65 research outputs found

    A Search for Kinematic Evidence of Radial Gas Flows in Spiral Galaxies

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    CO and HI velocity fields of seven nearby spiral galaxies, derived from radio-interferometric observations, are decomposed into Fourier components whose radial variation is used to search for evidence of radial gas flows. Additional information provided by optical or near-infrared isophotes is also considered, including the relationship between the morphological and kinematic position angles. To assist in interpreting the data, we present detailed modeling that demonstrates the effects of bar streaming, inflow, and a warp on the observed Fourier components. We find in all of the galaxies evidence for either elliptical streaming or a warped disk over some range in radius, with deviations from pure circular rotation at the level of ~20-60 km/s. Evidence for kinematic warps is observed in several cases well inside R_{25}. No unambiguous evidence for radial inflows is seen in any of the seven galaxies, and we are able to place an upper limit of ~5-10 km/s (3-5% of the circular speed) on the magnitude of any radial inflow in the inner regions of NGC 4414, 5033 and 5055. We conclude that the inherent non-axisymmetry of spiral galaxies is the greatest limitation to the direct detection of radial inflows.Comment: 22 emulateapj pages with bitmapped colour figures, to appear in ApJ (April 2004). For full resolution figures go to http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/twong/preprints

    Evidence for an outflow from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051

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    New observations using narrow band imaging, long-slit spectroscopy and MERLIN observations of the nuclear region of the Seyfert galaxy NGC~4051 have been made. An edge brightened, triangular region of ionized gas extending 420 pc from the centre of the galaxy has been detected. Long-slit spectra of this ionised gas, taken at 1.5\arcsec\ from the core, show the \oiii\ emission line to consist of two velocity components, both blue-shifted from the systemic radial velocity, with velocity widths of 140\kms\ and separated by 120\kms. This region is co-spatial with weak extended radio emission and is suggestive of a centrally driven outflow. The \oiii\ line spectrum and image of this region have been modelled as an outflowing conical structure at 50\degr\ to the line of sight with a half opening angle of 23\degr . In addition to the extended structure, high resolution MERLIN observations of the 18-cm nuclear radio emission reveal a compact (1\arcsec) radio triple source in PA 73^{\circ}. This source is coincident with the HST-imaged emission line structure. These high resolution observations are consistent with a more compact origin of activity (i.e. a Seyfert nucleus) than a starburst region.Comment: latex, epsf.sty, 8 pages, 8 figures. Also available at http://axp2.ast.man.ac.uk:8000/Preprints.htm

    The Role of Pressure in GMC Formation II: The H_2 - Pressure Relation

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    We show that the ratio of molecular to atomic gas in galaxies is determined by hydrostatic pressure and that the relation between the two is nearly linear. The pressure relation is shown to be good over three orders of magnitude for 14 galaxies including dwarfs, HI-rich, and H_2-rich galaxies as well as the Milky Way. The sample spans a factor of five in mean metallicity. The rms scatter of individual points of the relation is only about a factor of two for all the galaxies, though some show much more scatter than others. Using these results, we propose a modified star formation prescription based on pressure determining the degree to which the ISM is molecular. The formulation is different in high and low pressure regimes defined by whether the gas is primarily atomic or primarily molecular. This formulation can be implemented in simulations and provides a more appropriate treatment of the outer regions of spiral galaxies and molecule-poor systems such as dwarf irregulars and damped Lyman-alpha systems.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    H-alpha Kinematics of the SINGS Nearby Galaxies Survey. II

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    This is the second part of an H-alpha kinematics follow-up survey of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS) sample. The aim of this program is to shed new light on the role of baryons and their kinematics and on the dark/luminous matter relation in the star forming regions of galaxies, in relation with studies at other wavelengths. The data for 37 galaxies are presented. The observations were made using Fabry-Perot interferometry with the photon-counting camera FaNTOmM on 4 different telescopes, namely the Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6m, the ESO La Silla 3.6m, the William Herschel 4.2m, and the Observatoire du mont Megantic 1.6m telescopes. The velocity fields are computed using custom IDL routines designed for an optimal use of the data. The kinematical parameters and rotation curves are derived using the GIPSY software. It is shown that non-circular motions associated with galactic bars affect the kinematical parameters fitting and the velocity gradient of the rotation curves. This leads to incorrect determinations of the baryonic and dark matter distributions in the mass models derived from those rotation curves.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. All high-res. figures are available at http://www.astro.umontreal.ca/fantomm/singsII

    The orientation of the Seyfert nucleus in Markarian 348

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    Multi-frequency observations of Mrk 348 are presented consisting of 2 epochs of MERLIN data at 5 GHz, ISOPHOT data at 170, 90, 60 and 25 micron, NOT images at U, B, R and I bands and data at 1350 micron from the archive for SCUBA. The new optical images reveal a disrupted arm that ends towards the eastern companion of Mrk 348, consistent with the hypothesis that Mrk 348 and its companion form an interacting system. 5 GHz MERLIN imaging shows that only one of the radio components of Mrk 348 is polarized (%P=5). The broadband spectrum of Mrk 348 is flat between the radio and millimetre bands, suggesting that synchrotron emission extends to high frequencies. Mrk 348 has many of the characteristics of a radio-loud object. We discuss the orientation of the radio axis of Mrk 348 with respect to the line of sight. We conclude that the evidence is conflicting, and the geometry in Mrk 348 is not well-described by a simple edge-on or face-on model.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; higher resolution images at http://www.oal.ul.pt/ftp-anon/Image

    The Relationship Between Gas Content and Star Formation in Molecule-Rich Spiral Galaxies

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    We investigate the relationship between HI, H_2, and the star formation rate (SFR) using azimuthally averaged data for seven CO-bright spiral galaxies. Contrary to some earlier studies based on global fluxes, we find that the SFR surface density exhibits a much stronger correlation with the H_2 than with the HI, as the HI surface density saturates at a value of \sim10 Msol pc^{-2} or even declines at large SFR surface densities. Hence the good correlation between the SFR surface density and the total (HI+H_2) gas surface density is driven by the molecular component in these galaxies. We find no clear evidence for a link between the gravitational instability parameter for the gas disk (Q_g) and the SFR, and suggest that Q_g be considered a measure of the gas fraction. This implies that for a state of marginal gravitational stability to exist in galaxies with low gas fractions, it must be due to instability of the stellar disk. In regions where we have both HI and CO measurements, the ratio of HI to H_2 surface density scales with radius R as roughly R^{1.5}, and we suggest that the balance between HI and H_2 is determined primarily by the midplane interstellar pressure. These results favor a "law" of star formation in quiescent disks in which the ambient pressure and metallicity control the formation of molecular clouds from HI, with star formation then occurring at a roughly constant rate per unit H_2 mass. (abstract abridged)Comment: To appear in ApJ. 28 pages with 16 figures (emulateapj5). Full resolution figures available at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/twong/preprints

    Cold-adapted RTX lipase from antarctic Pseudomonas sp. strain AMS8: isolation, molecular modeling and heterologous expression

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    A new strain of psychrophilic bacteria (designated strain AMS8) from Antarctic soil was screened for extracellular lipolytic activity and further analyzed using molecular approach. Analysis of 16S rDNA showed that strain AMS8 was similar to Pseudomonas sp. A lipase gene named lipAMS8 was successfully isolated from strain AMS8, cloned, sequenced and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Sequence analysis revealed that lipAMS8 consist of 1,431 bp nucleotides that encoded a polypeptide consisting of 476 amino acids. It lacked an N-terminal signal peptide and contained a glycine- and aspartate-rich nonapeptide sequence at the C-terminus, which are known to be the characteristics of repeats-in-toxin bacterial lipases. Furthermore, the substrate binding site of lipAMS8 was identified as S207, D 255 and H313, based on homology modeling and multiple sequence alignment. Crude lipase exhibited maximum activity at 20 C and retained almost 50 % of its activity at 10 C. The molecular weight of lipAMS8 was estimated to be 50 kDa via sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The optimal expression level was attained using the recombinant plasmid pET32b/BL21(DE3) expressed at 15 C for 8 h, induced by 0.1 mM isopropyl β-D thiogalactoside (IPTG) at E. coli growth optimal density of 0.5

    Ability of T1 lipase to degrade amorphous P(3HB): structural and functional study

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    An enzyme with broad substrate specificity would be an asset for industrial application. T1 lipase apparently has the same active site residues as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) depolymerase. Sequences of both enzymes were studied and compared, and a conserved lipase box pentapeptide region around the nucleophilic serine was detected. The alignment of 3-D structures for both enzymes showed their active site residues were well aligned with an RMSD value of 1.981 Å despite their sequence similarity of only 53.8%. Docking of T1 lipase with P(3HB) gave forth high binding energy of 5.4 kcal/mol, with the distance of 4.05 Å between serine hydroxyl (OH) group of TI lipase to the carbonyl carbon of the substrate, similar to the native PhaZ7 Pl . This suggests the possible ability of T1 lipase to bind P(3HB) in its active site. The ability of T1 lipase in degrading amorphous P(3HB) was investigated on 0.2% (w/v) P(3HB) plate. Halo zone was observed around the colony containing the enzyme which confirms that T1 lipase is indeed able to degrade amorphous P(3HB). Results obtained in this study highlight the fact that T1 lipase is a versatile hydrolase enzyme which does not only record triglyceride degradation activity but amorphous P(3HB) degradation activity as well

    Ramucirumab plus docetaxel versus placebo plus docetaxel in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma after platinum-based therapy (RANGE): a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial

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    Few treatments with a distinct mechanism of action are available for patients with platinum-refractory advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma. We assessed the efficacy and safety of treatment with docetaxel plus either ramucirumab-a human IgG1 VEGFR-2 antagonist-or placebo in this patient population