830 research outputs found

    The role of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in Vietnam : case study: the H'mong people in Lao Cai and Lai Chau province

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    In this thesis, we will follow the discourse on the role of radio and TV in the life of minorities in Vietnam. Before going in depth to answer the research questions, I am going to give an introduction to the situation of ethnic minorities and media for ethnic minorities in Vietnam. My research focused on the roles of radio and TV regarding the fields of education and identity preservation for ethnic minorities. The research questions will be answered by looking at the H’mong minority, who are the case study of the thesis, who are located in the northern part of Vietnam who are one of the poorest and most undeveloped minorities in the country. Nowadays, ethnic minorities in Vietnam are still coping with serious difficulties in life such as poverty and illiteracy. Meanwhile, media for ethnic minorities, including radio and TV for ethnic minorities in Vietnam, are at a low level of development. In fact, both VTV5 (the TV division for ethnic minorities, belonging to the national TV station VTV) and VOV4 (the radio division for ethnic minorities, belonging to the national radio station VOV) have made a lot of effort to produce suitable programs for minorities but there remain limitations in both content and the ways used to express the content of those programs. The reasons come from difficulties in both radio and TV stations and minorities. However, roles of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in Vietnam are obviously increasing quickly and are displayed more and more effectively. I focused on the two main roles of radio and TV as educational instruments and as instruments for assisting minorities in preserving their identity, highlighting their effects in preserving minority languages and cultures. In addition, looking at influences that radio and TV have made in the life of minorities, we see that radio and TV are playing more and more important roles in their lives

    The role of carbon to nitrogen ratio in marron (Cherax cainii, Austin 2002) culture systems

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    Carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio plays a crucial role in marron aquaculture. This research explored seasonal variations in C/N ratios of sediments in semi-intensive marron ponds. In the indoor laboratory, regular feeding increased nutrient waste accumulation in rearing water but reduced C/N ratios and shifted microbial communities in sediments. Carbohydrate supplementation to marron systems resulted in maintaining water quality, retaining high C/N ratios, enriching bacterial communities in sediments, and improving marron growth and immune performances

    Factors affecting corruption in the public sector: evidence from Vietnam

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    This research utilizes a structural equation modeling (SEM) technique to comprehensively examine the intricate interactions among various factors influencing corruption in Vietnam's public sector. The findings reveal that certain factors, including inadequate anti-corruption policies and enforcement, a lack of accountability and transparency in anti-corruption endeavors, and significant income disparities between public officials and anti-corruption measures, significantly and positively impact the cultural and social norms associated with anti-corruption. Additionally, insufficient cultural and social standards exert a notable and positive influence on the level of corruption in the public sector. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insights for developing effective policies and strategies that promote accountability, transparency, and good governance to combat corruption in Vietnam's public sector

    Etude des transistors en couches minces à base d’IGZO pour leur application aux écrans plats à matrice active LCD et OLED

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    This thesis aims to study thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) in the framework of applications in active matrix flat panel LCD and OLED display. The TFT fabrication process and the characterization of IGZO deposited film are two key studies in this thesis in order to obtain TFT electrical characteristics close to the state-of-the-art. We have also studied the passivation which is identified as crucial for stabilizing the TFT and achieving good performance.The deposition of the active layer and the fabrication process of TFT are firstly studied. Smooth surface of deposited films is demonstrated by AFM and the absence of the crystalline peak of the material is shown by X-ray diffraction. The density of charge carriers decreases with the increase of oxygen flow rate. The active layer deposited at 200°C and at 4 sccm of oxygen flow has a carrier density in the order of 1E17 cm-3 which is suitable for TFT operation. This condition is chosen to fabricate IGZO-based TFT in this thesis.In a second step, we have evaluated the influence of annealing condition on TFTs' electrical characteristics. Annealing in oxygen leads to operational TFTs while doing the same under nitrogen or the absence of annealing suppresses field-effect behavior. Our studies have also shown that annealing temperature of 300°C is suitable to obtain good performance of the transistors. From this study, we have obtained TFTs with high mobility (between 5 and 15 cm2/Vs), high ION/IOFF ratios (about 1E7), and reasonable sub threshold slope (about 0.3 V/decade). The threshold voltage (VT) however remains low (between -4 and -2 V) and needs to be improved.Finally, we have investigated the impact of a passivation layer on the performance of IGZO TFTs. SiO2 film (deposited by PECVD) and Al2O3 film (formed by ALD) were studied. We have observed that such passivation can degrade the TFTs rather than protecting them. Concretely, VT shifts in negative direction when increasing the Al2O3 layer thickness or the silane flow during SiO2 deposition. Principal reason for this shift is the presence of hydrogen which is generated during passivation. We have evaluated some solutions to reduce the degradation during deposition and ensure a good protection of the TFTs.Ce travail de thèse a pour sujet l'étude de transistors en couches minces (TFTs) à base d'Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO). Nous nous sommes intéressés au procédé de réalisation des TFTs, et à la caractérisation des couches d'IGZO afin d'obtenir les caractéristiques au plus près de l'état de l'art. Nous avons également étudié le processus de passivation, paramètre identifié comme critique pour stabiliser les TFT et atteindre de bonnes performances.Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis au point les conditions du dépôt de la couche active, et de la réalisation des TFTs. Les analyses morphologiques et structurales ont montré l'absence de cristallites de couche, ainsi qu'une surface peu rugueuse. La densité des porteurs de charge de la couche IGZO diminue lorsque le débit d'oxygène, variable durant son dépôt, augmente. La couche active déposée à 200°C et à 4 sccm d'oxygène présente une densité de porteurs de charge de l'ordre de 1E17 cm-3, valeur adaptée au fonctionnement des TFTs.Dans un second temps, nous avons évalué l'influence d'un recuit sur les caractéristiques des TFTs. Nous avons mis en évidence que le recuit sous oxygène conduit à des TFTs opérationnels, tandis que celui sous azote ou en absence de recuit induisent une suppression de l'effet de champ. Nos études ont également montré qu'une température de recuit de 300°C est favorable aux performances des transistors. Les premiers TFTs présentent des mobilités entre 5 et 15 cm2/Vs, des rapports ION/IOFF de l'ordre de 1E7, et des pentes sous le seuil d'environ 0.3 V/décade. Les tensions de seuil (VT), quant à elles, demeurent faibles donc restent à améliorer.Pour finir, nous avons étudié l'impact d'une couche de passivation sur les TFTs, en raison de la dégradation des caractéristiques de ces derniers dans l'atmosphère ambiante. Les couches de SiO2 (déposée par PECVD) et d'Al2O3 (déposée par ALD) ont été étudiées. Nous avons mis en évidence que ces passivations peuvent dégrader les TFTs au lieu de les protéger. VT tend à se décaler dans le sens négatif lorsque l'on augmente l'épaisseur de la couche d'Al2O3 ou le débit de Silane durant le dépôt du SiO2. Une des raisons principales de ce phénomène est la présence de l'hydrogène généré lors de la passivation. Nous avons évalué les solutions pour éviter la dégradation lors du dépôt et assurer une bonne protection du TFT


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    Tran Quoc Tuan’s political thoughts emerged and developed in the particular historical condition, when Vietnamese people carried out resistance wars three times against Yuan - Mongolian invaders in the 13th century, so his thoughts were deeply realistic. Although his political thoughts did not actually become a coherent ideological system but they were filled with many viewpoints and thoughts which were ahead of his time and had some very unique features and values. They were national characteristic and inheritance feature with positive adaptation and deep humanistic spirit. Tran Quoc Tuan’s political thoughts were expressed in some aspects, such as (1) putting the national interests above all the interests of an individual; (2) dignifying the role and position of the people in the struggle for national construction and national defend; (3) building strategies to construct the country and fight against foreign invaders.  Article visualizations


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    This study evaluates the potential for agritourism development in Binh Dinh Province, Central Vietnam. The analytical hierarchical process is used to determine the weights of four factors with 25 measurement criteria to assess agritourism potential. The research results show that Binh Dinh Province has great agritourism potential based on four evaluation factors, including (1) local agricultural tourism resources, (2) the trend for agritourism development and the agritourism market, (3) the local community’s willingness, and (4) the supporting activities of the local government. In particular, the local agricultural tourism resources factor received the highest score, followed by the local community’s willingness and the supporting activities of the local government. The trend for agritourism development and the agritourism market was rated the lowest. Therefore, Binh Dinh has viable opportunities to encourage the growth of agritourism to improve farmers’ livelihoodsDu lịch nông nghiệp đem lại nhiều cơ hội cho phát triển kinh tế cũng như đa dạng hóa các loại hình du lịch và cải thiện đời sống sinh kế của người dân. Nghiên cứu sử dụng phương pháp phân tích thứ bậc (AHP) để tính các trọng số của các tiêu chí đánh giá tiềm năng phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp tại các huyện, thị xã phía bắc tỉnh Bình Định. Tiếp theo, kết quả mô hình hóa sơ đồ mạng cho thấy cả 4 địa phương An Lão, Hoài Ân, Phù Mỹ, thị xã Hoài Nhơn đều được đánh giá ở mức điểm cao về tiềm năng phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp trên các khía cạnh tài nguyên du lịch, xu hướng phát triển du lịch, sự ủng hộ của người dân địa phương và sự quan tâm của chính quyền địa phương. Tuy nhiên, yếu tố xu hướng phát triển thị trường du lịch nông nghiệp được đánh giá ở mức điểm thấp hơn. Điều này cũng xuất phát từ việc phát triển du lịch nông nghiệp tại các huyện, thị xã phía Bắc tỉnh Bình Định cũng mới bắt đầu nhận được sự quan tâm trong vài năm gần đây, số lượt khách tham quan các huyện, thị xã phía Bắc tỉnh Bình Định còn ít so với tiềm năng du lịch của địa bàn

    The Age of Extreme

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caught the entire world off guard; presenting policy-makers with various thorny issues to address. This article probes the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic and human rights. We argue that, on the one hand, there is a growing concern about excessive and disproportionate restrictions on human rights under the guise of ‘emergency powers’. On the other, the fact that rights are not taken seriously renders every effort to ward off the infectious disease faltering. Hence, we suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic should serve as a wake-up call for countries to step up their rights commitments. Despite the exceptional nature of the pandemic, human rights must remain at the heart of the States’ legal and policy choices