505 research outputs found

    Pre-service Teachers: Reflections on Observed Practice

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    Reflective practice serves as a powerful pedagogical strategy for teachers—especially those in low-resource, rural areas. This qualitative case study looked at secondary education pre-service teachers in their first education course. Analysis of focus observation essays data indicated that pre-service teachers were incorporating reflective practice in their field observations, but were not addressing issues of diversity – specifically race and socio-economic status. This study is significant for understanding how pre-service teachers engage in reflective practices with respect to diversity


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    Four species of genus Duvalius (sensu stricto) are known so far from caves and upper hypogean zone (M.S.S.) in the Taygetos massif (Peloponnese, Southern Greece): Duvalius (Duvalius) taygetanus Casale, 1979, D. (D.) genesti Casale & Vigna Taglianti, 1984, D. (D.) diaphanus (Rottenberg, 1874), and D. (D.) mirei Deuve, 2001. Two of them, D. diaphanus and D. mirei, are large sized, sibling species with reduced but still evident and pigmented eyes, syntopic at high altitude above 2000 m a.s.l.. The male features and characters of the male genitalia of D. mirei are here described for the first time, and compared with those of D. diaphanus. Furthermore, a key for identification of the four sympatric Duvalius species known so far from Taygetos Mt. is provided

    Community Engagement through Interactive Field-Based Activities

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    This qualitative case study consisted of social justice interactive field-based experiential learning activities designed to understand community partnerships between a university and local public school. The research question was: How can interactive field-based activities build closer community ties? The theoretical foundation incorporated Ken Zeichner’s “hybrid spaces” with the premise of field-based interactive experiences. The findings indicated the need for further activities that create partnerships between teacher education programs and neighboring public schools

    Immunomodulators for Asthma

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    New information regarding the molecular mechanisms of allergic disorders has led to a variety of novel therapeutic approaches. This article briefly reviews the pathogenesis of asthma and allergic diseases, discusses the rationale behind using immunomodulators in these diseases; and examines the therapeutic effects of immunomodulators on allergic diseases. There are a number of immunomodulators that have been developed for the treatment of allergic disorders. Some have looked very promising in pre-clinical trials, but have not shown significant benefits in human clinical trials thus indicating the disparity between mouse models and human asthma. This review focuses on immunomodulators that are in human clinical trials and not molecules in pre-clinical development

    Schulklima und PĂ€dagogik bei GefĂŒhls- und Verhaltensstörungen. Aktueller Forschungsstand und erste Ergebnisse bei SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern mit Symptomverhalten

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    Das Schulklima wird mittlerweile seit einigen Jahrzehnten aus verschiedenen wissenschaftstheoretischen Perspektiven erforscht. Relativ gut gesichert ist dabei unter anderem, dass ein positives Schulklima einen schĂŒtzenden Einfluss auf die psychosoziale Gesundheit der an Schule beteiligten Akteure (v.a. SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler, LehrkrĂ€fte, Eltern) hat. Damit hat das Thema eine unmittelbare Relevanz fĂŒr die PĂ€dagogik bei GefĂŒhls- und Verhaltensstörungen bzw. die Arbeit im Förderschwerpunkt der Emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung (ESE). Der vorliegende Beitrag arbeitet die Bedeutung des Schulklimas fĂŒr die PĂ€dagogik bei GefĂŒhls- und Verhaltensstörungen heraus. DafĂŒr wird zunĂ€chst der aktuelle Forschungsstand zusammengefasst. Davon ausgehend werden wissenschaftliche Herausforderungen herausgearbeitet. Anschließend wird anhand einer empirischen Studie mit SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern aus der Sekundarstufe I aufgezeigt, inwiefern diese Herausforderungen wissenschaftlich adressiert werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Studie weisen darauf hin, dass signifikante ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der IntensitĂ€t von Symptomen einer GefĂŒhls- und Verhaltensstörung und dem Schulklima bestehen. Außerdem unterscheiden sich SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler am Gymnasium und an der Förderschule mit dem Schwerpunkt Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung signifikant in ihrer Wahrnehmung des Schulklimas. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion hinsichtlich der Besonderheiten zur Schulklimaforschung in der PĂ€dagogik bei Verhaltensstörungen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Wie wichtig ist die aus Lehrkraft- und SchĂŒler:innensicht wahrgenommene BeziehungsqualitĂ€t fĂŒr psychische Gesundheit in Förder- und Regelschulen?

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    Although current research indicates that sustainable dyadic teacher-student relationships (TSRs) can be socially protective against mental health problems, these findings refer primarily to teacher-perceived TSRs in regular schools (cf. Van Bergen et al., 2020). Therefore, this cross-sectional study examined how teacher- and student-perceived TSRs, as well as the disagreements of both perspectives, predict mental health problems in regular and special schools. A total of 228 students from German regular schools (M = 12.27), 245 students from German special schools for social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties (SEBD; M = 13.42), and their class teachers were surveyed about their perceived TSRs using the STRS (closeness, conflict, dependency; Pianta, 2001) and the SPARTS (closeness, conflict, negative expectations; Koomen & Jellesma, 2015). Teachers rated students’ mental health problems using the SDQ (Goodman, 2005). Multilevel analyses showed that dependency and conflict were positively related to mental health problems in both school types, with the effect of conflict being lower in special schools. A positive association between negative expectations and mental health problems was only found in special schools. In both school types, mental health problems increased, the more conflict-perceptions differed (in that teachers rated conflict higher). In special schools, mental health problems decreased with a greater disagreement of closeness-perceptions (in that students rated closeness higher). These results indicate that reducing conflict and dependency may buffer mental health problems in both school types, and reducing negative expectations in special schools. Addressing disagreements in conflict-perceptions seems to be important for both school types and addressing closeness-disagreements for special schools. (DIPF/Orig.)Der bisherige Forschungsstand weist zwar darauf hin, dass eine tragfĂ€hige dyadische Lehrer*in-SchĂŒler*in-Beziehung (LSB) ein sozialer Schutzfaktor gegenĂŒber psychischen Problemen sein kann, bezieht sich dabei aber vornehmlich auf die lehrkraftbeurteilte LSB sowie auf das Regelschulsetting (zur Kritik vgl. Van Bergen et al., 2020). Deswegen untersuchte diese Querschnittsstudie, inwiefern die aus Lehrkraft- und SchĂŒler*innensicht wahrgenommene LSB sowie die Nicht-Übereinstimmungen beider Perspektiven psychische Probleme in Regel- und Förderschulen vorhersagen. 228 SchĂŒler*innen aus Regelschulen (M = 12.27) und 245 SchĂŒler*innen aus Förderschulen mit dem Förderschwerpunkt Emotionale und soziale Entwicklung (FSP ESE; M = 13.42) sowie ihre LehrkrĂ€fte wurden mit der STRS (NĂ€he, Konflikt, AbhĂ€ngigkeit; Pianta, 2001) und SPARTS (NĂ€he, Konflikt, Negative Erwartungen; Koomen & Jellesma, 2015) zur wahrgenommenen LSB befragt. LehrkrĂ€fte beurteilten die psychischen Probleme der SchĂŒler*innen mittels SDQ (Goodman, 2005). Mehrebenenanalysen zeigten positive ZusammenhĂ€nge von AbhĂ€ngigkeit sowie Konflikt mit psychischen Problemen, wobei der Effekt des Konflikts in Förderschulen geringer war. Ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Negativen Erwartungen und psychischen Problemen zeigte sich nur in Förderschulen. In beiden Schulformen stiegen psychische Probleme, umso stĂ€rker die Wahrnehmungen des Konflikts voneinander abwichen (insofern, als LehrkrĂ€fte Konflikt höher einschĂ€tzten). In der Förderschule sanken psychische Probleme bei stĂ€rkerer NĂ€he-Wahrnehmungsabweichung (insofern, als SchĂŒler*innen NĂ€he höher einschĂ€tzten). Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Reduzieren von Konflikt und AbhĂ€ngigkeit in beiden Schulformen und die Reduktion von Negativen Erwartungen insbesondere in Förderschulen einen mildernden Einfluss auf psychische Probleme haben kann. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Konflikt-Diskordanzen scheint relevant fĂŒr beide Schulformen und die Auseinandersetzung mit NĂ€he-Diskordanzen bedeutsam fĂŒr die Förderschule zu sein. (DIPF/Orig.

    Immunomodulation in the treatment and/or prevention of bronchial asthma

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    ABSTRACTThe immunologic hallmark of atopic allergy and asthma is an increased production of IgE and T helper (h) type 2 cell cytokines (interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13) by Th cells reacting to common environmental allergens. All of us inhale allergens and healthy non-atopics produce allergen-specific IgG1, IgG4 and the Th1 cytokine interferon-α, as well as IL-12 from macrophages. We now have many modalities of immunomodulation to decrease the effect of IL-4 or IL-5 or production and level of IgE or agents to shift the immune response from a Th2 to a Th1 response, thereby decreasing the allergic inflammatory response in the airways. In the present review we focus on conventional immunotherapy, mycobacterial vaccines, DNA vaccines using cytosine guanosine, inhibitors of IL-4 and IL-5 and anti-IgE: Omalizumab

    The effect of extraction methodology on the recovery and distribution of naphthenic acids of oilfield produced water

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    Comprehensive chemical characterization of naphthenic acids (NAs) in oilfield produced water is a challenging task due to sample complexity. The recovery of NAs from produced water, and the corresponding distribution of detectable NAs are strongly influenced by sample extraction methodologies. In this study, we evaluated the effect of the extraction method on chemical space (i.e. the total number of chemicals present in a sample), relative recovery, and the distribution of NAs in a produced water sample. Three generic and pre-established extraction methods (i.e. liquid-liquid extraction (Lq), and solid phase extraction using HLB cartridges (HLB), and the combination of ENV+ and C8 (ENV) cartridges) were employed for our evaluation. The ENV method produced the largest number of detected NAs (134 out of 181) whereas the HLB and Lq methods produced 108 and 91 positive detections, respectively, in the tested produced water sample. For the relative recoveries, the ENV performed better than the other two methods. The uni-variate and multi-variate statistical analysis of our results indicated that the ENV and Lq methods explained most of the variance observed in our data. When looking at the distribution of NAs in our sample the ENV method appeared to provide a more complete picture of the chemical diversity of NAs in that sample. Finally, the results are further discussed

    The Role of Aeroallergen Sensitization Testing in Asthma Management

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    Copyright © 2020 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
