612 research outputs found

    Lensing in an interior Kottler solution

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    We derive the interior Kottler solution of the incompressible fluid and show that the bending of light in this solution does depend on the cosmological constant.Comment: The inner Kottler solution derived and used in this paper is not new. Corresponding references to Stuchlik (2000) and Boehmer (2003) are added. Also added: a numerical example and a figure. This is the version accepted by Gen. Rel. Grav. However it includes a short passage that an anonymous referee had me suppress

    Lives Saved by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: An Overview of Literature

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    Introduction: The objective of this review is to give an overview of literature on the survival benefits of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS). The included studies were assessed by study design and statistical methodology. Methods: A literature search was performed in the National Library of Medicine's Medline database, extending from 1985 until April 2007. Manuscripts had to be written in English and describe effects of HEMS on survival expressed in number of lives saved. Moreover, analysis had to be performed using adequate adjustment for differences in case-mix. Results: Sixteen publications met the inclusion criteria. All indicated that HEMS assistance contributed to increased survival: Between 1.1 and 12.1 additional survivors were recorded for every 100 HEMS uses. A combination of four reliable studies shows overall mortality reduction of 2.7 additional lives saved per 100 HEMS deployments. Conclusion: Literature shows a clear positive effect on survival associated with HEMS assistance. Efforts should be made to promote consistent methodology, including uniform outcome parameters, in order to provide sufficient scientific evidence to conclude the ongoing debate about the beneficial effects of HEMS

    Validity of helicopter emergency medical services dispatch criteria for traumatic injuries: A systematic review

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    Objective. This review provides an overview of the validity of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) dispatch criteria for severely injured patients. Methods. A systematic literature search was performed. English written and peer-reviewed publications on HEMS dispatch criteria were included. Results. Thirty-four publications were included. Five manuscripts discussed accuracy of HEMS dispatch cr

    Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in Twistor Space

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    We construct a twistor space action for N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and show that it is equivalent to its four dimensional spacetime counterpart at the level of perturbation theory. We compare our partition function to the original twistor-string proposal, showing that although our theory is closely related to string theory, it is free from conformal supergravity. We also provide twistor actions for gauge theories with N<4 supersymmetry, and show how matter multiplets may be coupled to the gauge sector.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Vector commitments over rings and compressed Σ-protocols

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    Compressed Σ-Protocol Theory (CRYPTO 2020) presents an “alternative” to Bulletproofs that achieves the same communication complexity while adhering more elegantly to existing Σ -protocol theory, which enables their techniques to be directly applicable to other widely used settings in the context of “plug & play” algorithmics. Unfortunately, their techniques are restricted to arithmetic circuits over prime fields, which rules out the possibility of using more machine-friendly moduli such as powers of 2, which have proven to improve efficiency in applications. In this work we show that such techniques can be generalized to the case of arithmetic circuits modulo any number. This enables the use of powers of 2, which can prove to be beneficial for efficiency, but it also facilitates the use of other moduli that might prove useful in different applications. In order to achieve this, we first present an instantiation of the main building block of the theory of compressed Σ -protocols, namely compact vector commitments. Our construction, which may be of independent interest, is homomorphic modulo any positive integer m, a result that was not known in the literature before. Second, we generalize Compressed Σ-Protocol Theory from finite fields to Zm. The main challenge here is ensuring that there are large enough challenge sets as to fulfill the necessary soundness requirements, which is achieved by considering certain ring extensions. Our techniques have direct application for example to verifiable computation on homomorphically encrypted data

    Low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) for bone healing: A clinical practice guideline

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    Does low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) accelerate recovery in adults and children who have experienced bone fractures or osteotomy (cutting of a bone)? An expert panel rapidly produced these recommendations based on a linked systematic review triggered by a large multi-centre randomised trial in adults with tibial fracture

    Results of the BiPo-1 prototype for radiopurity measurements for the SuperNEMO double beta decay source foils

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    The development of BiPo detectors is dedicated to the measurement of extremely high radiopurity in 208^{208}Tl and 214^{214}Bi for the SuperNEMO double beta decay source foils. A modular prototype, called BiPo-1, with 0.8 m2m^2 of sensitive surface area, has been running in the Modane Underground Laboratory since February, 2008. The goal of BiPo-1 is to measure the different components of the background and in particular the surface radiopurity of the plastic scintillators that make up the detector. The first phase of data collection has been dedicated to the measurement of the radiopurity in 208^{208}Tl. After more than one year of background measurement, a surface activity of the scintillators of A\mathcal{A}(208^{208}Tl) == 1.5 μ\muBq/m2^2 is reported here. Given this level of background, a larger BiPo detector having 12 m2^2 of active surface area, is able to qualify the radiopurity of the SuperNEMO selenium double beta decay foils with the required sensitivity of A\mathcal{A}(208^{208}Tl) << 2 μ\muBq/kg (90% C.L.) with a six month measurement.Comment: 24 pages, submitted to N.I.M.

    Spectral modeling of scintillator for the NEMO-3 and SuperNEMO detectors

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    We have constructed a GEANT4-based detailed software model of photon transport in plastic scintillator blocks and have used it to study the NEMO-3 and SuperNEMO calorimeters employed in experiments designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. We compare our simulations to measurements using conversion electrons from a calibration source of 207Bi\rm ^{207}Bi and show that the agreement is improved if wavelength-dependent properties of the calorimeter are taken into account. In this article, we briefly describe our modeling approach and results of our studies.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Probing exotic phenomena at the interface of nuclear and particle physics with the electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms: A unique window to hadronic and semi-leptonic CP violation

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    The current status of electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms which involves the synergy between atomic experiments and three different theoretical areas -- particle, nuclear and atomic is reviewed. Various models of particle physics that predict CP violation, which is necessary for the existence of such electric dipole moments, are presented. These include the standard model of particle physics and various extensions of it. Effective hadron level combined charge conjugation (C) and parity (P) symmetry violating interactions are derived taking into consideration different ways in which a nucleon interacts with other nucleons as well as with electrons. Nuclear structure calculations of the CP-odd nuclear Schiff moment are discussed using the shell model and other theoretical approaches. Results of the calculations of atomic electric dipole moments due to the interaction of the nuclear Schiff moment with the electrons and the P and time-reversal (T) symmetry violating tensor-pseudotensor electron-nucleus are elucidated using different relativistic many-body theories. The principles of the measurement of the electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms are outlined. Upper limits for the nuclear Schiff moment and tensor-pseudotensor coupling constant are obtained combining the results of atomic experiments and relativistic many-body theories. The coefficients for the different sources of CP violation have been estimated at the elementary particle level for all the diamagnetic atoms of current experimental interest and their implications for physics beyond the standard model is discussed. Possible improvements of the current results of the measurements as well as quantum chromodynamics, nuclear and atomic calculations are suggested.Comment: 46 pages, 19 tables and 16 figures. A review article accepted for EPJ

    EpiDiP/NanoDiP: a versatile unsupervised machine learning edge computing platform for epigenomic tumour diagnostics.

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    DNA methylation analysis based on supervised machine learning algorithms with static reference data, allowing diagnostic tumour typing with unprecedented precision, has quickly become a new standard of care. Whereas genome-wide diagnostic methylation profiling is mostly performed on microarrays, an increasing number of institutions additionally employ nanopore sequencing as a faster alternative. In addition, methylation-specific parallel sequencing can generate methylation and genomic copy number data. Given these diverse approaches to methylation profiling, to date, there is no single tool that allows (1) classification and interpretation of microarray, nanopore and parallel sequencing data, (2) direct control of nanopore sequencers, and (3) the integration of microarray-based methylation reference data. Furthermore, no software capable of entirely running in routine diagnostic laboratory environments lacking high-performance computing and network infrastructure exists. To overcome these shortcomings, we present EpiDiP/NanoDiP as an open-source DNA methylation and copy number profiling suite, which has been benchmarked against an established supervised machine learning approach using in-house routine diagnostics data obtained between 2019 and 2021. Running locally on portable, cost- and energy-saving system-on-chip as well as gpGPU-augmented edge computing devices, NanoDiP works in offline mode, ensuring data privacy. It does not require the rigid training data annotation of supervised approaches. Furthermore, NanoDiP is the core of our public, free-of-charge EpiDiP web service which enables comparative methylation data analysis against an extensive reference data collection. We envision this versatile platform as a useful resource not only for neuropathologists and surgical pathologists but also for the tumour epigenetics research community. In daily diagnostic routine, analysis of native, unfixed biopsies by NanoDiP delivers molecular tumour classification in an intraoperative time frame