1,123 research outputs found

    Local nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for first-order evolution differential inclusions

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    The general theory of Lyapunov's stability of first-order differential inclusions in Hilbert spaces has been studied by the authors in a previous work. This new contribution focuses on the natural case when the maximally monotone operator governing the given inclusion has a domain with nonempty interior. This setting permits to have nonincreasing Lyapunov functions on the whole trajectory of the solution to the given differential inclusion. It also allows some more explicit criteria for Lyapunov's pairs. Some consequences to the viability of closed sets are given, as well as some useful cases relying on the continuity or/and convexity of the involved functions. Our analysis makes use of standard tools from convex and variational analysis

    Metric Regularity of the Sum of Multifunctions and Applications

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    In this work, we use the theory of error bounds to study metric regularity of the sum of two multifunctions, as well as some important properties of variational systems. We use an approach based on the metric regularity of epigraphical multifunctions. Our results subsume some recent results by Durea and Strugariu.Comment: Submitted to JOTA 37 page


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    Negara Republik Indonesia Adalah Negara Hukum yang sudah tercantum dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 Pasal 1 ayat 3, yang berarti bahwa segala tindakan yang menyalahi hukum harus di tindak secara tegas sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Jika melihat hal diatas sangatlah bertolak belakang dengan kasus yang terjadi di Makassar tanggal 10 agustus 2012, yang mana organisasi masyarakat front pembela islam yang melakukan perusakan terhadap 2 tempat ibadah etnis Tionghoa. Dari kasus tersebut sudah seharusnya organisasi masyarakat front pembela islam yang telah melakukan tindakan anarkisme tersebut harus di tindak secara tegas sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1985 Tentang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan yaitu Pasal 13 huruf a yang menyatakan pemerintah dapat membekukan  pengurus atau pengurus pusat organisasi masyarakat yang melakukan kegiatan yang menggangu keamanan dan ketertiban umum, tetapi pada kenyataannya organisasi masyarakat tersebut tidak di berikan sanksi apapun padahal tindakan tersebut merupakan tindakan yang melawan hukum.&nbsp

    Totela K41

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    The Struggles of the Kretek Workers in Iksaka Banu’s Novel, Sang Raja (The King)

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    Novel is able to present the development of one character, complex social situations, relationships involving many or few characters, and complicated events that occurred several years ago in detail. Novel The King was written by Iksana Banu, an famous Indonesian author and artist.   He published the novel in 2017. The King tell the story about people who work in Kretek Cigarette factory. They have to struggle how to defend the cigarette factory from competition with other factories, and worldwide economic depression. The main character, Philip Gerardus Rechterhand, a Dutch man who borned in Indonesia. Intrinsic (character and setting), and extrinsic (sociology of literature, personality theory, and history) approaches are using to analyze this research. Kretek become part of society life, and many people have economic dependence on the kretek factory


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    Literature is an art that has the sama style like other art.  Writers produce works to satisfy readers. As a part of society, writer has bound with people, activities, and experiences.  The Russian has long history about its literature that made writters have known as the greatest writters in the world.  Realism is established in Russia in 19th and has well known as the golden age Russian.   Following the next,  realism socialism was born in 1934 at congress of Sovyet writer.  It has influence many writer and also Indonesian writer.  Mat (by Maxim Gorky) and Bumi Manusia (by Pramoedya Ananta Toer) are works that have concern about people life whose got suffer and abused by authority

    His excellency and the monk: a correspondence between Nyanaponika Thera and David Ben-Gurion

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    Between the years 1956 and 1962 the scholar-monk Nyanaponika Thera and the first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion have exchanged eight long letters. These letters—published here for the first time—expose the extent of Ben-Gurion's interest in Buddhism and reveal the Buddhist rhetoric used by one of Sri Lanka's most influential scholars. This rhetoric, which was generally well received by Ben-Gurion, was an exemplar of 'Protestant Buddhism'. It is suggested that Ben-Gurion could relate to this image of Buddhism because it reflected his own vision of Judaism that had 'protestant' characteristics. The letters contain autobiographical notes, unpublished comments on the Buddhist concepts of Suffering and Rebirth, and a curious plan to invite Nyanaponika to Israel

    Female Initiation Rites as part of Gendered Bemba Religion and Culture: Transformations in Women’s Empowerment

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    Since the 1930s, female initiation rites have been a topic of interest for both anthropologists and certain White Fathers like Fr Corbeil and Fr Hinfelaar. Although the rites have been examined from various viewpoints, e.g. structural-functionalist viewpoints in the first half of the 20th century (Richards, 1940, 1956), and later by symbolic anthropologists (Rasing, 1995, 2001, 2004, and Simonsen, 2000a and 2000b), they are now mainly explained in terms of unequal gender relations and sexuality (Kamlongera, 1987; Kalunde, 1992). During my ongoing research (1992–2016), I was inspired by the interpretation of these rites by Hugo Hinfelaar, who, although not the first White Father who studied and attended these rites, was the first one who interpreted them in a primarily religious way, emphasising aspects such as transcendence, religion, matrilinity, fecundity and history. Moreover, by examining cultural and religious artefacts and symbols, including those used in initiation rites, Hinfelaar encouraged inculturation (which became a Catholic Church policy after Vatican II), contributed to the study of African Traditional Religion from a gendered viewpoint, and promoted Bemba female initiation rites. This paper will examine the resilience and transformations of female initiation rites in the past century from a gendered and religious viewpoint. It will claim that, in line with Hinfelaar’s statement that Bemba women have lost their important socio-religious position due to bena ngandu rule, colonialism and Christianity, these female rites should be seen as a way for women to hold on to and exert their power in their families and in their communities while both initiation rites and equal gender relations are encouraged by the Catholic Church today


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    Women's lives are generally in the domestic, where women do to raising children, taking care of their families, and husbands. Women are under the rule of men who always dominate their lives. Male domination applies among patriarchal. Many women are unable to resist this situation and surrender to accepting their situation. Novel Gadis Pesisir written by Ninuk Y Kusmiana in 2014 raised the story of women's lives and their problems. It tell the lives of fishermen on the island of Irian in 1970. They live poorly, and are very dependent on nature and the sea to feed them. The main character in this novel is Halijah, a young girl who lives as a poor fisherman child. She must work hard to help her parents do homework. She wants to rebel against the poor life she lived during her life. The problem in this article is the way of women motivate themselves to be better positioned in fishermen village on the island of Irian. While the purpose of this research is to find out the position of women among fishermen village. The research method used in this article is descriptive analysis and it uses literature study as the technique to collect the data. Gender role theory, symbolic capital, and sociology of literature are used to examine the existing problems, besides the theory of character in this novel. The description of existing data is done so that this article can run as expected. The findings data are described in such a way that they are analyzed
