343 research outputs found

    The Authentic Voice: Digital stories and the organization

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    The cultivating compassion project set out to represent and celebrate compassionate practice within local NHS Trusts by creating compassion digital stories for educational purposes. A key project aim was to capture and build on existing practice in order to develop compassionate culture within the organization. The project took an appreciative inquiry approach, which considers that the creative process of storytelling can facilitate a ‘collective imagination’ that can become constructive in making possible change and improvement within and for the organization. Six stories from three separate NHS trusts were created for the toolkit and have successfully been used to raise awareness of compassion. However, these stories are very different from other digital stories. This paper asks why? It explores the impact on the choice of story, the narration of the story and the images used when the stories are specifically created for educational purposes and are considered to represent examples of compassionate care for professional practice development. The paper suggests that the authentic voice can be lost when stories become incorporated into the organizational discourse. Thus, rather than the stories enabling a ‘collective imagination’ they can become representative of prescribed organizational norms. However, the paper argues that despite this, the value of the stories in facilitating discussing and learning remains because within the organizational context when these prescribed norms are brought to life through the medium of the digital stories, they can be challenged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Embodying labor, then and now

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    In her introduction to the new edition of Women on the Line, first published in 1982, Miriam Glucksmann notes that it had been written well before the body and embodiment had become an explicit focus of studies of work and employment. However, rereading Women on the Line reminds us that ethnographers have long paid attention to the embodied aspects of work, although few of them have written about them as eloquently as Glucksmann. In the original volume she was able to articulate how it felt to experience herself in relation to her environment, a phenomenological perspective made possible by her adoption of an autoethnographic writing style (a strategy linked to her rejection both of a narrowly academic approach and, in consequence, of the disembodied authorial voice that tended to go with it). Perhaps another reason why Glucksmann was able to write about her working on the line with such sensitivity to the embodiment of the experience is that she was new to assembly line work, so the embodied routines of factory life had not yet been submerged below the level of conscious articulation. It is useful therefore to summarize what she had to say and to think about how we can build on it

    “Commentary on The Dream of Scipio”

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию 16 марта 2017 г.Перевод с латинского сделан по изданию: Macrobii Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis // Macrobius. Vol. 2. Leipzig, 1970. Использовался также английский перевод: Macrobius. Commentary on the Dream of Scipio / Translated by W. H. Stahl. N. Y., 1952.Из философских сочинений конца Западной Римской империи самыми значительными были произведения латинских авторов, последователей философии Платона и неоплатоников. Феномен западного платонизма и неоплатонизма характеризуется тем, что его сторонники опирались на пифагорейско-платонические идеи, представленные в сюжете сновидения Сципиона из трактата Цицерона «О государстве». Главной фигурой здесь является Макробий Феодосий, который «ввел в научный оборот» этот цицероновский сюжет и сделал его весьма популярным в последующее время, написав «Комментарий на “Сновидение Сципиона”». О жизни Макробия (V в. н. э.) известно не так уж много. В исследовании М. С. Петровой суммированы все данные о нем и его сочинениях в виде краткой биографии. Комментарий Макробия рассматривается во многих работах — как в российских, так и в зарубежных, и во всех них, как правило, признается неоплатоническая направленность его воззрений. Во всяком случае, В. Х. Шталь замечает, что комментарий на сновидение Сципиона, принадлежащий Макробию, был наиболее важным источником платонизма на латинском Западе в Средние века. Переведенные главы трактата Макробия содержат защиту учения Платона о самодвижении души и опровержение доводов Аристотеля о неподвижности души.It was the Latin adherents of Platonism and Neoplantonism who produced the most notable works among philosophical texts of the late Roman Empire. Western (Neo-)Platonists often referred to Pythagorean and Platonic ideas expounded in the Dream of Scipio, a fragment in the final part of Cicero’s “De re publica”. Macrobius who authored “Commentary on the Dream of Scipio” was a key figure in introducing and popularizing this Ciceronian literary plot for posterity. On Macrobius’s life very little is known with certainty. M.S. Petrova’s short biography of Macrobius offers all information on him and his writings that is available. The Commentary, however, had a lasting impact and is discussed in a number of academic studies. Most of these studies highlight the platonic heritage in Macrobius’s thought. V. Stahl emphasizes that the Commentary served the principal source of knowledge about Platonism in the Latin West in the Middle Ages. The chapters of Macrobius’s Commentary translated below include his defense of Plato’s doctrine of the auto-motion of the soul and his refutation of Aristotle’s criticism of this platonic doctrine

    A evolução humana

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    Der christliche Osterglaube : Predigt gehalten am Ostersonntage 1868

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    Dein Reich komme! : Predigt zum funfzigjährigen Jubiläum der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat, am 12. December 1852

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    Über den Kanon und die Inspiration der heiligen Schrift : ein Wort zum Frieden

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