29 research outputs found

    Detectability of Glycine in Solar-type System Precursors

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    Glycine (NH2CH2COOH) is the simplest amino acid relevant for life. Its detection in the interstellar medium is key to understand the formation mechanisms of pre-biotic molecules and their subsequent delivery onto planetary systems. Glycine has extensively been searched for toward hot molecular cores, although these studies did not yield any firm detection. In contrast to hot cores, low-mass star forming regions, and in particular their earliest stages represented by cold pre-stellar cores, may be better suited for the detection of glycine as well as more relevant for the study of pre-biotic chemistry in young Solar System analogs. We present 1D spherically symmetric radiative transfer calculations of the glycine emission expected to arise from the low-mass pre-stellar core L1544. Water vapour has recently been reported toward this core, indicating that a small fraction of the grain mantles in L1544 (~0.5%) has been injected into the gas phase. Assuming that glycine is photo-desorbed together with water in L1544, and considering a solid abundance of glycine on ices of ~1E-4 with respect to water, our calculations reveal that several glycine lines between 67 GHz and 80 GHz have peak intensities larger than 10 mK. These results show for the first time that glycine could reach detectable levels in cold objects such as L1544. This opens up the possibility to detect glycine, and other pre-biotic species, at the coldest and earliest stages in the formation of Solar-type systems with near-future instrumentation such as the Band 2 receivers of ALMA.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Intraocular Metastases Secondary to Breast Carcinoma Correlates With Upregulation of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptor Expression in the Primary Tumor

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    To compare estrogen (ER), progesterone (PR), and human epidermal growth factor-2 (HER2) receptor expression in the primary tumor of patients affected by choroidal metastases from breast carcinoma (BC) versus those with extraocular metastases

    Twenty years of the Italian Fanconi Anemia Registry: where we stand and what remains to be learned

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    The natural history of Fanconi anemia remains hard to establish because of its rarity and its heterogeneous clinical presentation; since 1994, the Italian Fanconi Anemia Registry has collected clinical, epidemiological and genetic data of Italian Fanconi Anemia patients. This registry includes 180 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Fanconi anemia who have either been enrolled prospectively, at diagnosis, or later on. After enrollment, follow-up data were periodically collected to assess the clinical course, possible complications and long-term survival; the median follow up was 15.6 years. The main goal of the study was to describe the natural history of Fanconi anemia, focusing on the following variables: family history, disease presentation, development of hematological manifestations, development of malignancies, occurrence of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and survival. Typical morphological and/or hematological abnormalities and/or growth retardation were the most common manifestations at diagnosis; the majority of patients (77%) exhibited hematological abnormalities at the initial presentation, and almost all (96%) eventually developed hematological manifestations. More than half of the patients (57%) underwent a bone-marrow transplant. The occurrence of cancer was quite rare at diagnosis, whereas the cumulative incidence of malignancies at 10, 20 and 30 years was 5%, 8% and 22%, respectively, for hematological cancers and 1%, 15% and 32%, respectively, for solid tumors. Overall survival at 10, 20 and 30 years were 88%, 56% and 37%, respectively; the main causes of death were cancer, complications of the hematological presentation and complications of transplantation. These data clearly confirm the detrimental outcome of Fanconi anemia, with no major improvement in the past decades

    Severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: management with noninvasive ventilation on a general medicine ward

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    Introduction: Recent evidence suggests that, with a well-trained staff, severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with moderate respiratory acidosis (pH > 7.3) can be successfully treated with noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) on a general respiratory care ward. We conducted an open prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of this approach on a general medicine ward. Material and methods: This study population consisted in 27 patients admitted to a general medicine ward (median nurse:patient ratio 1:12) December 1, 2004 May 31, 2006 for acute COPD exacerbation with hypercapnic respiratory failure and acidosis (arterial pH 45 mmHg). All received assist-mode NIMV (average 12 h / day) via oronasal masks (inspiratory pressure 10-25 cm H2O, expiratory pressure 4-6 cm H2O) to maintain O2 saturation at 90-95%. Treatment was supervised by an experienced pulmonologist, who had also provided specific training in NIMV for medical and nursing staffs (90-day course followed by periodic refresher sessions). Arterial blood pressure, O2 saturation, and respiratory rate were continuously monitored during NIMV. Based on baseline arterial pH, the COPD was classified as moderate (7.25-7.34) or severe (< 7.25). Results: In patients with moderate and severe COPD, significant improvements were seen in arterial pH after 2 (p < 0.05) and 24 h (p< 0.05) of NIMV and in the PaC02 after 24 hours (p < 0.05). Four (15%) of the 27 patients died during the study hospitalization (in-hospital mortality 15%), in 2 cases due to NIMV failure. For the other 23, mean long-term survival was 14.5 months (95% CI 10.2 to 18.8), and no significant differences were found between the moderate and severe groups. Over half (61%) the patients were alive 1 year after admission. Conclusions: NIMV can be a cost-effective option for management of moderate or severe COPD on a general medicine ward. Its proper use requires: close monitoring of ventilated subjects, optimum staff:patient ratio, well-trained staff dedicated to NIMV, and supervision by a pulmonologist with experience in NIMV. The treatment was effective at improving arterial blood gases in both groups of COPD patients. The severity of the COPD did not significantly affect length of hospital stay, in-hospital mortality, or long-term survival

    Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

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    Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, how they formed and how they evolve, by surveying a diverse sample of about 1000 extrasolar planets, simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. It is the first mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, enabling planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The payload consists of an off-axis Cassegrain telescope (primary mirror 1100 mm x 730 mm ellipse) and two separate instruments (FGS and AIRS) covering simultaneously 0.5-7.8 micron spectral range. The satellite is best placed into an L2 orbit to maximise the thermal stability and the field of regard. The payload module is passively cooled via a series of V-Groove radiators; the detectors for the AIRS are the only items that require active cooling via an active Ne JT cooler. The Ariel payload is developed by a consortium of more than 50 institutes from 16 ESA countries, which include the UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, and a NASA contribution

    L’effecteur Avh195 de Phytophthora parasitica : antagoniste de l’autophagie chez l’hôte et promoteur du processus infectieux

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    The plant pathogen Phytophthora parasitica is an oomycete with devastating impact on both agriculture and natural ecosystems. As a hemi-biotrophic organism it infects the roots of plants first establishing an intimate contact with host cells (biotrophy) before killing them (necrotrophy) and completing its infection cycle. To control these processes, oomycetes secrete effector proteins, which are internalized in plant cells by a translocation motif (called RxLR-EER) to manipulate the physiology and the immune responses of the host. Studies of the molecular exchanges between Phytophthora parasitica and the plant that were conducted by the hosting laboratory led to the identification of an RxLR effector, designed to as Avh195. The amino acid sequence of the effector is characterized by the presence of five AIMs (ATG8 interacting motifs), that indicate a potential interaction with the autophagic core protein, ATG8. Avh195 colocalizes with the membrane-bound fraction of ATG8, and a yeast two-hybrid system, which allows to determine interactions between membrane proteins, confirmed a non-selective interaction between Avh195 and several ATG8 isoforms. The characterization of Avh195-dependent autophagy perturbation was carried out in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii after generation of transgenic lines overexpressing the effector. Analyses by flow cytometry revealed that Avh195 does not modify the physiology and fitness of the alga, both under normal growth conditions and during rapamycin-induced autophagy. Transmission electron microscopy of cells revealed that the effector provokes a delay in the autophagic flux, manifested as a reduced coalescence and clearance of autophagic vacuoles and a strong accumulation of starch in chloroplasts. However, this phenotype was transient and only slightly related to modifications in the transcriptional regulation of the autophagic machinery. The analysis of effector function in planta showed that Avh195 delays the development of hypersensitive cell death, which is triggered by an oomycete elicitor. This cell death-delaying activity is dependent on three out of five AIMs, further consolidating the importance of the Avh195-ATG8 interaction for the function of the effector. The stable overexpression of Avh195 in A. thaliana allowed to determine that the effector does not impair plant defense responses, but overall promotes the development of the pathogen, accelerating the switch from biotrophy to necrotrophy during infection. To our knowledge, the work presented in this thesis represents the first evidence for an oomycete effector to possess a transitory activity, which targets in a non-selective manner the protein ATG8 in different organisms from the green lineage to slow down autophagic flux, thus promoting the hemibiotrophic life style of a pathogen.L’agent pathogène Phytophthora parasitica est un oomycète qui a des effets dévastateurs sur l’agriculture et les écosystèmes naturels. En tant qu'organisme hémi-biotrophe, il infecte les racines des plantes en établissant d'abord un contact intime avec les cellules hôtes (biotrophie) avant de les tuer (nécrotrophie) et de terminer son cycle d'infection. Pour contrôler ces processus, les oomycètes sécrètent des protéines effectrices, qui sont internalisées dans les cellules végétales par un motif de translocation (appelé RxLR-EER) pour manipuler la physiologie et les réponses immunitaires de l'hôte. Les études des échanges moléculaires entre Phytophthora parasitica et la plante qui ont été menées par le laboratoire d'accueil ont permis d'identifier un effecteur RxLR, dénommé Avh195. La séquence en acides aminés de l'effecteur est caractérisée par la présence de cinq motifs AIM (« ATG8 Interacting Motive ») qui indiquent une interaction potentielle avec la protéine centrale de l’autophagie, ATG8. Avh195 co-localise avec la fraction membranaire de l'ATG8, et un système double-hybride en levure permettant la détermination d’interactions entre protéines membranaires, a confirmé une interaction non sélective entre Avh195 et plusieurs isoformes d'ATG8. La caractérisation de la perturbation de l'autophagie dépendante de Avh195 a été réalisée dans l'algue unicellulaire Chlamydomonas reinhardtii après génération de lignées transgéniques surexprimant l'effecteur. Les analyses par cytométrie de flux ont révélé que Avh195 ne modifie pas la physiologie et la « fitness » de l'algue dans des conditions de croissance normales et pendant l'autophagie induite par la rapamycine. La microscopie électronique à transmission a révélé que l'effecteur provoque dans les cellules de l’algue un retard dans le flux autophagique, se traduisant par une réduction de la coalescence et de la clairance des vacuoles et une forte accumulation d'amidon dans les chloroplastes. Cependant, ce phénotype est transitoire et seulement légèrement lié aux modifications de la régulation transcriptionnelle de la machinerie autophagique. L'analyse de la fonction effectrice chez les plantes a montré que Avh195 retarde le développement de la mort cellulaire hypersensible, déclenchée par un éliciteur d’oomycète. Cette activité dépend de trois AIM sur cinq, ce qui renforce encore l’importance de l’interaction Avh195-ATG8 pour la fonction de l’effecteur. La surexpression stable d'Avh195 chez A. thaliana a permis de déterminer que l'effecteur n'altère pas les réponses immunitaires des plantes, mais favorise globalement le développement de l'agent pathogène, accélérant le passage de la biotrophie à la nécrotrophie au cours de l'infection. À notre connaissance, le travail présenté dans cette thèse représente la première preuve qu'un effecteur d’oomycète possède une activité transitoire, ciblant de manière non sélective la protéine ATG8 dans différents organismes photosynthétiques pour ralentir le flux autophagique, favorisant ainsi le mode de vie hémi-biotrophe d'un agent pathogène

    The Phytophthora parasitica effector Avh195 : an antagonist of host autophagy and promoter of the infection cycle

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    L’agent pathogène Phytophthora parasitica est un oomycète qui a des effets dévastateurs sur l’agriculture et les écosystèmes naturels. En tant qu'organisme hémi-biotrophe, il infecte les racines des plantes en établissant d'abord un contact intime avec les cellules hôtes (biotrophie) avant de les tuer (nécrotrophie) et de terminer son cycle d'infection. Pour contrôler ces processus, les oomycètes sécrètent des protéines effectrices, qui sont internalisées dans les cellules végétales par un motif de translocation (appelé RxLR-EER) pour manipuler la physiologie et les réponses immunitaires de l'hôte. Les études des échanges moléculaires entre Phytophthora parasitica et la plante qui ont été menées par le laboratoire d'accueil ont permis d'identifier un effecteur RxLR, dénommé Avh195. La séquence en acides aminés de l'effecteur est caractérisée par la présence de cinq motifs AIM (« ATG8 Interacting Motive ») qui indiquent une interaction potentielle avec la protéine centrale de l’autophagie, ATG8. Avh195 co-localise avec la fraction membranaire de l'ATG8, et un système double-hybride en levure permettant la détermination d’interactions entre protéines membranaires, a confirmé une interaction non sélective entre Avh195 et plusieurs isoformes d'ATG8. La caractérisation de la perturbation de l'autophagie dépendante de Avh195 a été réalisée dans l'algue unicellulaire Chlamydomonas reinhardtii après génération de lignées transgéniques surexprimant l'effecteur. Les analyses par cytométrie de flux ont révélé que Avh195 ne modifie pas la physiologie et la « fitness » de l'algue dans des conditions de croissance normales et pendant l'autophagie induite par la rapamycine. La microscopie électronique à transmission a révélé que l'effecteur provoque dans les cellules de l’algue un retard dans le flux autophagique, se traduisant par une réduction de la coalescence et de la clairance des vacuoles et une forte accumulation d'amidon dans les chloroplastes. Cependant, ce phénotype est transitoire et seulement légèrement lié aux modifications de la régulation transcriptionnelle de la machinerie autophagique. L'analyse de la fonction effectrice chez les plantes a montré que Avh195 retarde le développement de la mort cellulaire hypersensible, déclenchée par un éliciteur d’oomycète. Cette activité dépend de trois AIM sur cinq, ce qui renforce encore l’importance de l’interaction Avh195-ATG8 pour la fonction de l’effecteur. La surexpression stable d'Avh195 chez A. thaliana a permis de déterminer que l'effecteur n'altère pas les réponses immunitaires des plantes, mais favorise globalement le développement de l'agent pathogène, accélérant le passage de la biotrophie à la nécrotrophie au cours de l'infection. À notre connaissance, le travail présenté dans cette thèse représente la première preuve qu'un effecteur d’oomycète possède une activité transitoire, ciblant de manière non sélective la protéine ATG8 dans différents organismes photosynthétiques pour ralentir le flux autophagique, favorisant ainsi le mode de vie hémi-biotrophe d'un agent pathogène.The plant pathogen Phytophthora parasitica is an oomycete with devastating impact on both agriculture and natural ecosystems. As a hemi-biotrophic organism it infects the roots of plants first establishing an intimate contact with host cells (biotrophy) before killing them (necrotrophy) and completing its infection cycle. To control these processes, oomycetes secrete effector proteins, which are internalized in plant cells by a translocation motif (called RxLR-EER) to manipulate the physiology and the immune responses of the host. Studies of the molecular exchanges between Phytophthora parasitica and the plant that were conducted by the hosting laboratory led to the identification of an RxLR effector, designed to as Avh195. The amino acid sequence of the effector is characterized by the presence of five AIMs (ATG8 interacting motifs), that indicate a potential interaction with the autophagic core protein, ATG8. Avh195 colocalizes with the membrane-bound fraction of ATG8, and a yeast two-hybrid system, which allows to determine interactions between membrane proteins, confirmed a non-selective interaction between Avh195 and several ATG8 isoforms. The characterization of Avh195-dependent autophagy perturbation was carried out in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii after generation of transgenic lines overexpressing the effector. Analyses by flow cytometry revealed that Avh195 does not modify the physiology and fitness of the alga, both under normal growth conditions and during rapamycin-induced autophagy. Transmission electron microscopy of cells revealed that the effector provokes a delay in the autophagic flux, manifested as a reduced coalescence and clearance of autophagic vacuoles and a strong accumulation of starch in chloroplasts. However, this phenotype was transient and only slightly related to modifications in the transcriptional regulation of the autophagic machinery. The analysis of effector function in planta showed that Avh195 delays the development of hypersensitive cell death, which is triggered by an oomycete elicitor. This cell death-delaying activity is dependent on three out of five AIMs, further consolidating the importance of the Avh195-ATG8 interaction for the function of the effector. The stable overexpression of Avh195 in A. thaliana allowed to determine that the effector does not impair plant defense responses, but overall promotes the development of the pathogen, accelerating the switch from biotrophy to necrotrophy during infection. To our knowledge, the work presented in this thesis represents the first evidence for an oomycete effector to possess a transitory activity, which targets in a non-selective manner the protein ATG8 in different organisms from the green lineage to slow down autophagic flux, thus promoting the hemibiotrophic life style of a pathogen

    Studio dell'Effetto Bystander indotto da mutageni chimici in linfociti umani periferici.

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    Secondo il paradigma centrale della radiobiologia gli effetti biologici dell'esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti si verificano soltanto nelle cellule irradiate, come risultato dell'interazione dell'energia con il nucleo. Questi effetti possono essere sia diretti, a causa della ionizzazione delle molecole biologiche presenti nella cellula, sia indiretti, come conseguenza della generazione di radicali liberi e specie reattive dell'ossigeno. Il danno più grave che la cellula deve affrontare è a carico del DNA: le conseguenze di un danno non correttamente riparato, possono comprendere l'insorgenza di mutazioni geniche, aberrazioni cromosomiche, apoptosi e morte cellulare. Nel corso degli anni, molti studi hanno descritto un fenomeno noto come effetto bystander, in cui si ha la manifestazione di danno al DNA in cellule non attraversate direttamente dalla radiazione, ma che sono venute in contatto con le cellule irradiate. L'effetto bystander può essere mediato da giunzioni gap, nel caso si abbia un contatto diretto tra cellule, o mediante il rilascio di fattori solubili nel mezzo di coltura da parte delle cellule irradiate. La conseguenza di questi segnali consiste in una vasta gamma di effetti, tra cui incremento della frequenza di micronuclei; insorgenza di aberrazioni cromosomiche; un maggior numero di scambi tra cromatidi fratelli; riduzione della sopravvivenza cellulare e un aumento dei fenomeni apoptotici. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di determinare la capacità di mutageni chimici di indurre un effetto bystander in colture di linfociti umani periferici. Le sostanze scelte per effettuare questo studio sono molecole con diverso meccanismo di azione (aneuploidogeno o clastogeno): inizialmente, per ciascuna sostanza presa in esame, è stato identificato il range di concentrazione efficace per eseguire il trattamento, compatibile con la procedura sperimentale da seguire. In seguito sono utilizzati due diversi approcci per verificare la capacità di ogni sostanza di indurre tale effetto: 1) trasferimento del terreno di coltura dalle colture trattate (definite come donatrici) alle colture non trattate (definite come riceventi) 2) co-coltura di sangue periferico proveniente da donatori di sesso diverso, differenzialmente marcate con una sonda FISH specifica per il cromosoma Y. In entrambi i casi, la valutazione del danno genotossico è stata eseguita in interfase mediante test del micronucleo (MN). In una seconda fase dello studio, è stata analizzata la composizione del mezzo condizionato, ovvero il terreno di coltura in cui si suppone siano presenti i fattori solubili, prodotti dalle cellule del donatrici, capaci di indurre una risposta bystander. A questo scopo, sono state utilizzate due molecole fluorescenti che hanno permesso di rilevare il coinvolgimento delle specie reattive dell'ossigeno e dell'azoto, già note in letteratura come mediatori di questo effetto. Infine, alla luce dei risultati ottenuti nella prima fase dello studio è stata condotta la separazione elettroforetica del mezzo condizionato proveniente da colture donatrici sottoposte a tre diversi trattamenti, con lo scopo di identificare eventuali differenze nella sua composizione proteica. ABSTRACT: According to the fundamental paradigm of radiobiology, biological effects of exposure to ionizing radiation occurs only in irradiated cells, as a result of the interaction of energy with nucleus. Biological effects occur, either directly, due to the ionization of biological molecules in the cell, or indirectly, i.e. generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. However, the most severe damage is inflicted to the DNA: the consequences of an uncorrectly repaired damage, manifest as gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations, apoptosis and cell death. Over the years, many studies have described a phenomenon known as bystander effect that consists in the appearance of DNA damage in non targeted cells, which have been in contact with irradiated cells. Bystander effect may be mediated by gap junctions, in case of direct contact between cells, or by the release of soluble factors in culture medium from irradiated cells. The consequence of these signals results in a wide range of effects, including an increase in the frequency of micronuclei, chromosomal aberrations, increase of sister chromatid exchanges, reduction of cell survival and apoptosis. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of chemicals to induce bystander effect in cultures of human peripheral lymphocytes. The substances chosen to perform this study are molecules with different mechanism of action (aneuploidogenic or clastogenic): initially, it was necessary to identify for each substance under consideration, the effective dose range for treatment compatible with the chosen experimental procedure. Two different approaches were used to verify the ability of each substance to induce this effect: 1) transfer of culture medium from treated cells (defined as donor) to untreated cells (defined as receivers) 2) co-culture of peripheral blood from different sex donors, subsequently labeled with a FISH probe specific for Y chromosome. In both cases, the evaluation of genotoxic damage was performed in interphase using micronucleus test (MN). In a second phase of the study, the composition of conditioned medium (the culture medium in which it is assumed are present soluble factors produced by donor cells, capable of inducing a bystander response) has been studied. To this purpose, two fluorescent probes has been used in order to detect the involvment of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, already known in literature as mediators of this effect. Finally, in light of the results obtained in the first phase of the study, an electrophoretic separation of conditioned medium obtained from three different-treated donor cultures has been performed, in order to identify any differences in protein composition

    Oxidative and DNA damage in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery: A one-year follow-up study

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    The pathogenesis of obesity and related comorbidities has long been associated with oxidative stress. The excess of adipose tissue contributes to the production of free radicals that sustain both a local and a systemic chronic inflammatory state, whereas its reduction can bring to an improvement in inflammation and oxidative stress. In our work, using the fluorescent lipid probe BODIPY® 581/591&nbsp;C11 and the γH2AX foci assay, a well-known marker of DNA double strand breaks (DSB), we evaluated the extent of cell membrane oxidation and DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes of normal weight (NW) controls and obese patients sampled before and after bariatric surgery. Compared to NW controls, we observed a marked increase in both the frequencies of oxidized cells or nuclei exhibiting phosphorylation of histone H2AX in preoperatory obese patients. After bariatric surgery, obese patients, resampled over one-year follow-up, improved oxidative damage and reduced the presence of DSB. In conclusion, the present study highlights the importance for obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery to also monitor these molecular markers during their postoperative follow-up