282 research outputs found

    Better understanding and preparedness for drought risk: use of the "chrono-systemic timeline" tool for a transversal analysis (case study in Belgium)

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    editorial reviewedTo study a drought which is a complex hazard with multiple and cumulative impacts depending on environmental and societal context, it is essential to understand the course of key events of the crisis and interactions between them. A better knowledge of the dynamics of this risk can improve the management of future crises by correcting identified past failures. In order to achieve these objectives, we used an original and innovative tool: the chrono-systemic timeline. This consists in a transversal analysis instrument that allows visualization – in a single diagram – of temporal and multi-sectoral highlights of crisis and their relationships. The chrono-systemic timeline is particularly adapted to a holistic analysis of water scarcity. The successive droughts of 2018, 2019 and 2020 in Wallonia (Belgium) served as a case study for development of this tool. The data introduced into the model concern environmental conditions (climate, hydrology), economic and social context (water production, agriculture, natural environments, energy, navigation, tourism, public health) and political and administrative decisions. The study shows presence of water stress situations in all socio-ecosystems of the territory with a reactive crisis management and concludes that it is necessary to better consider drought risk in public policies and to put in place anticipatory and adaptive management of this risk.13. Climate actio

    Socio-ecosystemic analysis of the 2018 drought in Wallonia (Belgium) and possible recommendations for a transversal and sustainable risk management

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    editorial reviewedThis poster presents a holistic analysis of a drought in Belgium and highlights recommendations for a sustainable risk management. To reach these objectives, we used an innovative tool : the chrono-systemic timeline. It’s a synthetic diagram which examines interdisciplinary key events of a crisis and logical links between them. Contexts considered in the timeline are environmental conditions, economic and social contexts and political decisions. This chrono-systemic timeline shows three important facts: • water stress situations in all the socio-ecosystems of the territory; • a slow return to a normal situation; • a reactive crisis management. This study recommends better planning for drought management by public authorities and promoting anticipatory and adaptive management.13. Climate actio

    The chrono-systemic timeline as a tool to help understand "post-crisis" risks with multi-sectoral impacts. Application to hydrological climate extremes (droughts and floods) in Wallonia (Belgium).

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    editorial reviewedDans le cadre des extrêmes climatiques hydrologiques durant lesquels les conséquences sont extrêmement variées, que ce soit sectoriellement, spatialement ou temporellement, la difficulté d’obtenir une vision globale des événements et de comprendre les liens les unissant est réelle. Un outil permet cependant de rassembler ces éléments complexes en un schéma synthétique : la « frise chrono-systémique ». Cette communication détaille la méthodologie de construction des frises chrono-systémiques, en présente brièvement les résultats (pour deux cas d'études en Belgique) en termes d’impacts multisectoriels et de dynamiques de gestion des crises hydrologiques et conclut par une description des bénéfices apportés par l’outil et des perspectives de développement de ce dernier.In the context of hydrological climate extremes, during which the consequences are extremely varied, whether in terms of sector, space or time, the difficulty of obtaining an overall view of the events and understanding the links between them is real. However, there is a tool that allows these complex elements to be brought together in a synthetic diagram: the "chrono-systemic frieze". This paper details the methodology for constructing the time-systemic timeline, briefly presents the results (for two case studies in Belgium) in terms of multisectoral impacts and the dynamics of hydrological crisis management, and concludes with a description of the benefits of the tool and its development prospects.13. Climate actio

    Spin wave emission by spin-orbit torque antennas

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    We study the generation of propagating spin waves in Ta/CoFeB waveguides by spin-orbit torque antennas and compare them to conventional inductive antennas. The spin-orbit torque was generated by a transverse microwave current across the magnetic waveguide. The detected spin wave signals for an in-plane magnetization across the waveguide (Damon-Eshbach configuration) exhibited the expected phase rotation and amplitude decay upon propagation when the current spreading was taken into account. Wavevectors up to about 6 rad/μ\mum could be excited by the spin-orbit torque antennas despite the current spreading, presumably due to the non-uniformity of the microwave current. The relative magnitude of generated anti-damping spin-Hall and Oersted fields was calculated within an analytic model and it was found that they contribute approximately equally to the total effective field generated by the spin-orbit torque antenna. Due to the ellipticity of the precession in the ultrathin waveguide and the different orientation of the anti-damping spin-Hall and Oersted fields, the torque was however still dominated by the Oersted field. The prospects for obtaining a pure spin-orbit torque response are discussed, as are the energy efficiency and the scaling properties of spin-orbit torque antennas.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Droughts in Wallonia, a new challenge of climate change ? Some ways of improving the management of this meteorogical phenomenon.

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    peer reviewedIn recent years, droughts - extreme climatic events due to abnormal rainfall deficits - have become a regular occurrence in our latitudes. With its slow dynamics, wide scope and numerous multidisciplinary impacts, this atypical phenomenon is likely to cause both a simple environmental disruption and a major socio-economic crisis. Moreover, it is now certain that the ongoing global warming will increase the frequency and intensity of droughts in Europe. Wallonia must therefore prepare for this new climate challenge in order to limit - in the short, medium and long term - its costly and destructive impacts. Initiatives have already been taken in Belgium at national and regional level to improve the management of this phenomenon, but we show in this article that they are insufficient. Optimising prevention and planning, introducing alert thresholds with concrete measures or promoting adaptation and anticipation are all actions that can increase our resilience to this risk. This article contextualises the risk of drought in Wallonia, makes a non-exhaustive inventory of existing measures and presents some ways for improving the management of drought episodes.Ces dernières années, les sécheresses – événements climatiques extrêmes dus à un déficit pluviométrique anormal – s’invitent régulièrement sous nos latitudes. Avec sa dynamique lente, son ampleur large et ses nombreux impacts multidisciplinaires, ce phénomène atypique est susceptible de provoquer aussi bien une simple perturbation environnementale qu’une crise socio-économique majeure. De plus, il est maintenant certain que le réchauffement climatique en cours va augmenter la fréquence et l’intensité des sécheresses en Europe. La Wallonie doit donc se préparer à ce nouveau défi climatique pour en limiter – à court, moyen et long terme – les impacts souvent coûteux et destructeurs. Des initiatives ont déjà été prises en Belgique à l’échelon national et régional pour améliorer la gestion de ce phénomène mais nous démontrons dans cet article qu’elles sont insuffisantes. Optimiser la prévention et la planification, instaurer des seuils d’alerte avec des mesures concrètes ou encore favoriser les démarches d’adaptation et d’anticipation sont autant d’actions qui peuvent augmenter notre capacité de réponse face à ce risque. Cet article contextualise le risque de sécheresse en Wallonie, fait un état des lieux non-exhaustif des mesures existantes et présente quelques pistes d’amélioration de la gestion des épisodes de sécheresse

    Managing and Adapting to Risk: Implementing Adaptation Strategies - Summary Note and Recommendations

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    Le Congrès sur la résilience de la Wallonie face aux risques environnementaux avait pour objectif d’établir un diagnostic des vulnérabilités de la Wallonie face aux risques environnementaux ; d’élaborer une vision d’une Wallonie résiliente et d’aboutir à des recommandations en termes d’outils de gouvernance et de monitoring pour mieux anticiper et gérer ces événements. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, plusieurs groupes de travail ont été constitués, dont l'un s'est penché spécifiquement sur la question de la gestion et de l'adaptation face aux risques environnementaux dans le contexte du territoire wallon. Les conclusions de ce groupe sont détaillées, sous forme d'enjeux et de recommandations, dans le présent document

    Microsatellite analysis of museum specimens reveals historical differences in genetic diversity between declining and more stable Bombus species

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    Worldwide most pollinators, e.g. bumblebees, are undergoing global declines. Loss of genetic diversity can play an essential role in these observed declines. In this paper, we investigated the level of genetic diversity of seven declining Bombus species and four more stable species with the use of microsatellite loci. Hereto we genotyped a unique collection of museum specimens. Specimens were collected between 1918 and 1926, in 6 provinces of the Netherlands which allowed us to make interspecific comparisons of genetic diversity. For the stable species B. pascuorum, we also selected populations from two additional time periods: 1949-1955 and 1975-1990. The genetic diversity and population structure in B. pascuorum remained constant over the three time periods. However, populations of declining bumblebee species showed a significantly lower genetic diversity than co-occurring stable species before their major declines. This historical difference indicates that the repeatedly observed reduced genetic diversity in recent populations of declining bumblebee species is not caused solely by the decline itself. The historically low genetic diversity in the declined species may be due to the fact that these species were already rare, making them more vulnerable to the major drivers of bumblebee decline

    Development of the Chrono-Systemic Timeline as a Tool for Cross-Sectional Analysis of Droughts—Application in Wallonia

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    peer reviewedDrought is a complex hazard with multiple and often dramatic impacts, depending on the environmental and societal context of the affected area. In recent years, due to global warming, this phenomenon has been occurring more intensely and frequently, affecting regions worldwide, including Wallonia, the southern part of Belgium. This study aims to enhance our understanding of the interdisciplinary dynamics of drought in order to improve its anticipation and crisis management by stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, a cross-disciplinary analysis tool has been developed: the chrono-systemic timeline. Applied here to the severe drought of 2018 in Wallonia, this tool provides a comprehensive visual representation of the crisis, simultaneously offering temporal and multi-sectoral perspectives. The data incorporated into the model encompass environmental conditions, economic and social contexts, as well as political and administrative decisions made during the case study. The analysis of the chrono-systemic timeline reveals numerous interdisciplinary connections, a prolonged period of significant impacts, a gradual return to a ‘normal’ situation, and a reactive form of crisis management. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of giving due consideration to the risks associated with water deficits and advocates for the implementation of anticipatory and adaptive management strategies to enhance our ability to effectively address droughts.13. Climate action6. Clean water and sanitation12. Responsible consumption and productio

    Sea container building

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    Treball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester' i l' "International Design Project Semester".Sea containers are used globally for shipping and have been for over 60 years, there are millions of them worldwide sitting unused in ports, recently individuals and businesses are realising the potential of this and using them to construct permanent buildings faster and cheaper than traditional buildings. Neàpolis, an innovation agency situated in Vilanova i la Geltrú identified the potential of sea container for a new business property. The present report details the project “Sea Container Building” during the European Project Semester 2017, completed by six international students at Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Villanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG) in cooperation with Neàpolis Neàpolis encountered a problem due to a lack of space to expand their business so they announced the above-mentioned project. The task given to the team was to design, analyse and plan a new multipurpose building using sea containers as the primary building material which should be constructed on the site next to the main Neàpolis headquarters. First of all, general information about sea containers and existing sea container buildings was researched. Secondly the requirements set by Neàpolis were written down. The new construction must consist of a cowork office space, a maker space, a bar/café and an exhibition hall offering space for at least 30 people altogether. Thirdly the building site is examined and the urban regulations are analysed. At present the plot is qualified as a Green Zone, thus it is not allowed to build. However solutions to change this circumstance exist and should not limit the project. Followed by various research about the climate and eco aspects which led to several exterior design concepts which were then refined into a final design and agreed upon by all stakeholders. Based on the design and the plot characteristics a foundation type was chosen and the sewage piping was planned. At the same time as the exterior finishing the interior layout started in close relation with each other. Floor plans and electrical plans are created. Furniture is chosen and the interior layout is completed. Furthermore the construction process is planned to estimate the construction time and compare it to a classic concrete building. Over the whole planning the costs are monitored and calculated with estimated and researched numbers for each element to give as precise a total cost estimation as possible and to also compare it to classic concrete buildings like the construction time. A conclusion and an outlook (list of next steps) are completing this report