213 research outputs found

    Blue-fluorescence of NADPH as an indicator of marine primary production

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    Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) is the primary product of photosynthesisand can therefore serve as an indicator of biomass and photosynthetic activity. Pure NADPH whichis the reduced form of NADP shows an absorption maximum at 340 nm and a maximum of emissionat 460 nm. NADPH concentrations in terrestrial vegetation have already been studied since1957 in great detail with optical methods. However, its potential as a biomass parameter of oceanicphytoplankton which can be assessed in situ and remotely with fluorescence spectroscopy has notyet been investigated.In this paper, we report on laboratory investigations of the blue-fluorescence spectrum in algalsuspensions of Chlorella and Thalassiosira when excited with UV-A light. It is shown that cell densitiesof about 106 per litre as they are typically found under natural conditions are too low for precisedetection of NADPH fluorescence, while concentrated samples with 108-1010 cells per litre exhibitsignificant blue-fluorescence which can be related to NADPH. Inhibition of photosynthetic activityby addition of DCMU decreases the strength of blue-fluorescence remarkably. Since NADPHis an end product of photosynthesis, changes of PAR illumination levels should directly affect itsconcentration and hence the intensity of blue-fluorescence. However, no effect of illumination onblue-fluorescence could be observed in our study. Possible reasons of these observations are discussed,and perspectives for practical applications of the method used are proposed

    Loss of tolerance to gut immunity protein; glycoprotein 2 (GP2) is associated with progressive disease course in primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    Abstract Glycoprotein 2[GP2] is a specific target of pancreatic autoantibodies[PAbs] in Crohn’s disease(CD) and is involved in gut innate immunity processes. Our aim was to evaluate the prevalence and prognostic potential of PAbs in primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC). Sixty-five PSC patients were tested for PAbs by indirect immunofluorescence and compared with healthy (n = 100) and chronic liver disease controls(CLD, n = 488). Additionally, a panel of anti-microbial antibodies and secretory (s)IgA levels were measured, as markers of bacterial translocation and immune dysregulation. PAbs were more frequent in PSC(46.2%) compared to controls(healthy:0% and CLD:4.5%), [P < 0.001, for each]. Occurrence of anti-GP2 antibody was 30.8% (20/65) and was exclusively of IgA isotype. Anti-GP2 IgA positive patients had higher sIgA levels (P = 0.021). With flow-cytometry, 68.4% (13/19) of anti-GP2 IgA antibodies were bound with secretory component, suggesting an active retro-transportation of anti-GP2 from the gut lumen to the mucosa. Anti-GP2 IgA was associated with shorter transplant-free survival [PLogRank < 0.01] during the prospective follow-up (median, IQR: 87 [9–99] months) and remained an independent predictor after adjusting for Mayo risk score(HR: 4.69 [1.05–21.04], P = 0.043). These results highlight the significance of gut-liver interactions in PSC. Anti-GP2 IgA might be a valuable tool for risk stratification in PSC and considered as a potential therapeutic target

    The immunobiology of primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease histologically characterized by the presence of intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic biliary duct concentric, obliterative fibrosis, eventually leading to cirrhosis. Approximately 75% of patients with PSC have inflammatory bowel disease. The male predominance of PSC, the lack of a defined, pathogenic autoantigen, and the potential role of the innate immune system suggest that it may be due to dysregulation of immunity rather than a classic autoimmune disease. However, PSC is associated with several classic autoimmune diseases, and the strongest genetic link to PSC identified to date is with the human leukocyte antigen DRB01*03 haplotype. The precise immunopathogenesis of PSC is largely unknown but likely involves activation of the innate immune system by bacterial components delivered to the liver via the portal vein. Induction of adhesion molecules and chemokines leads to the recruitment of intestinal lymphocytes. Bile duct injury results from the sustained inflammation and production of inflammatory cytokines. Biliary strictures may cause further damage as a result of bile stasis and recurrent secondary bacterial cholangitis. Currently, there is no effective therapy for PSC and developing a rational therapeutic strategy demands a better understanding of the disease

    Incubating Isolated Mouse EDL Muscles with Creatine Improves Force Production and Twitch Kinetics in Fatigue Due to Reduction in Ionic Strength

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    Creatine supplementation can improve performance during high intensity exercise in humans and improve muscle strength in certain myopathies. In this present study, we investigated the direct effects of acute creatine incubation on isolated mouse fast-twitch EDL muscles, and examined how these effects change with fatigue. muscle from mice aged 12–14 weeks was isolated and stimulated with field electrodes to measure force characteristics in 3 different states: (i) before fatigue; (ii) immediately after a fatigue protocol; and (iii) after recovery. These served as the control measurements for the muscle. The muscle was then incubated in a creatine solution and washed. The measurement of force characteristics in the 3 different states was then repeated. In un-fatigued muscle, creatine incubation increased the maximal tetanic force. In fatigued muscle, creatine treatment increased the force produced at all frequencies of stimulation. Incubation also increased the rate of twitch relaxation and twitch contraction in fatigued muscle. During repetitive fatiguing stimulation, creatine-treated muscles took 55.1±9.5% longer than control muscles to lose half of their original force. Measurement of weight changes showed that creatine incubation increased EDL muscle mass by 7%. sensitivity of contractile proteins as a result of ionic strength decreases following creatine incubation

    Primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease of unknown aetiology characterised by inflammation and fibrosis of the biliary tree. The mean age at diagnosis is 40 years and men are affected twice as often as women. There is a reported annual incidence of PSC of 0.9–1.31/100,000 and point prevalence of 8.5–13.6/100,000. The onset of PSC is usually insidious and many patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis or have mild symptoms only such as fatigue, abdominal discomfort and pruritus In late stages, splenomegaly and jaundice may be a feature. In most, the disease progresses to cirrhosis and liver failure. Cholangiocarcinoma develops in 8–30% of patients. PSC is thought to be immune mediated and is often associated with inflammatory bowel disease, especially ulcerative colitis. The disease is diagnosed on typical cholangiographic and histological findings and after exclusion of secondary sclerosing cholangitis. Median survival has been estimated to be 12 years from diagnosis in symptomatic patients. Patients who are asymptomatic at diagnosis, the majority of whom will develop progressive disease, have a survival rate greater than 70% at 16 years after diagnosis. Liver transplantation remains the only effective therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver disease from PSC, although high dose ursodeoxycholic acid may have a beneficial effect

    Exercise and functional foods

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    Appropriate nutrition is an essential prerequisite for effective improvement of athletic performance, conditioning, recovery from fatigue after exercise, and avoidance of injury. Nutritional supplements containing carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals have been widely used in various sporting fields to provide a boost to the recommended daily allowance. In addition, several natural food components have been found to show physiological effects, and some of them are considered to be useful for promoting exercise performance or for prevention of injury. However, these foods should only be used when there is clear scientific evidence and with understanding of the physiological changes caused by exercise. This article describes various "functional foods" that have been reported to be effective for improving exercise performance or health promotion, along with the relevant physiological changes that occur during exercise

    Regulation of skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and insulin signaling by the Mitochondrial Rhomboid Protease PARL

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and aging are characterized by insulin resistance and impaired mitochondrial energetics. In lower organisms, remodeling by the protease pcp1 (PARL ortholog) maintains the function and lifecycle of mitochondria. We examined whether variation in PARL protein content is associated with mitochondrial abnormalities and insulin resistance. PARL mRNA and mitochondrial mass were both reduced in elderly subjects and in subjects with T2DM. Muscle knockdown of PARL in mice resulted in malformed mitochondrial cristae, lower mitochondrial content, decreased PGC1&alpha; protein levels, and impaired insulin signaling. Suppression of PARL protein in healthy myotubes lowered mitochondrial mass and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and increased reactive oxygen species production. We propose that lower PARL expression may contribute to the mitochondrial abnormalities seen in aging and T2DM.<br /

    Emodepside targets SLO-1 channels of Onchocerca ochengi and induces broad anthelmintic effects in a bovine model of onchocerciasis

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    Onchocerciasis (river blindness), caused by the filarial worm Onchocerca volvulus, is a neglected tropical disease mostly affecting sub-Saharan Africa and is responsible for >1.3 million years lived with disability. Current control relies almost entirely on ivermectin, which suppresses symptoms caused by the first-stage larvae (microfilariae) but does not kill the long-lived adults. Here, we evaluated emodepside, a semi-synthetic cyclooctadepsipeptide registered for deworming applications in companion animals, for activity against adult filariae (i.e., as a macrofilaricide). We demonstrate the equivalence of emodepside activity on SLO-1 potassium channels in Onchocerca volvulus and Onchocerca ochengi, its sister species from cattle. Evaluation of emodepside in cattle as single or 7-day treatments at two doses (0.15 and 0.75 mg/kg) revealed rapid activity against microfilariae, prolonged suppression of female worm fecundity, and macrofilaricidal effects by 18 months post treatment. The drug was well tolerated, causing only transiently increased blood glucose. Female adult worms were mostly paralyzed; however, some retained metabolic activity even in the multiple high-dose group. These data support ongoing clinical development of emodepside to treat river blindness

    Short Term Creatine Loading Without Weight Gain Improves Sprint, Agility and Leg Strength Performance in Female Futsal Players

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    Summary Objectives Futsal game requires players to perform frequent bouts of high-intensity activity with limited rest periods that are not sufficient for full recovery. Therefore, creatine supplementation may enhance performance by improving recovery rate. Along with this, the number of studies conducted to determine the effects of creatine on performance in the females is scarce. Thus, the main aim of this study is to identify the effects of short-term (7/day) creatine supplementation on leg strength, velocity and agility in young female futsal players. Equipment and methods A total of thirty of young female futsal players (aged: 19.83±1.13 years) participated in the study which was designed as randomized and double-blind, on a voluntary basis. Participants were randomly assigned either to creatine (n=15) or placebo (n=15) group. Over 7 days, creatine group received 0.25g/kg/day micronized pure creatine monohydrate (Creapure, Hardline Nutrition, Kavi Gıda Istanbul, Turkey) and placebo group did not take any supplements, apart from maltodextrin (Fantomalt, Nutricia, United Kingdom). Before and after 7 days of loading creatine supplementation, body weight, leg strength, velocity and agility performance of the participants were determined. The data obtained were analysed with ANCOVA statistical model. Results Creatine supplementation significantly improved 10m, 20m and 30m speed performances (P0.05). The data obtained provide that 7 days low dose creatine supplementation may be an effective approach for improving exercise capacity in female futsal players without an associated increase in body weight. Résumé Objectifs Le jeu de futsal exige que les joueurs effectuent de fréquentes périodes d’activité de haute intensité avec des périodes de repos limitées qui ne sont pas suffisantes pour une récupération complète. Par conséquent, la supplémentation en créatine peut améliorer les performances en améliorant le taux de récupération. Parallèlement à cela, le nombre d’études menées pour déterminer les effets de la créatine sur la performance chez les femmes est rare. Ainsi, le but principal de cette étude est d’identifier les effets de la supplémentation en créatine à court terme (7/jour) sur puissance des jambes, la vélocité et l’agilité chez les jeunes joueuses de futsal féminines. Équipement et méthodes Au total, une trentaine de jeunes joueuses de futsal (âgées de 19,83±1,13 ans) ont participé à l’étude, conçue comme une étude randomisée et en double insu, sur base volontaire. Les participants ont été assignés au hasard soit au groupe créatine (n=15) ou au groupe Placebo (n=15). Sur 7jours, le groupe créatine a reçu 0,25g/kg/jour de monohydrate de créatine pure micronisée (Creapure, Hardline Nutrition, Kavi Gida Istanbul, Turquie) et le groupe placebo n’a pas pris de suppléments hormis la maltodextrine (Fantomalt, Nutricia, Royaume-Uni). Avant et après 7jours de chargement de supplémentation en créatine, le poids corporel, la force des jambes, la vélocité et l’agilité des participants ont été déterminés. Les données obtenues ont été analysées avec le modèle statistique ANCOVA. Résultats La supplémentation en créatine a significativement amélioré les performances en vitesse de 10m, 20m et 30m (p<0,05), la force des jambes (p<0,05) et l’agilité (p<0,05) chez les joueuses de futsal. Cependant, en fonction de la charge en créatine, aucun changement significatif du poids corporel n’a été observé (p<0,05). Les données obtenues indiquent qu’une supplémentation en créatine à faible dose de 7jours peut être une approche efficace pour améliorer la capacité d’exercice chez les joueuses féminines de futsal sans augmentation associée du poids corporel