557 research outputs found

    Une approche basée sur la tâche

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    En combinant une approche basée sur la tâche et les principes d’un apprentissage autodirigé, l’apprenant est soutenu dans ses processus d’acquisition langagière et en même temps, il apprend à gérer ses propres apprentissages. Pour une approche actionnelle… “Un des objectifs à atteindre constitue à pouvoir parler de soi quand on est à l’étranger. C’est intéressant parce que cela permet d’entrer en contact avec d’autres jeunes. Dès lors, je propose un projet fax. On pourrait chercher une école francophone, et…” “ Mais Madame, nous, on n’écrit pas de fax… ça ne nous dit rien !” Et voilà la négociation qui démarre. Finalement, les élèves proposent de faire des blogs. Pourquoi pas ? L’objectif visé reste le même, mais les élèves se sont approprié la tâche.La combinación de un enfoque basado en la tarea y los principios de un aprendizaje autodirigido le permite al aprendiz no sólo seguir los proceso de adquisición de la lengua, sino que al mismo tiempo aprende a gestionar su propio aprendizaje. Por un enfoque activo… “Uno de los objetivos a alcanzar constituye poder hablar de uno mismo cuando se está en el extranjero. Es interesante porque permite entrar en contacto con otros jóvenes. Entonces propuse un proyecto fax. Se podría buscar una escuela francófona y…” “Pero, profesora, nosotros no escribimos faxes…¡No nos dicen nada!” Y he aquí que la negociación comienza. Finalmente, los alumnos proponen hacer blogs. ¿Por qué no? El objetivo a alcanzar es el mismo, pero los alumnos se apropian de la tarea

    De Romeinse fibulae uit Oudenburg

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    This article discusses the research done on the brooches found in the late Roman fort and burial site at Oudenburg (Belgium). The first part aims to explain the context of the finds and typochronological data of the brooches from the excavation Oudenburg-Spegelaere on the southwest corner of the fort. Furthermore, it attempts to place these finds in a wider network by comparing some similar finds from other sites and their main distribution. The second part focuses specific on the crossbow brooches. After a short introduction about the research history, the article continues with the technological and social interpretation derived from the detailed measurements and observations of the brooches from both the fort and burial site.Dit artikel is de uiteenzetting van het onderzoek op de fibulae die gevonden zijn in het laat-Romeinse castellum en grafveld van Oudenburg. Het eerste deel behandelt de vondstcontext en typochronologische gegevens van de fibulae uit de opgraving Oudenburg-Spegelaere op de zuidwesthoek van het fort. Bovendien wordt er getracht om deze vondsten in een breder netwerk te plaatsen aan de hand van enkele vergelijkende voorbeelden en hun distributie. Het tweede deel concentreert zich specifiek op de kruisboogfibula. Naast een korte inleiding over voorafgaande studies, worden de vondsten uit het fort en het grafveld onderworpen aan gedetailleerde metingen en observaties, om nieuwe technologische en sociale interpretaties aan te reiken

    Existentialism & Borderline Personality Disorder in \’The Tunnel\’

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    How can the author’s knowledge and experiences influence his interpretation of culture and medicine in literary works? The purpose of this study is to interpret the condition of Juan Pablo Castel, Ernesto Sábato’s character from the short novel The Tunnel , one of the most relevant pieces of literature in Argentina and Latin America after World War II. I believe that this character shows symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder, and there\u27s a strong correlation between this diagnosis and the author\u27s philosophical beliefs. This study contributes to multiple disciplines because it is interdisciplinary on different levels: the first intersection lies between the disciplines of psychology and literature; the second one has to do with languages, since I combined bibliography in English and in Spanish in order to reach a conclusion; and lastly, I approached the character\u27s interpretation from a medical, descriptive perspective (symptoms described in the DSM-5) and from a more holistic, and dynamic perspective such as existential psychotherapy. In order to interpret this character, I first analyzed previous research done on the author\u27s social and cultural context, and then examined different approaches to existentialism and borderline personality disorder. My conclusion shows a relationship between Juan Pablo Castel\u27s condition and Ernesto Sábato’s exposure to existential philosophy

    Is archaeological practice obscuring our understanding of the Late Roman fifth century?

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    The fifth century in Northern Gaul is traditionally characterised by barbarian invasions, conflict, abandonment, and large migrations. However, there is little material evidence that can inform us on the identity, origin, and activities of local communities. This paper addresses the role of archaeological practice in obscuring the Late Roman fifth century. First, the state of research for the Late Roman period in the region of Flanders (Belgium) is presented to illustrate issues concerning identification, chronology, and interpretation of the material record in Northern Gaul. Second, the impact of theory and narratives on the collection of archaeological data is briefly reviewed, followed by an examination of the influence of classification, periodisation, and time perception on archaeological practice and their role in the persistence of current biases. Finally, some considerations are offered for new approaches to identify and interpret the material record from the Late Roman fifth century

    Alternative Strategies For Optimal Water Quality Sensor Placement In Drinking Water Distribution Networks

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    The most commonly applied strategies for optimal water quality sensor placement in drinking water distribution systems are aimed at contamination early warning systems. These strategies aim to minimize the number of people affected in case of a deliberate contamination of drinking water in the distribution system, and provide a valuable tool. A number of factors which are usually not taken into account, including the response strategy to the identification of a contamination event, the fallibility of sensors and changes in network configuration (valve manipulation) and operation, may affect the results of these strategies. Since the quickness and effectiveness of a response is generally also a function of the location of the contamination event (both source and first detection), knowledge on the response strategy should also be part of the sensor placement optimization methodology. Hydraulic models generally play a central role in the optimization of sensor placement. The validity of their computations strongly depends upon accurate and up to date information on the network, which is often not fully available (e.g. unregistered valve status changes). Therefore, a sensor network configuration which is somewhat robust to these issues is desirable. Besides contamination early warning systems, there are several other reasons for placing water quality sensors in distribution network, including process control and monitoring, regulatory monitoring, etc. These require a different approach to optimization of the sensor network in terms of sensor locations. In this paper, we demonstrate the application of different sensor location optimization strategies in drinking water distribution networks, with aims such as minimization of the number of people affected, maximization of distribution network coverage, optimization of sensor network robustness and optimization of contamination source identification. We present and compare results of these different approaches applied to hydraulic models of a real drinking water distribution network in the Netherlands

    Biodegradable dextran and PEG micro- and nanogels: physicochemical properties and sustained drug delivery features

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    De laatste jaren is de ontwikkeling van macromoleculaire geneesmiddelen in de strijd tegen erfelijke ziekten, kanker of hart- en vaatziekten enorm toegenomen. Het potentieel van deze peptiden, eiwitten of (oligo)nucleotiden zou haast oneindig zijn, ware het niet dat er zich nog verschillende problemen voordoen. Een eerste probleem schuilt in de stabiliteit van het geneesmiddel wanneer het toegediend wordt in het lichaam. Door de aanwezigheid van enzymen of door een verlaagde pH (bijvoorbeeld in de maag) worden deze therapeutische moleculen afgebroken en als gevolg onbruikbaar. Een tweede probleem is dat bepaalde geneesmiddelen agressief zijn en niet alleen het doelweefsel beschadigen, maar ook alle andere cellen die ze op hun weg tegenkomen en daardoor voor ernstige neveneffecten kunnen zorgen. Ten slotte worden deze geneesmiddelen zeer snel uit het lichaam verwijderd: wanneer ze voldoende klein zijn gebeurt dit voornamelijk door renale klaring, grotere moleculen worden vaak opgenomen door fagocyterende cellen. Bijgevolg zijn continue toediening of toediening via herhaalde injecties noodzakelijk, en dit tot ongemak van de patiënt. Om al deze problemen het hoofd te kunnen bieden, zijn er de laatste decennia verschillende dragersystemen voor macromoleculaire farmaca ontwikkeld die in staat zijn het geneesmiddel doelgericht af te geven aan een bepaald celtype en dit bovendien doen over een bepaalde tijdspanne. Voor de vervaardiging van deze dragersystemen zijn hydrogels zeer geschikt. Hydrogels bestaan uit een netwerk gevormd door onderling verbonden polymeren die een grote hoeveelheid water vasthouden. Vooral biodegradeerbare hydrogels zijn geschikt als afgiftesysteem. Ten eerste omdat ze, dankzij hun degradeerbaarheid, niet (chirurgisch) verwijderd moeten worden, en ten tweede omdat het mogelijk is om de vrijstelling van de ingesloten geneesmiddelen te sturen, onder andere via het aanpassen van de vernettingsdichtheid

    Abandoned, neglected and revived : aspects of Late Roman society in Northern Gaul

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    Impact of climate on pipe failure: predictions of failures for drinking water distribution systems

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    The integrity of drinking water distribution systems (DWDS) may be influenced by climate change. Using the statistical relations between failure frequencies and weather conditions described in our previous work (Wols & Van Thienen 2014a), a methodology is proposed to assess the effect of climate change on future DWDSs. The effect of climate change is combined with the evolution of the DWDS. This analysis can be conducted for any DWDS, for which historical failure registrations and weather parameters are available. The proposed methodology can therefore assist in the construction and maintenance planning of DWDSs. The methodology has been worked out for the Dutch drinking water distribution network. The results show that failures in networks with high AC proportions will increase as a result of expected climate change in the Netherlands, whereas failures in networks with high PVC and GCI proportions will even slightly reduce

    Flow Analysis And Leak Detection With The CFPD Method In The Paris Drinking Water Distribution System

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    With significant drinking water loss rates \u3e10% during distribution at many drinking water utilities worldwide, the detection of new leaks, especially small and slowly growing leaks, remains an important challenge for the water sector. Time series of flow rates into isolated or completely metered distribution areas (e.g. District Metered Areas) contain signals of all existing and new leaks in that area, and also of all other processes taking place, e.g. changes in demand, operations, etc. Therefore, in principle these data can provide valuable information about new leaks, unregistered changes in valve status, etc. However, distinguishing one from the others is often difficult. The CFPD (Comparison of Flow Pattern Distributions) method is a flow time series data transformation which facilitates the identification, quantification, and interpretation of changes in the amounts of water supplied. Contrary to the often applied minimum night flow analysis, it uses all available flow data (24 hours per day, resolution of 1 measurement per hour or better) and recognizes different types of changes. In this way, it helps to distinguish e.g. new leaks from operational signals and demand changes. In the past year, it has been successfully applied at several Dutch drinking water companies. In this paper, we illustrate the application of the CFPD method by presenting selected results from CFPD analyses of flow data for 16 of 30 DMAs in the city of Paris. The findings are compared to a list of registered leaks
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