25 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of using an enzymatic complex in piglet feeds on the zootechnical performance in the pre-starter and initial phases. For this purpose, 292 piglets, castrated males and females, of commercial lineage were used. The enzyme supplementation period in the maternity hospital was from the seventh to the twenty-first day of age, and in the nursery, it was from the waning until the exit for the growth phase. The design used was completely randomized, with the mother and her litter considered the experimental unit during maternity and a stall with 10 piglets in the nursery. In maternity, the treatments consisted of: T1 - control feed, without the enzymatic complex; T2 - control diet with on top addition of the enzymatic complex with 5% inclusion. Three treatments were defined at the nursery: T1 - control feed; T2 - control diet with inclusion on top of 5% of the enzymatic complex in the maternity phase; T3 - control feed with the inclusion of 5% enzymatic complex in the maternity and nursery phases. Supplementation during lactation did not influence litter performance in the maternity unit until 21 days. In the nursery, piglets fed with control feed had higher initial weight compared to those supplemented in the maternity and nursery phases. At the end of the phase, the piglets showed similar performance, regardless of diet. It is concluded that the inclusion of the enzymatic complex used in the on top form in diets for piglets did not influence performance parameters in maternity; however, it favored the recovery of weaned piglets with lower weight.Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito da utilização de complexo enzimático em rações para leitões sobre o desempenho zootécnico nas fases pré-inicial e inicial. Foram utilizados, para isso, 292 leitões, machos castrados e fêmeas, de linhagem comercial. O período de suplementação da enzima, na maternidade, foi do sétimo ao vigésimo primeiro dia de idade, e, na creche, foi do desmame até a saída para a fase de crescimento. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo a matriz e sua leitegada consideradas a unidade experimental durante a maternidade e uma baia com dez leitões na creche. Na maternidade, os tratamentos consistiram em: T1 - ração controle, sem complexo enzimático; T2 - ração controle com adição on top do complexo enzimático com inclusão de 5%. Na creche, foram definidos três tratamentos: T1 - ração controle; T2 - ração controle com inclusão on top de 5% do complexo enzimático na fase de maternidade; T3 - ração controle com inclusão de 5% de complexo enzimático nas fases de maternidade e creche. A suplementação durante a lactação não influenciou o desempenho da leitegada na maternidade até o 21º dia. Na creche, leitões alimentados com ração controle apresentaram maior peso inicial em relação aos suplementados na fase de maternidade e creche. Ao término da fase, os leitões mostraram desempenho semelhante, independente da dieta. Conclui-se que a inclusão do complexo enzimático na forma on top em dietas para leitões não influenciou parâmetros de desempenho na maternidade, porém, favoreceu a recuperação de leitões desmamados com menor peso

    Dehydrated cashew apple meal in the feeding of growing rabbits

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    Two trials were conducted aiming to determine the chemical composition, the digestibility of nutrients and energy from dehydrated cashew apple meal, as well as to evaluate the effects generated by including increasing levels (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%) of this ingredient in growing rabbit feed, on performance, carcass characteristics and economic evaluation. In the digestibility trial, were used 24 rabbits with 55 days of age, distributed in a completely randomized design with two treatments and twelve repetitions, being one reference feed and the other test feed, composed by 70% of the reference feed and 30% DCAM. The coefficients of the dry matter digestibility, crude protein and gross energy of the DCAM were, respectively, 67.79; 30.03 and 48.61%. The digestible dry matter, digestible protein and digestible energy, based on dry matter, were, respectively, 59.55%; 4.76% and 2,119.66 kcal/kg. In the second trial, 120 mixed breed rabbits were used, with an average of 45 days of age and weight 1143 ± 153g. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design, with six treatments and ten repetitions with two rabbits of the same sex per cage. It was observed that the inclusion of DCAM did not affect (P > 0.05) the feed intake, but reduced (P < 0.05) the feed conversion efficiency, as well as a linear reduction in carcass yield. A quadratic effect on daily weight gain and the ratio meat/bone was observed, with better inclusion level estimated at 25.31 and 24.65%, respectively. The inclusion of DCAM linearly improved economic viability to the level of 50%, however not to harm the weight gain and the ratio meat/bone, it is recommended to include up to 25%

    Laying parameters of meat quails breeders submitted to lighting programs at growing phase

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    ABSTRACT: When applied at growing phase, lighting program aims to obtain quails with body weight and physiological maturity suitable for the beginning of laying. This study evaluated lighting programs at growing phase on performance, sexual maturity and egg quality of meat quail breeders (Coturnixcoturnix) at laying phase. From 7 to 49 days of age, 300 female meat quails were subjected to three lighting programs (natural, intermittent and continuous), with 5 replicates of 20 birds each. At 49 days of age, 240 quails were transferred to a shed, maintaining the same experimental conditions. Meat quails submitted to continuous and intermittent lighting programs had higher weight of reproductive system and lower ages for first egg production and to reach 50% of egg production (P < 0.05). Quails submitted to natural lighting had lower feed intake from 49 to 70 and 71 to 92 days of age and worse feed conversion up to 114 days of age. Continuous and intermittent lighting programs resulted in more precocious quails compared to natural lighting program. Quails submitted to natural lighting at growing phase presented lower egg production during all periods, not differing for birds submitted to continuous and intermittent programs from the second period (71 to 92 days of age). Intermittent and continuous lighting result in better feed conversion of breeding quails up to 114 days and a higher percentage of laying (49 to 136 days), reducing the number of days to produce the first egg and to reach 50% of laying, in relation to natural lighting

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Inclusion of brown rice meal in diets for pigs in the initial phase

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    Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da inclusÃo do farelo de arroz integral (FAI) em raÃÃes para leitÃes na fase inicial. No experimento I foram avaliados o desempenho zootÃcnico, a ocorrÃncia de diarrÃia, bem como a viabilidade econÃmica. Utilizou-se 60 leitÃes fÃmeas e machos castrados, dos 21 aos 42 dias de idade, com peso inicial mÃdio de 5,4  1,44 kg. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco nÃveis de inclusÃo de FAI (0,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0 e 20,0%) e com seis repetiÃÃes por tratamento, sendo que a unidade experimental (parcela) foi constituÃda por 2 animais. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de raÃÃo mÃdio diÃrio (CRMD), ganho de peso mÃdio diÃrio (GPMD), conversÃo alimentar (CA) e a ocorrÃncia de diarrÃia, nÃo diferiram significativamente (P>0,05) para os diferentes nÃveis de inclusÃo de FAI. A anÃlise econÃmica mostrou a viabilidade da inclusÃo de FAI atà o nÃvel de 20,0%. No experimento II foram avaliados o desempenho zootÃcnico, formas de arraÃoamento, bem como a viabilidade econÃmica. Foram utilizados 64 leitÃes fÃmeas e machos castrados, dos 43 aos 67 dias de idade, com peso inicial mÃdio de 10,73  1,85 kg. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 4 x 2, quatro nÃveis de inclusÃo de farelo de arroz integral (0,0; 10,0; 20,0 e 30,0%) e duas formas de arraÃoamento (raÃÃo seca e raÃÃo Ãmida), com quatro repetiÃÃes por tratamento, sendo a unidade experimental constituÃda por 2 animais (parcela). Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de raÃÃo mÃdio diÃrio (CRMD), ganho de peso mÃdio diÃrio (GPMD) e conversÃo alimentar (CA) nÃo diferiram significativamente (P>0,05) para os diferentes nÃveis de inclusÃo de FAI. A anÃlise econÃmica mostrou que a inclusÃo de 30,0% de FAI apresentou a melhor resposta econÃmica. Concluiu-se que o fornecimento de farelo de arroz integral à viÃvel atà o nÃvel de 20,0% nas raÃÃes de leitÃes no perÃodo de 21 a 42 dias e atà o nÃvel de 30,0% no perÃodo de 43 a 67 dias da fase inicial, independente da forma de arraÃoamento.Two experiments were led, with the objective of evaluating the effects of the inclusion of whole rice meal (WRM) in rations for piglets in the day care phase. In the 1st experiment, they were appraised the performance, the diarrhea incidence, as well as the economical viability. Were used 60 piglets, female and male castrated, of the 21 to the 42 days of age, with initial weight of 5.4  1.44 kg. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five levels of inclusion of WRM (0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0%) and six replicates per treatment, and the experimental unit (parcel) it was incorporated by two animals. The results showed that the daily mean feed intake (DMFI), daily mean weight gain (DMWG), the feed conversion (FC) and diarrhea incidence did not differ significantly (P> 0.05) for the different levels of inclusion of WRM. The economic analysis shows the viability the inclusion of until 20.0% of WRM. In the 2nd experiment they were appraised the feeding forms on the performance, as well as the economical viability. Were used 64 piglets, female and male castrated, of the 43 to the 67 days of age, with initial weight of 10.73  1.85 kg. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 4 x 2, four levels of inclusion of WRM (0.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 30.0%) and two feeding forms (ration dry and wet ration), with four replicates per treatment, the experimental unit consisted of two animals (parcel). The results showed that the daily mean feed intake (DMFI), daily mean weight gain (DMWG) and the feed conversion (FC) did not differ significantly (P> 0.05) for the different levels of inclusion of WRM. The economic analysis showed that the inclusion of 30.0% of WRM showed the best economic answer. It was ended that the supply of whole rice meal is viable until the level of 20.0% in the diets of pigs in the period initial I and until the level of 30.0% in the initial period II of the day care phase, independent in the feeding forms


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    A total of 64 piglets, castrated male and female, of commercial lineage, weaned at 43 days of age and with average live weight of 10.73 ± 1.85kg, were used with the objective of evaluating the effect of the inclusion of different levels of rice bran (RB) in ration up to 67 days of age on productive performance, feeding forms and economic viability. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement, four levels of inclusion of RB (0, 10, 20 and 30%) and two feeding forms (dry ration and wet ration), with four replicates per treatment, and the experimental unit consisted of two animals. The daily feed intake (DFI), daily weight gain (DWG) and feed conversion (FC) did not differ significantly (P> 0.05) for the different levels of inclusion of RB or the feeding forms. The economic analysis showed that the inclusion of 30% of RB had the best economic response. It was concluded that the supply of rice bran was viable until the level of 30% of inclusion in diets of piglets in the period from 43 to 67 days of initial phase, regardless of the feeding forms

    Cooling ventilation at farrowing for sows from first to third parturition

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    This study aimed to evaluate the thermal comfort considering natural and cooling ventilation on the performance, physiological parameters and thermal comfort indices for sows from first to third parturition. A total of 30 sows from commercial lineage (genetic base Landrace x Large White) initially weighing 252.3±5.7, 280.8±9.5 and 324.5±4.8 kg at first, second and third parturition, respectively, were distributed in a 3x2 factorial arrangement, considering the three parturition orders and the two ventilation methods, with five replicas per treatment. The effect of ventilation methods and times of the day on relative humidity, radiant thermal load, temperature and humidity index and black globe humidity index. There was an interaction among ventilation methods and parturition order for sow weight at weaning and daily feed intake. Regarding the females physiological parameters, with the exception of rectal temperature, there was an interaction between ventilation methods and times of the day. The thermal conditioning using cooling ventilation provides better values for thermal comfort indexes of the sows and promotes an increase in feed intake, mainly in gilts

    Determinação e validação ex post de equações de predição dos valores energéticos do milho para suínos em crescimento

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    The aim of this study was to determine and validate prediction equations for digestible (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) of corn for growing pigs. The prediction equations were developed based on data on the chemical composition, digestible and metabolizable energy of corn grain (30 samples) evaluated in experiments in Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Brazil. The equations were evaluated using regression analysis, and adjusted R² was the criterion for selection of the best models. Two equations were tested for DE and ME, each. To validate the equations, 1 experiment with 2 assays was performed to determine the values of DE and ME of 5 corn cultivars. In each assay, we used 24 growing pigs with initial average weight of 54.21 ± 1.68 kg in complete randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 replicates. Treatments consisted of a reference diet and 5 ration tests composed of 60% of the reference diet and 40% of corn (1 of the 5 cultivars). Based on the results of the metabolic experiment and predicted values obtained in the equations, the validation of the equations was conducted using the lowest prediction error (pe) as a criterion for selection. The equations that produced the most accurate estimates of DE and ME of corn were as follows: DE = 11812 – 1015.9CP – 837.9EE – 1641ADF + 2616.3Ash + 47.5(CP2) + 114.7(CF2) + 46(ADF2) – 1.6(NDF2) – 997.1(Ash2) + 151.9EECF + 23.2EENDF – 126.4CPCF + 136.4CPADF – 4.0CPNDF, with R2 = 0.81 and pe = 2.33; ME = 12574 – 1254.9CP – 1140.5EE – 1359.9ADF + 2816.3Ash + 77.6(CP2) + 92.3(CF2) + 54.1(ADF2) – 1.8(NDF2) – 1097.2(Ash2) + 240.6EECF + 26.3EENDF – 157.4CPCF + 96.5CPADF – 4.4CPNDF, with R2 = 0.89 and pe = 2.24. Thus, using the data on chemical composition, it is possible to derive prediction equations for DE and ME of corn for pigs; these equations seem to be valid because of the small prediction errors suggestive of high accuracy of these models.Objetivou-se determinar e validar equações de predição para energia digestível (ED) e metabolizável (EM) do milho para suínos em crescimento. Foram utilizados dados de composição química e de digestibilidade e metabolizabilidade de 30 amostras de grãos de milho avaliadas em experimentos na Embrapa Suínos e Aves, sendo as equações estimadas por meio da análise de regressão e o R² ajustado como critério para selecionar os melhores modelos. Para a validação das equações, foi realizado um experimento com dois ensaios para a determinação dos valores de ED e EM dos grãos de milho de cinco cultivares. Em cada ensaio, 24 leitões machos castrados com peso médio inicial de 54,21±1,68 kg foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram uma ração referência e cinco rações testes, compostas por 60% da ração referência e 40% do milho de cada um dos cinco diferentes cultivares. A partir dos resultados do experimento e dos valores preditos pelas equações, procedeu-se a validação das equações, sendo o critério de seleção o menor erro de predição. As equações que melhor se ajustaram para os valores de ED e EM do milho foram: ED = 11812 – 1015,9(PB) – 837,9(EE) – 1641(FDA) + 2616,3(MM) + 47,5(PB2) + 114,7(FB2) + 46(FDA2) – 1,6(FDN2) – 997,1(MM2) + 151,9(EEFB) + 23,2(EEFDN) – 126,4(PBFB) + 136,4(PBFDA) – 4,0(PBFDN), com R2=0,81 e ep=2,33; EM = 12574 – 1254,9(PB) – 1140,5(EE) – 1359,9(FDA) + 2816,3(MM) + 77,6(PB2) + 92,3(FB2) + 54,1(FDA2) – 1,8(FDN2) – 1097,2(MM2) + 240,6(EEFB) + 26,3(EEFDN) – 157,4(PBFB) + 96,5(PBFDA) – 4,4(PBFDN), com R2=0,89 e ep=2,24. A partir dos dados de composição química, foi possível determinar equações de predição para os valores de ED e EM do milho para suínos, sendo estas validadas pelo menor erro de predição para maior acurácia dos modelos.

    Inclusão da quirera de arroz em rações de suínos na fase de creche Inclusion of broken rice in diets of pigs in the nursery phase

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    Utilizou-se 30 leitões, machos castrados e fêmeas, desmamados, com idade média de 21 dias e peso vivo médio de 6,65kg, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de níveis de inclusão de quirera de arroz sobre o desempenho zootécnico, frequência de diarréia e viabilidade econômica em leitões de 21 a 63 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos (níveis de inclusão de quirera de arroz: 0,0; 14,0; 28,0; 42,0 e 56,0%), seis repetições por tratamento, e a unidade experimental constituída por um animal. De acordo com a análise de regressão não foram observados efeitos significativos entre os níveis de inclusão da quirera de arroz nas variáveis de desempenho, assim como, não houve diferença significativa entre o tratamento controle e os tratamentos que receberam a inclusão da quirera de arroz. Os resultados de frequência de diarréia indicaram que a inclusão da quirera de arroz não proporcionou alterações na incidência de diarréia nos animais. No estudo econômico observou-se ser viável incluir até 56,0% de quirera de arroz nas dietas dos leitões. A utilização da quirera de arroz em rações de suínos em creche foi tecnicamente e economicamente viável até o nível de 56,0% de inclusão.<br>We used 30 piglets, castrated male and female, weaned at average age of 21 days and average weight of 6.65kg, with the objective to evaluate the effect of the inclusion levels of broken rice on live performance, frequency of diarrhea and economic viability of piglets with 21-63 days old. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five treatments (levels of broken rice: 0.0, 14.0, 28.0, 42.0 and 56.0%) and six replicates per treatment, and the experimental unit consisted of one animal. In the performance results, according to regression analysis, no significant effects were observed among the levels of inclusion of broken rice in the variables, as well as no significant difference among the control treatment and treatments with the inclusion of broken rice. The results of frequency of diarrhea indicated that the inclusion of broken rice provided no changes in the incidence of diarrhea in the animals. The economic study proved viable up to the level of 56.0% of broken rice inclusion. It was concluded that the use of broken rice in diets for nursery pigs was technically and economically viable up to the level of 56.0% of inclusion