21 research outputs found

    Systematic study of magnetic linear dichroism and birefringence in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Magnetic linear dichroism and birefringence in (Ga,Mn)As epitaxial layers is investigated by measuring the polarization plane rotation of reflected linearly polarized light when magnetization lies in the plane of the sample. We report on the spectral dependence of the rotation and ellipticity angles in a broad energy range of 0.12-2.7 eV for a series of optimized samples covering a wide range on Mn-dopings and Curie temperatures and find a clear blue shift of the dominant peak at energy exceeding the host material band gap. These results are discussed in the general context of the GaAs host band structure and also within the framework of the k.p and mean-field kinetic-exchange model of the (Ga,Mn)As band structure. We find a semi-quantitative agreement between experiment and theory and discuss the role of disorder-induced non-direct transitions on magneto-optical properties of (Ga,Mn)As.Comment: 18 page

    CYP17, GSTP1, PON1 and GLO1 gene polymorphisms as risk factors for breast cancer: an Italian case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Estrogens, environmental chemicals with carcinogenic potential, as well as oxidative and carbonyl stresses play a very important role in breast cancer (BC) genesis and progression. Therefore, polymorphisms of genes encoding enzymes involved in estrogen biosynthesis pathway and in the metabolic activation of pro-carcinogens to genotoxic intermediates, such as cytochrome P450C17α (CYP17), endogenous free-radical scavenging systems, such as glutathione S-transferase (GSTP1) and paraoxonase 1 (PON1), and anti-glycation defenses, such as glyoxalase I (GLO1), could influence individual susceptibility to BC. In the present case-control study, we investigated the possible association of CYP17 A1A2, GSTP1 ILE105VAL, PON1 Q192R or L55M, and GLO1 A111E polymorphisms with the risk of BC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The above-said five polymorphisms were characterized in 547 patients with BC and in 544 healthy controls by PCR/RFLP methods, using DNA from whole blood. To estimate the relative risks, Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using unconditional logistic regression after adjusting for the known risk factors for BC.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CYP17 polymorphism had no major effect in BC proneness in the overall population. However, it modified the risk of BC for certain subgroups of patients. In particular, among premenopausal women with the A1A1 genotype, a protective effect of later age at menarche and parity was observed. As to GSTP1 and PON1 192 polymorphisms, the mutant Val and R alleles, respectively, were associated with a decreased risk of developing BC, while polymorphisms in PON1 55 and GLO1 were associated with an increased risk of this neoplasia. However, these findings, while nominally significant, did not withstand correction for multiple testing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Genetic polymorphisms in biotransformation enzymes CYP17, GSTP1, PON1 and GLO1 could be associated with the risk for BC. Although significances did not withstand correction for multiple testing, the results of our exploratory analysis warrant further studies on the above mentioned genes and BC.</p

    Annotated Czech Translation of Selected Chapters from "Hydrotherapie bei Hunden: Fit und gesund durch therapeutisches Schwimmen"; Sabine Baumgartner, Sabine Zemla, Kynos, 2018

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    Tato bakalářská práce se skládá ze dvou částí. První částí je překlad dvou vybraných kapitol knihy Hydrotherapie bei Hunden: Fit und gesund durch therapeutisches Schwimmen od autorek Sabine Baumgartner a Sabine Zemly. V překládané části je vysvětleno, co je to hydroterapie, jaké jsou její metody, a dále je popsána léčba konkrétních pacientů. Druhou část práce tvoří teoretický komentář k překladu, který obsahuje analýzu výchozího textu podle modelu Christiane Nordové, popis překladatelské metody, překladatelských problémů a překladatelských posunů, které byly v překladu použity.This bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The first part is a translation of two selected chapters from the book Hydrotherapie bei Hunden: Fit und gesund durch therapeutisches Schwimmen written by Sabine Baumgartner and Sabine Zemla. The translated chapters explain what hydrotherapy is, which methods of hydrotherapy are used and show examples of individual patients and how they were treated. The subject of the second part is a theoretical commentary, which consists of the original text analysis based on the model of Christiane Nord, description of translation method, translation problems and translation shifts which were used in the translation.Institute of Translation StudiesÚstav translatologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Annotated Czech Translation of Selected Chapters from "Hydrotherapie bei Hunden: Fit und gesund durch therapeutisches Schwimmen"; Sabine Baumgartner, Sabine Zemla, Kynos, 2018

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    This bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The first part is a translation of two selected chapters from the book Hydrotherapie bei Hunden: Fit und gesund durch therapeutisches Schwimmen written by Sabine Baumgartner and Sabine Zemla. The translated chapters explain what hydrotherapy is, which methods of hydrotherapy are used and show examples of individual patients and how they were treated. The subject of the second part is a theoretical commentary, which consists of the original text analysis based on the model of Christiane Nord, description of translation method, translation problems and translation shifts which were used in the translation

    Distribution of Selenium and Oxidative Stress in Breast Tumor-Bearing Mice

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    The present study investigated the effects of breast tumors on the blood and tissue distribution of essential trace mineral selenium (Se), and oxidative stress status of mice. Female 10-week-old BALB/cByJNarl mice were randomly assigned into control (CNL) and breast tumor-bearing (TB) groups. TB mice were injected subcutaneously into the right hind thigh with 5 × 106 EMT6 mouse mammary tumor cells. After 22 days, we measured Se concentrations, Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities, and malondialdehyde (MDA) products (indicator of oxidative stress) in plasma, various tissues, and plasma vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations. There were no significant differences in body weights and daily intake between both groups. Compared with the CNL group, TB mice have decreases in plasma Se concentrations and GPx activities, as well as higher plasma VEGF and MDA concentrations. Plasma Se concentrations were also negatively correlated with plasma MDA and VEGF concentrations. Furthermore, tissue Se concentrations and GPx activities in TB animals were lower; whereas the MDA concentrations higher in various tissues including liver, kidney, brain, lung, spleen, and thymic tissues. In conclusion, disruption of Se homeostasis critically reflects oxidative stress in target tissues, thus may increase the risk for progression of breast cancer and metastasis