139 research outputs found

    Vitamin D in the Prevention and Treatment of Oral Cancer: A Scoping Review

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    Introduction: Oral cancer is a serious health problem with an increasing incidence worldwide. Researchers have studied the potential anti-cancerous action of vitamin D and its association with several cancers including oral cancer. The purpose of this scoping review is to synthesize the existing literature on the role of vitamin D on oral cancer. Methods: A scoping review of the literature was conducted using the framework developed by Arkey and O’Malley and the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Nine databases were searched for peer-reviewed human studies published in English that either investigated the association of vitamin D with, or its impact on either the prevention or treatment of oral cancer. The authors then extracted data using a predefined form to summarize information about article type, study design, participant characteristics, interventions, and outcomes. Results: Fifteen articles met the review criteria. Among the 15 studies, 11 were case–control, 3 were cohort studies, and 1 was a clinical trial. In four studies, the evidence supported a preventive action of vitamin D against oral cancer and a reduction in the negative side effects associated with chemo- and radiotherapy. Several studies that focused on genetic polymorphisms and the expression of the 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor (VDR) suggested significant associations with vitamin D and increased oral cancer risk and worse survival rates. In contrast, two studies did not reveal a strong association between vitamin D and oral cancer. Conclusions: The current evidence suggests an association between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of oral cancer. VDR gene polymorphisms might also be a part of future preventive and therapeutic strategies against oral cancer. Carefully designed studies are required to explore and define what role, if any, vitamin D might play in the prevention and treatment of oral cancer


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    In this paper, we studied the existence of the exciton optical Stark effect in oblate spheroidal quantum dots by using the renormalized wavefunction theory. A strong pump wave was applied to couple the electron quantization states in the conduction band in a three-level system model. We observed two separate peaks of the interband absorption transitions representing the separation of the electron energy levels due to the optical Stark effect. In addition, the influence of the pump field energy, size, and geometry of the quantum dots on the effect characteristics was also investigated in detail.Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu sự tồn tại của hiệu ứng Stark quang học của exciton trong chấm lượng tử phỏng cầu dạng dẹt bằng lý thuyết hàm sóng tái chuẩn hóa. Một sóng bơm mạnh đã được áp dụng để kết cặp các trạng thái lượng tử hóa của điện tử trong vùng dẫn trong mô hình hệ ba mức. Chúng tôi quan sát thấy hai vạch phổ hấp thụ liên vùng riêng biệt, thể hiện sự tách các mức năng lượng của điện tử do hiệu ứng Stark quang học. Đồng thời, các ảnh hưởng của năng lượng trường bơm, kích thước và dạng hình học của chấm lượng tử lên các đặc trưng của hiệu ứng cũng được khảo sát chi tiết


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    The research analyzes the factors affecting the demand for made-in-Vietnam facial cleanseramong the Vietnamese youth. Based on the theory of commodity demand, the research team builds a survey form and collects responses from 415 students at high schools and universities in Vietnam on the factors affecting their demand for made-in-Vietnam facial cleansers. The synthesis and analysis of survey data show that the demand for face wash products among Vietnamese young people is influenced by many factors such as the price of the products, income, interests, prices of related goods, expectations of themarket, etc. Besides, the research team also considers the advantages of Vietnamese face wash products compared to imported products and young consumers' expectations for the products as well as their beliefs and supportfor made-in-Vietnam facial cleanser products in the future


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    Learning idioms play an influential role in language generally and in English notably. Comprehending idioms assists language learners in integrating culture, enhancing skills, and ameliorating English levels. Numerous studies have analyzed the function of idioms in second language acquisition (Cieślicka, 2015). This study investigates the difficulties and strategies used in learning idioms by English-majored students at a regional public university (PU) in the south of Vietnam. This paper furnishes data showing learners’ perceptions of facing complications and learning methods. The samples consisted of 150 undergraduate EFL students from English-medium instruction programs. The data was analyzed by utilizing descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings reveal that students struggle to understand idiomatic terms without specific, understandable contexts. Furthermore, the results indicate that the most frequently employed strategies are guessing the meaning of idioms, learning idioms through keywords, and learning from a range of sources, particularly via media. The findings also mentioned that low-proficiency and high-proficiency students encounter identical challenges, with no significant differences. The study's results revealed that the majority of students have difficulty acquiring, recognizing, and interpreting idioms. The findings indicated that guessing the implication of idioms is the most used strategy.  Article visualizations

    The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention: Case Study of Vietnam's domestic fashion brands

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    The study aimed to examine the impact of social media marketing on brand awareness and purchase intention for Vietnamese domestic fashion brands. Quantitative research was conducted on 302 Vietnamese people of Generation Z. The questionnaire designed on Google forms was sent to research samples who were willing to participate. Research results determined the role and benefits of social media marketing in 2 aspects: (1) information about the brand of social media marketing on social networks and (2) brand engagement on social networks. Social media marketing has a positive impact on brand awareness and purchase intention of Vietnamese domestic fashion brands. In particular, brand information when communicating on social networks has a direct and positive impact on brand awareness and purchase intention. Brand engagement on social networks has a positive direct impact on brand awareness and a positive indirect impact on purchase intention through brand awareness. The research results show that Vietnamese domestic fashion brands do quite well in social media marketing, and are highly appreciated by the online community of generation Z in Vietnam. In the future, in order to improve brand awareness and purchase intention, Vietnamese domestic fashion brands need to pay attention to the brand information properties of social media marketing programs and need to invest more in brand engagement characteristics of social networks. Keywords: social media marketing, brand awareness, purchase intentio

    Choosing the best machine tool in mechanical manufacturing

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    Machine tools are indispensable components and play an important role in mechanical manufacturing. The equipment of machine tools has a huge effect on the operational efficiency of businesses. Each machine tool type is described by many different criteria, such as cost, technological capabilities, accuracy, energy consumption, convenience in operation, safety for workers, working noise, etc. If the selection of machine is only based on one or several criteria, it will be really easy to make mistakes, which means it is not possible to choose the real best machine. A machine is considered to be the best only when it is chosen based on all of its criteria. This work is called multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). In this study, the selection of machine tools has been done using two different multi-criteria decision-making methods, including the FUCA method (Faire Un Choix Adéquat) and the CURLI method (Collaborative Unbiased Rank List Intergration). These are two methods with very different characteristics. When using the FUCA method, it is necessary to normalize the data and determine the weights for the criteria. Meanwhile, if using the CURLI method, these two things are not necessary. The selection of these two distinct methods is intended to produce the most generalizable conclusions. Three types of machine tool, which are considered in this study, include grinding machine, drilling machine and milling machine. The number of grinders that were offered for selection was twelve, the number of drills that were surveyed in this study was thirteen, while nine were the number of milling machines that were given for selection. The objective of this study is to determine the best solution in each type of machine. The results of ranking the machines are very similar when using the two mentioned methods. Specially, in all the surveyed cases, the two methods FUCA and CURLI always find the same best alternative. Accordingly, it is possible to firmly come to a conclusion that the FUCA method and the CURLI method are equally effective in machine tool selection. In addition, this study has determined the best three machines corresponding to the three different machine type


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    This research study aimed to investigate the usage of vocabulary learning strategies among English Studies students at Can Tho University (CTU), specifically those under the high-quality program at the School of Foreign Languages (SFL). The primary objective of the study was to identify the most commonly used strategies for learning English vocabulary and to compare the similarities and differences in how these strategies were applied among students by academic year. A total of 200 survey responses from SFL, CTU got involved in the study, and 12 of whom joined a semi-structured interview. The data gathered were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The results of this study provided insights into effective vocabulary learning strategies and would facilitate the improvement of English language teaching and learning practices at the university level.  Article visualizations

    The impact of brand positioning and knowledge on attitude towards brand and purchase intention: A study of organic rice in Ho Chi Minh City

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    The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of factors of brand, including Brand Positioning, Brand Knowledge, Attitude towards Organic Rice Brand, and Organic Rice Purchase Intention. The survey was conducted with a sample of 224 consumers shopping at four organic rice shops in Ho Chi Minh City. The research was performed by quantitative research methods: Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research results were conducted in two direct models and the indirect models in which the indirect model was supported. This means that brand positioning and brand knowledge had no direct impact on the Intention to buy organic rice, but only an indirect one through the consumer attitude towards the organic rice brand

    Factors affecting the creativity of high school students

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    Creativity is a vital personality quality of each individual. Each person has their potential for creativity, and it can be nurtured and developed in an appropriate and safe environment. The purpose of the study was to find out which factors from schools and students themselves affect creativity as well as the association between creativity and age, gender and giftedness of students, which then a basis to adjust and establish appropriate methods from schools, families, and students themselves to develop elements and their creativity. The study was conducted on 108 high school students in three grades from giftedness and non-giftedness schools. The data was collected through a survey method using a self-constructed questionnaire and drawing creativity test TCT-DP to determine students' creativity levels and personal information. The study's finding, which uses mathematical methods and one-way analysis of variance, reveals that factors affecting elements and creativity level are objective factors including education environment from school; behavior of teachers, and subjective factors including interests, perspectives, and thoughts of students. It was also found that there were no significant differences in the components of creativity and creativity among students in different grades, gender, and groups of giftedness schools