33 research outputs found

    The distribution of stable isotopes and heavy metals in Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel): Chemical tracers for environmental contamination in Lake St. Clair (Ontario, Michigan).

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    The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) was employed to biomonitor heavy metal (Fe, Zn, and Mn) pollution and to evaluate the distribution of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in the Lake St. Clair and Detroit River mouth aquatic system. The shells were deposited close to isotopic equilibrium with the ambient water, with the delta13C being depleted by 0.7‰ with respect to the equilibrium value in Lake St. Clair. Shells taken from the Detroit River mouth displayed the most enriched delta 13C values. The average concentrations of the heavy metals Fe, Zn, and Mn in the mussel shells were 149 +/- 102, 9 +/- 8, and 14 +/- 7 ppm (n = 15), respectively. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Earth Sciences. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1999 .T43. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 39-02, page: 0459. Advisers: Ihsam Al-Aasm; Bryan Fryer. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1999

    Produksi Film Dokumenter Gunung Kerbau "Raksasa Tidur Pulau Moa" Maluku Barat Daya

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam yang luar biasa. Kekayaan alam tersebut menghasilkan potensi alam yang berbagai keindahannya. Hampir setiap pulau di Indonesia memiliki potensi wisata alam yang dapat memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap setiap penduduknya. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kekuatan ekonomi di Indonesia juga bergantung pada sektor pariwisata. Namun hingga kini masih terdapat beberapa objek wisata di Indonesia yang belum diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Salah satunya adalah Gunung Kerbau di Pulau Moa Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya. Gunung Kerbau merupakan salah satu objek wisata di Pulau Moa yang menyuguhkan keindahan alam yang cukup mempesona. Dibalik keindahan alam Gunung Kerbau tersimpan sejarah, mitos serta adat – istiadat jarang terekpos. Oleh sebab itu melalui penyusunan Tugas Akhir ini peneliti bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah Film Dokumenter Gunung Kerbau “Raksasa Tidur” Pulau Moa Maluku Barat Daya. Film dokumenter ini berisi mengenai informasi terkait sejarah, mitos, serta adat – istiadat di Gunung Kerbau, yang dikemas dalam format audio visual. Perancangan film dokumenter ini telah melewati serangkaian proses yaitu dengan pembuatan konsep serta kerangka pikir agar pesan yang disampaikan dapat dimengerti dengan baik oleh khalayak luas. Sebelum melakukan proses proses produksi, peneliti telah melalui beberapa tahapan awal yaitu dengan mencari informasi terkait Gunung Kerbau melalui media internet, maupun masyarakat setempat. Keseluruhan data peneliti kumpulkan dan dilanjutkn dengan membuat story line serta story board untuk perancangan penelitian. Setelah melewati keseluruhan tahapan yaitu pra produksi, produksi, dan pacsa produksi, maka Film Dokuementer Gunung Kerbau “Raksasa Tidur” Pulau Moa Maluku Barat Daya boleh terselesaikan.Indonesia is one of the nations that possesses extraordinary natural resources. Such wealth generates natural potential in a variety of its beauty. Almost every island in Indonesia has a potential for natural tourism that can have a significant impact on each population. This suggests that Indonesia's economic strength also depends on the tourism sector. But until now there are still a few tourist attractions in Indonesia unknown to the public. One is Buffalo Mountain on Moa Island in Maluku Southwest. Buffalo mountain is one of the attractions on moa Island that offers some of the fascinating beauty of nature. Beyond the beauty of the mountain buffalo lies the history, myth and traditions-traditional customs seldom exposed. Thus through the creation of this final task researchers aim to design a documentary Gunung Kerbau “Raksasa Tidur” Moa Maluku Southwest of Moa Maluku Island. The documentary contained information regarding history, myth, and customs - the buffalo mount's customs, which were packed into audio-visual format. The design of the documentary has gone through a series of concepts and frameworks to make the message best understood by the general public After a whole phase of pre-production, production, and production, the Gunung Kerbau "Raksasa Tidur" Moa Maluku Southwest Island documentation film can be completed

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi Anak-anak Usia TK di Dusun Ngroto

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    English is recognized as an international language with the largest number of speakers in the world. Currently, the ability to speak English is considered to be one of the skills that should be mastered by everyone, especially for children. According to developmental psychology, school-age children are generally in the critical period stage. At this stage, children are able to absorb the language to the maximum so that English language education for children at school age is felt to be more appropriate to do. Unfortunately, access to English language education in some places is very limited, including in Ngroto Village. The limited access to English education in Ngroto Village is caused by the limited number of available teachers. Therefore, this activity focuses on teaching English for school-age children, especially for kindergarten and elementary school age through English tutoring activities. This English tutoring activity is also part of Penelitian Lapangan Terpadu (PLT) Faculty of Social Science and Communication SWCU.Bahasa Inggris diakui sebagai bahasa internasional dengan jumlah penutur terbanyak di dunia. Saat ini, kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dianggap menjadi salah satu kemampuan yang seharusnya mampu dikuasai oleh semua orang, secara khusus bagi kelompok anak-anak. Menurut psikologi perkembangan, anak-anak usia sekolah pada umumnya berada di tahap periode kritis (critical period). Pada tahap ini, anak-anak mampu menyerap bahasa secara maksimal sehingga pendidikan bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak di usia sekolah dirasa akan lebih tepat untuk dilakukan. Sayangnya, akses pendidikan bahasa Inggris di beberapa tempat masih sangat terbatas, termasuk di Dusun Ngroto. Keterbatasan akses pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Dusun Ngroto disebabkan oleh terbatasnya pengajar yang tersedia. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan ini berfokus pada pengajaran bahasa Inggris bagi anak-anak usia sekolah, yakni usia TK dan SD melalui kegiatan bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan bimbingan belajar bahasa Inggris ini juga merupakan bagian dari rangkaian kegiatan Pembelajaran Lapangan Terpadu Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Komunikasi UKSW

    Impacts of climate variability and land use land cover change on stream flow in the little Ruaha river catchment, Tanzania

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    A study was conducted to investigate the hydrological impacts of land use land-cover changes and climate variability on stream flow of the Little Ruaha River. Remote sensing and GIS techniques and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model were used. Landsat TM and ETM+ images of 1990, 1998 and 2011 were used to locate and quantify the changes which have occurred in the catchment. The reason to select these periods was to get good and clear images; there were no clear images for 1980.The study revealed a significant change in land use land cover within a period of 21 years. Between 1990and 1998, the woodland and wetland covers declined by 2.6% and 9% per year, and 1998 and 2011 declined by 1.4% and 3.1% per year, respectively .Physical based SWAT model was calibrated for the period 2000 to 2006 based on the available climatic data and was validated for the period 2007 to 2009. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (ENS) and coefficient of determination (R2) for annual flow were 58% and 65% respectively during calibration period and 72.68% and 77.35% during validation period respectively. Both land use land cover change and climate variability decreased runoff by 23% and 59.67% respectively. The climate variability influenced the surface hydrology more significantly than land use land cover change in Little Ruaha River catchment. The study concludes that, the modification of the land use and land cover and climate variability has resulted in changes in temporal distribution of runoff. The study highlights the importance of considering effects of land use land cover changes and climate variability on ecosystems and water resources for an informed decision on proper catchment planning and management.MSc-Thesis in Forest Resource Assessment and ManagementNon

    The Effects of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions of Primary School Teachers in Mtwara Rural District

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    The teaching profession in Tanzania has experienced episodes of teacher quitting either the schools to which they are posted or the profession all together. This has led to the need to understand both the antecedents and consequences of turnover intentions. This study sought to contribute to the antecedents by examining the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intentions of public primary school teachers in Mtwara Rural District.Descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis techniques were used on data collected through a questionnaire which was administered on a conveniently selected sample of 143 teachers from 22 primary schools in the district. The study found below average intention to leave both school and the teaching profession. Teachers were found to be ambivalent in terms of job satisfaction. However, they were satisfied with supervision and coworker but dissatisfied with operational procedures, pay and benefits. Job satisfaction significantly negatively predicted teachers’ turnover intentions, irrespective of how the turnover intentions were measured. It is therefore recommended that the employee as well as all organs responsible for education administration should consider job satisfaction as one of the important determinants of teachers’ turnover intention. They should address issues related to teachers pay, fringe benefits and operational procedures. They should also capitalize of the strength of supervision and co-worker relationship to achieve lower turnover intention. Coaching and mentoring is also recommended and so is the opportunity to upgrade to diploma qualification preferably using the open and distance learning approaches

    Evaluation of introduced cassava processing technologies on production and consumption using goal programming approach

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    This study which evaluates the introduced cassava processing technologies on production and consumption using goal programming approach was conducted in Tongwe village (Muheza district) in Tanga region and Mikongeni village (Kibaha district) in Pwani region. Data for the study were collected from a sample of 120 households, 2 focus group discussions and by experimentation. The results of the study show that, the introduced cassava processing technologies are both technically and economically efficient. The machines such as engine powered chipper and grater consume 5 litres of fuel (petrol) to process about 1- 1.2 tonnes of fresh cassava. To process 5 kg of fresh cassava the machines take 3 minutes. Moreover, it takes about 1-3 days to obtain a final product (cassava flour) whereas traditional processing technology (sun-drying) takes about 6 days and wet and solid-state fermentation takes about 12 days. Analysis of the partial budget revealed that mechanized processing technologies generate an average profit of TZS 316.43 per kilogram dry weight compared to traditional processing technologies. Analysis of the consumer’s preferences with respect to processing methods by probit regression analysis, factors such as quality of the products, household size, quantity consumed per year and price of those products were significant at α = 0.05 level, suggesting that there is an increase in consumption behaviour. To estimate future trend of demand and hence production for processed cassava flour using goal programming approach indicated that about 128 571.4 tonnes can be produced in the two districts, if farmers use the said technology in full scale. The study concluded that, the use of mechanized processing technologies is more profitable. Therefore, the study recommended that, the farmers do adopt manual chipping machine for small-scale farming, moreover engine powered chipper and cassava grater for large-scale farming rather than using traditional processing technologies

    Al-Mounged English-Arabic

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    1138 hlm, 24 c

    Perceived impact of private sector involvement in water supply on the urban poor in Dar es Salaam

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    This article expounds that the involvement of the private sector in water supply in Dar es Salaam is not perceived to be a panacea to the water problems facing the urban poor. This is chiefly because they have consistently experienced poor water supply regardless of the service providers. The article reveals that public provision of water to the urban poor have been grappling with huge demands for water resulted from poor water infrastructure, high operation costs, mismanagement, illegal connections, poor urban planning and limited investment in water supply services just to mention few. These bottlenecks have proven to be too stubborn even for business principles under privatisation to reverse. As a result the urban poor turn to informal alternatives which cost them dearly financially and health wise. Reversing the situation requires the public and private sectors to massively invest in the water infrastructure development and improve its management to meet the huge water demands of the urban poor

    The Pathways Post-2015 Millennium Development Goals: Universities as the Hub for Debates for National Development Strategies in Tanzania

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    Abstract Universities' role in national development is the subject of much discussion. Interests and attention in the pivotal role of the universities in national development has increased because of continuing concern that universities address problems caused by the technological changes that have affected the social-economic and political order in the global community. In spite of the universities' efforts to take on a larger and more deliberate role in the advancement of national development; analysis of the contribution of higher education (HE) in attaining the present Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) revealed numerous pitfalls associated with such endeavors. The establishment of MDGs overlooked the crucial contributions that could be generated from HE. As a result universities botched to cope effectively with ongoing eclectic changes within the community through undertaking vibrant debates. This article strongly argues that, the post-2015 MDGs should go beyond just primary education, and include HE in its revised plans