49 research outputs found

    Hay Sitio: Una aplicación colaborativa para la gestión de espacios de trabajo del alumnado en informática

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    A lo largo de sus estudios en el grado de informática, los alumnos deben realizar numerosos trabajos de índole práctica en buena parte de las asignaturas. En muchos casos dichos trabajos deben realizarse de manera grupal. Por ello, los alumnos suelen reunirse en las propias instalaciones de la universidad para llevar a cabo sus tareas. Sin embargo, en ocasiones no les resulta fácil encontrar el lugar adecuado para realizarlas debido a la limitada disponibilidad de aulas y salas de estudio. A fin de facilitar la auto-organización de los alumnos para realizar dichos trabajos y prácticas grupales, el presente trabajo propone una innovadora aplicación móvil que permite a los estudiantes informarse en tiempo real de cuáles son las aulas y salas libres en un campus universitario en cada momento. Para ello, se sigue un modelo colaborativo en donde son los propios estudiantes los que informan al resto de las aulas disponibles. De esta forma, se proporciona información sobre disponibilidad de lugares de trabajo mucho más inmediata, accesible y dinámica que la contenida en los horarios y calendarios oficiales facilitándose así la labor práctica del estudiante.During their studies, computer science undergraduates must carry out a large number of practical assignments for many different subjects. In many cases, such assignments must be done in groups. Therefore, students should meet together at the campus premises in order to carry out these tasks. However, they sometimes struggle to find an appropriate meeting place due to the limited availability of properly equipped classrooms and laboratories. In order to make easier the organization of the students when it comes to undertake such group-based assignments, the present work introduces a novel system based on a mobile application that allows students to timely find out the available spaces at a university campus. For this goal, a crowdsensing approach is follows where students themselves report on available classrooms and laboratories at each moment. As a result, the system provides information about spaces availability in a more dynamic and accessible manner than thes official calendars and timetables

    Human Mobility Prediction with Region-based Flows and Road Traffic Data

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    Predicting human mobility is a key element in the development of intelligent transport systems. Current digital technologies enable capturing a wealth of data on mobility flows between geographic areas, which are then used to train machine learning models to predict these flows. However, most works have only considered a single data source for building these models or different sources but covering the same spatial area. In this paper we propose to augment a macro open-data mobility study based on cellular phones with data from a road traffic sensor located within a specific motorway of one of the mobility areas in the study. The results show that models trained with the fusion of both types of data, especially long short-term memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) neural networks, provide a more reliable prediction than models based only on the open data source. These results show that it is possible to predict the traffic entering a particular city in the next 30 minutes with an absolute error less than 10%. Thus, this work is a further step towards improving the prediction of human mobility in interurban areas by fusing open data with data from IoT systems

    An analysis of twitter as a relevant human mobility proxy A comparative approach in spain during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    During the last years, the analysis of spatio-temporal data extracted from Online Social Networks (OSNs) has become a prominent course of action within the human-mobility mining discipline. Due to the noisy and sparse nature of these data, an important effort has been done on validating these platforms as suitable mobility proxies. However, such a validation has been usually based on the computation of certain features from the raw spatio-temporal trajectories extracted from OSN documents. Hence, there is a scarcity of validation studies that evaluate whether geo-tagged OSN data are able to measure the evolution of the mobility in a region at multiple spatial scales. For that reason, this work proposes a comprehensive comparison of a nation-scale Twitter (TWT) dataset and an official mobility survey from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics. The target time period covers a three-month interval during which Spain was heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both feeds have been compared in this context by considering different mobility-related features and spatial scales. The results show that TWT could capture only a limited number features of the latent mobility behaviour of Spain during the study period

    QUADRIVEN: A Framework for Qualitative Taxi Demand Prediction Based on Time-Variant Online Social Network Data Analysis

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    [EN] Road traffic pollution is one of the key factors affecting urban air quality. There is a consensus in the community that the efficient use of public transport is the most effective solution. In that sense, much effort has been made in the data mining discipline to come up with solutions able to anticipate taxi demands in a city. This helps to optimize the trips made by such an important urban means of transport. However, most of the existing solutions in the literature define the taxi demand prediction as a regression problem based on historical taxi records. This causes serious limitations with respect to the required data to operate and the interpretability of the prediction outcome. In this paper, we introduce QUADRIVEN (QUalitative tAxi Demand pRediction based on tIme-Variant onlinE social Network data analysis), a novel approach to deal with the taxi demand prediction problem based on human-generated data widely available on online social networks. The result of the prediction is defined on the basis of categorical labels that allow obtaining a semantically-enriched output. Finally, this proposal was tested with different models in a large urban area, showing quite promising results with an F1 score above 0.8.This work was partially supported by the Fundacion Seneca del Centro de Coordinacion de la Investigacion de la Region de Murcia under Projects 20813/PI/18 and 20530/PDC/18 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grants TIN2016-78799-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) and RTC-2017-6389-5.Terroso-Saenz, F.; Muñoz-Ortega, A.; Cecilia-Canales, JM. (2019). QUADRIVEN: A Framework for Qualitative Taxi Demand Prediction Based on Time-Variant Online Social Network Data Analysis. Sensors. 19(22):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19224882S1221922Di, Q., Wang, Y., Zanobetti, A., Wang, Y., Koutrakis, P., Choirat, C., … Schwartz, J. D. (2017). Air Pollution and Mortality in the Medicare Population. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(26), 2513-2522. doi:10.1056/nejmoa1702747Li, B., Cai, Z., Jiang, L., Su, S., & Huang, X. (2019). Exploring urban taxi ridership and local associated factors using GPS data and geographically weighted regression. Cities, 87, 68-86. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2018.12.033Yang, Y., Yuan, Z., Fu, X., Wang, Y., & Sun, D. (2019). Optimization Model of Taxi Fleet Size Based on GPS Tracking Data. Sustainability, 11(3), 731. doi:10.3390/su11030731Smith, A. W., Kun, A. L., & Krumm, J. (2017). Predicting taxi pickups in cities. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers. doi:10.1145/3123024.3124416Liu, L., Qiu, Z., Li, G., Wang, Q., Ouyang, W., & Lin, L. (2019). Contextualized Spatial–Temporal Network for Taxi Origin-Destination Demand Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(10), 3875-3887. doi:10.1109/tits.2019.2915525Hawelka, B., Sitko, I., Beinat, E., Sobolevsky, S., Kazakopoulos, P., & Ratti, C. (2014). Geo-located Twitter as proxy for global mobility patterns. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 41(3), 260-271. doi:10.1080/15230406.2014.890072James, N. A., Kejariwal, A., & Matteson, D. S. (2016). Leveraging cloud data to mitigate user experience from ‘breaking bad’. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). doi:10.1109/bigdata.2016.7841013Kuang, L., Yan, X., Tan, X., Li, S., & Yang, X. (2019). Predicting Taxi Demand Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-task Learning. Remote Sensing, 11(11), 1265. doi:10.3390/rs11111265Thomee, B., Shamma, D. A., Friedland, G., Elizalde, B., Ni, K., Poland, D., … Li, L.-J. (2016). YFCC100M. Communications of the ACM, 59(2), 64-73. doi:10.1145/2812802Cho, E., Myers, S. A., & Leskovec, J. (2011). Friendship and mobility. Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining - KDD ’11. doi:10.1145/2020408.2020579Estevez, P. A., Tesmer, M., Perez, C. A., & Zurada, J. M. (2009). Normalized Mutual Information Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 20(2), 189-201. doi:10.1109/tnn.2008.2005601Zheng, X., Han, J., & Sun, A. (2018). A Survey of Location Prediction on Twitter. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 30(9), 1652-1671. doi:10.1109/tkde.2018.2807840Assam, R., & Seidl, T. (2014). Context-based location clustering and prediction using conditional random fields. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia - MUM ’14. doi:10.1145/2677972.2677989Genuer, R., Poggi, J.-M., Tuleau-Malot, C., & Villa-Vialaneix, N. (2017). Random Forests for Big Data. Big Data Research, 9, 28-46. doi:10.1016/j.bdr.2017.07.003Tong, Y., Chen, Y., Zhou, Z., Chen, L., Wang, J., Yang, Q., … Lv, W. (2017). The Simpler The Better. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. doi:10.1145/3097983.3098018Markou, I., Rodrigues, F., & Pereira, F. C. (2018). Real-Time Taxi Demand Prediction using data from the web. 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). doi:10.1109/itsc.2018.8569015Zhou, Y., Wu, Y., Wu, J., Chen, L., & Li, J. (2018). Refined Taxi Demand Prediction with ST-Vec. 2018 26th International Conference on Geoinformatics. doi:10.1109/geoinformatics.2018.8557158Moreira-Matias, L., Gama, J., Ferreira, M., Mendes-Moreira, J., & Damas, L. (2013). Predicting Taxi–Passenger Demand Using Streaming Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(3), 1393-1402. doi:10.1109/tits.2013.2262376Jiang, S., Chen, W., Li, Z., & Yu, H. (2019). Short-Term Demand Prediction Method for Online Car-Hailing Services Based on a Least Squares Support Vector Machine. IEEE Access, 7, 11882-11891. doi:10.1109/access.2019.289182

    Data Aggregation, Fusion and Recommendations for Strengthening Citizens Energy-aware Behavioural Profiles

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    In this paper, ENTROPY platform, an IT ecosystem for supporting energy efficiency in buildings through behavioural change of the occupants is provided. The ENTROPY platform targets at providing a set of mechanisms for accelerating the adoption of energy efficient practices through the increase of the energy awareness and energy saving potential of the occupants. The platform takes advantage of novel sensor networking technologies for supporting efficient sensor data aggregation mechanisms, semantic web technologies for unified data representation, machine learning mechanisms for getting insights from the available data and recommendation mechanisms for providing personalised content to end users. These technologies are combined and provided through an integrated platform, targeting at leading to occupants' behavioural change with regards to their energy consumption profiles.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Global IoT Summit 201

    Unidades De Mama E Mastectomia Com Preservação Do Complexo Areolo-Mamilar: Um Retrato Nacional Comparado Com O Consenso Internacional (Parte 1)

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    Introducion: The Chapter of Breast Surgery of the Portuguese Society of Surgery aimed to find out how hospitals treating breast cancer (BC) in Portugal are organized into breast units and how nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is performed in clinical practice. Methods: Forty-five hospitals were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey in March 2023, just before the XLIII National Congress of Surgery. A qualitative and quantitative description of the responses was made. A complementary comparison was made with two international consensus, one from the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA) and the other from the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC). Results: We received 31 responses (68.9%). Almost all hospitals (96.8%) had an organized breast unit. The national units meet the main EUSOMA requirements: multidisciplinary organization (100%), inclusion of at least two fully dedicated breast surgeons (100%), and a minimum volume of 150 newly diagnosed BC per year (77.4%). The OPBC expert consensus that NSM should only be performed by high-volume surgeons can be inferred in our national units based on 3 criteria: the annual volume of newly diagnosed BC, the number of dedicated surgeons, and the volume of NSM performed per year. All national units routinely perform NSM, but only 10% reported a high volume of more than 50 NSM per year. In cautious agreement with the OPBC statement on the oncological safety of NSM, half of the 30 breast units questioned it given the lack of long-term outcomes. Inflammatory carcinoma and direct nipple involvement were considered the only absolute contraindications to NSM. Other possible NSM contraindications were considered relative or questionable. Conclusion: This national portrait has demonstrated that well-organized, efficient breast units with an adequate volume of care are already in place in most hospitals treating BC. Similarly, the technical (and temporal) differentiation of breast surgeons has been demonstrated by the successful completion of a differentiated surgical procedure such as NSM plus IBR in daily practice. Introdução: O Capítulo de Cirurgia da Mama da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia procurou avaliar como os hospitais portugueses que tratam cancro da mama estão organizados em unidades de mama e como é realizada, na prática clínica, a mastectomia poupadora de pele e do complexo areolo-mamilar (NSM). Métodos: Quarenta e cinco hospitais foram convidados a participar num inquérito a nível nacional em março de 2023. Foi feita uma descrição qualitativa e quantitativa. Adicionalmente realizou-se uma comparação com dois consensos internacionais, um da European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA) e o outro do Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC). Resultados: Tivemos 31 (68,9%) respostas. Quase todos os hospitais (96,8%) tem uma unidade de mama organizada. As unidades nacionais cumprem os principais requisitos da EUSOMA: organização multidisciplinar (100%), inclusão de pelo menos dois cirurgiões dedicados à cirurgia mamária (100%) e um volume mínimo de 150 novos casos de cancro da mama por ano (77,4%). O consenso de peritos do OPBC defende que a NSM deve apenas ser realizada por cirurgiões com um elevado volume cirúrgico pode ser inferido nas unidades nacionais, com base em três critérios: o volume anual de novos diagnósticos de cancro, o número de cirurgiões dedicados e o volume de NSM realizado por ano. Todas as unidades nacionais realizam a NSM na sua rotina, mas apenas 10% reportam um volume elevado com mais de 50 NSM por ano. Numa concordância cautelosa com a OPBC sobre a segurança oncológica da NSM, metade das 30 unidades nacionais questionaram os seus resultados a longo prazo. As únicas contraindicações absolutas à NSM foram o carcinoma inflamatório e o envolvimento direto do complexo areolo-mamilar. Todas as outras possíveis contraindicações foram consideradas relativas ou questionáveis. Conclusão: Este retrato nacional mostrou que as unidades de mama estão bem organizadas, são eficientes e têm um volume assistencial adequado na maioria dos hospitais que tratam cancro da mama. Da mesma forma, a diferenciação técnica (e temporal) dos cirurgiões de mama ficou demonstrada pela realização bem sucedida na rotina diária de um procedimento cirúrgico diferenciado, como a NSM com reconstrução imediata

    Tratamento Cirúrgica Da Axila No Cancro Da Mama: Um Retrato Nacional Comparado Com O Consenso Internacional (Parte 2)

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    Purpose: The Chapter on Breast Surgery of the Portuguese Society of Surgery aimed to find out from hospitals that treat breast cancer (BC) their contemporary surgical management of the axilla. Methods: Forty-five hospitals were invited to participate in a nationwide survey in March 2023. A qualitative and quantitative description was made. A complementary comparison with national and international BC clinical guidelines was performed. Results: We received 38 responses (84.4%). To define a negative axilla, 65.8% required physical examination plus axillary ultrasound (US). A positive axilla requires lymph node US-guided biopsy (core biopsy in 76.3% and fine-needle cytology in 52.6%). Most (94.7%) used a combined dual tracer for sentinel node biopsy (SNB). Tc99 plus Patent Blue was the most common (76.3%). Intraoperative pathology was routinely performed in 52.6%. Omission of SNB was consensual in DCIS (86.8%), 68.4% considered it in older patients, but only 2.6% proposed it in low-risk invasive BC. There was a consensus (92.1%) to omit axillary lymph node dissection (ALDN) when one or two positive sentinel nodes were identified intraoperatively in an initially c/uN0 axilla. To perform a targeted axillary dissection (TAD) in a suspicious/positive axilla, 42.1% reported that one or two nodes were biopsied and marked. The most common localization technique was a titanium clip in 84.2% (only 36.8% were US-visible clips). For the cN1 axilla, the majority preferred ALND for upfront surgery (60.5%) or in the absence of a radiological complete response (uCR) after primary systemic therapy (PST)(63.2%). For uCR after PST, 86.8% favoured SNB plus TAD, with a consensus (92.1%) to omit ALND for pathologic complete response in the axilla. Our survey was unable to assess the morbidity of axillary surgery as outcome registries were found in only 42.1% of hospitals. Conclusion: De-escalation of surgical management of the axilla has been followed in most hospitals in this national portrait. SNB has long been the standard of care for cN0 axilla. A trend toward more conservative multidisciplinary management of positive axilla has also been noted, with the progressive omission of ALND in favour of TAD and axillary RT. Introdução: O Capítulo de Cirurgia da Mama da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia procurou avaliar, junto dos hospitais portugueses que tratam cancro da mama, qual é sua atual abordagem cirúrgica da axila. Métodos: Quarenta e cinco hospitais foram convidados a participar num inquérito a nível nacional em março de 2023. Foi feita uma descrição qualitativa e quantitativa. Adicionalmente realizou-se uma comparação com as atuais recomendações científicas nacionais e internacionais. Resultados: Tivemos 38 (84,4%) respostas. Para definir clinicamente uma axila como negativa (c/uN0), 65,8% consideraram ser necessário complementar o exame físico com uma ecografia axilar. Considerar uma axila positiva, obriga a uma biópsia ecoguiada de um gânglio axilar (por agulha grossa em 76,3% e por citologia em 52,6%). Para a biópsia do gânglio sentinela (SNB), a maioria (94,7%) recorreu a um marcador duplo, sendo a combinação Tecnésio99 e Azul patente a mais usada (76,3%). O estudo patológico intraoperatório foi realizado por rotina em 52,6%. Houve um consenso (86,8%) na omissão da SNB no carcinoma ductal insitu (DCIS). Uma maioria (68,4%) tambéa a considerou em doentes mais velhas, mas apenas 2,6% a defenderam num carcinoma invasor de baixo risco. Verificou-se um consenso (92,1%) para a omissão do esvaziamento axilar (ALND) perante a identificação intraoperatória de um ou dois gânglios sentinela positivos, numa axila inicialmente c/uN0. Para realizar uma disseção axilar dirigida (TAD) numa axila inicialmente suspeita ou positiva, 42,1% defenderam que um ou dois gânglios devem ser biopsados e marcados. Um clipe de titânio foi a técnica de marcação mais usada (84,2%, dos quais apenas 36,8% eram clipes ecovisíveis). Numa axila cN1, o ALND foi a primeira opção quando se decidiu avançar primariamente para cirurgia (60,5%) ou perante a ausência de resposta imagiológica completa (uCR) após a terapêutica primária sistémica (PST)(63,2%). Quando houve uCR após PST, a opção foi fazer SNB associado ao TAD por 86,8%, com consenso (92,1%) na omissão do ALND perante uma resposta patológica completa (pCR) na axila. Não conseguimos avaliar a morbidade da cirurgia axilar, por falta de registos adequados (42,1%). Conclusão: Neste retrato nacional, constatou-se um desescalar do estadiamento cirúrgico da axila na maioria dos hospitais nacionais. A SNB é o procedimento standard na axila c/uN0. Também se observou uma tendência para uma abordagem multidisciplinar mais conservadora na axila positiva, com a omissão progressiva do ALND em favor da TAD e da radioterapia axilar

    Caracterização multidisciplinar de eflorescências salinas no Mosteiro da Batalha

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    O Mosteiro da Batalha é uma relevante obra da arquitectura gótica, resultou do cumprimento da promessa feita por D. João I, após vitória na batalha de Aljubarrota. O mosteiro esteve na posse dos dominicanos até à extinção das ordens religiosas, sendo actualmente dependência da DGPC e Património da Humanidade pela UNESCO. Recentemente a Universidade Aveiro caracterizou estrutural do monumento. Entre as técnicas testadas considera-se aqui o potencial espontâneo, anteriormente aplicados na Igreja da Graça em Santarém (Martinho et. al, 2014). Seleccionou-se uma parede com eflorescências na qual se sobrepôs uma grelha de eléctrodos (12×5) espaçados de 0.5m. O mapeamento do potencial espontâneo foi realizado tendo como referência um eléctrodo sobre eflorescências. Concluiu-se que as zonas da parede com sais estão ao mesmo potencial, enquanto as zonas onde as eflorescências não ocorrem apresentam um potencial mais elevado. A composição mineralógica dos sais foi estudada por Difracção de Raios X

    The ITRAX core scanner, a useful tool to distinguish anthropic vs. climatic influences in lagoon of Aveiro (N Portugal)

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    The main goal of this work is to distinguish anthropic and climatic influences in sediments from the lagoon of Aveiro (Portugal). This study is based on a core (240-cm long) collected in Murtosa Channel. Optical and X-radiographic images and high-resolution elemental profiles were acquired with ITRAX micro-X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanner. Samples collected at each ≈3 cm along the core were analysed for grain size and total organic carbon. Furthermore, the fine fraction of selected layers was subjected to geochemical analysis by ICP-MS, after total acid digestion of the sediments, and mineralogical analysis, by XRD techniques. A radiocarbon age was determined by AMS, using molluscs shells collected at a depth of 90 cm. Sediments along the core are composed by fine and medium sand, with several mud layers. Sediments composing the first 100-cm may have been deposited after 1950, as it is indicated by the radiocarbon data, the increasing trend of Zn/Al, Pb/Al and Cu/Al and total concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, V, Cr, As and Ni in this interval that therefore might be linked with industrial activities of Chemical Complex of Estarreja. The progressive increase of Si/Al, Cl/Al, Rb/Al, K/Al and Br/Al and reduced Al concentrations, from the base to the top of this core, are interpreted as being related to higher marine influence and greater differences in tidal currents with longer exposition to air of the sediments with the consequent formation of brines favouring minerals precipitation in the area (e.g. anhydrite). These results seem to be a consequence of several works developed over time like: i) dredging to improve the navigation access to the harbour, located in the external sector of the lagoon; ii) the control of the course of some rivers influencing the supply of sediments. The tendency of sea level rise may have also emphasized the gradual increase of marine influence in this area. Fine-grained sections, related to an increase in Al, phyllosilicates, organic matter, pyrite and siderite contents would be attributed to phases of greater supply of fine-sediments during heavy rainfall events by the nearby Antuã river and other streams during negative phases of North Atlantic Oscillation. Higher deposition of organic matter enhanced diagenetic changes with pyrite and siderite formation. In the bottom of the core another record of pollution was unveiled to mining activities at the beginning of 20th century.FCT de Portugal - C/CTE/UI4035/2011CNPq - 401803/2010-