13 research outputs found

    The ability of pre-school children to use associative events when telling a story with the help of visual prompts

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    V diplomskem delu z naslovom Zmožnost predšolskih otrok v rabi asociativnih dogodkov v pripovedovanju ob slikah smo v teoretičnem delu obravnavali razvoj govora predšolskih otrok in dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanj. Opisali smo razvoj govora in pravilno rabo jezika v obdobjih dojenčka, malčka in zgodnjega otroštva. Glavni del diplomske naloge se osredotoča na razvoj otrokovega pripovedovanja zgodb, vzvode in načine, kako spodbujati otroke k pripovedovanju zgodb, opise otrokovih prvih zgodb in vlogo ilustracij ter drugega slikovnega gradiva pri otrokovem pripovedovanju zgodb. Namen empiričnega dela je bil raziskati napredek pet in šest let starih otrok v rabi asociativnih dogodkov v pripovedovanju zgodbe ob slikah. Zanimal nas je napredek med prvim in drugim preverjanjem, pri čemer smo v obeh primerih otrokom ponudili enako slikovno gradivo. Rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili v časovnem razponu enega meseca, smo ustrezno interpretirali.In the thesis entitled “The ability of pre-school children to use associative events when telling a story with the help of visual prompts«, we discussed in the theoretical part the development of speech of pre-school children and the factors that influence it. We have described the development of speech and the proper use of language in three different stages of child development: infancy, toddler and early childhood. The main part of the thesis focuses on the development of the child\u27s storytelling, leverage, and ways of encouraging children to tell stories, descriptions of children\u27s first stories, and the role of illustrations and other visual material in the child\u27s storytelling. The aim of the empirical part was to explore the progress of five and six year old children in the use of associative events when telling the story behind the pictures. We were interested in progress between the first and second checking, wherein in both cases, the children were offered the same pictorial material. The results we obtained in the time span of one month were appropriately interpreted

    Intestinal infection caused by rotavirus and the importance of preventive measures

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    V diplomskem delu smo predstavili črevesne okužbe, povzročene z rotavirusi ter poseben poudarek namenili preventivnim ukrepom za preprečevanje teh okužb. Z uvedbo cepljenja dojenčkov proti rotavirusom ter z vzdrževanjem visokega higienskega standarda v vrtcih, šolah, domovih za ostarele in drugih negovalnih ustanovah se lahko bistveno zmanjša število obolelih za rotavirusnimi okužbami. Pomembno vlogo pri preprečevanju črevesnih okužb, povzročenih z rotavirusi, pa mora imeti medicinska sestra, ki s svetovanjem in ozaveščanjem zdravstveno-vzgojno vpliva na starše in vzgojitelje. Metodologija raziskovanja. Podatke za raziskovalni del diplomske naloge smo zbrali s pomočjo dveh anketnih vprašalnikov, z vprašanji odprtega in zaprtega tipa. Prvi anketni vprašalnik je obsegal 17 vprašanj in sicer 16 vprašanj zaprtega tipa in 1 vprašanje odprtega tipa, drugi anketni vprašalnik pa je obsegal 12 vprašanj, od tega 11 vprašanj zaprtega tipa in eno odprtega tipa. Raziskovalni vzorec je zajemal 30 staršev in 10 vzgojiteljev. Namen raziskave je bil, ugotoviti, koliko so starši in vzgojitelji poučeni o rotavirusni okužbi ter ukrepih za preprečevanje le-te. Rezultati raziskave. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da starši in vzgojitelji poznajo rotavirusno okužbo, zavedajo se, da je rotavirusna okužba nalezljiva ter poznajo preventivne ukrepe, izmed katerih je najpomembnejša higiena rok. Vsi vzgojitelji preventivne ukrepe izvajajo v vrtcu in več kot polovica staršev ukrepe izvaja tudi doma. Večina staršev ve, da obstaja cepivo proti rotavirusni okužbi, vendar se še vedno več kot polovica staršev ni odločila za cepljenje otroka, saj o cepivu niso dovolj ozaveščeni. Sklep. Čeprav starši poznajo preventivne ukrepe, bi jih morali vsi izvajati tudi v domačem okolju, izvaja jih le dobra polovica staršev. Tudi vloga medicinske sestre bi morala biti pomembnejša, saj bi se medicinska sestra morala v večji meri vključevati v zdravstveno-vzgojno izobraževanje ter ozaveščanje staršev, vzgojiteljev in tudi otrok o rotavirusni okužbi. Aktivno bi morala delovati v vzgojno-varstvenih ustanovah, predvsem pri predstavitvi preventivnih ukrepov in poučiti otroke o pravilnem umivanju rok, ki je najpomembnejši ukrep za preprečevanje okužbe z rotavirusi.In the thesis we have presented intestinal infections caused by rotavirus, with a special emphasis on preventive measures to prevent these infections. With the introduction of vaccination of infants against rotavirus and by maintaining a high standard of hygiene in kindergartens, schools, nursing homes and other care facilities, we can significantly reduce the incidence of rotavirus infections. A nurse must have an important role in preventing intestinal infections caused by rotavirus, with counseling, advice and awareness of health-educational impact on parents and educators. Methodology of research. The data for the research part of the thesis was collected using two questionnaires, with open and closed type questions. The first questionnaire consisted of 17 questions, 16 were closed and one open-ended question, while the second questionnaire consisted of 12 questions, 11 of which were closed and one was open-ended question. The research sample consisted of 30 parents and 10 teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which parents and educators are informed about rotavirus infection and measures to prevent them. Results. The research confirmed that parents and educators really know rotavirus infection. They are aware that rotavirus infection is contagious and are also familiar with preventive measures, of which the most significant is hand hygiene. All educators implement the preventive measures in kindergarten and more than half of the parents actions are also carried out at home. Most parents know that there is a vaccine against rotavirus infection, but still more than half of the parents choose not to vaccinate children, because the awareness about vaccine is not yet sufficient. Conclusion. Parents are aware of precautions but they should all perform well in the home environment as well, which only good half of the parents do. The role of nurses should be more important, since the nurse has to be largely involved in the medical-educational education and raising awareness of parents, educators and children about rotavirus infection and in particular to work actively in day-care centers, mainly in the presentation of preventive measures and educate kids about proper hand washing, which is the most important measure to prevent infection with rotavirus

    Effects of global drog trafficking on producing and consuming countries

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    Magistrsko delo na osnovi analize znanstvene in strokovne literature proučuje razsežnosti globalne trgovine z drogo, njene transportne poti in distribucijo dobička. Z metodo analize in sinteze so obravnavani glavni dejavniki širjenja globalne trgovine z drogo in njeni vplivi na države proizvajalke in porabnice. Skozi proces globalnega trgovanja z drogo so proučevani neenakost, distribucija dobička in razmerja moči med vključenimi akterji. Na koncu so analizirani odnosi in razmerja moči med izvornimi in ciljnimi državami. Ugotovljeno je, da globalna trgovina z drogo vpliva na destabilizacijo gospodarstva, politike in civilne družbe tako v državah proizvajalkah kot glavnih državah porabnicah. Prav tako je ugotovljeno, da med akterji, vključenimi v proces trgovanja z drogo, vlada visoka stopnja družbene neenakosti, nesorazmerij moči in neenakomerne distribucije dobička. To velja tako za odnose znotraj držav kot tudi za odnose med izvornimi in ciljnimi državami. Nadalje je ugotovljeno, da je globalna trgovina z drogo determinirana s pojmom neenakosti, ki predstavlja hkrati njen vzrok in posledico. Na koncu so za potrebe nadaljnjega raziskovanja ponujeni možni predlogi omejevanja globalne trgovine z drogo.The present master\u27s thesis analyses the scope of global drug trafficking, its transport routes and the distribution of profits. The key factors of expansion of global drug trafficking and its impact on producer and consumer countries are addressed with the method of analysis and synthesis. Inequality, distribution of profits and power relations between actors involved are analysed through the process of global drug trafficking. Finally, the power relations between the source countries and the destination countries are analyzed. It is established that global drug trafficking influences the destabilization of the economy, politics and civil society, both in the producing countries and in the main consumer countries. It is also established that there is high rate of social inequality, power imbalances and uneven distribution of profits among the actors involved in the global drug trafficking. This applies both to relations within countries, as well as to relations between source and destination countries. Furthermore, it is established that global drug trafficking is determined by the notion of inequality, which at the same time represents its cause and effect as well. Finally, proposals for limiting global drug trafficking are proposed for further research

    Methods for forecasting electrical energy consumption

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    Elektroenergetski sustav u Europi koristi nazivnu frekvenciju od 50 Hz. Frekvencija će ostati konstantna, ako je iznos potrošene električne energije jednak iznosu proizvedene električne energije. Planiranjem potrošnje električne energije olakšava se posao reguliranja frekvencije. Potrošnja električne energije može se planirati dugoročno, srednjoročno i kratkoročno uz pomoć različitih modela. Na primjeru 20 kV razdjelne mreže, primjenom eksponencijalnog modela, analiziran je porast potrošnje električne energije, pri porastu prosječne potrošnje u godini dana za 3%, 4% i 5% kroz određen vremenski period od 5, 10 i 15 godina.Electro Energetic system in Europe is using frequency of 50Hz. Frequency will stay constant, if amount of consumed electric energy is equal to amount of consumed electric energy. Planning the consumation of electrical energy makes the regulation of frequency easier. Spending of electric energy can be planned for a long time, medium time and short time with help of different models. On the example of 20 kV distribution network, with the exponential model applied, it has been noticed that there is an increase in the consumation of the electrical energy, with an increase in average consumption in a year for 3%, 4% and 5% through certain time period from 5, 10 and 15 years

    Methods for forecasting electrical energy consumption

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    Elektroenergetski sustav u Europi koristi nazivnu frekvenciju od 50 Hz. Frekvencija će ostati konstantna, ako je iznos potrošene električne energije jednak iznosu proizvedene električne energije. Planiranjem potrošnje električne energije olakšava se posao reguliranja frekvencije. Potrošnja električne energije može se planirati dugoročno, srednjoročno i kratkoročno uz pomoć različitih modela. Na primjeru 20 kV razdjelne mreže, primjenom eksponencijalnog modela, analiziran je porast potrošnje električne energije, pri porastu prosječne potrošnje u godini dana za 3%, 4% i 5% kroz određen vremenski period od 5, 10 i 15 godina.Electro Energetic system in Europe is using frequency of 50Hz. Frequency will stay constant, if amount of consumed electric energy is equal to amount of consumed electric energy. Planning the consumation of electrical energy makes the regulation of frequency easier. Spending of electric energy can be planned for a long time, medium time and short time with help of different models. On the example of 20 kV distribution network, with the exponential model applied, it has been noticed that there is an increase in the consumation of the electrical energy, with an increase in average consumption in a year for 3%, 4% and 5% through certain time period from 5, 10 and 15 years

    Does Continuous Exposure to ZnO and TiO2 NPs Cause any Changes in Keratinocytes?

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    Many current dermatological preparations, sunscreens and other cosmetics, contain nanosized particles (NPs), which were observed to be rapidly internalized by keratinocytes [1]. [...

    Probing the Surface Properties of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles by Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Development of drug delivery systems is an indispensable strategy for successful transport of drug to its therapeutic site by the appropriate choice of carrier and route. [...

    Bioavailability of resveratrol: Possibilities for enhancement

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    Resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol that has been shown to elicit a variety of beneficial effects in vitro. Translating these gains to in vivo and clinical settings has proven to be a major challenge, because of its poor oral bioavailability. This caveat was confirmed after reviewing clinical trials conducted on this investigational product over the past two years. This review provides alternative methods of administration of resveratrol which may enhance its bioavailability. However, these methods remain to be validated.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/hermed2019-03-01hj2017Pharmacolog