73 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to chemically characterize the bark extracts from three tree species: Anacardium occidentale L., Ziziphus joazeiro Mart. and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth., in addition to obtaining the soluble extract content in water, alcohol and hexane from the bark of these species. The bark was collected from branches of the three species and subsequently pre-dried and milled. The extract content was then determined using the Sohxlet method aiming to quantify the total extractives in the samples, and determine the extract content soluble in water, ethyl alcohol and hexane. The extracts were further analyzed by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis to determine their chemical composition. The extract contents in the three species behaved in a similar way, with hexane being the solvent which extracted more compounds and juazeiro the species that displayed the highest total extract content. With the chemical characterization of the extracts, it was possible to identify the presence of functional groups characteristic of carbohydrates and proteins in the aqueous extracts; the presence of characteristic hydroxyl group, for example in alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and ethers in the ethanolic extracts; and the presence of fatty acids and aromatic compounds (essential oils) in hexanolic extracts. The essential oils were the compounds which presented larger quantities, and can be exploited by the pharmaco-chemical industry


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    Tree native species of the Caatinga (a Brazilian semi-arid biome) have characteristics of interest for the use of their wood and non-wood products, especially regarding their natural chemical compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal action of different bark extracts of Anacardium occidentale, Ziziphus joazeiro and Mimosa caesalpiniifolia against Ganoderma lobatum and G. multiplicatum by in vitro mycelial inhibition. The extractions from the bark of the trees were carried out with a Soxhlet extractor, using water, ethanol and hexane as solvents. The potential of mycelia inhibition of each extract was tested against fungi of the Ganoderma genus. The hexane extracts of the bark had activity against G. multiplicatum, unlike the aqueous and ethanol extracts. Even though the hexane-based extracts had a small mycelial inhibition effect against G. lobatum, there were no satisfactory results of extracts against this fungus species


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    This study aimed to evaluate the development of Aspidosperma discolor A. DC. seedlings two different origins subjected to full sunlight or different shading levels in a forest nursery, in addition to identifying its effective ecological group. Closed and pre-mature greenish-yellow colored follicles were collected from 10 randomly selected mother trees in two natural populations of lowland Dense Ombrophilous Forest fragments, both in Pernambuco, Brazil. The seedlings of these seeds were developed under different shading levels. After the seedlings were developed, the following variables were evaluated: number of leaves, leaf area and dry biomass. The species showed favorable phenotypic plasticity for its acclimatization in environments with moderate to intermediate shading conditions, a characteristic evidenced in small gaps; as well as for dense conditions, typical of vegetation with a closed canopy. A shading level of 50% stood out to produce A. discolor seedlings in a forest nursery, as it favors greater growth and biomass of the shoot and root parts. In addition, it presents peculiar ecological behavior of facultative sciophilous taxa or intermediate succession stages

    Efeitos alelopáticos de extratos de Tradescantia zebrina na germinação de Lactuca sativa

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    By releasing allelopathic substances, produced in the secondary metabolism, an individual can influence the development of other organisms in their surroundings. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extracts of Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse. (zebrina) in the germination and initial development of seeds of Lactuca sativa L. (lettuce). The experiment was conducted under natural environment conditions (25°C and 72% RH), with extracts leaf and roots of zebrine at concentrations of 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%, using distilled water as a control treatment. Fifty seeds of lettuce were used, uniformly distributed in germitest® paper, duly sterilized and moistened with the solution, in gerbox® boxes, with five replicates. The observations lasted seven days, evaluating the percentage of germination (%G), germination speed index (GSI), mean germination time (t) and average germination velocity (v). These data were submitted to the statistical analysis, after which the applications of leaf extracts and zebrine roots reduced the percentage of germination and the germination speed of lettuce seeds, indicating their allelopathic effect.Por meio da liberação de substâncias alelopáticas, produzidas no metabolismo secundário, um indivíduo pode influenciar o desenvolvimento de outros organismos em seu entorno. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de extratos aquosos de partes de Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse. (zebrina) sobre a germinação de sementes de Lactuca sativa L. (alface). O experimento foi conduzido sob condições naturais do ambiente (25°C e 72% UR), utilizando extratos de folha e raiz de zebrina nas concentrações de 100%, 75%, 50% e 25%, com água destilada como tratamento controle. Foram utilizadas 50 sementes de alface, distribuídas uniformemente em papel germitest®, devidamente esterilizado e umedecido com a solução, em caixas gerbox®, com cinco repetições. As observações ocorreram por sete dias, avaliando-se porcentagem de germinação (%G), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), tempo médio de germinação (t) e velocidade média de germinação (v). Os dados foram submetidos às análises estatísticas observando-se, posteriormente, que as aplicações de extratos de folhas e das raízes de zebrina reduziram o percentual de germinação e a velocidade de germinação das sementes de alface, indicando o efeito alelopático

    PMO JR. - incubadora de projetos: a experiência prática de gerenciamento de projetos para os alunos do curso de pós-graduação de gerenciamento de projetos - Senac Sorocaba / PMO JR. - project incubator: a hands-on project management experience for students in the postgraduate project management course - Senac Sorocaba

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    Este projeto apresenta como tema central a possibilidade de integração prática em Gerenciamento de Projetos para alunos que cursam pós-graduação em Gerenciamento de Projetos na Instituição de ensino Senac, baseando-se no guia de boas práticas do PMI (Project Management Institute), que é a maior associação do gênero do mundo. O projeto poderá ser também, um diferencial competitivo na obtenção de novos alunos para a instituição de ensino Senac, além do desenvolvimento dos mesmos. O gerenciamento de projetos (GP) é considerado uma ferramenta estratégica e, de acordo com estudos realizados sobre a temática, pode oferecer um considerável apoio ás empresas de pequeno e médio porte que não possuem esta base de conhecimentos, o que significa que, além de dar oportunidade para que alunos interessados coloquem a teoria aprendida em prática, empresas com mutuo interesse se desenvolvam simultaneamente


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    As estruturas em aço-concreto são extremamente utilizadas na construção civil no Brasil devido às vantagens que são obtidas com o aproveitamento das propriedades desses materiais. Nessas estruturas o perfil de aço trabalha em conjunto com o concreto e a interação entre eles é garantida com o uso de conectores de cisalhamento. Os conectores são elementos metálicos cujas funções são transferir o fluxo de cisalhamento e restringir a separação vertical do conjunto misto. É de grande importância a escolha e o dimensionamento desses elementos uma vez que determinam o grau de interação do aço e do concreto. Com objetivo avaliar a utilização dos conectores de cisalhamento Stud Bolt em vigas mistas aço-concreto foram analisados dados três modelos do ensaio de push-out, sendo, cada modelo composto por um perfil metálico e duas lajes de concreto, seguindo os padrões estabelecidos pelo EUROCODE 4 (2004). Através destes ensaios experimentais, foi possível analisar o efeito de separação das lajes de concreto em relação à viga metálica provocado pelos carregamentos aplicados aos modelos, bem como fazer a modelagem através do Método dos Elementos Finitos- MEF, utilizando o software ANSYS afim de se obter as tensões máximas nos conectores de cisalhamento

    Head and Maxillofacial Injuries in Child and Adolescent Victims of Automotive Accidents

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    Background. Victims of motor vehicle accidents may suffer multiple lesions, including maxillofacial injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with head, facial, and maxillofacial injuries in child and adolescent victims of automobile accidents. A cross-sectional study was carried out with analysis of forensic medical reports from the Legal Medical Institute of Campina Grande, Brazil, between January 2008 and December 2011. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was conducted using the chi-square test (α = 0.05). From 1613 medical reports analyzed, the sample is composed 232 (14.4%) reports referring to child and adolescent victims of automobile accidents aged 0–19 years of both sexes. Victims were mostly adolescents aged from 15 to 19 years (64.2%), males (73.7%), and motorcyclists (51.3%). More than half of the victims had single lesions (54.3%) located in the head (20.7%) and face (21.6%). Head injuries occurred more frequently in children aged 0–4 years (53.8%, PR = 5.065, 95% CI = 1.617–5.870) and pedestrians (30.4%, PR = 2.039, 95% CI = 1.024–4.061), while facial and maxillofacial injuries occurred in higher proportion among females (31.1%, PR = 0.489, 95% CI = 0.251–0.954). Our findings suggest that accidents involving motorcyclists are the most prevalent, affecting male adolescents aged from 15 to 19 years, resulting in a high frequency of injuries in the head and face regions

    Detecção de possíveis talentos esportivos : um relato de caso

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    O embasamento das reflexões metodológicas referentes à detecção de prováveis talentos esportivos é fruto de inúmeros estudos de campo, iscussões em laboratório de pesquisa e apresentação de trabalhos em eventos técnico-científicos locais, regionais, nacionais e internacionais. Nesta última década, alguns municípios do estado do Rio Grande do Sul compuseram um leque de experiências e aprendizado constituindo-se como norteadores da implantação e implementação do Projeto Esporte RS, tais cidades foram Porto Alegre, Arroio dos Ratos, Santa Cruz do Sul, General Câmara e Parobé

    High anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroconversion rates before the second wave in Manaus, Brazil, and the protective effect of social behaviour measures: results from the prospective DETECTCoV-19 cohort

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    Background: The city of Manaus, Brazil, has seen two collapses of the health system due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We report anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibody seroconversion rates and associated risk factors in Manaus residents before the second wave of the epidemic in Brazil. Methods: A convenience sample of adult (aged ≥18 years) residents of Manaus was recruited through online and university website advertising into the DETECTCoV-19 study cohort. The current analysis of seroconversion included a subgroup of DETECTCoV-19 participants who had at least two serum sample collections separated by at least 4 weeks between Aug 19 and Oct 2, 2020 (visit 1), and Oct 19 and Nov 27, 2020 (visit 2). Those who reported (or had no data on) having a COVID-19 diagnosis before visit 1, and who were positive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at visit 1 were excluded. Using an in-house ELISA, the reactivity index (RI; calculated as the optical density ratio of the sample to the negative control) for serum anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies was measured at both visits. We calculated the incidence of seroconversion (defined as RI values ≤1·5 at visit 1 and ≥1·5 at visit 2, and a ratio >2 between the visit 2 and visit 1 RI values) during the study period, as well as incidence rate ratios (IRRs) through cluster-corrected and adjusted Poisson regression models to analyse associations between seroconversion and variables related to sociodemographic characteristics, health access, comorbidities, COVID-19 exposure, protective behaviours, and symptoms. Findings: 2496 DETECTCoV-19 cohort participants returned for a follow-up visit between Oct 19 and Nov 27, 2020, of whom 204 reported having COVID-19 before the first visit and 24 had no data regarding previous disease status. 559 participants were seropositive for anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid IgG antibodies at baseline. Of the remaining 1709 participants who were seronegative at baseline, 71 did not meet the criteria for seroconversion and were excluded from the analyses. Among the remaining 1638 participants who were seronegative at baseline, 214 showed seroconversion at visit 2. The seroconversion incidence was 13·06% (95% CI 11·52–14·79) overall and 6·78% (5·61–8·10) for symptomatic seroconversion, over a median follow-up period of 57 days (IQR 54–61). 48·1% of seroconversion events were estimated to be asymptomatic. The sample had higher proportions of affluent and higher-educated people than those reported for the Manaus city population. In the fully adjusted and corrected model, risk factors for seroconversion before visit 2 were having a COVID-19 case in the household (IRR 1·49 [95% CI 1·21–1·83]), not wearing a mask during contact with a person with COVID-19 (1·25 [1·09–1·45]), relaxation of physical distancing (1·31 [1·05–1·64]), and having flu-like symptoms (1·79 [1·23–2·59]) or a COVID-19 diagnosis (3·57 [2·27–5·63]) between the first and second visits, whereas working remotely was associated with lower incidence (0·74 [0·56–0·97]). Interpretation: An intense infection transmission period preceded the second wave of COVID-19 in Manaus. Several modifiable behaviours increased the risk of seroconversion, including non-compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions measures such as not wearing a mask during contact, relaxation of protective measures, and non-remote working. Increased testing in high-transmission areas is needed to provide timely information about ongoing transmission and aid appropriate implementation of transmission mitigation measures. Funding: Ministry of Education, Brazil; Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas; Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/WHO.World Health OrganizationRevisión por pare

    Repercussões e manejo relacionados a Distúrbios Hidroeletroliticos nos pacientes graves: uma revisão sistemática com metanálise

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    Os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos são eventos comumente observados na prática médica, inclusive em situações de emergência, podendo representar risco de vida ou possibilidade de sequelas para o paciente a depender da magnitude do caso. Independentemente da etiologia, a desidratação tem sua importância definida pela intensidade das perdas líquidas e pela proporção de perdas salinas em relação à perda de água. Isto evidencia a importância de se avaliar corretamente o quadro para se desenvolver um tratamento adequado. Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar o tema das repercussões e manejo de distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos nos pacientes graves a partir de uma revisão sistemática com meta análise com o emprego das palavras chave “unidade de terapia intensiva”, “gerenciamento hidroeletrolítico”, “distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos” e “controle de líquidos e eletrólitos” nos bancos de dados PubMed, BVS, Lilacs, Medline e Scielo objetivando acessar artigos publicados entre 2015 e 2022. A equipe de enfermagem está diretamente responsável pelo manejo de pacientes de alta complexidade, o que pode envolver casos que exigem o gerenciamento hidroeletrolítico, isto requer um conhecimento aprofundado dos mecanismos envolvidos no metabolismo da água e dos eletrólitos. O monitoramento diário da função renal pela equipe de enfermagem é um cuidado importante para se evitar o quadro de insuficiência renal aguda