128 research outputs found

    Athletes' perceived use of information sources when forming initial impressions and expectancies of a coach: An explorative study

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    The study aimed to identify the sources of information that athletes perceive as influential during their initial evaluation of coaching ability. University athletes (N = 538) were asked to indicate the influence of 31 informational cues (e.g., gender, body language or gestures, reputation) on the initial impression formed of a coach. Following exploratory factor analysis, a 3-factor model, (i.e., static cues, dynamic cues, and third-party reports) was extracted. Mean scores revealed that although static cues (e.g., gender, race or ethnicity) were rated as relatively unimportant during impression formation, dynamic cues (e.g., facial expressions, body language or gestures) and third-party reports (e.g., coaching qualifications, reputation.) were viewed by athletes as influential factors in the formation of expectancies about coaches. Such findings have implications for the occurrence of expectancy effects in coach-athlete relationships and the way in which coaches seek to present themselves. © 2008 Human Kinetics, Inc

    The BASES-Sport and Exercise Psychology Accreditation Route (SEPAR) Postgraduate Endorsement Scheme

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    Better Preparing Sports Psychologists for the Demands of Applied Practice: The Emotional Labor Training Gap

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    The aim of this manuscript was to investigate the emotional educational-training-practice gap in the professional formation of sport and exercise psychologists in the United Kingdom through the theoretical lens of emotional labor. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with four participant groups: master’s students (n = 5), trainee (n = 5), neophyte (n = 5) and experienced sport and exercise psychologists (n = 5). Adopting an interpretive epistemology, an abductive thematic analysis was conducted in relation to the participant groups recruited. Several overarching themes were identified in each participant group: (a) master’s students (emotional labor as theory, practice), (b) trainees (emotional labor to survive, a professional development tool), (c) neophytes (emotional labor as a new professional, self-care) and (d) experienced sport and exercise psychologists (emotional labor as a professional resource, lifelong learning). A synthesized list of applied recommendations to improve the professional formation of sport and exercise psychologists was developed based on the analysis. The themes extend sport and exercise psychology professional development literature and we make recommendations for educators, professional associations and regulatory bodies with regard to: (a) bridging the emotional labor and experiential gap when transitioning between development phases via collaborative and innovative educational provision; (b) supporting the development of skills relating to the enactment of emotional labor, and; (c) consider support mechanisms for student/trainee/neophyte safeguarding and welfare issues as a result of the emotion-laden transactions in professional practice. The implications for future pedagogy, andragogy and research are discussed

    All roads lead to Rome, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Advice on QSEP navigation from the ‘Roman Gods’ of assessment!

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    Rome was the point of convergence of all the main roads of the Roman Empire. When Roman emperor Caesar Augustus erected the ‘Milliarium Aureum’ (Golden Milestone) in the heart of Ancient Rome, all roads were designed to begin at the monument. Metaphorically, the ancient proverb ‘All roads lead to Rome’ means there are many different ways of reaching the same goal or conclusion. QSEP training is a bit like that, with trainees engaging with so many different types of clients, settings, cultures, approaches and interventions that no two portfolios of work look alike. Yet, the competency demonstration ‘end goal’ is the same. The ancient Romans were also wise; they knew that in building their Roman empire (or for us building relationships and competence as Sport and Exercise Psychologists), doing something important or creating a masterpiece takes the time it takes; ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ and, metaphorically, QSEP is not something to rush or smear with impatience either

    Experiences of support received by carers of people who are involuntarily admitted to hospital under the Mental Health Act : qualitative study of carers’ perspectives

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    Background Carers of people who are involuntarily admitted to hospital report feeling isolated and unsupported by services. The Independent Review of the Mental Health Act (MHA) recommended that carers be supported. However, no research has directly explored what type of support carers would find most helpful when a relative/friend is involuntary admitted. Aims To explore carers’ experiences and views around the support they want to receive when their relative/friend is involuntarily admitted under the MHA. Method A total of 22 one-to-one interviews with carers were conducted online at three sites across England. Audio recordings of the interviews were transcribed, and data were analysed with thematic analysis. Results Four main themes were identified: (a) heterogeneity in the current support for carers, (b) information about mental health and mental health services, (c) continuous support, and (d) peer support and guidance. Carers reported receiving support from professionals, peers and relatives, but this was unstructured, and the extent of support varied across carers. Carers reported wanting more information about mental health services, and for this information to be consistent. Carers also reported wanting emotional support from a single, continuous person, helping them establish a more personal and sincere connection. Peers were also identified as important in the provision of carer support, allowing carers to feel reassured and understood in their experience. Conclusions The support received by carers is currently unstructured. To meet the MHA review recommendations, carers of patients who are involuntarily admitted should be allocated a named contact person, ideally with lived experience, to offer information and personal continuity of support

    Exploring athletes’ perceptions of coach stress in elite sport environments.

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    The present study aimed to extend research that has focused on the identification of stressors associated with coaching practice by systematically evaluating how such stressors effect athletes, and more broadly, the coach-athlete relationship. A total of 13 professional and national level athletes were interviewed to address the three study aims: how they detect when a coach is encountering stressors; how coach experiences of stress effects them as an athlete; and, how effective the coach is when experiencing stress. Following content analysis, the data suggested athletes were able to detect when a coach was experiencing stress and this was typically via a variety of verbal and behavioural cues. Despite some positive effects of the coach experiencing stress, the majority were negative and varied across a range of personal influences on the athlete, and effects on the general coaching environment. It was also the broad view of the athletes that coaches were less effective when stressed, and this was reflected in performance expectations, perceptions of competence, and lack of awareness. The findings are discussed in relation to the existing theory and with reference to their implications for applied practice, future research, and development of the coach athlete relationship. Key words: appraisals, interviews, qualitative analysis, strain, transactio

    Evolution, appearance, and occupational success

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    Visual characteristics, including facial appearance, are thought to play an important role in a variety of judgments and decisions that have real occupational outcomes in many settings. Indeed, there is growing evidence suggesting that appearance influences hiring decisions and even election results. For example, attractive individuals are more likely to be hired, taller men earn more, and the facial appearance of candidates has been linked to real election outcomes. In this article, we review evidence linking physical appearance to occupational success and evaluate the hypothesis that appearance based biases are consistent with predictions based on evolutionary theories of coalition formation and leadership choice. We discuss why appearance based effects are so pervasive, addressing ideas about a "kernel of truth" in attributions and about coalitional psychology. We additionally highlight that appearance may be differently related to success at work according to the types of job or task involved. For example, leaders may be chosen because the characteristics they possess are seen as best suited to lead in particular situations. During a time of war, a dominant-appearing leader may inspire confidence and intimidate enemies while during peace-time, when negotiation and diplomacy are needed, interpersonal skills may outweigh the value of a dominant leader. In line with these ideas, masculine-faced leaders are favored in war-time scenarios while feminine-faced leaders are favored in peace-time scenarios. We suggest that such environment or task specific competencies may be prevalent during selection processes, whereby individuals whose appearance best matches perceived task competences are most likely selected, and propose the general term "task-congruent selection" to describe these effects. Overall, our review highlights how potentially adaptive biases could influence choices in the work place. With respect to certain biases, understanding their origin and current prevalence is important in order to potentially reduce discrimination in the work place

    Instabilities of one-dimensional stationary solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    The two-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation admits a large family of one-dimensional bounded traveling-wave solutions. All such solutions may be written in terms of an amplitude and a phase. Solutions with piecewise constant phase have been well studied previously. Some of these solutions were found to be stable with respect to one-dimensional perturbations. No such solutions are stable with respect to two-dimensional perturbations. Here we consider stability of the larger class of solutions whose phase is dependent on the spatial dimension of the one-dimensional wave form. We study the spectral stability of such nontrivial-phase solutions numerically, using Hill's method. We present evidence which suggests that all such nontrivial-phase solutions are unstable with respect to both one- and two-dimensional perturbations. Instability occurs in all cases: for both the elliptic and hyperbolic nonlinear Schrodinger equations, and in the focusing and defocusing case.Comment: Submitted: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Psychological determinants of whole-body endurance performance

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    Background: No literature reviews have systematically identified and evaluated research on the psychological determinants of endurance performance, and sport psychology performance-enhancement guidelines for endurance sports are not founded on a systematic appraisal of endurance-specific research. Objective: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify practical psychological interventions that improve endurance performance and to identify additional psychological factors that affect endurance performance. Additional objectives were to evaluate the research practices of included studies, to suggest theoretical and applied implications, and to guide future research. Methods: Electronic databases, forward-citation searches, and manual searches of reference lists were used to locate relevant studies. Peer-reviewed studies were included when they chose an experimental or quasi-experimental research design, a psychological manipulation, endurance performance as the dependent variable, and athletes or physically-active, healthy adults as participants. Results: Consistent support was found for using imagery, self-talk, and goal setting to improve endurance performance, but it is unclear whether learning multiple psychological skills is more beneficial than learning one psychological skill. The results also demonstrated that mental fatigue undermines endurance performance, and verbal encouragement and head-to-head competition can have a beneficial effect. Interventions that influenced perception of effort consistently affected endurance performance. Conclusions: Psychological skills training could benefit an endurance athlete. Researchers are encouraged to compare different practical psychological interventions, to examine the effects of these interventions for athletes in competition, and to include a placebo control condition or an alternative control treatment. Researchers are also encouraged to explore additional psychological factors that could have a negative effect on endurance performance. Future research should include psychological mediating variables and moderating variables. Implications for theoretical explanations of endurance performance and evidence-based practice are described