173 research outputs found

    New SAR Target Imaging Algorithm based on Oblique Projection for Clutter Reduction

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    International audienceWe have developed a new Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) algorithm based on physical models for the detection of a Man-Made Target (MMT) embedded in strong clutter (trunks in a forest). The physical models for the MMT and the clutter are represented by low-rank subspaces and are based on scattering and polarimetric properties. Our SAR algorithm applies the oblique projection of the received signal along the clutter subspace onto the target subspace. We compute its statistical performance in terms of probabilities of detection and false alarms. The performances of the proposed SAR algorithm are improved compared to those obtained with existing SAR algorithms: the MMT detection is greatly improved and the clutter is rejected. We also studied the robustness of our new SAR algorithm to interference modeling errors. Results on real FoPen (Foliage Penetration) data showed the usefulness of this approach

    Algorithme de synthèse d'ouverture basé sur un détecteur à sous espace

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    Cet article traite de l'imagerie de cibles localisées sous un couvert forestier à l'aide d'un Radar à Synthèse d'Ouverture (RSO) Large Bande, fonctionnant en UHF-VHF (fréquence centrale entre 100 MHz et 1 GHz). Partant de l'idée qu'une cible est constituée d'un ensemble de plaques, nous développons un algorithme original d'imagerie basé sur un détecteur à sous espace. Nous montrons que quelque soit l'orientation d'une plaque, l'ensemble de ses réponses appartient à un sous espace restreint et nous projetons le signal reçu réel dans ce sous espace. Ensuite, cet algorithme est testé sur des cas simples de simulation où la cible est une plaque et les performances de détection de cet algorithme sont comparées avec un algorithme traditionnel d'imagerie RSO. Les résultats montrent une nette amélioration des performances de localisation et de détection dans le cas de plaques noyées dans du bruit blanc, gaussien

    Performance evaluation of unified medical language system®'s synonyms expansion to query PubMed

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PubMed is the main access to medical literature on the Internet. In order to enhance the performance of its information retrieval tools, primarily non-indexed citations, the authors propose a method: expanding users' queries using Unified Medical Language System' (UMLS) synonyms i.e. all the terms gathered under one unique Concept Unique Identifier.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This method was evaluated using queries constructed to emphasize the differences between this new method and the current PubMed automatic term mapping. Four experts assessed citation relevance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using UMLS, we were able to retrieve new citations in 45.5% of queries, which implies a small increase in recall. The new strategy led to a heterogeneous 23.7% mean increase in non-indexed citation retrieved. Of these, 82% have been published less than 4 months earlier. The overall mean precision was 48.4% but differed according to the evaluators, ranging from 36.7% to 88.1% (Inter rater agreement was poor: kappa = 0.34).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study highlights the need for specific search tools for each type of user and use-cases. The proposed strategy may be useful to retrieve recent scientific advancement.</p

    RNA and DNA Bacteriophages as Molecular Diagnosis Controls in Clinical Virology: A Comprehensive Study of More than 45,000 Routine PCR Tests

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    Real-time PCR techniques are now commonly used for the detection of viral genomes in various human specimens and require for validation both external and internal controls (ECs and ICs). In particular, ICs added to clinical samples are necessary to monitor the extraction, reverse transcription, and amplification steps in order to detect false-negative results resulting from PCR-inhibition or errors in the technical procedure. Here, we performed a large scale evaluation of the use of bacteriophages as ICs in routine molecular diagnosis. This allowed to propose simple standardized procedures (i) to design specific ECs for both DNA and RNA viruses and (ii) to use T4 (DNA) or MS2 (RNA) phages as ICs in routine diagnosis. Various technical formats for using phages as ICs were optimised and validated. Subsequently, T4 and MS2 ICs were evaluated in routine real-time PCR or RT-PCR virological diagnostic tests, using a series of 8,950 clinical samples (representing 36 distinct specimen types) sent to our laboratory for the detection of a variety of DNA and RNA viruses. The frequency of inefficient detection of ICs was analyzed according to the nature of the sample. Inhibitors of enzymatic reactions were detected at high frequency in specific sample types such as heparinized blood and bone marrow (>70%), broncho-alveolar liquid (41%) and stools (36%). The use of T4 and MS2 phages as ICs proved to be cost-effective, flexible and adaptable to various technical procedures of real-time PCR detection in virology. It represents a valuable strategy for enhancing the quality of routine molecular diagnosis in laboratories that use in-house designed diagnostic systems, which can conveniently be associated to the use of specific synthetic ECs. The high rate of inhibitors observed in a variety of specimen types should stimulate the elaboration of improved technical protocols for the extraction and amplification of nucleic acids

    A Retrospective Overview of Enterovirus Infection Diagnosis and Molecular Epidemiology in the Public Hospitals of Marseille, France (1985–2005)

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    Human enteroviruses (HEV) are frequent human pathogens and, associated in particular with large outbreaks of aseptic meningitis. Here, we have compiled a database of clinical HEV isolates from the Public Hospitals of Marseille, from 1985 to 2005. Amongst 654 isolates that could be characterized by complete sequencing of the VP1 gene, 98% belonged to species HEV-B; the most frequently isolated serotypes were Echovirus E30, E11, E7, E6 and E4. The high incidence of E30 and the recent emergence of E13 are consistent with reports worldwide and peak HEV isolation occurred mostly in the late spring and summer months. The proportion of echoviruses has decreased across the years, while that of coxsackieviruses has increased. Stool (the most frequent sample type) allowed detection of all identified serotypes. MRC5 (Human lung fibroblasts) cell line was the most conducive cell line for HEV isolation (84.9% of 10 most common serotype isolates, 96.3% in association with BGM (Buffalo green monkey kidney cells)). Previous seroneutralization-based serotype identification demonstrated 55.4% accuracy when compared with molecular VP1 analysis. Our analysis of a large number of clinical strains over 20 years reinforced the validity of VP1 serotyping and showed that comparative p-distance scores can be coupled with phylogenetic analysis to provide non-ambiguous serotype identification. Phylogenetic analysis in the VP1, 2C and 3D regions also provided evidence for recombination events amongst clinical isolates. In particular, it identified isolates with dissimilar VP1 but almost identical nonstructural regions

    Modélisation de l'interaction cohérente des ondes électromagnétiques avec des couverts forestiers

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    Pr. Walid Tabbara rapporteur et président du jury, Pr. Eric Pottier rapporteur, Pr. Paul Combes examinateur, Eric Mougin examinateur, Jean-Claude Souyris examinateur et Cécile Titin-Schnaider membre invitéThe use of vegetation scattering models enable to better understand the links between radar data and the characteristics of the scene under observation. Recent studies have shown the point in modelling partially or totally the coherent interactions among scatterers. Thus, scattering models have evolved from an incoherent formulation (intensity) to a coherent one (amplitude and phase). In this thesis, a coherent and fully polarimetric formulation of the radar scattering of forested areas is developed. The canonical elements (cylinders and ellipsoids) are first considered in order to highlight the validity domain of the modelling of their interaction with electromagnetic waves. The coherent model is then presented and applied to a forest, considered as a discrete medium. The scattering by the whole forest results in the coherent sum of the fields scattered by each of its component. Each contribution is weighted by a phase shift induced by the relative position of the scatterers and weakened by the complex attenuation encountered by the wave during the propagation through the forest. Coherent models need a quite realistic description of the highlighted area, so the modelling of the forested areas have been carefully treated. This formulation is applied to two kinds of forests (tropical and tempered one) and considering three frequency bands (P-, L- and C- band). Studies of Mangrove forests stands show that the backscattering coefficient is correctly simulated, specially in the case where strong coherent effects are expected. Restrictions of this code have been analysed, particularly for high frequencies/densities. Finally the interferometric coherence is studied and its composition (influence of scatterers or mechanisms) is studied.L'utilisation de modèles de diffusion radar par la végétation permet de mieux comprendre les relations entre des observables radar et les caractéristiques de la scène observée. Des études récentes ont montré l'intérêt de modéliser de manière partielle ou totale les interactions cohérentes entre les diffuseurs d'une scène, les modèles de diffusion évoluant d'une formulation en intensité (incohérente) à une formulation en champ (cohérente). Durant cette thèse, nous avons développé une formulation cohérente et polarimétrique de la diffusion radar par des scènes forestières. La diffusion par des éléments canoniques (cylindres, ellipsoïdes) a été traitée afin de mettre en évidence les domaines de validité des méthodes employées. Le modèle de diffusion est ensuite présenté puis appliqué à une forêt considérée comme un milieu discret. La contribution totale de la forêt résulte alors de la sommation cohérente des champs diffusés par chacune de ses composantes. Chaque contribution est pondérée par le déphasage dû à la position relative des diffuseurs et l'atténuation complexe lié au trajet de l'onde dans la forêt. Les modèles cohérents ayant besoin de s'appuyer sur des descriptions réalistes de la végétation, un soin particulier à été porté à la modélisation de la forêt. Ce code a été appliqué à deux types de forêts (tropicale et tempérée) et à trois bandes de fréquences différentes (P,L et C). Son application aux forêts de Mangroves a montré qu'il modélise correctement la rétrodiffusion dans un cas où de forts effets cohérents sont attendus. Les limitations de ce code sont notamment analysées dans le cas particulier des hautes fréquences/densités. Finalement le degré de cohérence interférométrique est étudié et sa composition (contributeurs et mécanismes dominants) est analysée
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