202 research outputs found

    Volcanic soils and landslides: a case study of the island of Ischia (southern Italy) and its relationship with other Campania events

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    Abstract. An integrated investigation was carried out on the volcanic soils involved in the landslide phenomena that occurred in 2006 at Mt. Vezzi on the island of Ischia (southern Italy). Chemical (soil pH, organic carbon content, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity, electrical conductivity, Na adsorption ratio and Al, Fe and Si forms), physical (particle and pore size distribution, pore structure), hydrological (soil water retention, saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity), mineralogical and micromorphological analyses were carried out for three soil profiles selected in two of the main head scarps. The studied soils showed a substantial abrupt discontinuity in all the studied properties at the interface with a buried fine ash layer (namely, the 2C horizon), that was only marginally involved in the sliding surface of the landslide phenomena. When compared to the overlying horizons, 2C showed (i) fine grey ash that is almost pumice free, with the silt content increasing by 20 %; (ii) ks values 1 order of magnitude lower; (iii) a pore distribution concentrated into small (15–30 μm modal class) pores characterised by a very low percolation threshold (approximately 15–25 μm); (iv) the presence of expandable clay minerals; and (v) increasing Na content in the exchange complex. Most of these properties indicated that 2C was a lower permeability horizon compared to the overlying ones. Nevertheless, it was possible to assume this interface to be an impeding layer to vertical water fluxes only by the identification of a thin (6.5 mm) finely stratified ash layer, on top of 2C, and of the hydromorphic features (e.g. Fe / Mn concretions) within and on top of the layer. Although Mt. Vezzi's soil environment has many properties in common with those of other Campania debris-mudflows (e.g. high gradient, north-facing slope, similar forestry, and volcanic origin of the parent material), the results of this study suggest a more complex relationship between soil properties and landslides and emphasise the role of vertical discontinuities as noteworthy predisposing factors

    Cocaina E Insufficienza Renale Acuta

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    Il consumo di cocaina ha raggiunto proporzioni epidemiche. le complicanze renali correlate al suo abuso sono sempre più frequentemente evidenziate. descriviamo 4 casi clinici di insufficienza renale acuta da overdose di cocaina da noi riscontrati negli ultimi 18 mesi. la insufficienza renale era in tutti i casi correlata a rabdomiolisi, che è il meccanismo patogenetico più comune. a causa del "late referral" alla nostra struttura, non è stata effettuata una pronta ed efficace terapia medica ed è stato necessario in tutti i casi istituire trattamento emodialitico prima della riprese funzionale dell'organo

    Sampling Mechanism for Low Gravity Bodies

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    In future exploration missions to low gravity bodies (e.g. a Mars moon or a near-Earth asteroid) it is planned to collect more than 100 grams of soil and return them to Earth. In previous studies several sampling tools have been proposed but there is no single sampling technology for low-gravity bodies that has been specifically conceived to provide the ability to collect material in any envisaged situation. Low gravity bodies present indeed peculiar conditions which need to be taken into account during the design and test of sampling and sample handling systems. Primarily, the very reduced gravity limits the thrust reaction capability in support to drilling operations; and, although reactions can be achieved by spacecraft anchoring or by thrust reversal, these operative conditions could limit the effectiveness of the sampling action. An alternative solution is the exploitation of the forces naturally arising from Spacecraft momentum inversion, which can be achieved by ‘touch and go’ techniques (as e.g. performed in Hayabusa mission). Although the small duration of the contact with the soil would anyhow limit the sampling depth and the collectable soil types, a properly designed sampling system would require to conclude the operation with a great effectiveness. In the last three years an ESA founded study has been carried on and a fully functional sampling mechanism for "touch and go" sampling on a low-gravity body has been selected, designed and breadboarded. Based on the results of several Proof-Of-Principle models tested on different types of specimen and after the analysis performed on a dynamic simulation model for the sampling action, a device implementing the most promising sampling technique has been designed and manufactured. It has been then tested under ambient conditions using various kinds of asteroid soil stimulants. The proposed paper will resume the key aspects and the main achievements of the study

    Gastro-intestinal symptoms as clinical manifestation of peritoneal and retroperitoneal spread of an invasive lobular breast cancer: report of a case and review of the literature

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    BACKGROUND: Distant spread from breast cancer is commonly found in bones, lungs, liver and central nervous system. Metastatic involvement of peritoneum and retroperitoneum is unusual and unexpected. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 67 year-old-woman who presented with gastrointestinal symptoms which revealed to be the clinical manifestations of peritoneal and retroperitoneal metastatic spread of an invasive lobular breast cancer diagnosed 15 years before. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, the case presented is the third one reported in literature showing a wide peritoneal and extraperitoneal diffusion of an invasive lobular breast cancer. The long and complex diagnostic work up which led us to the diagnosis is illustrated, with particular emphasis on the multidisciplinary approach, which is mandatory to obtain such a result in these cases. Awareness of such a condition by clinicians is mandatory in order to make an early diagnosis and start a prompt and correct therapeutic approach

    Functional homogeneous zones (fHZs) in viticultural zoning procedure: an Italian case study on Aglianico vine

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    Abstract. This paper aims to test a new physically oriented approach to viticulture zoning at farm scale that is strongly rooted in hydropedology and aims to achieve a better use of environmental features with respect to plant requirements and wine production. The physics of our approach are defined by the use of soil–plant–atmosphere simulation models, applying physically based equations to describe the soil hydrological processes and solve soil–plant water status. This study (part of the ZOVISA project) was conducted on a farm devoted to production of high-quality wines (Aglianico DOC), located in southern Italy (Campania region, Mirabella Eclano, AV). The soil spatial distribution was obtained after standard soil survey informed by geophysical survey. Two homogeneous zones (HZs) were identified; in each one a physically based model was applied to solve the soil water balance and estimate the soil functional behaviour (crop water stress index, CWSI) defining the functional homogeneous zones (fHZs). For the second process, experimental plots were established and monitored for investigating soil–plant water status, crop development (biometric and physiological parameters) and daily climate variables (temperature, solar radiation, rainfall, wind). The effects of crop water status on crop response over must and wine quality were then evaluated in the fHZs. This was performed by comparing crop water stress with (i) crop physiological measurement (leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence, leaf water potential, chlorophyll content, leaf area index (LAI) measurement), (ii) grape bunches measurements (berry weight, sugar content, titratable acidity, etc.) and (iii) wine quality (aromatic response). This experiment proved the usefulness of the physically based approach, also in the case of mapping viticulture microzoning

    Evaluación de las características hidroquímicas de antiguos cauces del Río Dulce en Villa Nueva, provincia de Santiago del Estero

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    El acceso al agua segura, en pequeñas localidades como Villa Nueva, es un problema de vieja data. El Área de estudio está situada en el sector SO de la provincia de Santiago del Estero, y geomorfológicamente se ubica en el tramo medio de la Llanura Aluvial del Río Dulce. Se caracteriza por una sucesión de antiguos cauces colmatados y entrelazados. El trabajo de investigación se orientó hacia la caracterización hidroquímica del acuífero libre, y su utilización como soporte de almacenamiento y de recarga en forma natural o artificial, para el abastecimiento de agua destinada al consumo humano. Mediante perforaciones se realizaron estudios granulométricos de los sedimentos que permitieron obtener una aproximación acerca de la permeabilidad. Los análisis físico-químicos de las muestras de agua obtenidas, no superan los límites tolerables de las aguas seguras, excepto una de ellas, que supera la concentración de sulfatos.Access to safe water, in small towns like Villa Nueva, is a long-standing problem. The research area is located in the SW sector of the province of Santiago del Estero, and geomorphologically is located in the middle stretch of the Dulce River Floodplain. It is characterized by a succession of former channels silted and intertwined. The research work was oriented towards free aquifer hydrochemical characterization, and their use as storage media and recharge in natural or artificial, for the supply of water for human consumption. Through perforations were made sediments grain size determination studies, we have obtained an approximation concerning permeability. The physico-chemical analysis of water samples obtained do not exceed tolerable limits of safe water, except one, which exceeds the concentration of sulfates.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on breast surgery in Italy: a multi-centric retrospective observational study

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    COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on surgical activities. The aim of this multi-centric, retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast surgery. The patients who operated during the pre-pandemic year 2019 were compared to those operated in 2020. Fourteen Breast Care Units provided data on breast surgical procedures performed in 2020 and 2019: total number of breast-conserving surgery (BCS), number of 1st level oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS), number of 2nd level OBS; total number of mastectomies, mastectomies without reconstruction, mastectomies with a tissue expander, mastectomies with direct to implant (DTI) reconstruction, mastectomies with immediate flap reconstruction; total number of delayed reconstructions, number of expanders to implant reconstructions, number of delayed flap reconstructions. Overall 20.684 patients were included: 10.850 (52.5%) operated during 2019, and 9.834 (47.5%) during 2020. The overall number of breast oncologic surgical procedures in all centers in 2020 was 8.509, compared to 9.383 in 2019 (- 9%). BCS decreased by 744 cases (- 13%), the overall number of mastectomies decreased by 130 cases (- 3.5%); mastectomy-BCS ratio was 39-61% in 2019, and 42-58% in 2020. Regarding immediate reconstructive procedures mastectomies with DTI reconstruction increased by 166 cases (+ 15%) and mastectomies with immediate expander reconstruction decreased by 297 cases (- 20%). Breast-delayed reconstructive procedures in all centers in 2020 were 142 less than in 2019 (- 10%). The outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 determined an implemented number of mastectomies compared to BCS, an implemented number of immediate breast reconstructions, mainly DTI, and a reduction of expander reconstruction