75 research outputs found


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    Catalanitat en el segle XXI: nació i sobirania

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    Europa, Europa

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    En el número 50 de la revista L'Espill trobaràs un dossier monogràfic sobre "La crisi europea. Europa com a idea i com a projecte, avui", amb contribucions d'Adam Zagajewski, Joan F. Mira, Antoni Mora, Marina Garcés, Simona Škrabec, Andrei Kurkov, Antoni Martí Monterde, Enzo Traverso, Wolf Lepenies, Robert Menasse, Josep Maria Terricabras, Manuel Sanchis, Estanislau Vidal-Folch, Sebastian Landschbauer, Étienne Balibar, Ulrike Guérot, Josep Maria Martorell, Montserrat Daban, Francesc Xavier Grau i Josep Lluís Gómez Mompart. A més, una enquesta d'Adolf Beltran sobre el present i el futur d'Europa i dos documents, de Joan Fuster i de Vicent Ventura

    Els "jocs de llenguatge" en la filosofia de Wittgenstein

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    According to a certain frequent interpretation, the concept of 'linguistic games' splits language up into absolute, finite areas. Thus Wittgenstein falls into the error of linguistic relativism. Opposing this poor interpretation, the article defends the theory that the linguistic game must be understood in three different senses: 1) As the functioning (game) of language; 2) as the entire complex of elements which come into play; 3) as a primitive and simple outline which we resort to in order to bring out, by contrast, the authentic functioning of a more complex process. 'Linguistic game' means, therefore, a way of reflecting on language: from its movement, from its complexity, from its simplification. It never designates a unique pattern for classifying realit

    L'Alfolí de la Cultura

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