting in static wounds which commonly have issues with increasing exudate production. Static wounds can have significant negative impact on the patients quality of life, the wound bed and periwound skin, increased risk of infection all of which results in delayed wound healing and increased health service costs. As the NHS continues to face times of austerity, services need to find solutions to be able to reduce cost and release nursing time whilst maintaining standards of care. Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet S is a treatment option for the management of patients with a venous leg ulceration. The objective of this study was to provide an update of the health economic analysis of Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet S in comparison to relevant comparators in the UK with current cost data. Methods: Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet S was compared against Zetuvit Plus, DryMax extra, KerraMax Care and Eclypse from a cost effectiveness perspective. Clinical data were derived from literature and expert opinion. Cost input was utilized based on publicly available data and literature. The average patient in the model is assumed to be 65 years with a diagnosed venous leg ulcer. It is assumed that patients in the different treatment arms have the same background mortality, hence the endpoint mortality is not included in the model. The analysis is based on a deterministic Markov model derived from Harding et al. with weekly cycles. The following assumptions are made: First, all patients start in a static health state with a non-healed but non-progressing venous leg ulcer. It is assumed in the model that patients can transition to a deteriorating health state where a wound is improving or the wound could progress. Additionally, venous leg ulcers could be healed from a progressed wound (i.e. improved wound), they could develop into a severe wound with complications (infections) to be treated in hospitals. The time frame for the analysis was fixed for one year and no re-occurence after healing was assumed to happen. Results: The cost-effectiveness analysis demonstrates health economic dominance of Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet S being more effective and cost-saving against all analysed comparators. When using literature-based input values the incrementally higher healing rates for Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet S are 11.04 months (versus Zetuvit Plus), 29.04 months (versus DryMax extra), 1.68 months (versus KerraMax Care) and 11.04 months (versus Eclypse). Cost savings per patient were 37.60£ (versus Zetuvit Plus), 171.68£ (versus DryMax extra), 3.13£ (versus KerraMax Care) and 43.63£ (versus Eclypse). Clinical benefits and cost savings are increasing when real life practice assumptions based on expert opinion are included. Conclusions: Based on the underlying health economic model, Cutimed® Sorbion® Sachet S is more effective and less costly than other comparative products in venous leg ulcers in the UK

    Global genomic analysis of microbial biotransformation of arsenic highlights the importance of arsenic methylation in environmental and human microbiomes

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    Arsenic is a ubiquitous toxic element, the global cycle of which is highly affected by microbial redox reactions and assimilation into organoarsenic compounds through sequential methylation reactions. While microbial biotransformation of arsenic has been studied for decades, the past years have seen the discovery of multiple new genes related to arsenic metabolism. Still, most studies focus on a small set of key genes or a small set of cultured microorganisms. Here, we leveraged the recently greatly expanded availability of microbial genomes of diverse organisms from lineages lacking cultivated representatives, including those reconstructed from metagenomes, to investigate genetic repertoires of taxonomic and environmental controls on arsenic metabolic capacities. Based on the collection of arsenic-related genes, we identified thirteen distinct metabolic guilds, four of which combine the aio and ars operons. We found that the best studied phyla have very different combinations of capacities than less well-studied phyla, including phyla lacking isolated representatives. We identified a distinct arsenic gene signature in the microbiomes of humans exposed or likely exposed to drinking water contaminated by arsenic and that arsenic methylation is important in soil and in human microbiomes. Thus, the microbiomes of humans exposed to arsenic have the potential to exacerbate arsenic toxicity. Finally, we show that machine learning can predict bacterial arsenic metabolism capacities based on their taxonomy and the environment from which they were sampled
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