30 research outputs found

    Optimising diagnostics through imaging informatics: Costs and opportunities

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    YesIncreasing diagnostic capacity is a national priority to expedite the timeliness and appropriateness of patient treatment interventions. Imaging—encompassing a range of technologies including X-ray, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine and ultrasound—is a key diagnostic service and central to decision-making in most, if not all, disease pathways. However, imaging is an expensive discipline accounting for an estimated 3–5% of the annual NHS budget. As a result, it is imperative that we maximise service efficiency while optimising patient outcomes.The manuscript version differs from the published version

    Radiographer reporting in the UK: Is the current scope of practice limiting plain film reporting capacity?

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    yesObjective: To update knowledge on individual radiographer contribution to plain-film reporting workloads; to assess whether there is scope to further increase radiographer reporting capacity within this area. Methods: Reporting radiographers were invited to complete an online survey. Invitations were posted to every acute National Health Service trust in the UK whilst snowball sampling was employed via a network of colleagues, ex-colleagues and acquaintances. Information was sought regarding the demographics, geographical location and anatomical and referral scope of practice. Results: A total of 259 responses were received. 15.1% and 7.7% of respondents are qualified to report chest and abdomen radiographs, respectively. The mean time spent reporting per week is 14.5 h (range 1–37.5). 23.6% of radiographers report only referrals from emergency departments whilst 50.6% of radiographers have limitations on their practice. Conclusion: The scope of practice of reporting radiographers has increased since previous studies; however, radiographer reporting of chest and abdomen radiographs has failed to progress in line with demand. There remain opportunities to increase radiographer capacity to assist the management of reporting backlogs. Advances in knowledge: This study is the first to examine demographic factors of reporting radiographers across the UK and is one of the largest in-depth studies of UK reporting radiographers, at individual level, to date

    CT head reporting by radiographers: results of an accredited postgraduate programme

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    Aim: To evaluate the results of the summative objective structured examination (OSE) for the first four cohorts of radiographers (n ÂĽ 24) undertaking an accredited postgraduate course in reporting computer tomography (CT) head examinations. Method: The construction of a summative OSE contained twenty five CT head examinations that incorporated 1:1 normal to abnormal pathological examples. All cases were blind reported by three consultant radiologists to produce a valid reference standard report for comparison with the radiographer's interpretation. The radiographers (n ÂĽ 24) final reports (n ÂĽ 600) were analysed to determine the sensitivity, specificity and agreement values and concordance for the four cohorts. Results: The four cohorts (2007e2013) of postgraduate radiography students' collective OSE results established a mean sensitivity rate of 99%, specificity 95% and agreement concordance rates of 90%. The final grades indicate that within an academic environment, trained radiographers possess high levels of diagnostic performance accuracy in the interpretation of CT head examinations

    AFROC analysis of reporting radiographer’s performance in CT head interpretation

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    Aim: A preliminary small scale study to assess the diagnostic performance of a limited group of reporting radiographers and consultant radiologists in clinical practice undertaking computer tomography (CT) head interpretation . Method: A multiple reader multiple case (MRMC) alternative free response receiver operating characteristic (AFROC) methodology was applied. Utilising an image bank of 30 CT head examinations, with a 1:1 ratio of normal to abnormal cases. A reference standard was established by double reporting the original reports using two additional independent consultant radiologists with arbitration of discordance by the researcher. Twelve observers from six southern National Health Service (NHS) trusts were invited to participate. The results were compared for accuracy, agreement, sensitivity, specificity. Data analysis used AFROC and area under the curve (AUC) with standard error. Results: The reporting radiographers results demonstrated a mean sensitivity rate of 88.7% (95% CI 82.3 to 95.1%), specificity 95.6% (96% CI 90.1 to 100%) and accuracy of 92.2% (95% CI 89.3 to 95%). The consultant radiologists mean sensitivity rate was 83.35% (95% CI 80 to 86.7%), specificity 90% (95% CI 86.7 to 93.3%) and accuracy of 86.65% (95% CI 83.3 to 90%). Observer performance between the two groups was compared with AFROC, AUC, and standard error analysis (p=0.94, SE 0.202). Conclusion: The findings of this research indicate that within a limited study, a small group of reporting radiographers demonstrated high levels of diagnostic accuracy in the interpretation of CT head examinations that was equivalent to a small selection of consultant radiologists

    Audit of the job satisfaction levels of the UK radiography and physics workforce in UK radiotherapy centres 2012

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    Conclusion: Radiotherapy professionals are prone to the effects of compassion fatigue and burnout. Attention must be paid to workload and its impact on practitioners' job satisfaction. Professional development that is supported and informed by a performance development review is a simple and effective means of enhancing satisfaction. Individuals have a responsibility to themselves and their colleagues as their behaviours and attitudes influence job satisfaction. Advances in knowledge: This work identifies areas for future research to enhance the professional resilience of practitioners, in order to provide high-quality treatments. Objective: Workforce planning reports identify a staff shortfall that jeopardizes the ability of UK radiotherapy centres to meet future demands. Obtaining an understanding of the work experiences of radiotherapy professionals will support the development of strategies to increase job satisfaction, productivity and effectiveness. Methods: A quantitative survey assessed job satisfaction, attitudes to incident reporting, stress and burnout, opportunities for professional development, workload, retention and turnover. Clinical oncologists were not included, as the Royal College of Radiologists, London, UK, had recently assessed their members' satisfaction. All questions were taken from validated instruments or adapted from the "UK National Health Service Staff Survey". Results: The survey yielded 658 completed responses (approximately 16% response rate), from public and private sectors. Over a third (36%) of respondents were classified as satisfied for job satisfaction with 11% dissatisfied and the remaining 53% ambivalent. A significant proportion of clinical staff (37.5%) report high emotional exhaustion. Presenteeism was an issue with 42.4% attending work despite feeling unable to fulfil their role.</p

    Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging - An exploration of physiotherapists' interests and use in practice

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    Background Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging (MSKUSI) has gained popularity; several professions have expressed an interest in this application but the clinical use by physiotherapists has not been fully researched. Objectives To explore physiotherapists’ interests and use of MSKUSI in practice. Design Sequential mixed-methods; questionnaire followed by semi-structured interviews. Method A questionnaire was developed and distributed to gain initial information, (75 responses). Analysis informed topic-guide development and enabled a purposive-sampling strategy for semi-structured interviews that explored physiotherapists’ interests, education and clinical use of MSKUSI (n = 11). Interview data were analysed thematically. Results Five themes were identified: 1. Professional skill set – physiotherapists’ suitability for MSKUSI. 2. Factors that have impacted physiotherapists’ ability to use MSKUSI. 3. Physiotherapists’ motivation to use ultrasound - improving patient focused care. 4. Quality assurance strategies. 5. Application of biopsychosocial model. Themes revealed links between physiotherapists’ core skills, knowledge and professional experiences that align with MSKUSI requirements. Some participants reported support accessing education but many described challenges finding appropriate mentorship. Participants observed education did not always reflect practice typical of physiotherapists. Application of clinical reasoning processes utilised by physiotherapists was regarded as integral to patient-focused scanning. Conclusions Physiotherapists’ professional training and musculoskeletal practice are seen as a foundation for education in MSKUSI. Accessing education can be challenging, in particular mentorship that fully incorporates the biopsychosocial model. Proposed roles for MSKUSI for physiotherapists include verification of clinical assessment findings for diagnosis and facilitation of patient education. The potential to streamline patient pathways and optimise resource management warrants investigation

    Newly qualified radiographers' perceptions of their abnormality detection abilities and the associated training they received at undergraduate level

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    Introduction: Abnormality detection system use across National Health Service (NHS) hospitals is widespread with radiographer participation considered as fundamental to the role. The “red dot” system is evolving towards the preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) system. Newly qualified radiographers will be expected to be able to provide accurate descriptive comments. Confidence and training issues may hinder implementation of the PCE system. Method: An online quantitative survey approach was used. Participants were sought from 24 major trauma centres (MTC) across England. The sample frame was defined as radiographers who had been qualified less than 2 years. Approval to approach was granted by all local Research & Development departments. Cross-tabulation and correlational statistical analyses were undertaken. Results: Approval to approach radiographers was granted in 17 of the 24 MTCs yielding 85 participants, 63 females and 22 males. The large majority are confident with their red dot skills. Strong correlation exists between university training and PCE confidence. However, almost a third of participants are not confident in describing abnormalities. Thirty percent of participants thought PCE training at university was not suitable, and 55% thought PCE training on placement was not suitable. Conclusion: While red dot training at university and placement is considered suitable as it positively affects confidence, participants' views on PCE training are more variable. At university PCE training positively influences confidence in describing abnormalities, but commenting training on placement is recognised as an area for improvement. A larger study is suggested to gain further understanding of any issues hindering widespread PCE implementation