9 research outputs found

    Trends and Pattern on Library Marketing: A Systematic Review

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze trends and patterns of library marketing research results using statistical and co-word analysis with a systematic review. After going through the screening results in the Scopus database, the search results yielded 287 documents in library marketing from 1977 to mid-2021. The analysis results will produce publications, citations, sources, countries, keywords, and topic clusters. The library marketing research trend tends to increase every year, with the most citations related to social media marketing in the library. The primary source of publications in the last three years has been Library Philosophy and Practice. The United States is the most productive country with the highest citations. Four cluster topics are formed: social media aspects in public libraries, promotion of library services, marketing context as an academic library strategy, and information services in university libraries. Recent research topics discuss a lot about digital marketing channels in libraries. The result of this paper provides an additional overview of the library marketing research map

    Synergity and Community Empowerment in Organic Waste Management in Wringinanom, Gresik

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    This research aims to examine the processing of organic waste into useful products for the community. Departing from the high volume of organic waste produced (61.97 kg per RT per day) along with bad impacts, the strategy used is the processing of waste followed by the dissemination of processing results by the composter method. This research used is descriptive analytic and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) approach which aims to encourage community participation in program implementation. This research was carried out in Pasinan Lemah Putih Village, Wringinom Subdistrict, Gresik Regency by collaborating with several stakeholders, namely the local village government, community, and implementor/expert/academic team. Data source in the form of narratives resulting from discussions and observations, secondary data, and documentation. The results show that the processing of organic waste can reducing waste volume per day and adverse effects. From an economic perspective (livelihood), processed organic waste is capable of producing 15-20 liters of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) valued at IDR 975,000 to IDR 6,000,000 in one RT per day. From a social and environmental perspective, organic waste processing, which is continued with dissemination, has provided environmental insights and new experiences for all levels of society in Pasinan Lemah Putih Village in the form of improving the quality of life of the community, the spirit of preserving environmental beauty, the spirit of preventing littering, and reducing the adverse effects of waste such as bad smell and disease

    Supply Chain in Library: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The research objective of this paper is to identify and map supply chain research in a library. This study conducted a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus electronic database. The article search is done by filtering search results in the system and manual exploration to get relevant articles. The collected articles are processed with the VOSviewer application to obtain research mapping results. A total of 81 articles were obtained from 1999 to 2021, with an increasing trend in the number of articles each year. The United States and China are the most productive countries in this field. Three cluster topics were obtained: supply chain integration in digital libraries, the benefits of open source applications in libraries, and digital data issues in libraries. The results of this study provide an additional overview of supply chain mapping in libraries

    Penanganan Kredit Macet Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Subang

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    Penelitian Efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Nelayan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas program Pemberdayaan Nelayan pada Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang. Lokasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian yaitu Program Pemberdayaan  Nelayan di Kecamatan Blanakan Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian ini membahas tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Nelayan dalam menjalankan program untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Metode pengumpulan data diperoleh langsung dan dokumen diperoleh dalam bentuk pertauran-peraturan sedangkan pengolahan data dengan menganalisis hasil wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa efektivitas program Pemberdayaan Nelayan pada Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang belum efektif sesuai dengan teori pengukuran efektivitas program menurut Sutrisno. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kurangnya kesadaran para nelayan akan pentingnya program pemberdayaan nelayan serta masih terdapat Nelayan yang tidak memahami hak dan kewajibannya, belum semua nelayan mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan pemerintah belum maksimal.   Research on the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment Programs aims to find out how the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment program in Subang district fisheries service. The location that was made the object of research was the fishermen empowerment program in Blanakan Subang district, subang Regency. This research discusses matters relating to the effectiveness of fishermen empowerment programs in carrying out programs to improve the welfare of fishermen. In this study the authors used descriptive qualitative research methods through observation an interviews, literature study and documentation. Data collection methods are obtained directly and documents are obtained in the form of regulations while managing data by analyzing the results of interview and observations. The results showed that the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment program in Subang district fisheries service was not yet effective based on the theory of program effectiveness measurement according to Sutrisno. This can be seen from the lack of awareness of fishermen about the importance of fishermen empowerment programs, there are still fishermen who do not understand their rights and obligation and not all fishermen get help from the government and the government socialization has not been maximized. &nbsp

    Digital Marketing and SMEs: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a high priority for many governments because of their important economic contribution and the number of people they employ. The very rapid development of ICT in the digital era has an impact on various lines of life, including changes in business environment and consumer behavior. Therefore, the need to find out about research trends and themes in digital marketing in SMEs is important. The objective of this paper is to classify, and identify related themes and trends in the literature that are directly related to digital marketing and SMEs over the past 10 years. A systematic mapping study was conducted to identify what evidence is available on digital marketing and SMEs. Systematic mapping studies are useful for classifying and summarizing existing published research reports and results. A total of 121 studies were identified and mapped. Systematic mapping study provides an overview of the research areas, research methods, research subjects, digital marketing channels used, and research themes and results. Research trends in digital marketing and SMEs have tended to increase in the last three years and are mostly carried out in both developed and developing countries. The theme of research mostly related to adoption and business performance, with digital marketing channels dominated by social media marketing and website. The SME sector studied consists of many sectors of SMEs, followed by single sectors such as hospitality, food and drink, and manufacture


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berfokus dalam pengembangan bisnis BUMDes Citayam Sejahtera. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah penguatan kelembagaan dan penyusunan strategi pengembangan bisnis dengan model pentahelix. BUMDes Citayam Sejahtera memiliki banyak potensi usaha, namun belum dapat dimaksimalkan dengan baik. Hal ini dikarenakan pengurus BUMDes belum sepenuhnya memahami pengelolaan kelembagaan BUMDEs dan perencanaan bisnisnya. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian ini mulai dari pre-survei, pelaksanaan kegiatan, dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini pengurus BUMDes dapat memahami dasar-dasar BUMDes serta terjalinnya sinergi dengan beberapa pihak, speeti akademisi dan pemerintah. Kegiatan ini juga memberikan hibah berbentuk barang, berupa mesin pencacah dan showcase yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan bisnis BUMDes Citayam Sejahtera lainnya. Sehingga diharapkan BUMDEs Citayam Sejahtera dapat berkelanjutan dan mampu meningkatkan perekonomian dan usaha masyarakat di Desa Citayam juga melebarkan kolaborasi dengan komunitas, media dan pelaku bisnis

    Konteks Teknologi terhadap Aktivitas Bisnis melalui Penggunaan E-Bisnis pada UMKM

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konteks teknologi terhadap aktivitas bisnis melalui penggunaan e-bisnis di Usaha, Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Aktivitas bisnis UMKM pada penelitian ini meliputi aktivitas logistik, produksi, pemasaran, dan pelayanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan responden berjumlah 145 UMKM yang menggunakan e-bisnis untuk kepentingan bisnisnya di kota Bandung. Analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) untuk menguji model dan hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menjabarkan konteks teknologi berpengaruh siginifkan terhadap penggunaan e-bisnis dan aktivitas bisnis UMKM. Penggunaan e-bisnis pada UMKM juga memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada aktivitas bisnis terutama pemasaran dan pelayanan. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada literatur peningkatan penggunaan e-bisnis pada UMKM dan pemahaman pentingnya konteks teknologi dalam penggunaan e-bisnis sehingga produktivitas aktivitas UMKM lebih baik

    Research Trends and Mapping on Social Media in SMEs: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    As the backbone of the economy from various countries, SMEs use social media in their business activities. This study aims to determine trends and maps in social media and SMEs research from the Scopus database. This study uses bibliometric analysis on the Scopus database from 2009 to 2020. Social Media and SMEs search string use in titles, abstracts, keywords, and English article in the Scopus database. Further filtering by reading article content unrelated to SMEs to eliminate irrelevant articles. Search results were processed with VOSviewer software to acquire trends and co-occurrences of article keywords. A total of 210 articles were found from 2009-2020, with the number of publications increasing every year. The United Kingdom and the United States have a significant role in the article social media and SMEs on Scopus. Three cluster topics were found: the adoption of social media in SMEs, social media technology\u27s role in SMEs innovation and entrepreneurship, and social networks\u27 role in SMEs marketing


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    Dalam rangka mewujudkan desa unggul dan mandiri pemerintahan desa perlu mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul dari mulai pimpinan pemerintah desa, aparat desa dan seluruh masyarakat desa. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut diantaranya dapat dilakukan melalui proses komunikasi pembangunan. Komunikasi pembangunan merupakan proses penyampaian materi dalam rangka meningkatkan sesuatu agar menjadi lebih baik. Secara luas pengertian komunikasi pembangunan adalah sebagai aktivitas pertukaran pesan secara timbal balik diantara semua pihak yang terlibat dalam usaha pembangunan, terutama masyarakat dan pemerintah, sejak dari proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian terhadap pembangunan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi dan Administrasi Bisnis (FIKA) dalam rangka pemberdayaan masyarakat menuju desa unggul dan mandiri diantaranya dengan pemberian materi yang di berikan oleh para dosen FIKA selaku narasumber dalam kegiatan tersebut. Kegiatan yang dilakukan merupakan bagian dari tridharma perguruan tinggi yaitu pengabdian kepada masyarakat atau PKM