31 research outputs found
Os desafios do uso da tecnologia no ensino Fundamental I
Este trabalho é uma análise reflexiva sobre os principais assuntos relacionados ao uso da Tecnologia no ensino fundamental I, em que o objetivo é verificar por meio de pesquisas bibliográfica e quantitativa quais são os principais pontos positivos e negativos dessa abordagem em sala de aula. Vivemos numa sociedade em constante mudança, que é diretamente impulsionada pelo uso da tecnologia. Por esse motivo, é necessária uma reflexão sobre o uso das TICs no ensino fundamental I da educação brasileira. Portanto, para que seja de fato eficaz, é necessário que o professor obtenha o conhecimento técnico adequado sobre as tecnologias, que saiba aplicá-las para contribuir na melhoria do processo
Assessment of the culinary behavior of puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do comportamento culinário de puérperas em um hospital universitário
In the food context, mothers are often associated with the responsibility of transmitting information about food, as well as food practices, from one generation to the next. In addition, children's food preferences can be influenced by parents' food preferences and by the accessibility of food at home, making the family system a determining factor in food education. Considering the scarcity of studies that assess the interference of mothers' cooking skills in the feeding of their children, this study aims to evaluate the knowledge of mothers who were hospitalized at the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital (HULW) about cooking skills, and more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills, to analyze the culinary attitude and the index of culinary skills. This is a cross-sectional study with the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Culinary skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata. According to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skills) and upper limits (high cooking skills), respectively. The study population showed a high index of culinary skills, as well as a high culinary attitude. The present study advances in the research and deepening of the theme, enabling one of the first approximations with the Brazilian reality, especially with regard to puerperal women. It is believed that, even being a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of puerperal women treated at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, this study presents findings that can be used as a starting point for future research directions
Assessment of knowledge and self-efficiency for the use of basic culinary techniques in puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do conhecimento e da autoeficácia para o uso de técnicas culinárias básicas em puérperas em um hospital universitário
The healthy and diversified food introduction represents an opportunity for the child to be exposed to the wide variety of foods that will form the basis for future healthy eating habits. In view of the scarcity of studies that correlate the introduction of complementary foods from the child's six months of life onwards with maternal cooking skills, the present study aims to verify whether there is pre-existence to the puerperium of the mother's cooking skills and, more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills; assess self-efficacy for using basic cooking techniques as well as the cooking skills index. This is a cross-sectional study, which had the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Cooking skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata, according to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skill) and upper limits (high cooking skill), respectively. The study population showed a high index of cooking skills, as well as a high effectiveness for the use of basic cooking techniques. This study advances in the exploration of the theme, enabling one of the first approaches to the Brazilian reality, especially about postpartum women. It is believed that, even though it is a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of postpartum women attended at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, its findings can be used as a starting point for future research directions
NPK combinations mitigate the deleterious effects of salt stress on the morphophysiology of West Indian Cherry
Under salt stress, plant growth and development are negatively affected due to physiological changes,requiring strategies such as fertilization management to minimize these effects. In this scenario, this study aimedto evaluate the effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on the growth, leaf waterstatus, electrolyte leakage, and gas exchange of West Indian Cherry grown under water stress in the secondyear of production. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment in Campina Grande - PB.The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design with a 2 × 10 factorial arrangement with threereplications corresponding to two electrical conductivity levels of irrigation water– ECw (0.6 and 4.0 dS m-1)and ten combinations of fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (80-100-100; 100-100-100; 120-100-100; 140-100-100; 100-80-100; 100-120-100; 100-140-100; 100-100-80; 100-100-120, and 100-100-140% of therecommendation in the second year of production). Irrigation with the ECw of 4.0 dS m-1 negatively affectedplant growth, the leaf water status, electrolyte leakage, and the leaf gas exchange of West Indian Cherry.However, the 40% increase (C4 -140-100-100% of the recommended N-P2O5-K2O level) in the nitrogen levelmitigated the deleterious effects of salt stress on the relative water content, internal CO2 concentration, and theCO2 assimilation rate of West Indian Cherry plants in the second year of production.Under salt stress, plant growth and development are negatively affected due to physiological changes,requiring strategies such as fertilization management to minimize these effects. In this scenario, this study aimedto evaluate the effect of combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on the growth, leaf waterstatus, electrolyte leakage, and gas exchange of West Indian Cherry grown under water stress in the secondyear of production. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment in Campina Grande - PB.The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design with a 2 × 10 factorial arrangement with threereplications corresponding to two electrical conductivity levels of irrigation water– ECw (0.6 and 4.0 dS m-1)and ten combinations of fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (80-100-100; 100-100-100; 120-100-100; 140-100-100; 100-80-100; 100-120-100; 100-140-100; 100-100-80; 100-100-120, and 100-100-140% of therecommendation in the second year of production). Irrigation with the ECw of 4.0 dS m-1 negatively affectedplant growth, the leaf water status, electrolyte leakage, and the leaf gas exchange of West Indian Cherry.However, the 40% increase (C4 -140-100-100% of the recommended N-P2O5-K2O level) in the nitrogen levelmitigated the deleterious effects of salt stress on the relative water content, internal CO2 concentration, and theCO2 assimilation rate of West Indian Cherry plants in the second year of production.
Schinus terebinthifolius leaf extract causes midgut damage, interfering with survival and development of Aedes aegypti larvae
In this study, a leaf extract from Schinus terebinthifolius was evaluated for effects on survival, development, and midgut of A. aegypti fourth instar larvae (L4), as well as for toxic effect on Artemia salina. Leaf extract was obtained using 0.15 M NaCl and evaluated for phytochemical composition and lectin activity. Early L4 larvae were incubated with the extract (0.3–1.35%, w/v) for 8 days, in presence or absence of food. Polymeric proanthocyanidins, hydrolysable tannins, heterosid and aglycone flavonoids, cinnamic acid derivatives, traces of steroids, and lectin activity were detected in the extract, which killed the larvae at an LC50 of 0.62% (unfed larvae) and 1.03% (fed larvae). Further, the larvae incubated with the extract reacted by eliminating the gut content. No larvae reached the pupal stage in treatments at concentrations between 0.5% and 1.35%, while in the control (fed larvae), 61.7% of individuals emerged as adults. The extract (1.0%) promoted intense disorganization of larval midgut epithelium, including deformation and hypertrophy of cells, disruption of microvilli, and vacuolization of cytoplasms, affecting digestive, enteroendocrine, regenerative, and proliferating cells. In addition, cells with fragmented DNA were observed. Separation of extract components by solid phase extraction revealed that cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids are involved in larvicidal effect of the extract, being the first most efficient in a short time after larvae treatment. The lectin present in the extract was isolated, but did not show deleterious effects on larvae. The extract and cinnamic acid derivatives were toxic to A. salina nauplii, while the flavonoids showed low toxicity. S. terebinthifolius leaf extract caused damage to the midgut of A. aegypti larvae, interfering with survival and development. The larvicidal effect of the extract can be attributed to cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids. The data obtained using A. salina indicates that caution should be used when employing this extract as a larvicidal agent
Impacto da condição periodontal na qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes / Impact of periodontal condition on the quality of life of children and adolescents
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o impacto da condição periodontal na qualidade de vida (QV) de escolares de 11 a 14 anos de idade do município de Patos-PB. O estudo foi do tipo observacional, por epidemiológico e transversal. A amostra foi composta 479 escolares de 11 a 14 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, matriculados em escolas da rede municipal de Patos-PB, Brasil. A coleta foi realizada por dois examinadores calibrados e consistiu em exame clínico intrabucal, e o método usado no Levantamento Epidemiológico em Saúde Bucal (SB Brasi,2010) condição periodontal (Índice Periodontal Comunitário – CPI). Foi aplicado o questionário, para avaliação da QV relacionada á saúde bucal (Child Perceptions Questionnaire, CPQ11-14). Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. A ocorrência de sangramento gengival e cálculo dentário foi, respectivamente, 65,9% e 44,5%. Análise do impacto na QV das crianças determinou um escore médio de 17,52, sem os “sintomas orais” e “bem-estar social”, os domínios mais afetados. Pôde-se concluir que o cálculo dentário apresentou impacto negativo na qualidade de vida de adolescentes de 11 a 14 anos de idade.
Utilização do melão (Cucumis melo L.) na alimentação de ruminantes: uma revisão / Use of melon (Cucumis melo L.) in ruminant feed: a review
O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar o potencial de utilização do melão para a alimentação de ruminantes, destacando suas principais características bromatológicas e perspectivas quanto à utilização nos sistemas de produção. Atualmente o Rio Grande do Norte é o maior produtor da fruta de melão, correspondendo a 250 mil toneladas da fruta, seguido do Ceará com 200 mil toneladas, o que equivale a 90% da produção de melão brasileira anual. O fruto é rico em carboidratos solúveis e água, e constitui uma importante fonte de energia para ruminantes. Dada a grande produção anual de melão e consequentemente grandes quantidades de subprodutos, o uso de frutos-refugo torna-se um importante alternativa como fonte de alimento. Entretanto são escassas as informações na literatura no que diz respeito à saúde ruminal frente ao fornecimento desse subproduto a dieta de ruminantes. O ambiente ruminal é bastante sensível a alterações metabólicas de alimento e, apesar de seus constituintes orgânicos favorecerem a possíveis quadros de acidose, seu consumo é relatado, contudo de forma empírica sem levar em consideração a danos digestivos. O Nordeste brasileiro lidera a fruticultura irrigada, a qual destaca-se o melão, e em contrapartida carece de medidas que contribuam para sanar a problemática da falta de alimento durante as estiagens prolongadas, tornando o uso desses frutos um importante alternativa para alimentação de ruminantes. Além de ser uma fonte potencial de nutrientes, seu uso pode ser importante do ponto de vista socioeconômico, reduzindo os impactos ambientais e produtivos, contribuindo inclusive para redução das perdas econômicas. Todavia são necessários mais estudos acerca da resposta dos animais em termos de desempenho frente ao uso do melão, destacando os padrões de fermentação rumina
Câncer de mama: relato de caso e critérios de diagnóstico
Objectives: The objective of the study was to show which of the diagnostic criteria of breast cancer. Case study: M.S.S., 83 years old, female, from the city of Juazeiro do Norte / CE, single, retired by age, nulliparous, diabetic and Alzheimer's. After feeling a severe pain in the breast and a lot of headache, it was taken to the doctor mastologist for a consultation. Upon examination, the doctor diagnosed a lump in the right breast, then requested a mammogram and a breast ultrasound urgently. When looking at the exams, the doctor found that it had a nodule on the right breast, type BI-RADS six, and from the result, asked for some laboratory tests, such as: complete blood count, cytology and a total abdominal ultrasound. Conclusion: According to the analysis of the afore mentioned studies it is seen that there is a need for much more specific criteria, such as faster and more accurate laboratory markers for breast cancer. A task force of Brazilian public policies for the fight against cancer that affects thousands of women in Brazil, a health system more unified and with quality would represent a decrease in the incidence of breast cancer in advanced stages.Objetivos: El objetivo del trabajo fue mostrar cuáles de los criterios de diagnóstico del cáncer de mama. Descripción del caso: M.I.S.S., 83 años, sexo femenino, de la ciudad de Juazeiro do Norte / CE, soltera, jubilada por edad, nulípara, diabética y portadora de Alzheimer. Después de sentir un fuerte dolor en la mama y mucha cefalea, fue llevada al médico mastólogo para una consulta. Al ser examinada, el médico diagnosticó un nódulo en la mama derecha, luego pidió una mamografía y un ultrasonido mamario con urgencia. Al mirar los exámenes, el médico constató que la misma tenía un nódulo en la mama derecha, tipo BI-RADS seis, ya partir del resultado, pidió más algunos exámenes de laboratorio, como: hemograma completo, citología y un ultrasonido abdominal total. Conclusión: De acuerdo con los análisis de los trabajos citados, es necesario que haya criterios más específicos, como exámenes de laboratorio más rápidos y precisos para el cáncer de mama. Una fuerza tarea de las políticas públicas brasileñas para combatir el cáncer que acomete a miles de mujeres en Brasil, un sistema de salud más unificado y con calidad representaría una disminución de la incidencia de cáncer de mama en etapas avanzadas.Objetivos: O objetivo do trabalho foi mostrar quais os de critérios de diagnósticos do câncer de mama. Descrição do caso: M.S.S., 83 anos, sexo feminino, da cidade de Juazeiro do Norte/CE, solteira, aposentada por idade, nulípara, diabética e portadora de Alzheimer. Após sentir uma forte dor na mama e muita cefaléia, foi levada ao médico mastologista para uma consulta. Ao ser examinada, o médico diagnosticou um nódulo na mama direita, em seguida, pediu uma mamografia e um ultrassom mamário com urgência. Ao olhar os exames, o médico constatou que a mesma tinha um nódulo na mama direita, tipo BI-RADS seis, e a partir do resultado, pediu mais alguns exames laboratoriais, como: hemograma completo, citologia e Ultrassonografia de Abdome Total - UAT. Conclusão: De acordo com as análises dos trabalhos supracitados é visto que há necessidade de critérios bem mais específicos, como exames marcadores laboratoriais mais rápidos e precisos para o câncer de mama. Uma força tarefa das políticas públicas brasileiras para o combate ao câncer que acomete milhares de mulheres no Brasil, um sistema de saúde mais unificado e com qualidade representaria uma diminuição da incidência de câncer de mama em estágios avançados
Considering the increasing prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the need for effective and safe therapeutic interventions, this research aimed to conduct a comparative analysis between lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate in the treatment of ADHD. To this end, a comprehensive qualitative literature review was conducted, using sources such as Scielo, Google Scholar, scientific journals, institutional repositories, and virtual libraries, without specific time period limitations. Thus, it was observed that both medications demonstrated efficacy in reducing ADHD symptoms. Lisdexamfetamine showed a more prolonged and consistent effect on dopaminergic neurotransmission and a potentially more favorable side effect profile, with fewer reports of severe adverse effects compared to methylphenidate. Methylphenidate, in turn, showed significant efficacy, especially in the short term. It is concluded that both lisdexamfetamine and methylphenidate are valid therapeutic options for the treatment of ADHD, with specific advantages in different clinical contexts. The choice between these medications should consider the individual characteristics of patients and the available evidence of efficacy and safety, contributing to the optimization of treatment and the improvement of the quality of life of patients with ADHD.Considerando a crescente prevalência do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e a necessidade de intervenções terapêuticas eficazes e seguras, esta pesquisa objetivou realizar uma análise comparativa entre lisdexanfetamina e metilfenidato no tratamento do TDAH. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica qualitativa abrangente, utilizando fontes como Scielo, Google Acadêmico, revistas científicas, repositórios institucionais e bibliotecas virtuais, sem limitação de período específico. Desse modo, observou-se que ambos os medicamentos demonstraram eficácia na redução dos sintomas do TDAH. A lisdexanfetamina apresentou um efeito mais prolongado e consistente na neurotransmissão dopaminérgica e um perfil de efeitos colaterais potencialmente mais favorável, com menos relatos de efeitos adversos graves em comparação ao metilfenidato. O metilfenidato, por sua vez, mostrou eficácia significativa, especialmente em curto prazo. Conclui-se que tanto a lisdexanfetamina quanto o metilfenidato são opções terapêuticas válidas para o tratamento do TDAH, com vantagens específicas em diferentes contextos clínicos. A escolha entre esses medicamentos deve considerar as características individuais dos pacientes e as evidências de eficácia e segurança disponíveis, contribuindo para a otimização do tratamento e a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com TDAH