711 research outputs found

    Penyebab Kematian Maternal Di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2010

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    Latar belakang: Angka kematian ibu masih tinggi di Indonesia. Penyebab kematian ibu yang terbesar adalah yaitu perdarahan dan eklampsia. Kabupaten Malang merupakan kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan kematian ibu yang cukup tinggi. Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab kematian ibu di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2010. Metode: Sumber data yang digunakan yaitu dari Studi Tindak Lanjut Kematian Ibu Sensus Penduduk 2010 (STLKI SP 2010) yang kemudian dianalisa deskritif. Jumlah sampel adalah seluruh kematian ibu di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur, sebesar 49 kasus. Hasil: Rasio kematian ibu di Kabupaten Malang tahun 2010 sebesar 92 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Kematian ibu terbesar adalah direct cause (79,6%). Berdasarkan pengelompokkan penyebab kematian ibu menurut ICD 10 WHO, maka penyebab terbesar kematian ibu di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur adalah hipertensi dalam kehamilan (24%), lalu penyebab lain yang tidak spesifik (15%), dan perdarahan post partum sebesar (4%). Kesimpulan: Kematian ibu di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur masih tinggi. Penyebab kematian tertinggi adalah hipertensi dalam kehamilan. Diperlukan upaya preventif dan kuratif berdasarkan penyebab kematian

    Implemetation of Model Savi (Somatic, Audiotory, Visualization, Intellectual) to Increase Critical Thinking Ability in Class IV of Social Science Learning on Social Issues in the Local Environment

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    This research is motivated by the lack of critical thinking skills of fourth grade students of SDN Tanjung III, Subang district. On the basis of the need for repairs done either by applying the model of SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intellectual). So the purpose of this study was to determine the increase critical thinking skills of students in Social Science before and after applying the model SAVI, the performance of teachers in applying the model SAVI, activities and students' response to the model SAVI. The method used in this research is the CAR (Classroom Action Research). Subject of research that fourth grade students of SDN Tanjung III by the number of students as many as 23 people. The instrument used was LKS (Student Worksheet), observation sheet of students and teachers as well as student questionnaire responses. From these results, it can be concluded that by applying the model in study SAVI social science with social problems in the local environment can enhance students' critical thinking skills. The result can be seen from the percentage of the overall level of mastery learning increased from 52.2% in the first cycle, 78.3% in the second cycle and 100% in the third cycle. The average grade class of students increased from 44.3 prasiklus of data with less criteria, up to the third cycle, which reached 91.3 with the criteria very well. With the improvement of students' critical thinking skills that are calculated based on the n-gain of 0.53 with the criteria of being in the first cycle, and 0.65 with the criteria of being on the second cycle, and 0.81 with the high criteria of the third cycle. The results of observations also showed that the ability of teachers and students' activity in applying the model of SAVI increased. Based on questionnaire responses, 100% of students showed interest in learning social science model with SAVI. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers use models SAVI to enhance the critical thinking skills of students so that students used to learn to analyze problems well

    Tingkat Penerapan Teknologi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (Ptt) pada USAhatani Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) (suatu Kasus di Desa Rejasari Kecamatan Langensari Kota Banjar)

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    Tujuan penelitian penulis adalah untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan tingkat penerapan teknologi model PTT, dan kendala yang dihadapi petani dalam hal penerapan teknologi PTT. Penentuan daerah penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling, yaitu dengan sengaja di desa Rejasari Kecamatan Langensari Kota Banjar yang didasarkan bahwa desa Rejasari merupakan desa yang terbanyak kelompoktani yang menerapkan teknologi model PTT tersebut, untuk responden diambil petani sebanyak 34 orang, sedangkan untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan penerapan teknologi model PTT menggunakan scoring. Hasil penelitian tingkat penerapan teknologi PTT adalah: Dalam tingkat penerapan komponen teknologi dasar termasuk dalam kategori sedang, sedangkan dalam tingkat penerapan komponen teknologi pilihan termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Masih ada beberapa kendala yang dihada pi petani diantaranya: (a) Penerapan teknik sistem tanam jajar legowo dengan jajar legowo 2:1 dan jajar legowo 4:1 belum bisa dilaksanakan oleh sebagian besar petani. (b) Penanaman bibit 1 sampai 3 per rumpun belum bisa dilaksanakan secara maksimal, karena masih ditemukannya serangan hama keong mas

    Photovoice: A user-centered design method to understand apparel needs of Female to Male (FTM) in gender identity and expression

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    Apparel plays a significant role in gender identity and expression. For females who are transitioning to male (FTM), clothing can be used to decrease stigma, discrimination, and body dysphoria during periods of transition. This project involved transgender men as active participants in a user-centered design process, known as photovoice. Photovoice is a participant-driven qualitative research strategy in which participants use images and discussions to express themselves, share ideas, and shape future apparel design by visually describing their design needs. To date, no apparel researchers have used photovoice methods for apparel design. Therefore, the purpose of this project was to use the photovoice method to understand trans apparel needs to make apparel a health-supportive part of the FTM transition experience. Sixteen FTM participants took part in the study in four focus groups of that lasted approximately 90 minutes each. Through the data analysis, it was revealed that the two primary roles of apparel in FTM identity are to reduce body dysphoria and help people pass as their desired gender. These findings were further broken down into symbolic and functional values where it is acknowledged that the symbolic and functional values are not mutually exclusive. The symbolic values were: Clothing can reveal group membership and grow self-confidence through self-expression while attempting to achieve body satisfaction. The functional values were: For FTM Individuals, clothing can be the source of physical and physiological discomfort and body shape and fit issues. Most of the clothing items used by participants to pass as male do not have any negative health implications. However, improperly wearing a chest binder can result in physical and physiological discomfort. Because of the intense pressure of the garment on the body, participants in our study experienced restricted breathing, reduction in arm range of motion, and thermal discomfort as it cannot be ventilated easily. In this exploratory research, both symbolic and functional values of apparel for FTM were addressed. Through the photovoice process, the participants were able to visually express the relationship of gender and clothing, possibly better than through dialogue alone. The next stage of this research will use the results of this data to specify design features that can be used to address symbolic and functional properties to inform novel design concepts for FTM

    The Implications of 3D Body Scanning on State Self-Objectification

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    In this research, the researchers aimed to isolate the 3D body scanning process as a separate variable from viewing the avatar so that the implications of the 3D body scanning on body image and self-objectification may be better understood. The sample of 105 women completed a pretest, body scan, and post-test. The research team found that the process of being body scanned did not significantly change the participants\u27 state self-objectification scores. Demographic differences such as age, race, education, and socioeconomic status did not influence this finding. This finding is important, given that recent studies report that 3D body scanning can have detrimental effects on participants\u27 body satisfaction. This information may be useful for researchers who are concerned that the process of being 3D body scanned may have negative impacts on a participant\u27s state self-objectification

    Nanotechnology in machining processes: recent advances

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    In this brief survey, the use of nanoparticle dispersions in machining processes is discussed and the relevant applicational performances are analysed and related to the structural and chemical composition of the embedded nanophase. The paper is divided in two basic parts. In the former, the metalworking nanofluids are classified with respect to the physico-chemical properties of the nanostructured phase suspended in the base fluid. In the latter, some aspects concerning the production of metalworking nanofluids are analysed and a new green and economically viable technique based on a cementation process for metal nanoparticle synthesis is proposed as an alternative approach to the conventional manufacturing techniques

    Dentin matrix protein 1 and dentin sialophosphoprotein in human sound and carious teeth: an immunohistochemical and colorimetric assay

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    Dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) and dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) are extracellular matrix proteins produced by odontoblasts involved in the dentin mineralization. The aim this study was to compare the distribution of DMP1 and DSPP in human sound dentin vs human sclerotic dentin. Sixteen sound and sixteen carious human molars were selected, fixed in paraformaldehyde and processed for immunohistochemical detection of DMP1 and DSPP by means of light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution field emission in-lens scanning electron microscopy (FEI-SEM). Specimens were submitted to a pre-embedding or a post-embedding immunolabeling technique using primary antibodies anti DMP1 and anti-DSPP and gold-conjugated secondary antibodies. Other samples were processed for the detection of DMP1 and DSPP levels. Dentin from these samples was mechanically fractured to powder, then a protein extraction and a protein level detection assay were performed. DMP1 and DSPP were more abundant in carious than in sound samples. Immunohistochemical analyses in sclerotic dentin disclosed a high expression of DMP1 and DSPP inside the tubules, suggesting an active biomineralization of dentin by odontoblasts. Furthermore, the detection of small amounts of these proteins inside the tubules far from the carious lesion, as shown in the present study, is consistent with the hypothesis of a preventive defense of all dentin after a noxious stimulus has undermined the tooth

    FOXE1 (forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2))

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    Review on FOXE1 (forkhead box E1 (thyroid transcription factor 2)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    The Use Of Game In Improving Speaking Skills. Teti Kartika; 147010043

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    Speaking is activity of two people or more people in sending and receiving information in oral communication. The reason for teaching speaking to students is because it belongs to the basic language skill in English. In speaking classes, the teacher usually givea dialogue of a certain topic then the students are being to practice and memorize the dialogue with their friends. It means that to understand the dialogue, the students must have the ability in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Because of that, speaking is very important to be taught to the students. This studyaimed to find out whether the use of game is effective. The sample of the study consists of 27 students. The data in this research were conducted by using mix method (qualitative and quantitative method). The result of this research showed that there is significant difference between the students who are taught speaking by using games and those who are taught speaking by using communicative method. The finding indicated that there is significant difference between the score of pre-test was 50,7, and score of post-test was 78,4. From this research it was known that post-test is highest than pre-test. It is means that teaching speaking using games is accepted. Thus clear that the difference of the two means gained score was significant.Keyword: Speaking skill, Game