124 research outputs found

    Mercury in U.S. Coal - Abundance, Distribution, and Modes of Occurrence

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    This paper discusses the environmental significance of mercury and its occurrence in U.S. coal beds as measured by the USGS's COALQUAL database. Useful diagrams and charts help explain mercury concentrations of in-ground coal by region, how mercury is released through coal combustion, and why using higher grade coals or physically cleaning coal can minimize mercury emissions during combustion. The paper also discusses additional studies to determine how the mode of occurrence of mercury in coal may influence the potential for toxic emissions. Educational levels: Graduate or professional, Undergraduate upper division

    Upstream toward the “DRiP”-ing Source of the MHC Class I Pathway

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    MHC class I binding peptides are generated via cytosolic degradation of a previously undefined substrate. In this issue of Immunity, Kunisawa and Shastri (2006) isolate pre-degradation polypeptide intermediates bound to a cytosolic chaperone

    The WUTC threshold test: a new perspective in olfactory assessment

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    The WUTC Threshold Test is a new test of olfactory ability that focuses on the idea that deficits in olfactory ability are not necessarily generalizable to all odors. Though numerous diseases and disorders have been shown to lead to a loss of olfaction, tests of olfactory sensitivity have been limited to performance detecting a single odor. The WUTC is comprised of five odors that were selected based on differences in how they interact with the olfactory system and the chemical properties they possess. By utilizing a diverse odor profile, relationships between olfactory deficits to certain odors and specific diseases can be explored. The test also employs randomized, multiple presentation of odorants along with null-stimulus trials. Using this methodology, statistical measures of participant sensitivity, response-bias, threshold, and inter-rater reliability can be calculated with a single administration of the test. A pilot study, consisting of thirty three (N=33) participants, was conducted. Subject demographic data was also collected in order to conduct exploratory analyses and aid in the further development of the test. The reasoning and methodology of the WUTC Threshold test are discussed along with the analyses of the subject data. The results of this pilot study suggest that certain ailments do not have significant olfactory deficits to all odorants, only particular odor molecules. The principles behind the development of the WUTC Threshold Test may lead to the further understanding of links between olfaction and disease and an increase in the value of examining olfactory ability in a clinical setting

    The geochemistry of environmentally important trace elements in UK coals, with special reference to the Parkgate coal in the Yorkshire-Nottinghamshire Coalfield, UK

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    The Parkgate coal of Langsettian age in the Yorkshire-Nottinghamshire coalfield is typical of many coals in the UK in that it has a high sulphur (S) content. Detailed information on the distribution of the forms of S, both laterally and vertically through the seam, was known from previous investigations. In the present work, 38 interval samples from five measured sections of the coal were comprehensively analysed for major, minor and trace elements and the significance of the relationships established using both raw and centered log transformed data. The major elements are used to quantify the variations in the inorganic and organic coal components and determine the trace element associations. Pyrite contains nearly all of the Hg, As, Se, Tl and Pb and is also the major source of the Mo, Ni, Cd and Sb. The clays contain the following elements in decreasing order of association: Rb, Cs, Li, Ga, U, Cr, V, Sc, Y, Bi, Cu, Nb, Sn, Te and Th. Nearly all of the Rb is present in the clay fraction, whereas for elements such as V, Cu and U, a significant amount is thought to be present in the organic matter, based on the K vs trace element regression equations. Only Ge, and possibly Be, would appear to have a dominant organic source. The trace element concentrations are calculated for pyrite, the clay fraction and organic matter. For pyrite it is noted that concentrations agree with published data from the Yorkshire-Nottinghamshire coalfield and also that Tl concentrations (median of 0.33 ppm) in the pyrite are greater than either Hg or Cd. Unlike these elements, Tl has attracted less attention and possibly more information is needed on its anthropogenic distribution and impacts on man and the environment. A seawater source is thought to be responsible for the high concentrations of S, Cl and the non-detrital trace elements in the Parkgate coal. Indicative of the seawater control is the Th/U ratio, which expresses the detrital to non-detrital element contributions. Using other elements, similar ratios can be calculated, which in combination offer greater interpretative value. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Viral Sequestration of Antigen Subverts Cross Presentation to CD8+ T Cells

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    Virus-specific CD8+ T cells (TCD8+) are initially triggered by peptide-MHC Class I complexes on the surface of professional antigen presenting cells (pAPC). Peptide-MHC complexes are produced by two spatially distinct pathways during virus infection. Endogenous antigens synthesized within virus-infected pAPC are presented via the direct-presentation pathway. Many viruses have developed strategies to subvert direct presentation. When direct presentation is blocked, the cross-presentation pathway, in which antigen is transferred from virus-infected cells to uninfected pAPC, is thought to compensate and allow the generation of effector TCD8+. Direct presentation of vaccinia virus (VACV) antigens driven by late promoters does not occur, as an abortive infection of pAPC prevents production of these late antigens. This lack of direct presentation results in a greatly diminished or ablated TCD8+ response to late antigens. We demonstrate that late poxvirus antigens do not enter the cross-presentation pathway, even when identical antigens driven by early promoters access this pathway efficiently. The mechanism mediating this novel means of viral modulation of antigen presentation involves the sequestration of late antigens within virus factories. Early antigens and cellular antigens are cross-presented from virus-infected cells, as are late antigens that are targeted to compartments outside of the virus factories. This virus-mediated blockade specifically targets the cross-presentation pathway, since late antigen that is not cross-presented efficiently enters the MHC Class II presentation pathway. These data are the first to describe an evasion mechanism employed by pathogens to prevent entry into the cross-presentation pathway. In the absence of direct presentation, this evasion mechanism leads to a complete ablation of the TCD8+ response and a potential replicative advantage for the virus. Such mechanisms of viral modulation of antigen presentation must also be taken into account during the rational design of antiviral vaccines

    Lymphatic endothelial cells are a replicative niche for Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    In extrapulmonary tuberculosis, the most common site of infection is within the lymphatic system, and there is growing recognition that lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are involved in immune function. Here, we identified LECs, which line the lymphatic vessels, as a niche for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lymph nodes of patients with tuberculosis. In cultured primary human LECs (hLECs), we determined that M. tuberculosis replicates both in the cytosol and within autophagosomes, but the bacteria failed to replicate when the virulence locus RD1 was deleted. Activation by IFN-γ induced a cell-autonomous response in hLECs via autophagy and NO production that restricted M. tuberculosis growth. Thus, depending on the activation status of LECs, autophagy can both promote and restrict replication. Together, these findings reveal a previously unrecognized role for hLECs and autophagy in tuberculosis pathogenesis and suggest that hLECs are a potential niche for M. tuberculosis that allows establishment of persistent infection in lymph nodes

    Coal-derived rates of atmospheric dust deposition during the Permian

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    Despite widespread evidence for atmospheric dust deposition prior to the Quaternary, quantitative rate data remains sparse. As dust influences both climate and biological productivity, the absence of quantitative dust data limits the comprehensiveness of models of pre-Quaternary climate and biogeochemical cycles. Here, we propose that inorganic matter contained in coal primarily records atmospheric dust deposition. To test this, we use the average concentration of inorganic matter in Permian coal to map global patterns and deposition rates of atmospheric dust over Pangea. The dust accumulation rate is calculated assuming Permian peat carbon accumulation rates in temperate climates were similar to Holocene rates and accounting for the loss of carbon during coalification. Coal-derived rates vary from 0.02 to 25 g m− 2 year− 1, values that fall within the present-day global range. A well-constrained East–West pattern of dust deposition corresponding to expected palaeoclimate gradients extends across Gondwana with maximum dust deposition rates occurring close to arid regions. A similar pattern is partially defined over the northern hemisphere. Patterns are consistent with the presence of two large global dust plumes centred on the tropics. The spatial patterns of dust deposition were also compared to dust cycle simulations for the Permian made with the Community Climate System Model version 3 (CCSM3). Key differences between the simulations and the coal data are the lack of evidence for an Antarctic dust source, higher than expected dust deposition over N and S China and greater dust deposition rates over Western Gondwana. This new coal-based dust accumulation rate data expands the pre-Neogene quantitative record of atmospheric dust and can help to inform and validate models of global circulation and biogeochemical cycles over the past 350 Myr