7 research outputs found

    On the transient Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem after a quench at a critical point

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    The Modified Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem (MFDT) proposed by G. Verley et al. {\it (EPL 93, 10002, (2011))} for non equilibrium transient states is experimentally studied. We apply MFDT to the transient relaxation dynamics of the director of a liquid crystal after a quench close to the critical point of the Fr\'eedericksz transition (Ftr), which has several properties of a second order phase transition driven by an electric field. Although the standard Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem (FDT) is not satisfied, because the system is strongly out of equilibrium, the MFDT is perfectly verified during the transient in a system which is only partially described by Landau-Ginzburg (LG) equation, to which our observation are compared. The results can be useful in the study of material aging

    Nonequilibrium equation of state in suspensions of active colloids

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    Active colloids constitute a novel class of materials composed of colloidal-scale particles locally converting chemical energy into motility, mimicking micro-organisms. Evolving far from equilibrium, these systems display structural organizations and dynamical properties distinct from thermalized colloidal assemblies. Harvesting the potential of this new class of systems requires the development of a conceptual framework to describe these intrinsically nonequilibrium systems. We use sedimentation experiments to probe the nonequilibrium equation of state of a bidimensional assembly of active Janus microspheres, and conduct computer simulations of a model of self-propelled hard disks. Self-propulsion profoundly affects the equation of state, but these changes can be rationalized using equilibrium concepts. We show that active colloids behave, in the dilute limit, as an ideal gas with an activity-dependent effective temperature. At finite density, increasing the activity is similar to increasing adhesion between equilibrium particles. We quantify this effective adhesion and obtain a unique scaling law relating activity and effective adhesion in both experiments and simulations. Our results provide a new and efficient way to understand the emergence of novel phases of matter in active colloidal suspensions.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figs; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Comportements Collectifs de colloïdes autopropulsés

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    We study the collective behavior of an assembly of Janus Colloids. These are 1µm gold colloids with one half coated in platinum. When immersed in a peroxide bath, they self-propel, owing to diffusiophoresis and electrophoresis, moving at velocities of order 5µm/s. The velocity can be tune by adjusting the amount of peroxide in the bath. At the single particle level, the colloids undergo a persistent random walk. When in denser groups, the colloids interact through chemical and steric effects. The combination of these interactions, with the colloids activity, leads to collective effects. A dynamic cluster phase is observed, the formation of motile clusters of colloids, formed of up to 100 colloids. The clusters are in a stationary state, constantly moving, and exchanging colloids, they are also colliding, merging and breaking apart. We developed both the colloids, whose synthesis is described, and a high-throughput acquisition and analysis system. We measure the positions, and reconstruct the trajectories of thousands of colloids for a few minutes. From the trajectories, we extract statistical observables. We show that the sizes of clusters increases linearly as a function of the activity of the colloids. The probability distribution functions of sizes are power laws.As the density increases, a jamming transition is observed. The dense phase heterogeneous dynamics is characterized.We study the transition from the dense phase to a low density assembly with sedimentation experiments. The low density phase behaves as an ideal gas, allowing the definition of an effective temperature. We measure an equation of state for the system, and propose a heuristic collapse.Nous étudions le comportement collectif d’une assemblée de colloïdes Janus, des sphères d’or de 1µm dont une moitié est recouverte de platine. Lorsqu’ils sont immergés dans une solution d’eau oxygénée, ils se déplacent à des vitesses de l’ordre de 5µm/s, contrôlable par la concentration en peroxyde. Individuellement, ces colloïdes suivent une marche aléatoire persistante ; Ils interagissent par effets phorétiques, formant des clusters dynamiques de quelques dizaines de colloïdes. Ces clusters, mobiles, échangent continuellement des colloïdes, se divisent et se fusionnent, formant une phase stationnaire.Nous avons développés ces colloïdes, ainsi qu’un système d’acquisition pour détecter et reconstituer les trajectoires des colloïdes. La taille moyenne des clusters augmente linéairement avec l’activité, définie comme la vitesse moyenne des colloïdes en dehors des clusters. La fonction densité de probabilité de la taille des clusters est une loi de puissance d’exposant -2. Nous quantifions les vitesses de translation et de rotation des clusters.Pour réaliser une étude thermodynamique, nous réalisons des expériences de sédimentation. Une transition est observée, entre une phase peu dense, un gaz parfait, dans lequel on mesure une température effective, et une phase dense à la dynamique hétérogène. L’équation d’état du système est mesurée, et une forme analytique heuristique est proposée

    Active colloids segmentation and tracking

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    International audienceActive colloids constitute a novel class of materials which have drawn a lot of attention in recent years. They are composed of spherical metal particles converting chemical energy into motility, mimicking micro-organisms. Understanding their collective behavior is key to applications. In this context, we address the problem of segmenting and tracking colloids in long video sequences corrupted with severe illumination changes. We propose a very accurate method to recover the individual trajectory of each colloid. First, a region-adaptive level set method is used to segment individual colloids or small clusters. Combining with the circular Hough transform further refines the segmentation. Second, we recover simultaneously all the colloids' trajectories using a modified min-cost/max flow method on a weighted graph with colloids as vertices. No motion regularity is assumed to define graph edges and their cost. The proposed method is evaluated on a real benchmark composed of nine video sequences with annotations. In terms of CLEAR MOT metric – a standard metric for evaluating multiple target tracking algorithms – our approach outperforms very significantly four standard methods